4 Week Mini-Challenge



  • reneejcam
    reneejcam Posts: 22 Member
    Have been sick this week so no exercise!!

    Sw- 65kg or 143
    July 30th - 64.2kg or 141.5
    Aug 6th - 63.8kg or 140.70
    Aug 13th - 63.2 or 139.30
    Aug 20th -

    I hope to do this challenge when not sick!!
  • Dandawa
    Dandawa Posts: 97
    Oh man I wish I was in on this one. I need 12, 4 week mini challenges. New here to MFP this last 2 weeks or so and am loving it. Never on FB know this one can make difference in my life. I hope to see another challenge and be apart of it. :smile:
  • Jesjs
    Jesjs Posts: 2
    Doing well! I think I'm going to hit my 149 goal by the 20th!!! yay! have been horrible about exercise this month but stuck to the diet most of the time and tracked even when I had a BAD binge day ( a few times)... I think i need another one of these mini challenges. Helps to break it up!

    SW: 160
    GW: 130
    Aug GW:149

    July 30th - 154
    August 6th - 152
    August 13th - 150
    August 20th
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    week 4 and all is done!
    current weight 12st 5lb
    goal weight 12st dead

    Starting weight --- 80.6 kg or 177.69 lbs

    July 30th -- 12st 5
    August 6th -- 12.1 ( I have given up processed sugar in all its forms so i think this is mostly due to that rather than sustainable weight loss. we'll see how the rest of the month goes ( 1 more week without sugar)
    August 13th -- 11st 11 /165 lb ( completed 2 weeks on sugar and binged on chocolate to celebrate but still doing well) going for the final Push! wish me luck

    August 20th -- 11st 10 poor final week coming in at 164 lb ( 1 off from last week) but despit a poor week and a mini binge ast week I am much more in control and the chocolate i had was sicky sweet so i am going to go back to no sugar during the week - I think it is doing me good!
    I am so happy! :happy:

    good luck everyone for Final weigh ins today
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    Starting weight --- 174.4 pounds

    July 30th -- 172.6
    August 6th -- 172.8
    August 13th -- 173
    August 20th -- 172.4

    PLATEAU city.... but I guess I'm still 2lb lighter than I was 4 weeks ago :~o

    Guess I failed this challenge miserably... I'm giving myself a new challenge for Sept... To NOT weigh daily, just once on 1st and once on 30th and see how that goes!
  • jmuller06
    jmuller06 Posts: 109 Member
    Starting weight --- 187 lbs

    July 30th -- 183.6 lbs

    August 6th -- 182.6 lbs

    August 13th -- 182.3 lbs

    August 20th -- 178.5 lbs

    Happy dance :happy:
  • daffy77
    daffy77 Posts: 28 Member
    August 1st - 192
    August 6th -- 190.2 Not bad!
    August 13th -- 188.8
    August 20th -- 187

    Well thats a good 5 pounds although darn TOM is here and I was hoping it might have been better today but its all good!

    Are we gonna do this again?
  • leholcomb
    leholcomb Posts: 146 Member
    Starting weight --- 131.4 pounds

    July 30th -- 130.8
    August 6th -- 131.4
    August 13th -- 129.8
    August 20th -- 127.2

    Not six pounds but good considering the month I have had. lol. Looking forward to another mini challenge in September! :)
  • kellygardner123
    kellygardner123 Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 156

    July 30th-
    August 6th- 151.4
    August 13th- 150.8
    August 20th- 151.0

    Well that didn't go as planned! "just keep swimming...just keep swimming".
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Starting weight --- 153
    July 30th -- 151.5
    August 6th -- 150
    August 13th -- 149
    August 20th -- 149

    Today TOM started. Given that I'm showing a weight today tells me that I've probably lost but it's hidden by bloat. This ilittle challenge was just what I needed to regain my focus. Officially 4 lbs down and maybe even a bit more. So happy and super close to my overall GW of 145. Yipeeeeeeee
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Current weight 7/23 = 188

    July 30 - 186 (down 2)

    Aug 6 - 185 (down one more)

    Aug 13 - 184 (another one bites the dust!)

    Aug 20 - 182.2

    Down 4.8 pounds. Good bye 5 pounds - 170's here I come!!!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Is anyone going start another 4 week challenge again? I, for one, need another one.
  • roxie12sam
    count me in too just signed up tonight so all this will be new for me but i will give it try! good luck everyone!!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Starting weight --- 195.0 pounds

    July 30th -- 194.8 pounds
    August 6th -- 190.4
    August 13th -- 187.4
    August 20th -- 189.8

    Went up 2 pounds this week but I am still down 5.2 pounds which is great!
  • starlite_79
    starlite_79 Posts: 88 Member
    July 30th -- 192.6 lbs
    August 6th -- 191.2 lbs
    August 13th -- 190.2 lbs (had two really bad food days this week, glad i still lost a pound! also rolled my ankle on tuesday so no exercise that day)

    I've been working on my couch-to-5k and can now successfully run an 8 minute interval! on my non-running days i do either a tony horton workout dvd or a kettlebell workout. don't think i'll hit the 6 lbs lost goal for the month, but at least the scale is moving in the right direction. :)

    last check-in for the august mini-challenge! woo hoo! :happy:

    August 20th -- 189.2 lbs
    August 27th -- 187.0 lbs

    total weight lost from July 31st to August 27th -- 5.6 lbs!! I might even do another weigh-in on the 31st to see if i can hit that 6 lb mark for the month.

    also making progress with couch-to-5k. ran for 20 mins straight yesterday! and i've registered for my very first 5k which will take place on september 8th, so i need to keep up the progress.
  • leholcomb
    leholcomb Posts: 146 Member
    Is anyone going start another 4 week challenge again? I, for one, need another one.

    I agree. I need one for September. Maybe start the day after Labor Day?...
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Is anyone going start another 4 week challenge again? I, for one, need another one.

    I agree. I need one for September. Maybe start the day after Labor Day?...

    Perfect - will you start or do you want me to
  • starlite_79
    starlite_79 Posts: 88 Member
    July 30th -- 192.6 lbs
    August 6th -- 191.2 lbs
    August 13th -- 190.2 lbs (had two really bad food days this week, glad i still lost a pound! also rolled my ankle on tuesday so no exercise that day)

    I've been working on my couch-to-5k and can now successfully run an 8 minute interval! on my non-running days i do either a tony horton workout dvd or a kettlebell workout. don't think i'll hit the 6 lbs lost goal for the month, but at least the scale is moving in the right direction. :)

    last check-in for the august mini-challenge! woo hoo! :happy:

    August 20th -- 189.2 lbs
    August 27th -- 187.0 lbs

    total weight lost from July 31st to August 27th -- 5.6 lbs!! I might even do another weigh-in on the 31st to see if i can hit that 6 lb mark for the month.

    also making progress with couch-to-5k. ran for 20 mins straight yesterday! and i've registered for my very first 5k which will take place on september 8th, so i need to keep up the progress.

    check-in for the last day of august....

    August 31st -- 184.6

    i've lost a total of 8 lbs from July 31st to August 31st! i doubt i can keep this weight level over the holiday weekend, but for today, i am VERY happy :) i also ran for 25 mins yesterday on my couch-to-5k program, getting ever closer to my 5k goal. only 8 days until i run my first 5k!