

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good afternoon!

    8 days until I get the pin out of my toe-Yay!

    Lin - Thanks for letting us all know about Dixie! I'm keeping her in my prayers!

    I see a few more new people posting-welcome! This a great place to come to for support and encouragement!

    My husband's stepdaughter (from a previous marriage) is having a baby today-so we will be going to the hospital to see her and the new baby after he gets off work! Don't have the best relationship with her (after 11 yrs.,she is still not happy I married her dad) but am excited to go see the baby!

    Meg - I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time right now! That is a wonderful thing you did by adopting these kids and are trying to give then a better life! as well as teach them responsibilty!! Hope things get better soon! And I'm sure your hubby is thrilled about no more dressings and showering! I know I was!:smile: I'm making salmon for the first time soon-you mentioned that you have a lot of recipes- Do you or anyone else for that matter have a simple one for me to try? Was thinking of making it on my Foreman grill or possibly baking it. Help!

    Have a good rest of the day everyone!


    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

    - Lao Tzu
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I have never posted on this site before but I think that I qualify as I am 50. It was interesting catching up on the reading from others. This is quite the group!

    I had cataract surgery on my left eye this morning. They did the right eye two weeks ago so I am very enthusiastic about this. No more glasses the Dr. says!

    I also reached my goal weight after 2 1/2 years of losing. I thought I would never get rid of that last 10 pounds but all of a sudden it fell off (plus a little bit more! Yeah!).

    There are tons of things I could tell you but being new, I will stop there. I trust everyone has a goo remainder to the week!
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Afternoon Ladies
    I have discovered that yogurt is my best friend......Smooth creamy and the one I like...tastes like a pina colada......oh so naughty to start my day with a treat for my taste buds.
    later today is weigh in for me.....Hoping the scale will be in my favor.

    :heart: My heart goes out to Dixie.....Barely know you yet feel your pain....prayers coming your way for strength in the days to come..

    Dee I hope you are feeling better

    howardmelinda.....I am having cataract surgery in 2 wks then 4 wks later the other eye so we have something in common....been wearing glasses for 52 yrs...going to seem strange without them

    kathyzoo....hope all goes well with your toe and the new grand...!!

    Meg ...can relate I still have stains on the bathroom floor and counters from my twins who are long gone from homne :ohwell:

    Babysitting today...taking the children on a bike ride so have to hurry......will check in later....Have a Fab Thursday everyone....
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    Beautiful day here today. Hoping to get in a bike ride tonight. I've yet to make it to the grocery this week, tho, so that has to come first. To answer a question, my new toy is a Hybrid bike made my Diamondback. So it has some suspension and the seat is big enough to not hurt my behind. I went for a ride last night and then went online to mapmyride.com to map it out and see how far I went. I haven't figured out how to use the little computer on the bike yet. It was 2.03 miles one way, so I did 4.06 miles. The way home is a slight incline and I didn't have any trouble. I mapped a couple of other routes while I was at it, so now I'll be able to log my distance. As I left the driveway, I noticed 3 deer in the school yard across the street and there was one greeting me as I entered the bike path. Now I agree they are beautiful and all, but they have eaten hundreds of dollars worth of Hostas and other flowers in my yard. We installed a 10 foot fence around the veggie garden 2 years ago which is the only reason we have anything to harvest. And I live in the city too!

    A good friend called last night and said she had a lead on a job for me. She put me in touch with the guy she knows and he was supposed to call me back after lunch. It's now 4:24. What time do you suppose he eats? Hoping he'll call tomorrow or I'll give him a buzz back. It would be a great job and I am qualified. The only bad thing is that it's in downtown Cleveland. Trying to not stress eat over it. I'm on my 4th water bottle...

    Meg - I've never heard of cedar parchment paper. That would be great to wrap some things in with the salmon. I actually soak my boards for about 4 hours. The first time DH cooked it and the board was all ablaze, he figured he had ruined a perfectly good piece of fish. NOT! It was fantastic.

    Thinking of those of you with physical aliments and wishing you the best and speedy recoveries.

    Cooked spaghetti squash for dinner last night and had the leftovers for lunch. I really do enjoy fresh veggies. Unfortunately the bugs got all my squash this year. Even the zucchini and pumpkins. My granddaughter is going to be upset. Guess we'll just have to go visit the pumpkin farm.

    Best to all,
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Kathy: (and for any one else!). I have a very simple salmon recipe that is one of my favorites out of all my recipes.

    Poach in sauvingon blanc (or other white) wine. To poach, just put salmon in pan, add about 1" of wine, put the heat on medium and let it simmer (not boil). You can see the fish change color and after about 10 minutes, check for flakiness. If it's flaky, it's done. Of course the alcohol is gone, but the fish has a fabulous flavor. Then drink the rest of the wine with dinner LOL.

    Thank you for your kind words, Kathy.

    Oh, here's the peaches and cream french toast bake someone wanted the recipe for. It's a little more complicated!
    4 firm ripe peaches
    1 cup packed brown sugar
    1/2 cup butter or margarine (for butter cut into squares)
    2 T maple syrup
    1 16-ounce loaf day old french bread cut into 1" cubes
    1 8-ounce package cream cheese
    12 eggs
    1 1/2 cups half-and-half
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1/2 cup slivered almonds
    1 T powdered sugar
    1/4 teasspoon ground nutmeg

    1. Spray a 9 x 13" pan, set aside
    2. Score the bottom of the peaches with an X, place in simmering water for 5", Remove and cool slightly, then peel. Cut the peaches into slices...makes about 2 cups
    3. In saucepan combine brown sugar, butter and syrup. Cook and stir over medium heat until brown sugar has dissolved. Pour mix into prepared pan.
    4. Arrange sliced peaches over brown sugar mix in pan.
    5. Put half the bread cubes over peaches.
    6. Layer bits of cream cheese over the bread and top with the remaining bread.
    7. In large bowl, whisk eggs, half and half, and vanilla. POur over bread layers.
    8. Cover and refridgerate overnight.
    9. Remove from fridge and let stand 30"
    10. Bake 350 for 50-60 minutes, until set
    11. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and nutmeg right before serving.

    Yield: 12
    Cals: 460, fat 25 g, saturated fat 12 g, trans fat 0.5 g, cholesterol 240, sodium 340 mg, carbs 48 grams, fiber 2 g, sugar 26 g, protein 13 grams, vitamin A 20%, vitamin C 6%, calcium 15%, iron 15%. It's in the mfp database too.

    I'm going to make it again with 1% milk, low-fat cream cheese, and egg beaters. I think the sugar is ok because it works out to only 1 1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar per serving.

    It is yummy! Meg
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I took some time to skim the posts as I have had a couple of busy days getting used to the routine at work. Thank goodness I planned for the week's lunches as I have been challenged already. Will need to plan for next week. Otherwise I will tank for sure. Took yesterday off from exercise but went to Jazzercise Wednesday and rode the bike tonight. Trying to keep it real!

    Dixie- I know your heart is broken right now...take things one breath at a time and know your ladies here at MFP are thinking of you

    Meg- Kudos for adopting the kids! Glad to hear your rant and raves because I STILL feel my daughters(now 23 and 26) have a different attitude when it comes to mom's stuff. The frontal lobe does not fully develop until age 26 so hang in there!!

    Gini- Would love more info on your new toy! I would like to buy a new hybrid but I do have a budget

    To those turning 50- It is just a number ladies! Forever young!

    Those facing the daily challenges of life- every day is a new day and there will be slip ups. I myself have such a history of slip ups. I will not live a life of deprivation. Eat sensibly and exercise!

    I apologize for not individualizing more. My brain already has short term memory loss...LOL

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Lin Thank you for letting us know about Dixie's husband. I have no words to say but Dixie you and your family are in my prayers & thoughts.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
    Gini – thanks for the info on the bike. I was the really curious person asking for details. Back in the day (when I was married) we each had a road bike and a mountain bike. We spent lots of hours riding and it was lots of fun. After I was divorced I started to look at a hybrid but never purchased one. This is all interesting to me! Hope you hear more about that job…….

    Mommie55 – speaking of bikes, I hope you had a lovely ride with the children.

    Howardmelinda – congratulations on reaching your goal weight and I’m impressed---cataract surgery and you’re already using the computer. My friend had her surgery a couple of weeks ago and she’s still doing eye drops, complaining, and not driving that much.

    Kathy – all right. Counting down with you---8 days to the unpinning. Happy baby day.

    Meg – yes, that is wonderful progress for your hubby. SHOWERS!! Super.

    Robin – your dinner sounds wonderful. I’m starting to wonder if we could get a discount on bulk purchase of salmon. HAHAHAHA. I had my salmon and green beans for lunch today.

    Debi – welcome. This is a lovely group of ladies. I hope to hear from you often.

    Shawna – I’ve not heard anything about TOPS for years. I’ve never known where to join a chapter but I am a fairly private person so the ladies you described would have had me running out the door in a panic.

    Janehadji – how long until the wedding?

    Mimi – thanks for the info you passed along. I’ve *not* eaten red meat for years and some friends have criticized me for the decision. They seem to think you have to have some in order to get the right nutrients. I’ve never believed it; I just don’t care for it.

    Laura – you have such lovely walks. I think I am a bit jealous (okay, maybe more than a bit).

    Bigpal – I hope your husband can make some positive changes in his health situation. It really sounds as if you’ve been busy, busy, busy. Hope things settle down.

    Amanda – I’ve had the opportunity to *work* with someone who avoided work at all costs. It is very frustrating. Good luck, try to ignore her and her behaviors if you can.

    Sorry, I didn’t get to everyone but I’m beat tonight. Will check in tomorrow. Best wishes, keep eating healthy things and we’ll all drink our water.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Dixie - I am so sorry for your loss and will keep you and your family in my prayers
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Exercise endorphins are an amazing thing!!! I FINALLY got my butt out of bed this am and bikes 10 miles...it has been a long week of busted plans and excuses..and we are going out of town this weekend and will no doubt NOT be eating the new normal...this too is part of the journey and have to figure out how it fits in (I know, I know planning) ...have I said that is notmy strong suit? LOL!:wink:

    So just an update on my mother aka "the inspector"....:happy: I called her tonight to tell her I was not going to be in town for Saturday lunch and she wanted to know if I got the garden weeded...do I REALLY have to remind her I am 50 not 8???!!! LOL! Oh well..she is 79 with emphysema so I have to be thankful for all the inspections I get...but really!!!

    I finally heard from ds. (10 days) ..all is well...relatively speaking...he is complaining about his schedule, so I guess all is relatively normal in his world...although did detect the first bit of homesickness in him since boot camp..so hard to know what to say to him without making him feel bad, but I do this like most of my parenting and follow my gut and fly by the seat of my pants.:noway:

    Have a good night all. Hugs and prayers for all with challenges..keep logging and drinking that water..feel the high five coming your way!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am still sick:sick: , whatever this is I have is kicking my behind!!! I have coughed so much my ribs and my back hurt. I have no taste buds, I can detect salt and sweet but that's about it. I had sea bass tonight and it had no taste whatsoever!!!! I was still running a slight fever this afternoon. I'm starting to think I might have the flu.

    I did go to the tennis tournament yesterday, probably not the smart thing to do:noway: , however I did get to see Andy Rod**** get mad and throw his racket, got mad again and broke it. Needless to say he lost:frown: .

    Whew, I'm either having a HOT flash right now or my fever has really spiked:angry: , it was a hot flash, it is slowing subsiding, give me a few minutes and I'll be freezing.

    Sorry for keeping this short but I am going to bed now:yawn: I'm ready to close my eyes, they are still hurting. I swear my eyelashes hurt:huh: .

    Hope you all have sweet dreams. Until tomorrow.....


    I can`t believe they edited his name!!!! Rodd1ck.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Well, I kind of over-ate today for the first time. We had a barbeque built in our backyard and so had company over to try it out. But I'll be back to paying attention tomorrow.

    Everyone sounds so busy. I usually am too, but today I took a break to have company. And I also have developed a cough and little cold. I need to get rid of it before school starts next week.

    Djhobbs, my son called today too! He's bored and I think that's great since not bored would mean a lot of activity in Afghanistan. I haven't spoken to him in two weeks or so. The communication center on his base does not work well. I sent him ice pops but he said their freezer doesn't work well so he has kind of a slushy once in awhile. It was really good to hear from him.

    I need to walk a little. I'm not up to my 10,000 steps yet.

    Have a good evening.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Lin -- it's a week from tomorrow!

    Meg -- Thank you for the poached salmon recipe! I love salmon, and fix it several different ways, but I've never tried poaching it. I liked the idea of having the rest of the wine with dinner, too. :wink:

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble with you daughter. Kids are definitely worth all of the trouble that they cause, but sometimes you need to have someone remind you of that -- like when the new counters are stained! Mine drive me crazy on a regular basis, especially now that they've decided they're old enough not to have to listen to me (20 and 24).

    And my son did threaten to bring home a wife -- I asked him which suitcase she was in. He thought it would be nice to have a "green card wife" to cook for him while he's in college. He was kidding -- sort of. I told him that with an attitude like that, he'll be lucky to ever get a wife, period!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Dixie,sorry about your husband.
    Had a rough day,filing fell out on my molar and couldn`t get hold of dentist.Saw a dentist and tooth cant` be saved,have to have it pulled.OUCH!!
    Have a good night!!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Dixie- So very sorry about your husband.My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Deb A
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am feeling so sad for Dixie..may she find the path through her pain and return to us soon.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I loved "A Complaint Free World".....reading it made a big difference in my life.......my friend who walks with me on Wednesdays has been in great pain and was just diagnosed with polymyalgia and put on prednisone....she said it changed her life and will continue with the treatment despite the possible risks....she had been so afraid that her days of being active were over....I hope you'll take the lead with your family and refuse to eat anything that's not healthy.

    :flowerforyou: Bigpal, I'm glad to see you back with us.....I hope your husband will take your lead and do some good things for his health.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, there are deer in our neighborhood and the dogs and I see them in the most unlikely places when we are walking. They are all female and two of them have babies. The dogs don't bark at them and we keep our distance and share the fields.

    :flowerforyou: Shawna, I went to a TOPS meeting with a friend who lives in another town and it was one of the friendliest places I've ever been.

    :flowerforyou: Debi, welcome......good luck on your Mary Kay business....we have a home based business, too, and it took a lot of work to get to know what we were doing.

    :flowerforyou: Melinda, welcome.....I have been posting on this thread for a long time and now that I've reached my goal, I keep coming back for the support and encouragement.

    :bigsmile: I went to a potluck this evening with women friends.....I had my Isagenix shake before I went and didn't eat at the event....there was one other woman there not eating. I talked to about half the women who were there and had a great time.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about Dixie's husband - the rest of us have so little to worry about in comparison. I hope all the thoughts and prayers bring some form of peace.

    Jane, sorry about your tooth, I know that it just feels dreadful to lose one. My worst nightmare is this one where I run my index finger across my bottom teeth and they fall out like chiclets, then like a fool I run it across my top teeth not beliieving what happened, and they too fall out. I am so releived to wake up after those. Some people have flying or falling dreams - me, my teeth fall out.

    I am feeling so much better today, back to normal and back to eating. Now if I could just get used to eating on a regular schedule.....

    I went out bike riding again tonight. It's funny how you forget that joyful feeling of rushing downhill and the fun of human powered motion. We probably all felt it as children and rushed to get on our bikes to go anywhere. Now I have to actually convince myself to go and when I get on the road, it just feels so free. Puppies look at me like I'm deserting them when I wheel out the bike though.

    Last evening and this morning felt like autumn in the air, then this afternoon the heat came back. I hope it stays warm until October. (mainly because I'm a clothes horse and I don't have any winter clothes that are going to fit and I'm not ready to go out and buy more because I want to get down another size before then). Does anyone have any strategies for what to do when you are between seasons and between sizes?

    Talk to you all tomorrow.
    Good night all you wonderful inspirational ladies.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Warm welcome to everyone who is new

    Lila - Vince was just saying about how he's been sleeping so well this week. I would be willing to bet that it has to do with the fact that he's getting up early, he's outside most of the day with the pool builders. Good for you exercising!

    Well, the guys doing the pool were here today. They dug out for the footers for the raised section where the spa will be, then the concrete truck came. I went and took some things to the food pantry. One gal left some things here after bunco Tues, she asked me to keep it so I told her that I'd donate it to the food pantry. She didn't have any problem with that at all. They don't serve on Fridays and I really wanted to get it out of my refrigerator, so I took it there this morning. I was getting such a sinus headache that I took a Sudafed then laid down and even went to sleep. I still have somewhat of a headache, but nowhere as bad. They won't be here for the next 3 days. If they had been able to pour the concrete yesterday, they'd have been back Friday. They do like to let it set up for at least 24 hours. Of course, the weekend comes up so the guy who does that will be here Monday. The guys vacuumed out the pool today, they put a lot of salt in it, so tomorrow I should be able to go in it. Yes, there won't be any decking and the spa won't be in. But I'm not about to let THAT stop me.....lol As long as all the chemical readings are OK, then in the pool I will be! They brought the samples of the tiles today. Now I have to pick it out! That'll be a job.

    Did an hour of Jari Love Slim and Chiseled DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do a Jillian Michaels Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. I'm planning to do some food shopping (for the things on sale) and then stop at this one daycare. I didn't know it, but they feed babies. See, I use empty babyfood jars for my hot grease. Baby food jars won't shatter, I think it has something to do with the way the food is jarred. Anyway, my "baby" is 28. I was getting them at this one daycare near me, but a teacher there needed them for a project so there goes my supply! On a whim I stopped at this place, I had no idea what it would be like. They do feed infants jarred food! So they said they'd save some jars for me. I'll probably want some more before the holidays, that's when I usually need a lot. I like the fact that babyfood jars aren't big, when they get full, I just throw them away. Not being big means that I'm not keeping the jar for very long.

    Originally, this one gal was going to have mahjongg at her house which is near this food store and daycare. But now it's being held at someone else's house. Honestly, I don't want to drive all the way up to her place, I try to combine trips with the price of gas and all. There's NOTHING around her house except other homes. At least I'm near the mall and lots of other stores.

    bigpal - so sorry to hear about your husband. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

    Lin - please give Dixie my deepest sympathies.

    DeeDee - you're so right, when one of us hurts we all hurt.

    I had to buy some rice vinegar for a recipe I made. I'd never had it but decided I'd start using it up and put some on my salad. I must say....it's gooooooddddd. Lately I've been making a pretty big salad for myself, okra, tomatoes, today I had some cukes.

    Tonight I gave Vince a purple potato. He thought there was something wrong with the potato, he was expecting it to be white! But he did eat it. Maybe he'll expand the things he'll eat, one can hope, huh?

    howardmelinda - great on reaching your goal weight! How were you able to determine what your goal weight should be?

    Meg - what a big heart you have to take those kids in! I'm sure it's not that their unappreciative, but they probably can't express themselves. Maybe something in their past makes them feel that they don't have to apologize. Maybe they didn't have to take care of things when they were in the orphanage and that feeling still sticks with them. But I know how frustrating it must be!

    Jane - so sorry the filling fell out of your molar. I need to get one of my wisdom teeth extracted. Since I'm on the reclast and usually get my infusion in Feb, the dentist wants to hold off as long as possible to get as much of the Reclast out of my system. Since it's not an emergency, they'll do it in early November.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    good morning to all Dixie you are in our prayers lila riding like that almost makes u feel like a kid again meg your always a great help to me all my friends are hope all has a great day plenty water and healthy eating by for now carol
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good morning ladies. YAY it’s Friday! :bigsmile: This has been one long week and it’s really not done yet because we have a mandatory conference to attend tomorrow. We are making some curriculum changes and brought in some experts on what we want to do, and of course they could only come on the weekend! Oh well. I’m leaving early today.

    Today’s the last day of the summer biggest loser competition here at work. We start right away with the fall contest, in which we will be paired up with someone (“accountability buddy”). Your combined weight loss is what is counted. Should be interesting. I have a good friend here and we are going to buddy up. She lost about 30 pounds over the summer. I’m waiting to the coordinator to come in so I can go get weighed and then eat my breakfast! I brought yogurt and the Anne’s House almond granola energy blend. That stuff is fabulous.

    Carolyn: can I deep-freeze the kids til that frontal lobe develops? LOL :laugh:

    Lin: I have really cut down on red meat but don’t want to totally cut it out. We only have it one time a week. I’ll be interested in my “numbers” next week at our employee health screen. DH went last week and his numbers were worse. We eat fish twice a week and vegetarian twice a week (poultry the other 2) so I’m hoping for good results.

    Jen: We will always be our mother’s little girls! At least that’s what I keep telling mine. Glad DS is doing well. When does he get to come home?

    DeeDee: OMG I sure hope you are feeling better soon. This site is a little weird in their editing policies! :laugh:

    Eileen: glad your son is doing well also. How long will he be deployed?

    Janehadji: I’ll raise a glass to toast you tonight because we are having poached salmon! And I’m drinking the rest of the bottle LOL. That’s funny about your son and the “green card” wife! :drinker:

    Jane: Ouch! Sorry to hear about the tooth! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: OMG You and the dancing cat are the CUTEST thing EVER! How do you do that? That made me laugh out loud!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Lila: Safety pins and light weight cardigans??? LOL I am wearing safety-pin pants right now!!! :tongue:

    Michele; you sound like you have such a fun life! I’ve never eaten a purple potato; do they taste different? I don’t eat too many potatoes, not because of dietary reasons, but I really don’t like them too much. Once in a while (a GREAT while) we will have potato-something, but it’s pretty uncommon. Good thing about my taste….I don’t like French fries either! They have to be nearly burned and crispy critters before I’ll eat them.

    Well I’m going to try to get something done so I can leave early. I’ll update you on the weigh in. Thanks to everyone for their kind and understanding words! Take care , Meg :happy: