Am I the only one that doesn't want friends??



  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    I hate strangers. I talk to them until they hate me too.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I can't decide which I find more entertaining: irony or people pointing out the irony as if they were the only one to notice it.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I have exactly one friend on here. I don't mind meeting new people or whatever but honestly, I had my diary open once and I was 200 (uncounted) calories short of my daily goal and this random person messages me to lecture about it. Wtf? So now I am weary about adding people. I don't need nor want your opinion on what I eat. Haha. I feel you, OP.
  • LaurenLite
    I used to feel the same way but then I started adding friends and not only is it encouraging to see their success stories and their struggles, it's also nice to have them stop in and say hi or to tell me to keep going. I find I check more often, I LIKE giving and getting advice (doesn't mean I have to take it.... but some people DO have good ideas and looking through their food journal gives me ideas on low cal foods or things I haven't thought of yet).
    I'll admit I was REALLY slow to get on that bandwagon. I have always been very private about what I eat and don't eat... but now it seems so natural. Good luck, you may come around. If so, add me. I:)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I first began my current (and FINAL) weight loss effort by joining another site kind of like this, but slightly less awesome. One of the most helpful aspects of doing so was accumulating friends who were also trying to lose weight & having the ability to see their food diaries. I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person & I've heard/read many things about nutrition, like how important it is to eat protein when you exercise, limit sodium if you have high blood pressure, stuff like that. But what do you EAT to meet those types of goals?

    Sure, I could have spent hours/days/weeks/months doing extensive research to build massive lists of foods I actually like with acceptable nutritional value...or I could FR someone with similar goals & ask them hey, what do YOU eat?

    As time has gone on & I've become more interested in fitness goals, every time I hear about something new, I can come here & either search the forums or post a topic to see what others think about it. Then I can decide if it's something worth investigating further. I don't treat anecdotal information as automatic truth, but it does still have value because it saves me time educating myself.

    That said, there are many people on this site who use it exclusively for the food/exercise diaries & that's their prerogative. Do what works for you. Personally, the community aspect of sites like this has contributed far more to my success than I imagined it would, & many of the people on my FL here have become my friends in real life.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I am anti-social and get what you are saying. I didnt accept random people for a long time, then stressed about it when I finally did. I still only have like 22 friends as I always end up removing people who 1) post all the time about every single detail of their day, 2) are starving themselves 3) are always complaining and feeling sorry for themselves 4) rag me because I decided to eat at McDonalds, etc. That rules out a lot of people LOL.
  • AGGUK73
    AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
    Can always rely upon you yanks to turn a thread sour & personal (not all I may add). To some of you, enjoy your time together, just clarified why I don't want friends on here........BYE :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Back to REAL life now my boredom has eased..............have fun in cyberland :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Septlondon
    Septlondon Posts: 45 Member
    Having friends is a two way communication. I don't have the time to be a good friend on here. I would only let people down by not being responsive enough to them. I enjoy reading posts when i get time, make very occasional comments, have noticed some regular posters on some of my favourite sites whos comments I am interested in. I find this site very helpful, just using it in this way. I think one of the sites strenghts is that it is so versitile and meets so many differnet levels of interest, need, use, commitment, and interaction.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    So i'm not sure why you posted. Is it just to get affirmation from people you don't know based on the fact that they don't want friends either. Why even post? I myself find the friends I've made here absolutely invaluable to my weight loss goals. Its fine if you don't want to use the social aspect of the site.....but then....why post if you're not looking for interaction??? Its the most confusing post I've ever read........please, a bunch of people I don't know....tell me you're like me and don't want I can feel better about not wanting friends??? LOL. I'm sorry.....i don't hate you.....but this is the most hilarious thing I've ever read.
  • LaurenLite
    Wow. I've never had that experience and I'm under calories every day. Of course I wouldn't pay attention to that person at all. We all have our own diet routines (and we all have days where we don't feel well, don't feel like eating as much, etc). If a person says they're struggling or not losing weight, I'll look at their diary and make suggestions, but they're just suggestions. I don't care whether they take them or not. I just know what works for me (and that may NOT work for another person). But I also like to get suggestions (not silly things like- "You're not eating enough calories" because they don't know me, my lifestyle, or my purpose... I don't eat a lot of calories, but everything I eat IS packed with good-for-you things. This shouldn't be a place where people come to blast others for what they eat or what they don't eat, but to support them on THEIR goals. ^_^
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i might have agreed with you at the beginning, but now I like my friends !!!
  • lizMMedrano
    lizMMedrano Posts: 14 Member
    In my opinion, the more friends the merrier I am!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bye OP! The people here who enjoy the forums and have friends on our friend's list will go about our lives as we CLEARLY have no real outside life outside of the Internet. :flowerforyou:
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    To each their own I guess, but I love my MFP friends, and I sure as heck would have a much harder time meeting my goals and staying motivated without them. I have gotten through many obstacles with their support.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I love my MFP friends! Some of them are my friends in real life, others I have become really close to through messaging, some are just there because it's nice to have people say "great job" and the rest are people that I admire and give me great motivation. I think that you can meet some really lovely people on here! Sure some people I've had to delete, and I too have been deleted - but really, I like the support.

    But are you odd for not wanting them, nah. I kinda felt that way at first because I was self conscious (not saying that's your reason).
  • winterdancer
    I welcome the friendship and support. . I live out in the boonies and don't have a lot of friends and trying to lose weight and work through an eating disorder without support doing it by myself doesn't work . in fact it shot me up to 250 pounds. now I am at 189 pounds with the support of my friends
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I can't decide which I find more entertaining: irony or people pointing out the irony as if they were the only one to notice it.

    And the irony of that is you pointing out the people pointing out the irony, as if you were the only one to notice. :tongue:
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    The people that I have found on here have been a million times more supportive, more motivating, and more inspirational than ANYONE in my real life....I tried to do this alone (on MFP but without friends), and I quite...every time. Now, I have the most amazing group of friends that I have grown to love and respect that would never let me quit...would likely hunt me down if I even tried to.

    To each his own, but the people here are some of the best I have ever been blessed to meet.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    I can't decide which I find more entertaining: irony or people pointing out the irony as if they were the only one to notice it.

    And the irony of that is you pointing out the people pointing out the irony, as if you were the only one to notice. :tongue:

    and then the irony of you pointing out the irony of him pointing out the people pointing out the irony, as if you were the only one to notice. :smokin:

    come on .... lets keep it goin' lol