Four pounds, 1.5 ounces of Godiva Chocolates



  • Nleon4
    Nleon4 Posts: 12 Member
    You, Mr . Scott R, deserve your "cup of water"!! Love this post!
  • stormdancer
    stormdancer Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, I too love Godiva chocolate, the dark version is my preference. I am fortunate to have a Godiva store here in my city.

    I tend to the practical, though, we are not rich and Godiva box chocolates are costly, so I get my fix annually:
    on the day AFTER Valentine's day, husband goes to the Godiva store and buys a box of chocolates in the special box
    they have for Valentine's day. Being its the day after the holiday, these are priced at half the cost they were the day before.

    And I eat those chocolates slowly. Two chocolates per day...I leave the pretty gold box sitting on the table in full view.

    For the rest of the year, for day to day, I keep a bag at all times of Dove dark foil-wrapped individual chocolates, the ones they call Dove Promises. Its really good quality chocolate, not to the degree that Godiva is but really good. I don't eat one of those
    Promises every day, but lots of days, I will eat one, savoring it, letting the refrigerator-chilled chocolate melt into creaminess on
    my tongue as I stare into space for a few minutes. A single foil-wrapped Promise is only 42 calories. This way I know they are always there, I never feel deprived enough to lose it and go on a chocolate binge.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    This made me smile, giggle, then smile some more. I hope you enjoy each and every piece of that marvelous chocolate!
  • KittenKittyKitteh
    KittenKittyKitteh Posts: 52 Member
    I hope they were fantastic! You deserve it :o)
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 634 Member
    Love this post!! Enjoy!!
  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    You are awesome. Thank you for sharing this.

    (Was thinking about doing the same thing for a big goal in the coming months!)
  • Treating yourself to things you enjoy now and then is a great thing. You know of your problem (mine is frozen yogurt... I could eat my weight in that stuff) and you know how to control it. So put the rest of those beauties in the freezer (in an air tight container- I promise they will taste exactly the same) and each time you're ready for some, you will have to take them out and wait for them to thaw. That will reallllly help you NOT over indulge. Do not feel guilty about enjoying something that has so much meaning and brings you so much joy. Everything in moderation- the goal isn't just thin, it's healthy AND happy... and who would ever be happy without chocolate now and then? I also have a killer sweet tooth. May I recommend one once (one square) of Lindt 90% cocoa each day? The squares make portion control easy. Best of all, 90% cocoa has the same antioxidants as FOUR plums. So while you enjoy the benefits of chocolate (that release of endorphins and serotonin) you are also giving your body the gift of antioxidants. :)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    You write really well. I like that.
  • rlt2005
    rlt2005 Posts: 15
    I wish there were an applauding smiley for this! Congratulations on your success thus far, & hopes for much more success to follow! You certainly deserve to treat yourself!
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Outstanding suggestions! Thank you!
  • hockra
    hockra Posts: 43 Member
    Way to Go. Your story is honest and represents one of the most important results of using MFP. While eating what we want, we are learning "how" to do it. When telling someone about MFP the other day, they asked, "so what are you allowed to eat." It was nice to reply, you can eat anything you want. (Of course, we learn what NOT to do, and that's important too). I sincerely appreciate your story and wish you well on your journey. You can do it!
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    you made me smile :) a truly amazing story, you and all of your siblings!!! congrats on deserving your fix ;)
  • D0ry
    D0ry Posts: 59 Member
    Mr. R., if I hadn't just eaten a few squares of chocolate right when I started reading this post (e.g. the chocolate taste was and is still in my mouth), I would have probably drowned while reading how passionate you described this golden box and it's content :love:

    I can imagine how that treat tasted after you know you've earned it!! I bet it tasted better than always, right? Honestly, the only thing I can't imagine is how I, in your place, would stop at four pieces... but, as you said, it's a marathon - of losing weight and also of learning to live healthier. And you seem to be running with a really great pace :)

    Congratulations and keep up winning and earning all the prizes you aim for! :smile:
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Great post :) you definitely have earned it. You've Also reminded me that i have a Godiva rewards card and that i havent gone there in like a year. I think this sunday I'll go get a few pieces. :)
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Mr. R., if I hadn't just eaten a few squares of chocolate right when I started reading this post (e.g. the chocolate taste was and is still in my mouth), I would have probably drowned while reading how passionate you described this golden box and it's content :love:

    I can imagine how that treat tasted after you know you've earned it!! I bet it tasted better than always, right? Honestly, the only thing I can't imagine is how I, in your place, would stop at four pieces... but, as you said, it's a marathon - of losing weight and also of learning to live healthier. And you seem to be running with a really great pace :)

    Congratulations and keep up winning and earning all the prizes you aim for! :smile:

    A number of people have asked about my chocolate consumption experience. I put my office telephone on rollover status so that I wouldn't have to take any telephone calls. I closed my office door. I turned off my computer monitor. I wanted to live totally in the experience for the five or ten minutes that this would last. The first piece was a white chocolate starfish with raspberry jelly inside each of the five legs. Normally, I'd pop it in my mouth, chew a few times and swallow. This time, I bit off one leg at a time and let the white chocolate and raspberry melt together on my tongue in a puddle of sweet light yumminess. I repeated this for each of the legs until the starfish went to Davey Jones locker. Next, I moved to a dark chocolate "shield" that was filled with smoky, buttery caramel inside. The contrast between the slightly bitter dark chocolate and the previous white chocolate was exactly what I was looking for. Third up was a white chocolate oval that contained a white chocolate soft center. It was silky smooth had a very light, very sweet vanilla flavor. Finally, I finished with a milk chocolate "oyster" that contained a semisoft hazelnut cream. I can still feel the individual granules of nutty hazelnut on my tongue as the creamy hazelnut filling melted away. When I was finished, I sat there for a minute or two, allow my toes to uncurl, and unlike other activities that cause the same effect, did NOT need a shower afterward. When it was all over, I really and truly did not crave or even think about having a fifth chocolate. The experience was THAT rewarding. Then, I got dressed, raided her fridge, told her I'd call her in the... wait... NO... I opened my office door, unforwarded the phone, and finished drafting a set of interrogatories before driving home for my 41 minute exercise walk through the neighborhood later that afternoon.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    *Stands up and applauds.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    LOL....Imagine...rewarding one's self with 4lbs of Godiva Chocolates for losing 25 lbs of excess body weight...Did your wife laugh?
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I allow myself up to 2 small pieces a day if I want it but no more than that. That's my self-imposed limitation. It has worked well for me and I now don't eat it but a few times a week. It's a far cry from the bags I used to indulge in. I still haven't bought Almond Roca because I don't trust that I can stop at 1 to 2 pieces. I no longer eat even a full bar of chocolate at one time. I like just a little to savor. Yes, I savor it more now than I did when I chomped it down by the handful.

    (I have the fitbit ultra

    I mostly now eat Hershey Bliss Dark Chocolate. It's the first Dark Chocolate I have ever liked.
  • hockra
    hockra Posts: 43 Member
    Terrific! Your words describe the experience so well that I feel like I was the one with the chocolates. I could taste every sweet sensation. Like you, now I go on with the day. Thank you for the update!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    If you were not a lawyer, you could have been a writer :)
    I have been trying to do the same thing. Incorporate things that I'm craving, but limit myself.
    Yesterday it didn't go so well, but I am trying to recalibrate today.