I can't do it :(



  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    from the site

    "use the chew and spit technique"

    "brush your teeth before eating, it will kill the enjoyment of it"

    "Don't eat unless your stomach growls"

    "just don't eat fat-*kitten*" (with a picture of an underweight girl)


    That website freaked me out.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    "yeah it was like Obama it looked good at first then it just went to complete trash .... see what happens when you dont look at the big picture .... my bad"

  • pamina1
    pamina1 Posts: 15 Member
    Do exercise you like, try until you find something, do weights and core in a bitty camp with a friend. It is motivating to see the work outs and the calories you can and sound eat. Eat tonnes of fruit and vegetables. There is no way you won't be full. Don't forget the protein.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i almost spit out my water reading this!
    If there's a problem yo I'll solve it.
    Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it...

  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I haven't read the whole thread, but it looks like you're getting some negative comments. Yes, being hungry all the time really is torture. The people who don't believe that obviously haven't gone through it. People's bodies are different; and different people will experience hunger differently. I was hungry all the time, and I knew I couldn't live that way. I had LapBand surgery, and yes, some people will judge me for that. I also discovered that carbs trigger my hunger. I cut back carbs, and the hunger has been much more bearable (even with the LapBand, I have to diet and fight hunger and cravings). Experiment and see if your body reacts differently to different foods.
  • wheelinqueen
    wheelinqueen Posts: 60 Member
    considering the hell I've been through he past year with an eating disorder, suicide and depression I'll be as dramatic as I want.

    Maybe you're taking a little too much on right now. I'm not saying you should give up on your weigh loss goals all together, but you need to get your mental stuff in order before you can take this on. You HAVE TO be mentally strong and ready for this other wise you're bound to get overwhelmed.

    Good luck to you and best wishes. :smile:
  • unJunk
    unJunk Posts: 29

    Wow, thats a horrible thought. I would lose a ton of weight doing that.

    I don't think I would eat at all

    I don't think posting pics from a pro-ana tip site is good advice...

    http://thintips.tumblr.com/ hardly seems pro ana to me

    Did you actually read through them?!

    There are few that seem iffy now that Ive looked at all of them ..... mothereff you google image search ill take it down

    I read through several and it didn't seem overtly Pro Ana I do disagree with the one that says "because Fat people don't F***" That's not true at all. I f*** all the time...At least with my hand.
  • Catherinebee85
    Catherinebee85 Posts: 5 Member
    Is your weight a real problem? If not I would suggest tackling other issues first. You seem quite defensive and highly strung, its difficult to communicate over the internet as the normal cues you would have, tone of voice, body language etc aren't there and so well meaning things can sound just mean! You could eat a sensible amount and exercise and still lose weight. I couldn't survive on that little calories so no wonder you're struggling!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I do think you probably just need to make some more filling meals. It sounds like the calories you ARE eating are a bit empty, they aren't keeping you feeling full.

    I used to feel that way too until I started making meals that were high in protein. We all have our own needs though. Try to play around with what you're eating. In the meantime, eat when you're hungry. But have some carrots, or cauliflower or whatever.

    It IS hard to lose weight. It really is. The question is, is it worth it for you or not?
  • brandi22479
    brandi22479 Posts: 81 Member
    It doesn't kill us to be hungry. I'm learning this for myself right now. If your stomach is used to eating a large amount of food, it's going to tell you when it isn't full or it wants something in it. Yes, being hungry is uncomfortable, I KNOW, but, c'mon...it's bearable. It isn't like someone is slicing your leg off or anything. Once your stomach shrinks to accommodate the "appropriate" amount of food you won't feel hunger pains like that. Trade your soup and snacks to fresh veggies. You can eat a ton of veggies with so little calories and not feel hungry.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member

    Wow, thats a horrible thought. I would lose a ton of weight doing that.

    I don't think I would eat at all

    I don't think posting pics from a pro-ana tip site is good advice...

    http://thintips.tumblr.com/ hardly seems pro ana to me

    Did you actually read through them?!

    There are few that seem iffy now that Ive looked at all of them ..... mothereff you google image search ill take it down

    I read through several and it didn't seem overtly Pro Ana I do disagree with the one that says "because Fat people don't F***" That's not true at all. I f*** all the time...At least with my hand.

    Your last sentence was funny hahah!
    However that site is so pro-ana. Tip 48 is already pro-ana. I don't see how anyone didn't see that it was a site like that...
    Sorry just editing here because I can't believe some of the sh"t on that site!!! Tip 40.. bad bad!!! Tip 17, tip 8, tip 4... Nice...
    I am surprised the moron who founded that site didn't go the whole hog and tell people to eat tissue to fill themselves up as well!
  • mckmom69
    mckmom69 Posts: 22
    What is TDEE? I keep seeing that and have Googled it but can't find an answer
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    " I was so hungry it actually hurt"

    so friggen eat! or do some research. mfp is NOTORIOUS for not giving a large enough allowance for calories. search old topics to find hundreds more like this. i cant believe you would starve yourself if mfp told you to.... embrace your free will and listen to your body over a computer.
  • jonielena
    You can do it! Set a goal for yourself. Say, "I'm going to stick to my eating plan for 1 week." If you make it to the end of the week, reward yourself with a food that you enjoy!

    Eat more filling foods, try to eat your meals consistently at the same time each day, and snack on veggies, fruits, almonds, hummus, etc.

    Also, the more you exercise, the more you can eat. I really struggle to eat only 1200 calories! If I didn't exercise every day I'd probably be feeling like you are right now...
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    YES YOU CAN!!! On the days that I know Im gonna eat more - I exercise more and then eat half or 3/4s or hell sometimes all of those calories - but at least I know I will stil be winthin my range!!
    This race is definitely not won to the swift - but to those who endure!!!!!
    Im close to where u are - lost 65 lbs - those last 20 just wont come off - so I decided to focus on maintaining - getting that in place
    and then pick up on losing the last 20....
    Again YES YOU CAN AND YES YOU WILL!!!:flowerforyou:
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    What works really well for me is to eat protein and complex carbs at every meal. Don't go too crazy with the carbs, but it's ok to eat a huge salad with your chicken and sweet potato or such... I find that if I have more than just a touch of simple sugars, my body goes crazy and I get super hungry for days after... Plus it fills in nutrition with empty calories. And yes, exercise helps a ton with being able to eat more and generally feeling better. I am in recovery for an eating disorder too, so I totally feel your pain! You'll try different combos and see what works for you. You can do it!
  • Wheelie_UK
    I took a look at your diary.

    Firstly, it is too soon to gain anything significant from it. You need at least a week to be able to offer any authoritative comments. However, there are a few points I could make.

    Firstly, you are not drinking enough. The 8 glasses a day is really important. If you follow the MFP then you will have significant amounts of nutritionally important proteins, carbs and fats. You need water to help with the metabolic activity involved in these activities. Soda, Tea or Coffee is not sufficient on its own.

    Secondly, you are not eating enough proteins. This page may help in giving you ideas of what foods are high in proteins.
    http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/highproteinfood.htm Watch the fat content though. Try to gain your fat content from mono unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.
    This page contains useful information on Polyunsaturated Fats http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/FatsAndOils/Fats101/Polyunsaturated-Fats_UCM_301461_Article.jsp

    This page will help you with mono unsaturated fats. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/FatsAndOils/Fats101/Monounsaturated-Fats_UCM_301460_Article.jsp

    Secondly, I reitterate the comments of others who have advised you to adapt to the diet that suits you best. Even if this means you, initially increase your calories, although, if you include your exercise you will gain extra calories from this. Generally people on the forum say you should not eat your exercise calories. This is usually because the calories are rarely correct. My suggestion would be to check the calories burned with several sources, then pick the lowest value, or the mean, of those values. That way, the exercise calories you gain will be realistic ones, rather than fantasy ones.

    I have written to you seperately, but hope this helps to start with.

    Can I suggest, you wait a week or so, then return to this topic again. You will get far more replies when people have something solid to respond with.

    A couple of a final comments. Dieting, especially initially, is no walk in the park. It is a wake up call for the body. Imagine your body in shock. That is most likely what is happening at the moment. It will take a while to adjust to your new restrictions. If the impact is too severe, move to a higher level, then reduce down. The result will be slower, but still achievable.

    Diet for a reason. It helps a lot if you have a reason to diet. Not just because you should or want to. Why do you want to? When things get hard, remember that. It helped me.

    Support. This is the last, and most important piece of advice I can offer you. You need someone to support you in what you are achieving. My partner is my main support, folllowed by friends on here, and Facebook. They have been there when I have been moody, ratty, up, down and experiencing every emotion you can imagine (At some time or other, we all go through this). That support is crucial to see you through those times and keep you on the straight and narrow.

    I hope this is of help,

    Mike (London).
    aka WheelieUK
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    my calorie limit is 1290. I'm a female at 5'3 inches and 151 lbs. I'm 20.

    You were wise enough to provide us with this really important info, above. Plugging those numbers into this awesome calculator:

    shows that you (as your body is telling you) just aren't eating nearly enough. That's easy to fix, isn't it? So you can do this! (For the sake of this exercise, I guessed your goal weight as about 120...right in the middle of the "Healthy" BMI range for your height and age).

    Your BMR (the # of calories your body needs if you were just lying there unconscious) is 1514. You should never eat less than that.

    According to this calculator (and MFP should give you a similar number), you should be consuming somewhere around 1600 calories a day, plus any additional calories you burn off while exercising. Set your MFP calorie to somewhere around there, and always end your day somewhere near "0 Calories Remaining", and you'll be fine! You won't be hungry, and you'll get down to the healthy weight you're aiming for.

    There's no need to suffer -- eat & exercise like the fit, healthy person you want to be, and eventually that's what you'll be!
  • bebe710
    bebe710 Posts: 3
    There are 2 types of bodies. Type A this person can starve themselves and loose weight. Type B (which I am) if you starve your body starts storing fat. Get into the habit of eating something every couple hours so your body won't go into starvation mode. My typical food day is a smoothie (1/2 cup crushed ice, 1/2 cup of berries, 6 TBLSP non-fat sugar free yogurt, 1 scoop of protein powder, 3 TBLSP chia seeds (optional). 2- 2 1/2 hrs later I have an apple or a peach. 2- 2 1/2 hours later is Lunch 2 scrambled eggs w/ 1/4 cup of shredded cheese or a bowl of soup 1/2 cup of green beans or steamed broccolli. Then 2 - 2 1/2 hrs later is 3 or 4 celery stalks or 5 baby carrots (or mix them) with 2 T lite ranch dressing. 2- 2 1/2 hrs. later dinner with salad (watch your portion size) I have even been able to have a sensible dessert 3 x's a wk. Make sure you get all your water in remember: if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Re: eating out at restaurant - do not starve yourself ahead of time eat your regular schedule up till that point, then when you go out & they bring the food to your table divide it in half or thirds (sometimes the amount of food is ridiculous) put the rest in a take home container to have the next day. I've been able to loose about a pound a week once I got into the habit of eating like this. Go to my home page you will see that I am very limited in the amount of exercise that I can do. Good Luck, let me know how you are doing in a couple of weeks.
  • THINk_kkaybbyx0
    don't get discouraged hunni, we are all here to support you. and you will definitly reach your goal!

    a few tricks that help me is to try to cut out the snacking and keep it to like one main meal during the day.. granted alot of my days dont end up like that butttt.. idealy that's what i want to be doing.

    try pre logging your day the night before, that usually helps me.

    when i first started counting calories i had the hardest time trying to figure out how to stay at 1200 cals a day because that's all i was allowed.. now it's pretty easy for me to stay between 1000-1200 cals a day.

    keep your head held high! you WILL reach your goal! & you have tons of support on here to reassure you of that!