Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Monday Check-in: I'm down 1.3 pounds from last week. I hadn't been logging my weight because I'd gained a pound, but it seems that it is now gone. Very pleased.

    My 5k is Saturday. Last night I ran for 30 minutes (a little over 2 miles) and my goal is 35 minutes tonight. I'm increasing my time 5 minutes everyday this week except Friday. I've decided I'll go for a brisk walk the day before my race to keep loose and get my head ready. I had a pretty bad Saturday attitude-wise. I felt really down and low. That mood carried over into Sunday, but my run last night helped me break out of my doldrums. I did, however, have some trouble sleeping last night, which is unusual.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Annie :heart:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In::: Well I am so sorry I've been MIA for the past few days. I left for Tennessee on Thursday and it's been hectic ever since. It was a good but tiring weekend. As I mentioned she had to have hip surgery. So I was helping her with anything and everything I could. Gladly but it was exhausting as well as super late nights, like 2:30am I am usually in bed no later than 11pm! So it was a long but good weekend. My food choices were HORRIBLE. But today is a new day. And yet the scale was down 1.2lbs since Thursday.....strange but either way I am refocused this week! Unable to exercise tonight due to the fact I'm going to donate blood today after work.

    I'm going to basically kind of act like I'm starting over. I have gotten so far off track I think this is the best way to go. I'm not sure what I have done so differently before to have been losing the weight and now it's stopped but I'm going to figure it out and start losing again. 19lbs away from "onederland" I am going to get there and my goal is in 3months time to be there. Before my daughter's 4th birthday on November 5th, so a little under 3months. Better get going :)

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone!!!

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin my picture is a sea slug! I got it off Flickr when I started my health journey because I felt like a slug. I'll update it with something more positive in a bit. It's a pretty slug, no?
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost another pound this week to have lost 47 pounds so far ~ I know once i start exercising i will be losing alot more but i am going to take it easy for about another month before i start zumba i am going to try and get some of the just dance in this week and see how that goes !
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I found you guys, again. I am really beginning to think maybe you are trying to ditch me, humm.

    Monday check-in: Well some good news I lost the 3 lbs that greasy gooey yummy camping food packed on. I camped for a week at my wife's family reunion and it was great. There was lots of activity and lots of good food.
    So my toilet is giving me problems and just like the story 'give a mouse a cookie' my wife has me painting pulling out the whole floor and sub floor. New toilet, sink and vanity but I am going to keep my toilet roll dispenser. I have to put my foot down somewhere or she will walk all over me.

    Will try to review some post later in the week, or maybe not I will be digging out flooring and then doing tile, oh yeah. Crap I don't know how to do tile.

    Wish me luck.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Good day everyone – checking in to say the weekend went fairly well. Ate within my self-imposed guidelines and did not get any digestion problems. For me that’s a huge victory. I already crowed about the weight loss, that was the second biggest victory. And finally I did move about as much as I’d planned and even got some dusting and cleaning out of the way. Ah-choo.

    @aug – so sorry about the eating over the weekend. I do not even go near the ice cream section in the store now not even the so-called healthier choices made from rice or soy.

    @beachgirl613 – good luck on the TurboFire. Let us know what you think after trying it a few more times. Although anything that has the word ‘fire’ in it may never be something I’m brave enough to try!

    @robin – that is amazing! Congrats on ordering the new washer. You do have a great friend there. And soon you’ll be back to full washing capability. Yeah.

    @celticHippo – great job on the logging. And even better, congrats on the trips to the gym. Good for you.

    @bohemiancoast – feeling sluggy after not getting your cardio is great. It drives you right back to it. That is super.

    @raven – I hope you continue to heal quickly. I'm sure it is frustrating.

    @susan2396 – wishing you all success. It is great that you have made the choice to take care of yourself. We all know it’s to say than to actually take action to make the change needed.

    @annie219 – wow, you’re just tearing it up with the running. That is wonderful.

    @lauriek70 – sorry you did not get the zip line experience but you are a determined person and you will go another day. Happy new school year to you!

    @sweetsong32 – welcome. Come on back and visit. We look forward to getting to know you.

    @skinnyjeanz – sounds like you had a great weekend. And here’s hoping the school year goes well for you too.

    @nicholsvj – I totally understand smoothie obsession. I vary my recipe a bit from time to time but it is what I look forward to every day. I hope you like the protein powder that you purchase. The container is huge and that held me back for a while. I read reviews, I looked over ingredient information, I looked again and again at packages in the store and finally made a purchase. I was fortunate to find something that worked well for me.

    @naceto – I also am glad to hear that your hip is not causing you as much pain. That is wonderful.

    @toots – I never commented on your mother’s encounter. I am more like you, while I would call the police if there was a disturbance, I would never step in unless someone very close to me was in imminent danger. Then I wouldn’t help much, I would just get pommeled.

    @karenleona – hey, congrats to you on moving that darn scale in the right direction!

    @jtconst – good for you! When McDonalds loses its appeal you have to be on the right track! I use to think they put something in the food to ‘hook’ you on it. That was before I was diagnosed with celiac – now there actually is nothing I can eat at McDonalds so it’s no longer an issue.

    @janak2004 – congratulations to you on signing up for the races; that is great motivation I’m sure. And I hope you do well enough to sign up for the ½ marathon. In my lifetime I did exactly one ½ marathon and it was a great experience.

    @monachris – your shopping trip sounds awesome. I did the same thing yesterday but came home with two small bags of groceries. I go to the store twice a week though.

    @Holly – I had no idea you were surrounded by so many guys! Woo, you are a busy lady, the guys, work, school……

    @Cia_clayton – amazing story. Congratulations on your success. And all best wishes for your continued success.

    @CathEsh – yeah, great to hear from you that the scale is moving in the right direction for you too.

    @lizmil – there are so many places that I would like to visit but usually I do not go because I don’t want to go by myself so I salute you for making the decision to go to the Y on your own. And you had a great time! Lovely.

    @shygur – thank you for sharing your journey with us. It is important to remember we aren’t perfect and a small slip should be just that---a small slip not a reason to quit. Thanks.

    @SweetP27 – thank you so much for sharing. That couldn’t have been easy for you but it was good for all of us to hear. Here’s hoping that not only will you be successful in taking care of yourself today, but also tomorrow, and always. Of course I’d still like to come over and have a stern talking to with stepson and family……

    @SprinklesNSpa – good for you. Major stress did not equal a food fix. That is a major victory.

    @bellawares – thank you for all the information on the Kinesio tape. I had already purchased a roll of another brand so I’m stuck with that for now. I taped one foot and it did feel better. I was going to do the other one but ran into something that caused blisters and intense itching on the foot so I’ve been trying to clear that up before trying to tape it. Also just a reminder, although I’m sure you do not need it, to TRY to take care of yourself no matter who or what it pulling at you. I am a horrible example of not taking that advice. I had to travel 2X a week for months after my dad had a debilitating stroke, had to try to keep my job, consult with doctors, find a placement for him for Skilled Nursing care, had to spend a lot of time with him, had to find a way to take care of his clients and then start to sell his business, take care of his acreage, wash his clothing each week, take care of my house, pay his bills, pay my bills, consult with attorneys RE the businesses, etc., etc. I did a terrible job of ME. I’m sure you will do much better---we’re pulling for you.

    @ShrinkRapt451 – good luck to you with all the relatives, parties, and busy times this week.\

    @ushkii - GOOD LUCK!!!!

    I still didn’t get to everyone. Sorry about that. Be good to yourself and see you soon.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hi Ya'll:flowerforyou: Thanks RobinsEgg for sending me a message of where we are all at now! OK...So I am definitely a binge eater....who knew? I totally blew Sunday:noway: Have to work on the weekends, especially being at home by myself...I feel like a 2-year old, that was out of control, because I had the house to myself....Really....I am almost 40 years was sort of a break through to me...I always thought I didn't eat allot....uummm...NO....I don't eat allot, I just eat allot when I eat....I mean ALLOT...
    ok...It's Monday though, so a new day...a new week...and I'm almost 4 glasses into the water....
    Quick Intro: My name is Patty, I'm married, have 2 kids, (step-kids) a 14 yo old son, and a 16 yo daughter....Love them both very hubby is a good man, doesn't matter to him about my size.., I have a nice house, a nice job, a nice life:yawn: good church......Not much happens in my world...we keep it as drama-free as possible! I have 6 brothers & sisters, as the 7th I am the youngest:laugh: and spoiled:blushing: have no parents, no grandparents...and we are all close....all the girls are overweight, and the boys are all tall & skinny...go figure...It's nice to "meet" yaw:flowerforyou:
    Be Healthy, Be Happy, Be Blessed!
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Well today is WI day for me and I am down 1.2 lbs. Yeah Me!!!! Now I just need to keep up the momentum. Thank you all for your encouragement.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning! Today is going to be a busy 1. Today is my last day off before I return to work they. Lots of errands including taking my hubby to the VA for his appointment. Why o why do I always pack this day. But did want to stop in to catch up. I cheer everyone 's victories Yay! So sorry for all who struggle sending hugs your way. Today is a new day. I am heading out now will respond individual later. Have a good day.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning friends, here's to a new healthy week:drinker: I had a good weekend, got my walking in, stayed within my calories and made pretty good food choices. I know that God is giving me the strength to do this, I just had to surrender my food to Him and I had never done that before now. Sure wish I would have known that 50 years ago and 100s of pounds lost and gained.:ohwell: You are never too old to learn I guess.

    My goal for this week is to continue under my calories, walk to the mailbox for 6 days in addition to my 2 walks a day with Belle. I didn't lose this week, but probably won't for a couple of weeks due to big loss last week. My body is kind of predictable in how it tends to cycle in this process. Helps me not get discouraged because I know its temporary.

    Love reading all the posts.

  • sweetsong32
    sweetsong32 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone! :)
    My weekend was ok. I wasn't feeling well, so I didn't exercise. I did stay within my calorie range food wise. I hope to get back to walking tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • GidgetW
    GidgetW Posts: 23
    Hello everyone. I am new to this thread. I wanted to stop in and say hello. I have been struggling lately b/c I have tendinitis in my left leg so I have not been able to exercise much. Hopefully when my kids go back to school next week I can start again. *fingers crossed* Anyway if you would like to send me a friends request I would love to have more motivated people.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    Obviously, I found the thread, thanks to Robin and whoever else sent me a message (I forgot to write it down, sorry!) Not sure how active I'm going to be on here. so much to read, I don't have the time, and I feel bad if I don't read everyone's posts.

    @SweetPea - Thanks for sharing!!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. My family troubles aren't in my home, but thinking ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas makes me sick to my stomach. I've always known I was an emotional eater, so whenever I feel stress coming, I try to think of things to do away from food. Isn't it awesome how God can send a message through someone who is clueless about our struggles just when we need it?

    I had my post all wrote up, copied, waiting to be pasted, but I copied the keyword to find the thread without even thinking! arg! Anyway, I'll try to make it short. I haven't lost anything worth mentioning in 2 weeks. #1 reason, is TOM. I hate it!!!!!! Why must it be so debilitating? Weight gain, bloating, lethargy, MAJOR food cravings, mood swings... This month is worse than it's been in a while, and I've given in on most of my cravings. Felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't. But honestly, it's the depression that is killing me this time. Not as bad as the breakdown earlier this year, but it's nearing that spot. I've stalled in my loss, even though I'm working out more than I had been, even added some light weights. I can hear you all now..."It's water weight, don't worry, it'll go away." "It's from lifting, you'll normalize soon!" And I know most if not all of you have dealt with depression, so you know that stuff isn't going to help me. Anyway, I can't help but think I've already reached a plateu even though I haven't even lost 50lbs, and I've barely lost one clothing size. Plateu this soon is not a good thing for my fragile psyche.

    So we add to the depression and overall TOM problems, the fact that I have some sort of pinched nerve or something in my back. lower left side, just above my pelvis. I can't sit comfortably anywhere, including my fave bike at the Y, but it doesn't bother me as much when I move. It sends a throbbing pain down through my left leg almost to my knee. Again, I can hear you now, "You should go get that checked out! Go see a doctor!" Not only do I hate doctors, but we don't have the money for the office visit, let alone the tests he'd want to run or the Rx's for the other probs I'm sure he'd find. Yes, I'm a pain in the rear, and stubborn as all get out. It isn't really stopping me from exercising, as it's more of an annoyance than a problem.

    Okay, I'll stop complaining now. I have to get my "office" area cleaned up today or I'm going to lose it and set the house on fire! (not really, but you get the point!)
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Hey guys I'm new to this thread, I need to loose just under 100 now but i started off needing 100 before I joined MFP.

    So my check in. I recently started up again, I had been on here before and had lost about 20 lbs, but when my husband briefly lost his job, I used it as an excuse to fall off the wagon. Fast forward to just over a month ago, my knee is bothering me and I can't get a knee brace because my knee is too big. I broke down and jumped right back on, determined this time is it, I'm done being this big!

    So far, i've been going to the gym every other day for about 20-30 minutes on the tread or eliptical, lost about 6lbs in a month. I've been stuck for a week though at 240.8, and not seeing a little progress makes me antsy, I wish it would move!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check In: Good weekend over all. Saturday was our Small Group in the Park with a pool party to follow. I had a burger, but no bun and stuck to raw veggies and fruit with a nice service that evening. Saturday was a 60 minute walk outside with 30 minutes of lap swimming to follow. Afternoon reading magazines by the pool, water volleyball with my son, some board games and preparing my meals for the week. Life is good. Eating was good too. I pretty much snack throughout the day so nothing to really throw me off track. One day at a time.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Congrtulations to all the victories I read and sympathy for everyone having a tough time right now. So today was WI and i gained one pound. I thought about being depresed for about a min and then remembered all the mickey D's on Saturday and was grateful it was only a pound, lol. I am a somewhat cheap person by nature from year of having to be on a strict budget and just proved to myself this morning that I might take it to extremes at time. I have been drinking green smoothies for breakfast for a couple of weeks now and on the whole they have been pretty good. Well I am still messing around with different combinations so I dont get bored and to be frank this mornings was atrocious. But did I throw it out and start over? Nope I paid for those ingrediants so I made myself drink every drop. I have never been so happy to brush my teeth adn get rid of that flavor, lol. I just thought I would share that so ya'll could have a little laugh this morning.:laugh:
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Monday Check in- I hate to admit this, but I'm "down in the dumps". Last week I found out that a friend that I haven't been in touch with as much lately has been trashing me behind my back. I snipped the grapevine before being told what was said. I don't want to be tempted into playing the back biting game with anyone. It will sully me at least as much as it does her, but my temper...
    Anyway, our community was doing a blood drive this weekend. Long story short, I ran into her. We made small talk. I didn't go out of my way to be distant or friendly. Well, when it was my turn, I was rejected because of my size. (I can go to a center, though...) They were discreet about it, and I just slipped away without saying anything to this person. However, I know the next time I see her it will be "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!" and I don't want to give her ammunition to shoot me in the back with, nor do I want to be a liar who makes up something plausible but non incriminating. I can't stand lies, and I don't want to stoop to that because of her.... Even a "They suggested I donate next week...." will prompt "Why?" "I don't wish to discuss it" is a good option, but kind of feels like I'm then retaliating for something I don't even know what, or worse, implying that something is terribly wrong with my health.
    I've been off the wagon for a few days, and it hasn't helped at all. I remember when a bite of cake relieved stress instead of multiplying it.
    Oh, my husband's tendon may need surgery if the PT doesn't help. They'd have to fix more than the tendon, so he'd have to be off of work to recuperate for months. MONTHS! That's an awfully long time for something to possibly go wrong...

    Sorry about the griping. Life isn't all bad. We went out with friends yesterday and had a great time. Unfortunately, it was out to eat.... BUT I didn't drink any alcohol! Those were at least SOME calories I skipped.

    If my mom were alive, she'd tell me to get a pedicure. I think I'll make an appointment. Even if it doesn't help, it wont make me fatter...
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks for all of your support about my evil hip! I am going to try doing my normal walk tonight.. this will be the true test! I think it will be good though.

    @Skinnyjeanz... Mmmmmm "Taco Bell" - That place is a deal breaker for me also. I actually avoid the road that leads to Taco Bell, so that I do not have to feel it mocking me with it's tasty treats. Oh Taco Bell... my friend, how I miss it! :sad:

    All of you English teachers....I apologize in advance :wink:

    ~Ode to Taco Bell~

    Your tasty goodness calls my soul

    But with my health, I'm on a roll

    I cannot stop

    I cannot taste

    Your calories are such a waste

    Instead I fill my plate so full

    With fruits, lean stuff and vegetables

    You tempt me so, fourth meal so sweet

    But I shall not accept defeat!


    It is kinda silly, the things that pop into my mind... kinda scary how easy it is for me to share them! :laugh:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Anyone have an affinity for Taco John's?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Again, I'm protected from all Taco places, Kentucky Fried Chicken and most all restaurants........I always get ill from food intolerances, gluten contamination, or a handful of other things.

    NOW--NO ONE HAS AN APPETITE!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
