When you reach your goal, what is your reward!?



  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    My husband agreed to a 2 week Hawaiian vacation!! Also, a new wardrobe and tattoo. Possibly a tummy tuck down the road but I hope I don't need it.

    Its been fun reading all of these!:drinker:
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Certainly a new wardrobe and probably a tummy tuck. I will, of course, need something fun for me too and since I got my iPad for my 100 lb lost mark I will need to find something awesome. Still deciding on the fun reward but have lots of time to figure that out as it will still be awhile.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    Reached and my reward is everyday in the faces of my enemies. LOL
    Jokes just kidding it was a string bikini and a trip to Nassau Bahamas. WOOT!

    Anne Coulter is on MFP!!
  • lkz231
    lkz231 Posts: 2 Member
    Shopping for new clothes in the regular women's section, not Plus size! The satisfaction from this alone would be enough. However, I may opt for some plastic surgery to take up the slack left in my skin after losing all this weight!
  • jf0311
    jf0311 Posts: 17
    This is going to sound odd amidst all the new wardrobes, spa days, fancy shoes, etc. But I have set a prize at the end of a Colt 1911 pistol. I will of course pretty it up with some polished wood grips (cherry? Tiger?) and a pair of nice leather holsters, one shoulder and one hip. Maybe in both brown and black. Gotta have black for those formal occasions, right? ;)
  • TheEmi
    TheEmi Posts: 40 Member
    165-Buy a new Holly Aiken purse with a funky design. (I'm not very girly girl. Some of her purses are fun and funky!)

    155-new clothes for work i don't want to look like a college grad forever (tshirts and jeans).

    145-Possibly a new lens for my Sony A55.

    131-Not having to shop in the womans section-dressing in clothes I LIKE, not grudgingly accept. Being fit and a healthy weight. And, most importantly, getting my diabetes under control to the point of needing little to no medicine!
  • Hmmm~~~*daydreaming*~~....

    A new wardrobe....
    A fierce dominican blowout (hairstyle)....
    A weekend getaway so I can lounge on the beach and wear my new swimsuits that I plan on buying.....
    A photoshoot (hey, I'm working hard for this new body :).........
    And a total spa experience.....

    Sounds so good...come on 2013!!
  • sweet victory!
  • cybelenoire
    cybelenoire Posts: 36 Member
    Clothes are pretty much a given as I lose weight. Can't have my pants falling off now can I? :)

    I do want to buy a pair of skinny jeans, though.
    And at least one bra from Victoria's Secret (because I can't do it now).

    At my goal weight, I'm going to get a rib cage tattoo (design to be determined).
    I currently make all my own belly dance costumes because I can't find any to fit me. So when I get to my goal weight, I will order a costume. Finally!

    I have had one small victory--last year, when i started with Weight Watchers in April, I could not fit my feet into Steven Madden shoes. Late last year, I was able to buy two pairs of SM stilettos. :)
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    A new tattoo and belly button piercing!
  • ridemhi
    ridemhi Posts: 16 Member
    My goal is to be around/healthy for my children. Of course the clothes. I think i will get another tat to put on my new rock hard body
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm thinking flaming red hair. ;) Ah, just a silly dream.

    Oh, but I can't freakin' wait to wear those cute sailor-like shorts! That'll be one of the first things I buy.
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    oh jeez....my rewards:

    1. I have a beautiful red parka that I have gotten too big for.....sitting in my closet...I want to wear that parka again!

    2. to walk by my ex and his large wife and see his jaw drop (yes I am that petty!!)

    3. I want to have sex again! It's been years...I"m very happy single BUT I'd like one more earth-moving orgasm before I die!!!!
  • New clothes for sure~
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Mine was a fine Cuban Cigar (0 calories, I think).:happy:
  • AsiasMommy
    AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
    Boob Lift!!!
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    To go back to Miami looking HOT! I went a few years ago and let me tell you, being fat in the South Beach night club scene was DEPRESSING! So, when I look fierce I'm going back and making that town my b*tch ;).
  • MisChef
    MisChef Posts: 48 Member
    When I started, my husband promised me a little red convertible sportscar.

    I wonder if he thought he might actually have to pay up...

    ...because I **WILL** get there! :happy:
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member

    1. A new dress to wear to my brother in-law's wedding.

    2. I'd like to lighten my hair at least to my natural color.

    3. A tummy tuck.

    4. New bathing suit.
  • fishfilet
    fishfilet Posts: 18 Member
    new diamond earrings!