Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Monday Check-In :flowerforyou:

    Well it was back to the ER last night with my my mother. This time she has a blood clot in the leg she just had surgery on. I'm so tired that I seriously could sleep for a week :yawn: . I did manage to get a trail walk in yesterday and I went to the gym this morning. Not sure how much more exercise I will get in this week but I'm going to try and keep it going.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    @monarchris – awesome weekend! I admire how much you are getting out and walking!
    @sweetsong32 – hope you are feeling better!
    @GidgetW – Welcome!
    @LAMypie – I know how you feel about doctors. I recently went to a physical therapist and he was WAY more help than the doctor I had finally broke down and saw.
    @jtconst – You are much braver than I….I would have tossed it.

    I know there are more to read....I'll get there! Busy busy day!
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Monday Check In: Made it to the Y tonight and did 17 minutes on the treadmill - 1 mile! So happy at that pace for this point. I have one month to shave 2 minutes off my mile to make 45 minutes for a 5k. I think I can do it. I didn't push it at all tonight b/c I was having a crummy knee day and have a LONG day in the OR tomorrow. Then I did 11 minutes on the bike...which was 2.23 miles!

    I ate quite a bit for dinner tonight....partially in prep for my day tomorrow. Last Tuesday my lunch was 2 fun sized snickers bars - even though I packed 2 PB&J sandwiches!
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Monday:: We took the kids fishing yesterday. First time in at least 6 yrs since I felt like doing that with them and was able to! Today I worked out with the PT in preparation for the Warrior Dash in 5days.. I have 2 more workout sessions this week.. Pretty decent day.. ;)
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Please tell me if I ever sound like I'm bragging. It is really not my intention. That said, I ran 35 minutes tonight!! It was a little slower pace and I had to walk for about a minute after the first mile (more mental than physical), but by golly I did it! :glasses:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nichols--great job on the treadmill!!

    @bella--so sorry about your mom! make sure to get your rest--IMHO it's even more important than exercise when it comes to health and weight loss.

    Monday Check-in:
    1. Meet a minimum of 80g of protein at least 5x/week--Week 1 = 2/7; Week 2 = 6/7; Week 3 =5 /6; Week 4 = /7
    2. Stick with my current calorie goal (9730/week)--I know I will be tempted to raise this once school starts--this actually dropped to 9590 b/c of weight loss and so far, so good...
    3. Gym visit or 5k at least 3x/week (this will be hard once school starts on the 22nd)--Week 1 = 3/7; Week 2 = 3/7, Week 3 = 3/7
    4. Get back to doing core work at least 3x/week--Week 1 = 0/7; Week 2 = 2/7, Week 3 = 1/7

    Regarding Goal #2: I have been tracking and logging each day, but not really worrying if my total calories each day are right on the mark. The interesting thing is that when I calculated my calories for the past 6 days, I averaged exactly 1390 net/day--this was my daily allowance for the past 3 months prior to adjusting my allowance last week due to weight loss. I guess my body REALLY got used to that average. Even though it means I'm over by about 20 calories/day, it makes me happy that my body really does know when to stop eating even when I'm not paying that much attention.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Please tell me if I ever sound like I'm bragging. It is really not my intention. That said, I ran 35 minutes tonight!! It was a little slower pace and I had to walk for about a minute after the first mile (more mental than physical), but by golly I did it! :glasses:

    Brag away!!! You are awesome!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Annie great job on the running I cant wait until I am able to pick up the pace a little. That said I did get my walk in tonite before dinner so I was happy about that. I havent been as faithful to the exercise as I need to be but I am going to try and do better this week. Good thing I walked before dinner because I was getting out a cookie sheet to bake some ravioli for dinner and dropped it on my toe. You wouldnt think a cookie sheet would do much damage but the dang thing cut open my toe grrrr. My little brother was so nice to me tonite when he came to pick up the kids. He said that he had noticed I was changing some things about my life style and he was really proud of me and looked forward to using me as an example for his kids about how if you really try you can do anything. I almost cried he was so darn sweet.
  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    Monday Check in- Well I am back from 4 days of vacation in Santa Cruz, Ca. I had a great time while I was there (except for having a slight case of food poisoning on the first night/second day, I am better now) While i was gone I did log my calories and stayed within my allotment for the most part. I probably under estimated what I ate, but hey its vacation! While I was gone I continued to wear my BodyMedia Arm band and walked about 9 miles over the weekend (Friday and Monday were spent driving for the most part). So I got plenty of exercise in! Glad to be back home and not sleeping on a hide a bed.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Monday Check-in: Good weekend. Rode my bike 19 miles on Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday. :smokin: Did well watching my diet, so all is good. I get impatient with the scale, though. I need to drink more water and now that I am back at school, it is even harder for me to get it in. All you teachers out there know as soon as your feet hit the school doors at 8:00 a.m., you run non-stop! I didn't get home until 6:30 this evening so didn't get my bike ride in today. :angry: I've been managing to get in the doggie walks in the mornings and evenings every day, though. So things are good, and I will keep on keepin' on!
  • notsothinlizzie
    Can I come play with you guys? This looks like a nice friendly losin bunch of folks.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Thought I stop in before I head to bed. Caught up on the posts yay!
    @Monarchris-- Those are great goals. Everything is better with Him in the center of our lives.:flowerforyou:
    @Annie go ahead and Brag way to go!!!:smile:
    @Lin funny:laugh:
    @Robin that is amazing so glad you are able to get a new :smile: washer
    @CathEsh glad you were able to get such a good bike ride in. I don't teach but once my work week begins many nights I don't get home till 6:30/7 depending if I need to pick up my hubby. so I hear your pain there.

    Well I have to think about my goals for August will get back to you on that.
    Well Take care everyone.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Actually the 60's hit Omaha in the early 70's, :laugh: !

    And south Omaha about '75 :laugh:

    Moved to Omaha in June of '75 (right after "the tornado"), and lived in Omaha (28th & the county line) & Bellview until '80. My favorite memory was a deli place in Westridge(?) - downstairs - that had the *best* pastrami....

    Obviously, food was a big deal to me then too.
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    OK so, Monday Check-In: I have not been able to do ANY exercise at work. OUr systems have been f'ing up since Wed of last week. I am hoping the bugs will crawl out of the systems tonight so I can have a peaceful-ish the rest of the week and get my work done so I don't have to do it on my lunch.

    Other than that though I stayed within my calories over the weekend, and my bf is really excited about losing weight with me. It is really nice having someone doing this with me so I have someone to rely on to be on my side food wise.
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I unfortunately don't have time to read all the new posts I have missed. But, I figured I'd at least check in. My computer had no internet last night so I couldn't do my log or anything. Dang cable company!

    Well yesterday was my weigh day and I lost 4 pounds!! I'm so excited! I was so happy and it was such a beautiful day on top of that. I went out for a nice 3 mile walk in the hot sun and it felt good!

    I haven't been doing all that great with my food choices but I have been staying under or around my goal most days.

    I had my second day of work and boy was it exhausting! We were moving boxes and rearranging shelves for 5 hours today in the one part of the store with no AC! I was sweatin' my butt off! I'm liking this job so far. Still a lot to retain but, I'll get there. The more I get to actually do it the more I'll understand it. I think the hardest thing might be to remember the jargon and terms that they use for things.

    Well, anyway hope all is well with everyone and that ya'll have a nice week. I'm off to pack up my backpack and get my stuff in order for my first day of school tomorrow. Exciting! I hope I don't crash out in my classes cause I have to get up at like 5 am to catch the bus! Wish me luck.

    'Til next time, Aloha!
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Share time!: I always have problems with the share part of this thread. Technically it is still my Saturday night, and I've been drinking a little bit. :drinker: I'm about to turn 29 and I'm rather excited about the pending anniversary of my birth. I feel like 2012 is all about transition and rebirth, and I think that entering into the last year of my 20s is a most auspicious time. To be honest, I think 30 is going to own, but that's next year, so this is the beginning of the end. My mom always told me the 30s were her best decade, and I expect nothing but the same. I've been very fortunate this year, and I'm looking forward to transitioning into the person I've always wanted to be, both emotionally and physically. I've spent the last two years avoiding who I know I'm meant to be, and, now, I'm reaching the point of making peace with being the best version of myself that I can offer.

    I can totally relate! My 28th is in a few months and I too have been just putzing along for the past few years. Not really doing much with myself and working a dead-end job for 3 of those last 4 years.
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @regojess congrats on the loss and good luck for school

    @jtconst I had to re-reads your post a couple of times as I read WI and thought you were refering to Womens Institute, so I got confused...I really need to get my head in order sometimes.

    @Helena Sorry about your friend, although if she does ask it is none of her business if you do want something have a look at the rules of blood donation to see if there is something you could use, such as in the UK they ask to make sure you haven't had a cold in the last 7 day..(Whoops just had to edit this post as I had mis-typed and put fiend instead of friend)

    @naceto I love the poem, even though I don't have any idea what taco bell food tastes like (there aren't any in the UK)

    So, here is my additional Monday Check In,as I weighed myself today and I stayed the same, which is amazing considering how much I over ate/drank this week, especially on Saturday (5500+ calories)

    Now for my Tuesday Goal, continue with 5+ 30 minute gym sessions each week, and at least 1 portion of fruit/veg with each meal..
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So happy to see good check in's for lots of folks and lots of NSV's! wOot! Excellent Taco Bell poem too! :laugh: Oh, how I used to love fourth meal!

    Tues Goals - to go swimming every other day this week. My arms are aching from my swim work-outs, which I take as a VERY GOOD sign - if I can get rid of these bat-wings or at least get some definition in them I'll be a happy lady. Keep up or increase eating veggies 4x week. Increase vacuuming to once a week from once a month! :wink:
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Monday checkin\Tuesday Goal: I had a horrible eating weekend this past weekend and even had a beer(something I never have) on Sunday during a festival. I weighed in on Monday at 290. I weighed in again this morning at 286.5 but I'm getting frustrated with myself. Seems like I don't care much about myself. The things that I'm going to do this week are to up the amount of water I drink I run. This week has been harder still because my kids are starting back to school and we have had parent meetings with the teachers(no excuse I know). I've also decided that today will be the last day that I drink energy drinks in the morning(been having sugar free ones but I'm still going to eliminate those for 2 weeks anyway).
    So here's my game plan:
    Water= 1 gallon per day minimum for 2 weeks(have a liter of water staring at me. 4 refills and I'm done).
    Energy drinks= ABSOLUTELY NONE after the one that I'm finishing up right now(on my last drink. I don't care how tired I feel.
    Keep under 1500 cals
    Exercise= run 5k at least 3 days a week
    Sodium : try to keep it less than or equal to sodium quota in MFP

    Wish me luck!
  • Annie219
    Annie219 Posts: 110
    Tuesday Goals: To stay more focused. I start to work on something then get distracted and start on something else. It's been more of a problem since I got out of school and started working. My birthday is Sunday (32nd birthday...ugh) and I'd like to stay under everyday this week. So far so good - was under by about 400 calories yesterday thanks to a 900 calorie workout :happy:

    I've decided to go meatless and cheeseless on Mondays. Yesterday was my second Monday doing it and it hasn't been difficult at all. It makes me seek other forms of protein and it's better for the environment.

    Have a great day everyone!!

    Annie :heart: