Stupid things you used to tell yourself.....



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm not really that big (oh my goodness....I look at the picture I took for my job 1 year ago and I'm just PUFFY)!!!!
    As long as my boobs are bigger than my stomach I'm ok (Reality check.....your boobs are huge so that's a sucky indicator)
    I lost my metabolism when I was 13 so there's not much I can do (I probably weigh about what I did when I got married 10 1/2 years ago and I'm working on the last 25 lbs so obviously it's hidden in there somewhere working at least a little)!!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Did anyone have the 'open a packet of something (usually cheesecake for me) and then think "Ah, well now it's opened I'll have to eat all of it so it doesn't go to waste"?? '

    yes... unfortunately. For me it was usually chocolate and chips.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Did anyone have the 'open a packet of something (usually cheesecake for me) and then think "Ah, well now it's opened I'll have to eat all of it so it doesn't go to waste"?? '

    yes... unfortunately. For me it was usually chocolate and chips.

    Mmmmm, chocolate.....*slaps self*
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I ate half of it, i might as well eat the whole thing.
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    He actually likes me.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Did anyone have the 'open a packet of something (usually cheesecake for me) and then think "Ah, well now it's opened I'll have to eat all of it so it doesn't go to waste"?? '

    That's me! Usually with biscuits

    Growing up my younger sister was always taller and thinner than me so I was always the "bigger one". I was described as being chubby. Looking back at old photos I was completely normal!
    That stuck and I always think of myself as the "bigger or biggest one" among my peer groups. Even though my head tells me I'm not!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Growing up my younger sister was always taller and thinner than me so I was always the "bigger one". I was described as being chubby. Looking back at old photos I was completely normal!
    That stuck and I always think of myself as the "bigger or biggest one" among my peer groups. Even though my head tells me I'm not!

    It's hard to shake an "identity" once it's ingrained! Keep at telling yourslf it no longer applies!!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    "Oh, I had a baby, my body can NEVER be the same, ever! Now I'm just stuck with this belly fat and big arms!"

    Yeah. No. Not buying that anymore. No more excuses!
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    I'm just "big-boned", then I measured my wrist and . . . actually, no. My wrists are pretty skinny, and my ankles - now it's just the rest of me that needs work. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    "I look fine for 38."

    And I did. But I look DAMN fine at 40. :happy:
  • grkpetalouda
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    "I'll eat a salad for lunch. That'll balance out my ****show for dinner."
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    what's five more pounds...
  • rainwalkerSK
    So many of these ring true for me.

    "I've eaten one oreo, I may as well eat them all, since I'm going to eventually anyway"

    After having one bad day, "Well, there goes that diet. I'll start again next week." Like diets can only begin on Mondays.

    The biggest one that I was telling myself though, was that the food was making me happy. That I wanted to eat a plate of cheese fries more than I wanted to be healthy. That sure, cleaning up my diet and exercising might add years to my life, but what miserable years those would be without Krispy Kreme. And I had no interest in moderate indulgence, I only got joy from eating until I made myself sick. I can't imagine now ever believing that deep fried lard made me happy. Not to sound cheesy, but I make myself happy. And I still enjoy a doughnut now and then, but it's not the source of all joy in my life.
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I definitely do the "I already screwed up my diet today, so I'll just eat whatever I want to get it out of my system and start again tomorrow". Well, a few days later my husband would want Chinese food, and there'd I'd go again!

    Friday night he wanted Chinese, and I picked it up for him, and went across the street and got Subway for myself! When there's will there's a way! :)
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    "Just one won't hurt"

    This is me. And then one turns into 20 :(
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    As long as my boobs are bigger than my stomach I'm ok (Reality check.....your boobs are huge so that's a sucky indicator)

    So this.
    I've gone down two band sizes and my boobs are still huge, so I know full well my stomach can go down much more :P
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    it doesn't matter if I lose the weight I still won't be pretty....


    if I can find someone who loves me for my weight, THEN I can lose it and that person will be meant for me... person is just a different kind of predator...
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    "I know I'm a little overweight, but some of these women are HUGE! I'll never be that big!" yikes
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    i must have a medical disorder

    i worked out for 30 minutes I'm going to McDonalds.. why am i gaining weight i go to the gym all the time

    calories in vs out doesn't matter as long as i go to the gym i'm obviously going to lose weight

    a sammich without fries won't fill me up (meanwhile eating all the fries and not the sammich)