What gives with the nasty comments about my weight loss?



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    A quick reply of "Wow - did you really just say that?" will stop a lot of people in their tracks.

    THIS. And another person post that your sister sounds like a bridezilla. I agree with that as well.

    I know it's hard, but try to brush the comments off. You're doing it for yourself, so try not to let other people's comments bother you! (Easier said than done at times, but you're heading in a great direction!) :drinker:
  • I am so sorry. Keep doing what you are doing. All that matters is you are getting healthy and making things better for you. Keep up the good work.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Because they are threatened by you... they have low self esteem and a low body image. Because they are selfish and uncaring.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Just man up! Why would you let anything anyone else says have an effect on you? You're a grown up, if you're overweight you already know it and some people just have no tact.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    punch them in the face and say now u got a fat face lol xx

  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    ugh - I'm dealing with this too.

    I have had friends and famly tell me they "hate me," my partner tell me it's "not fair," and been called a "skinny b!tch" by friends. All in the last week!

    I typically just let it go, but it is hurtful and upsetting. I am working hard to take care of myself - it's not as though it happened by accident.
  • As_Sweet_As_Pea
    As_Sweet_As_Pea Posts: 56 Member
    People only do and say to us what we allow. Stop them dead in their tracks!!
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    punch them in the face and say now u got a fat face lol xx

    im in a fierce mood today maybe pmt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • You know, your sister is your sister. It shouldn't matter what she looks like. If she has that kind of attitude, I'm not sure I'd even want to be in her wedding. Why pay for the dress, shoes, hair, etc etc etc to support someone who puts you down like that? No way.

    I may be in the minority here, but I think your friend was just a little envious of your weight loss, maybe feeling "big" all of a sudden and just made a comment to that effect. I don't think it had anything to do with you, at least not negatively. To me, it seems like she sees you getting thin and doesn't want to be left behind. :) I would take that comment with a grain of salt.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I have a lack of filters when I'm offended, so I would probably say something like, "I'm sure your mother is very proud of your ability to be tactful and diplomatic, but then mothers kind of have to be" Wanna try again?
    Then again I don't have a large group of friends, so I may not be a good resource. :-)
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Wow - people are jealous I think - i agree with those saying that....and i agree with the ones that say look them in the eye and say "you really just said that??"

    My fiance's best friend actually told him that when I lost my weight that he figured I was probably then going to dump him...?!?!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Hmm, me thinks you need some new friends. Your sister is a jealous hag. How rude of her. :huh:
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    ugh - I'm dealing with this too.

    I have had friends and famly tell me they "hate me," my partner tell me it's "not fair," and been called a "skinny b!tch" by friends. All in the last week!

    I typically just let it go, but it is hurtful and upsetting. I am working hard to take care of myself - it's not as though it happened by accident.

    Take them as compliments, don't let it get to you. Like the others have suggested, openly confront them on their remarks.
  • ugh - I'm dealing with this too.

    I have had friends and famly tell me they "hate me," my partner tell me it's "not fair," and been called a "skinny b!tch" by friends. All in the last week!

    I typically just let it go, but it is hurtful and upsetting. I am working hard to take care of myself - it's not as though it happened by accident.

    Well... are they being serious or sarcastic? Is that just their way of telling you (in a round about way) that you're doing a great job? My friend lost 70lbs last year. We called her things like "skinny *****" and "skinny minnie" for a while, and sometimes still do! We were still fat; she had the discipline that we only wish we had! We were impressed. There was nothing malicious in our comments, as she was well aware. I doubt that any of these comments are hateful.
  • I have noticed this as well!! Ever since it has been made known that I am trying to slim down, a guy actually went to the length of saying, "Well thats good, it has just been recently that you put on all this weight, and I know I haven't been the only one to notice". Which lead me to think all day well who else has been mentioning my weight behind my back?? And I try not to say anything to my family, or else I can never eat around them without them scrutinizing every calorie I consume.
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    UGH people have no tact...for me it all boils down to boundaries and being assertive. If someone called me a chair it certainly doesn't mean I am one! Keep moving forward and rising above. Use your voice ( although the punch them in the face comment had me rolling) LOL Lots of great advice...mean people suck..especially when they are family!

    If it's not kind, necessary or true, shut the F*** up!

  • this is why I don't like people and keep to myself....

    jus sayin.

    total agreement
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    At the risk of defending your sister maybe she thought she was giving you encouragement (ie give you a goal to work towards), that being said the words are certainly hurtful. Just take it in good cheer, if you are really bothered by it you can always go talk to them, but it probably won't stop the insensitivity. Just find a measure of success that does not include them and bask in it.
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm sort of blunt... well I'm really blunt. I agree- nothing puts people in check of their own stupidity like looking them dead in the eye and asking "really? You just said that to me? You think its ok to say things like that to people?" REALLY?!! If that doesn't work I also like "bite my a**"

    This is how I handle it!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    My mom freaked out the other day saying I was going to break her plastic adorondac chair. Really? I'm not even 200 pounds! I was speachless and moved to a metal chair. I was very hurt.

    Mom's can be the worst sometimes. It seems some can't stop themselves from projecting all thier own body issues on thier daughters. used to have similar issues with my mom. Luckily once I told her how hurtful it was and how it made me feel that all my other accomplishments didn't matter because I wasn't thin she backed off and we haven't had any issues since. Not everyone is that lucky. I have WAY too many friends whose moms just won't stop. All they can do is try to recognize where it comes from and not take it personally.