

  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Had a wonderful afternoon. Met a nice young woman today who is from Saskatchewan where my mothers family is from. We had a nice chat. Had a really nice run with my husband for 6 km...well more of a run walk thing as it was getting pretty hot out by the time he was ready. He promises to be ready to go earlier tomorrow. Seems as soon as the sun starts to shine it gets hot and steamy and after all the rain we had last night it felt humid. I seem to get hot real fast but the run did feel nice.

    Trinasansone, don't let the ups bring you down. Just get back on track and don't give up. When I think of where I was myself a couple years ago. I couldn't walk with out getting winded and now I can run...not super fast but I can run and I feel so much better than I did. I enjoy going to all kinds of classes from hot yoga to boot camp.

    Ctumbarella, I think baseline measurements is a good idea. Sometimes we put on muscle and our weight goes up but we are actually smaller. The scale can be your friend or your foe. I love it when it gives me a good reading but sometimes if I feel it's going to be up it's better not to weigh as it can have a negative effect on your mind.

    Applewrm, I agree about moving...for me I need a bit of both...to be eating within my limits. I do have times when I binge and I just need to stay away from the sweets that make me do that...In the last couple of years though I may not have always eaten right but I have continued with the exercise and also pushed myself pretty hard. I read once that the body has the ability to be pushed and then it gets stronger.

    Wow Sundance I can't believe the tech told you that. Here in Canada rarely will the tech give out any information even if they know. I did have one mammogram give me a little info on calcifications one time but really nothing too serious...more of an explanation on what you can see on the screen. So glad you don't have scoliosis. My daughter who is now 26 was born with it and it was no nice for her...many surgeries.

    Tiarapants, I call it a dreadmill too. I've only been on one a few times during personal training. I much prefer running on solid ground outside. I'm so afraid of falling off.

    Rondak, I've heard a couple times lately about people gaining weight after a gastric bypass.So I guess there really is no easy way is there.

    Nikki Nx, almost had a heart attack when I saw the ticker at the bottom of your post. LOL blushing.

    Sandhillsmom, totally agree with you. It does take time to lose it. And we never really notice how fast it comes on.

    Lynty55, It's great to get active. I started with yoga classes when a work friend started a studio. It was really out of my way but I was among friends. Once I gained the confidence to go somewhere more convenient there was no stopping me. I've met so many nice people out exercising and that has given me a lot of support as well.

    Skinneychicno very wise words.

    DeeDee she lives in Toronto where something bad seems to happen all the time. Worries me sometimes but then we've had some bad things happen here in the recent past which she does point out. For the most part it's a very good neighbourhood she's in. One day I saw on the news that someone got stabbed and it was literally two blocks away from her house. She told me to stop watching the news.

    DeniseH60, It kicks my butt too. Since menopause I don't sleep very well any more. And I used to sleep so well. Even my very fit sisterinlaw says she can't believe what it's done to her body. I'm prepared to fight it the best way I can...

    tsjourney, congrats on the 34 lbs. Your going in the right direction.

    Valerie, your Saturday sounds like an awesome day. I've only canoed. The cottage we have rented at the end of the month has one there but last year I never got a chance to try it and I plan to this year.

    Vstrib, good luck with the walking swimming plan. sounds like a good one.

    Micki, that's awesome that you worked up to 70 minutes of walking. It's amazing the changes we can make if we really want to.

    Artemis, Hello fello canuck. I see you are from Saskatchewan. My mom was from Wilkie. I'm in Ontario.

    Megblair, I try to think of it as a life style change. Even the people I know who dont have a weight problem eat stuff that is bad for them but the thing is that they just move on. I know in the past I've gone astray and made it worse by eating even more. I try not to do that any more. Weekends seem to be the only time I really go astray anymore. it's so easy to be good at work but on the weekends when we are out and about or just hanging out at home it isn't always easy.
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    Had a very rough day. Took my youngest to college Thursday which left me with the oldest still. Oil and water. He is going on a plane to California in the morning. For the best. However the reality is I will be totally alone. Did not feel much like eating today at all and didn't. Having a hard time even focusing on meals for the week, especially for one now. I'm sure with time it will get better, it's just hard right now. At least I didn't go in the opposite direction and eat everything in sight! Hard to do when there isn't much in sight - LOL! Maybe I will just keep it that way. I think the stress has finally put me into the middle of the big M! Trying to at least stay hydrated and get my water in today :-).
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI~Hope everyone is enjoying their week-end.Spent 2 days moving.Have a bed left.Did 5 +hours today.
    Place is homey.Love it.The next few days are gonna look for clothes etc.
    Will catch up,when not so tired.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all man missed you all been so busy have not had a chance to post or read posts lately I will do my best to catch up and meet all the new people it is nice to see you are still here I truely have missed reading all your posts
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Isn't it amazing how many of us are trying to get a grip on ourselves and make a big change in our lives? Wowie. I'm so impressed and overwhelmed at how many new ladies are here with similiar concerns. It can be done! I'm here to tell you it can! Have faith, work hard, count calories, drink water and exercise. It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. I'm no fitness enthusiast, I'll say that much. I don't have a gym membership or anything. Just me and my dogs, we walk everyday, but since they're older now and don't want to walk as much, I add a few laps around the track by myself on weekdays. I'm trying to learn to take time for "me" every day. I've always seen to everyone else's needs and ignored my own until 19 months ago when I started with MFP. It's time for me, for once. I've had to learn to include myself in my daily routine. After all, if we feel good, we'll be able to take care of everything else that's important to us. If we feel bad, pffffffffffffft, it all goes out the window.

    Cutting calories is the best thing you can do. And move your bod. And eat your greens. And drink your water. :heart:

    I'll check in soon.. xo

    :smile: jb
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    I love this garden bench of mine
    for morning coffee, evening wine,
    To feel the sun upon my face,
    a gentle breeze, a state of grace.

    Thank you so much ladies for your patience and your sage advice. I took a step back, I took a deep breath (okay, lots of deep breaths) and I sat in my garden in the sunshine. I came to the realization that this momentary chaos is not my battle, nor my karma. I am but a bit player in the lives of others who are not my family. I must choose what is best for me, to say no when required for my own sanity, to walk away if need be. I have been this way before and been trampled and I choose now to step back from this battle even though I know chaos will reign for some time, it is not of my making and I will not be drawn in. I will however, grieve for what is lost.

    Now is my time to concentrate on my health, my life. I must confess to a handful of M&M peanuts at the football game last night, I bought a small bag and shared it. Normally I would have scoffed an entire large bag of my own. I am learning!

    Choose happiness.♥

    A marvelous therapy technique is to name every blessed weed in your garden before you wrap your fingers around its scrawny neck and pull the little blighter out!! It can be quite a satisfying workout!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    A hearty welcome to everyone who just joined. Keep checking in and you'll get lots and lots of support.

    ctumbarello - measurements are so much more important than the number on the scale. They show how you're really doing. I know that at time (like now) I'm stalled at one weight, but my measurements are doing good.

    Not a whole lot of time tonight. I'll try to post individually if I can, but please excuse me.

    Went to the farmers market this am and then yoga, then to a store to get grapes and a couple of other things. Then home to cook the corn on the cob. I got 3 dozen, some for Jessica to take home. Then to the store with Vince (not sure why I went, he just wanted screws and some PVC pipe), home to change and then church, then we went to a play that a friend from Newcomers is in. For dinner (Vince says he didn't hear me telling him to eat before we went) stopped at Golden Corral. I was good -- pretty muchly -- had a baked tilapia, a salad of carrots, spinach, cauliflower, no dressing. Had some cottage cheese with sunflower seeds (I didn't realize that the seeds were salted or I wouldn't have had them), grilled veges and an italian vege mix, cucumbers, mushrooms. I was really full. For dessert I had some cantaloupe and strawberries. I also had a very very small piece of fudge, and I do mean it was a small piece. Just had water to drink. Believe it or not, they don't have tea but I had a teabag with me so they gave me a cup of hot water. We were talking to the waitress and her daughter just started kindergarten, I had some Labels for Education that I gave her. Jessica laughed that my pocketbook is like Mary Poppins' -- I had the tea bag, those labels, what else she wanted to know....lol Vince didn't think there would be anything at Golden Corral that I'd eat. Usually, I can find SOMETHING

    Linda Sundance - so sorry to hear about your food poisoning. Do you know where you got it from?

    alwaysnancy - that was something!

    The father of Jessica's friend passed away. She's down here, but will go back to VA since she has an Aerosmith concert to go to. She'll leave her cats here then come back Tuesday. Not sure if I have to take her to Greensboro airport or Charlotte.

    Lin - I swear, when I walk in Trader Joes, I always silently say a little prayer "thank you for accepting Master Card". I should probably just hand them my card.

    Tomorrow I'll do My Fitness Coach on the Wii the aerobics.

    Meg - here ya go:
    Source: Healthy Cooking
    1-1/4 cup sugar
    3 eggs
    2/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
    1/3 cup canola oil
    3 tsp vanilla extract
    1-1/2 cup AP flour
    1 cup cake flour
    ½ cup baking cocoa
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    ¼ tsp baking powder
    2 cup shredded peeled zucchini
    In a large mixing bowl, beat the sugar, eggs, applesauce, oil and vanilla until well blended. Combine the flours, cocoa, salt, baking soda, cinnamon and baking powder, gradually beat into sugar mixture until blended. Stir in zucchini. Transfer to two 8x4x2 loaf pans coated w/ cooking spray.
    Bake at 350 for 40-45 min or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 min before removing from pans the wire racks to cool completely.
    12slices each loaf
    1 slice equals
    137 cal
    4g fat
    26mg chol
    165mg sodium
    23g carb
    1g fiber
    3g protein

    ctumbarello - a papaya filled with raspberries -- sounds delish!

    Gotta run. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies, I hope everyone is having a good Saturday. So enjoy reading everyone's posts. Today has been a good day. I went to the Y today spent the entire time in the water moving. It is so freeing to me I think because it isn't always easy for me to move like that normally but in water I can. Also was able to take our Bella Jo out for her walk today. My daughter and I went to Subways for lunch as plan but when I was ordering my sandwich as a footlong not my normal 6-inch. At 1st I was like great I am hungry I will eat it but as I sat down ate my 1st half and was thinking still hungry going to eat the rest but than I sat there instead of just throwing caution to the wind and eat it. I wait to see if I was really hungry. And I wasn't save the other half for tomorrow.. It was like a yeah moment and I didn't feel deprived Good to see some sort of self control.

    @exermom-- Michelle I never knew you could do MFP with WII?
    @Sundance so sorry to hear you aren't feeling good. Yuk food poisioning!
    to all of you are weather was a better today not as nice as some of yours :wink: but I guess I shouldn't complain for I sure don't like driving in the winter. I grew up in Illinois learn how to handle icey roads etc .

    @Amanda I hope your leg is better soon.

    Again so enjoy reading everyone's post.
    Thank you and Take care,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my day

    Bernie woke us up at 4 AM---got up and walked the dogs individually----ate breakfast and discovered that the internet was down--walked the dogs for almost two hours---went to call the cable company about the internet and discovered that the phone was out, too......waited a long time to talk to someone but then got everything working in a short time---started laundry---worked in the yard for awhile----went to see Jake and the dogs and horses---Jake fixed lunch---then we walked around the property he's staying on and spent some time with the horses--took a short nap then drove over to meet a friend for a walk followed by a glass of iced tea---came home and walked the dogs and fed them and me then worked in the yard again and walked the dogs again----spent some time eating supper and watching rhythmic gymnastics and soon it will be time for bed.
    26,000 steps today

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was super weather---sunny and temps in the low 80's
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Janemartin02 glad to hear tht he move is coming along ok, We have move many times it is such a job but a good time to thin out extra stuff.
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Hey ya all....I am still hanging in there with my competition....I am hanging in but not moving up at this point, I still have two more days to get the votes and as of right now i need 201 votes to overtake the lead in my age group....so if anyone wants to vote, just go to Facebook and type in atkins all star competition in the little search box on top and you will fine me on page 2 Thanks Diane
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey ya all....I am still hanging in there with my competition....I am hanging in but not moving up at this point, I still have two more days to get the votes and as of right now i need 201 votes to overtake the lead in my age group....so if anyone wants to vote, just go to Facebook and type in atkins all star competition in the little search box on top and you will fine me on page 2 Thanks Diane

    Just voted for you - so did my DH. Good luck - you definitely deserve it x
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Had a terrible sleep last night. I was just starting tho think about hitting the hay when I got a message from a high school friend. After 15 years cancer free her breast cancer has returned. She has elected for a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. She thought she had beat it but has learned you can never really let your guard down. I feel so bad for her. She just had her first grandchild arrive which I can tell from facebook she is really enjoying and now this..... So glad that my husband have signed up to do the Run for the Cure at the end of Sept. Another person to run for.

    Then my brother in law called and suddenly I was wide awake again. Started to feel a bit drowsy and went to go to bed. Hubby was in the ensuite and I thought he had his ipod going then I heard him say that live music is really loud. We live in the country on 33 acres of land with no real close neighbours but seriously it sounded like the live band was about 100 feet away. I went out on the veranda in the dark to have a listen. It's not a big deal to us as it's pretty quiet most of the time and I'm glad someone was having a great time. I thought I'd just put the ceiling fan on to drown out the noise but it didn't seem to cover up the beat of the music. We put another noisy fan in the room but it probably just made it worse. Sometime after 1 a.m the music finally died down and I got to sleep and then at first light I was awake.

    I think I be waiting for bedtime all day. :(
  • Wisdomeur
    Just found this Board - hello everyone !

    I'm a 53 year old English woman with 25lbs to lose and, just as importantly, regain strenghth, stamina and flexibility. In the last 4 years I've gone through a divorce, setting up a business, menopause and an accident, developed asthma, gave up all exericse and turned to chocolate and wine. Consequently I gained 30lbs, felt depressed and old.

    The pity party is over. Having split 3 pairs of trousers this Summer, I refuse to buy a bigger size and commit to getting well and healthy again. My goal is to lose a stone by 30 November.

    I'm delighted to find a place specifically welcoming women over 50 ! When I was younger, simply cutting out wine, chocolate and bread and increasing my exercise a bit meant the extra pounds melted away - since the menopause and the hormonal changes, my metabolism has clearly changed because losing weight has started to feel impossible! I've been on a yo-yo of lose 2lbs, gain 2lbs for over 6 months. I hate my "muffin top" ! Time to create a new future with a happy, healthy me !

    Here are my goals for August:

    1. Walk a minimum of 30 minutes everyday
    2. Post here at least once per week
    3. Go to sleep before midnight
    4. No alcohol
    5. Lose 4lbs
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am back to logging my food and trying to do some kind of movement every day.I started in April and have gained back the weight I lost.Between work and family I have felt overwhelmed ,not taking any time for my needs.
    I need to make a change
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Just found this Board - hello everyone !

    I'm a 53 year old English woman with 25lbs to lose and, just as importantly, regain strenghth, stamina and flexibility. In the last 4 years I've gone through a divorce, setting up a business, menopause and an accident, developed asthma, gave up all exericse and turned to chocolate and wine. Consequently I gained 30lbs, felt depressed and old.

    The pity party is over. Having split 3 pairs of trousers this Summer, I refuse to buy a bigger size and commit to getting well and healthy again. My goal is to lose a stone by 30 November.

    I'm delighted to find a place specifically welcoming women over 50 ! When I was younger, simply cutting out wine, chocolate and bread and increasing my exercise a bit meant the extra pounds melted away - since the menopause and the hormonal changes, my metabolism has clearly changed because losing weight has started to feel impossible! I've been on a yo-yo of lose 2lbs, gain 2lbs for over 6 months. I hate my "muffin top" ! Time to create a new future with a happy, healthy me !

    Here are my goals for August:

    1. Walk a minimum of 30 minutes everyday
    2. Post here at least once per week
    3. Go to sleep before midnight
    4. No alcohol
    5. Lose 4lbs
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Dont know what happened there?

    I know what you mean about the muffun top. How come the change in shape. I have always been 'shapely' but the muffin top took on a different look completely - scarey!. I have only lost a little of the weight so far, but it is coming off.
  • dldrucker
    dldrucker Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, so glad I found this topic! (Do I need to "join" this group, and, if so, how do I do that????)

    I'm a little late on August goals (it's the 12th), but here goes:

    1. Eat at least 5 fruits and veggies daily
    2. Drink the 8 glasses of water daily (not hard to do, it's been hovering around 90 all summer)
    3. Recording my food every day in MFP.
    4. Doing SOME kind of exercise for at least 20 minutes every day.
    5. Meditating for at least 15 minutes every day (I find the meditation is helping with the weight loss...it is helping me learn how to focus and draw my attention away from the "must eat that cookie" thoughts..)

    Good luck to all!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Good day all......

    It is overcast here today with a possibility we could get a little bit of rain. While that might ruin many people's plans for the State Fair today, I still would take the rain. But of course I wasn't planning on going to the fair. :happy:

    Good encounter with my nemesis---the scale---this morning. You know I just always wonder. I kind of hold my breath before I finally ease my way onto it. While what I do with food and activity makes sense and I should be losing weight, it is by no means a given at this point in my life. Being older with a handful of medical issues just makes everything uncertain doesn' it?

    Okay, enough reflection. Need to move on. I've sorted out my supply of birthday cards. I have a number of cards to send out for the second half of August and I have got to get those ready today. I'm not good at waiting to the last minute on cards. I tend to wait too long. It's sort of difficult this month, I always send one friend a card with some cat theme and she's the lady who just had to put her cat down. Another friend may not be in a great mood since a storm knocked a big old tree down on the corner of his house (and that of his neighbor) in the past week. The third friend has a joyful year going with the birth of her first grandchild. I want to find a good and appropriate card for each and I'm not certain the ones I purchased a couple of days ago will fit the bill.

    Yep, so now you've learned something else about me, I tend to overthink things. :blushing:

    All the best to us!! May all of us with muffin tops lose the darn things!!!

    Here's to you. :drinker: :drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I love this garden bench of mine
    for morning coffee, evening wine,
    To feel the sun upon my face,
    a gentle breeze, a state of grace.

    Thank you so much ladies for your patience and your sage advice. I took a step back, I took a deep breath (okay, lots of deep breaths) and I sat in my garden in the sunshine. I came to the realization that this momentary chaos is not my battle, nor my karma. I am but a bit player in the lives of others who are not my family. I must choose what is best for me, to say no when required for my own sanity, to walk away if need be. I have been this way before and been trampled and I choose now to step back from this battle even though I know chaos will reign for some time, it is not of my making and I will not be drawn in. I will however, grieve for what is lost.

    Now is my time to concentrate on my health, my life. I must confess to a handful of M&M peanuts at the football game last night, I bought a small bag and shared it. Normally I would have scoffed an entire large bag of my own. I am learning!

    Choose happiness.♥

    A marvelous therapy technique is to name every blessed weed in your garden before you wrap your fingers around its scrawny neck and pull the little blighter out!! It can be quite a satisfying workout!

    Love this! Kate, your words are terrific, from top to bottom. :smile: