

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies – cannot believe we bust 500 posts when we’re not even half way through the month!

    I’m going to pick my DS up shortly as he is coming to do our garden for us. Our regular gardener is away, so DS offered! I’ve got a huge salad for our lunch and some extra juicy melon, all good stuff.

    Laura – congratulations, finally got your new grandson and he looks like a complete darling! You do too!

    Dee Dee – I like the sound of the Vertigo, may have to give it a go. I like to keep my nails looking good if I can, think it looks more professional at work. Plus, for the first time in lord knows how long, I am able to grow my nails to a decent length – due to the extra vitamins and supplements that I now take.

    Alwaysnancy – hugs for you and your friend.

    Jane – hope you settle into your new place quickly.

    Michelle – I too have a Mary Poppins handbag. DH is always amazed at what I carry around with me.

    Kathy – look after your poor tootsies!

    Jan – good for you with the smoke free zone. I’ve been a non-smoker for just over 7 years now. Considering I used to smoke upwards of 60 a day, I can only be grateful that I found the willpower to finally give up. Keep at it girl!

    Tsjourney – good to hear you sounding so much happier.

    Barbie – I always love the sound of your isagenix clean days

    Linda – my treadmill is in my home gym. I converted one of our spare bedrooms a while back and it has everything I need. I made sure that I bought professional quality equipment so that it would be as good as working out in a ‘real gym’. I added things like a water cooler machine, a small air-con unit (although I tend to just use the electric fan), a wall-mounted screen to watch dvds on etc. The initial costs were pretty astronomical, but I don’t have to pay gym fees, so it’s worth it. Plus I can use it any time day or night. Works for me. By the way, Dreadmill is Robin’s term – but it’s very appropriate!

    To everyone else, including the newbies, have a good and positive day if at all possible please.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    It is Monday now so this may be my post for Sunday and Minday we will see. It is 3:27am I have been awake since 2:30am I get up for work at 5:30am. So there you go. The weather was more reasonable today not so hot but the air quality was in orange level due to all the forests fires. So worlouts today consists of 2 taking the dog for a walk. Food went ok. Overall a good day went to church, caughtup on some chores. My 19 year old has autusim had a hard afternoon which means the entire family does. Normally I am on top of the clues that something may trigger her to set her off. Today I miss it. So we deal with meltdown after meltdown. Its hard you half to shut yourself down and deal with it. When its over depending on the degree of the meltdowns I just want to stay shutdown numb myself in past that would be with food. I did not do that today. I want too but won't. Maybe thats why I am not sleeping
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Laura Congrats on Grandson #3!!!
    @exermom that was my mistake I must have read your post fast . I do like the water i hope to joint the Y soon.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Bump (still lurking)

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: I hope you have loads of fun at the performance!!!! You are an inspiration with all you do! I know you will be glad to have Jake back home, how very nice of him to house sit for that long!!!

    Jen:smile: congrats on 13 days!!!!!

    Janie:smile: Just stick with your plan, you will continue to get healthy!

    Gini:smile: congrats on the sassy haircut, little things like a good haircut can make us feel so good!!!! 14,500 steps, very impressive!!!

    Laura80111:smile::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: congrats!!!! Little one finally decided it was time to make his appearance. He is beautiful, you both are!!!! Congrats to your DS and DIL too!!!!

    Linda SundanceB:smile: so glad you're feeling better!!!!

    Amanda:smile: I do love this color on my nails!!! Your lunch sounds yummy. How nice of your son to step in and help!!!

    Liz:smile: I hope your Monday is a better day!!!! At least you realized numbing yourself with food isn't the right way to comfort yourself. Sending you a big hug!!!!

    This is my busy week and I have to be honest, I do NOT want to do any of it:sad: :sad: :sad: . Meetings, appointments, etc. etc. YUK. I would love to just stay home and get some things done. Actually I think I just need some "me" time
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh once again I hit the reply button by mistake :angry: :angry: :angry: . Hope that is not a prelude to what this day is going to be!!!!

    Anyhow beauties, drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!!

    Have a fabulous day!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    In a sense I enjoyed it when Vince would go away on a business trip. With him away, we could eat what we wanted and I didn't have to deal with his pickey eating habits. Only now that doesn't happen.

    Linda/Sundance - I think, too, that yogurt really helps when my stomach is upset. It also helps when my throat is feeling "scratchy". When Vince isn't feeling well try to tell him to have some yogurt! Well, the only kind he'll eat has artificial sugar in it, so maybe it's not a bad thing that he doesn't eat it when he's sick.

    I truly believe that logging my food is critical for me. As a matter of fact, yesterday, first I check to see "do I have enough calories for a small piece of pizza?". Oh, remember yesterday the Wii said I'd gained 1lb and I knew it was because we had dinner late. Well, today it says that I'm down 1.5lb.

    Laura - congratulations! Good things ARE worth waiting for

    Going to post this mainly to mark my spot.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Today was check in day. I lost another .5lbs so a total of 4. I must have taken my measurements wrong. I am showing to big a loss there. Oh well, just keep going. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful Georgia day

    Laura-Congrats on the grandson. I know you are glad he is finally here.
    Hope everyone has a great day, get in your workouts and drink that water.

  • M08distel
    M08distel Posts: 16 Member
    I noticed your topic & even though I am not 50 (actually 60) I was wondering if I could join your group. I have been on MFP for 1 week now and would really like to make some friends who also understand the other changes that come with age.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Happy Monday Morning to you all!

    Weigh in for me 173.3. I'm up half a pound. I can accept that. I've had more wheat based things and have to accept wheat/gluten is not for me. Gonna change it up this week and see how that goes.

    One more week off and then it's back to school with me to meetings and prepping and then the students. Heading to the gym in a bit and then home to work in the garden. Weeds to pull, beds to prep.

    Have a great Monday!!

    Jan - 14 days! I've made it 2 weeks smoke free!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning,

    Only have a couple of minutes because I have to get my foot elevated. Think I must have moved to wrong during sleep because it feels weird and ankle kind of hurts, which up to now, it hasn't. Anyway, the reason I'm posting is because I wanted to share. I'm estatic-weighed this am (yes with my shoe on-it's actually light, not bulky) and am down 2 lbs!!!:happy: Even though my goal is to lose 5 lbs. in Aug., I figured I'd be satisfied with no gain because of toe surgery and inactivity. I guess I am becoming a believer that it really is all about what you put in your mouth! Still have a long way to go, but at least motivated more.

    Laura80111-Congrats on grandbaby #3:smile: Love the pic and I'm glad everyone is healthy!

    JNHeff-That's why I started to finally get serious about weight loss and joined MFP, to get on the road to better health before it's too late. We're all here to support one another!

    Lizmil79-Congrats on not shutting down with food! My prayers are with you and your family! Be kind to yourself.

    I really have to get my foot up, I'll try to check-in soon! Wanted to get in 30 minutes of chair exercise since I have the house to myself all day, but may have to be satisfied with 15. The downside to being alone all day is that I know I'll be up on my feet more esp. since my dogs can't let themselves out:grumble: But I love my furry babies so far they have not stepped on my foot!

    More than 500 posts already here! Wow!

    Don't forget the water-I grabbed a bottle to celebrate first thing this am!:drinker:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Quick note- hello to all. Enjoyed reading and catching up on all the news.

    Yeah Laura---grandbaby, grandbaby! Woo-hoo. We are all very happy for you and your family!
    Jan - whooppee, 2 weeks without smoking. You are doing great!
    Amanda - I'm also wowed about your home gym facilities. That sounds wonderful. I can't imagine how much you enjoy that.
    Barbie - good luck on the upcoming dance performance. And hope you and the doggies do well while DH is away.
    Kathy - I'm sorry you are having odd things happen with you toe. I hope that straightens up soon.
    Jane - congrats on the new digs. I hope you are very happy there.
    Lizmil - So sorry to hear of the disturbance at your home yesterday. And I hope your daughter is doing better now. Please take care of yourself and try to get some rest.
    Michele - looking forward to more updates on the pool.

    Time to move on. Wishing everyone a healthy day. All the best.....


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. Just popping in to mark my spot.

    I have a love hate relationship with my dreadmill. It doesn't like to play when it gets to warm. And since I started the new job I just haven't been on it anyway. I spent money and got a really nice one when I bought it. It is a gym quality model that retails for around $4000.00 but I had a friend who works for the manufacturer so I got it for about a grand.

    So it's official. I have lost 5 pounds since starting my new job a month ago. 5 pounds in a month!!! I will take it. I have set a goal to get back down to where I was 2 years ago (when I was a losing maniac) by our February Kuai trip. I am going to rock a bikini again. (those of you who have been on this thread a long time may remember the picture I posted back then)

    The doghouse and run are almost finished. This weekend we got the walls on and the carpet in. now we just have to finish the roof and the trim. I am adding fun things like a fake window and a chimney. It should be done by the end of this weekend. I will post a picture. In the meantime here is what the fake window will look like. (I hope it doesn't freak them out the first time they see it.)

    Laura, congrats on the new grandson. I am sure you and his mother are glad all that waiting is over.

    To all of you wonderful women I wish you a magnificent Monday!

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I sure enjoy reading the posts filled with so much support and encouragement. I got in my bike ride this morning before it got too hot. I always feel good when I get it done early. Tomorrow I go back to work and will have to figure out the best routine to get in my exercise. I won't be able to ride in the morning but might be able to in the afternoon when I get home. I am also toying with the idea of doing 15 minutes on the treadmill in the morning before work. We'll see how that goes....I have to admit I am not looking forward to going back to work with this extra weight. The first few weeks back are usually very busy and stressful so I need to log every day and be accountable so I do not fall back into bad habits......

    Wishing all the wonderful ladies another day with good health and caring for yourself!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Carolyn- get up early for a couple of days and give it a try. 15 mins is better than nothing, it will get you energize in the morning and think how good that shower will feel afterward.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Morning Ladies! How's YOUR Monday going? Mine has been a Monday for sure. My software crashed and I lost 1 1/2 hrs of work. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! Guess I was so involved I forgot. Oh well.

    Realized I need to be planning my meals a little better. I thought what I brought with me today were good choices, and actually they are, but calorie wise it's going to throw me over. So I've taken one stroll around the parking lot already and will take another later. This means a long walk or bike ride tonight for sure. Fortunately everything at work involves stairs. I'm in what was the garage of a split level house, so I have to do stairs to go to the printer, get water and go potty.

    One of the Zumba pages I follow on FB posted a saying today "Never miss a chance to dance". I love it! You should see how I vacuum. I play Romeo Santos and Usher's "Promise" over and over, dancing the whole time. Pretty good workout. When I'm up in my quilting room, I play oldies and dance around the room all the time. My husband (and my dog I think) just shake their heads at me. But hey, I'm MOVING!

    Jan - WTG! two weeks. AWESOME!
    Laura - congrats on the grandbaby. Worth the wait I'm sure.
    Kate - what a lovely poem!. A state of grace...what a wonderful place to be. Glad you have come to acceptance of the situation.

    Best get back to work. I am spending way too much time on these boards when I should be working, but I do find them to be so helpful in staying on track.

    Hope your day is going well.
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I think I signed up for this group a while back and haven't followed along. I will try to improve. It looks like everyone has loads going on so hopefully I will not fall behind.

    Have a great day,

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gang. Hope everyone is having a good Monday. I am at work (waaaaaa) :sad: and eating my healthy lunch. :happy: It has been hard to get things done because so many people have stopped by my office to chat. I guess that’s to be expected when we haven’t seen each other in months. I am being a good girl and not being tempted by the food downstairs, but one thing I think I do need to do is really take a break and leave my office for lunch when I can. I usually eat at my desk because I don’t feel that I have enough time to be social and eat with others.

    DH is doing some better; he can do toe-touch with his crutches. He is getting a little stir crazy though! I’m not sure what to do to help him, probably nothing. But I do hope he feels well enough to go out to dinner on Friday. I sure look forward to my every-other-week free day!

    DeeDee: your shopping trip sounds like loads of fun!

    Tsjourney: I am so glad you feel more peaceful now. It’s amazing how those bad relationships seem to sneak up and before you know it, you are so enmeshed and it’s awful. Today is a new day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Jan: 13 days and counting! Good for you to not grab those cigarettes! :smile:

    Gini: Holy cow girl you are busy! I got tired just reading about your day LOL :tongue:

    Michelle: it’s funny to hear you say you think someone else is busy! You are always going like crazy! :tongue:

    Laura: HOORAY for grandbaby! Congratulations! What a dolly! :flowerforyou:

    Linda: I have a one week break before clinical starts, so this week is just in the office and dreaded meetings. I despise meetings. I took your advice and planned my meals for today last night before I went to bed. DH is toe-touching now so there is a little less of the thump in his click-thumping! :laugh: Are you back to normal now?

    Amanda: is London getting back to normal now?

    Lizmil: I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. That is so hard on the whole family. I bet that has something to do with your sleeping and I hope today has been a better day for all. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m with you….meetings….UGH. I hate them. Honestly I just want someone to make a decision and tell me what to do LOL.

    Tigress: good for you on your loss!

    Robin: congratulations on your loss too! It’s so encouraging, isn’t it?

    Barbie: hope your performance was fun and you did great!

    Wow I can’t believe how many posts there are here! Welcome to all the newbies; come back often! To those I missed, I am sending you good thoughts for the day. Take care, time to get back to work! Meg
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Just stop to say hi! will get back later , Hope you all have a great day!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon! Moved this week-end.Exhausted but happy.
    We have no stove hook up yet,need to get groceries,dryer needs to be hooked up also,room is in process of being renovated.
    But I am happy and feels good to walk around the house and feel at home.It`s rainy out,but burning calories unpacking etc.
    Will try to catch up when things settle down.
    thanks for all your love and support thru these didficult months.