Why do girls have to be such bleep bleeps??



  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    You are done with your rant but that is the main reason I always say "I am just looking" I don't want anyone to give me a bad attitude/customer service when I am trying to find something I like. Unless it is a store I frequent enough. There are a couple of stores I go to where the sales people know me very well.
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    She has problems with herself and making other people feel bad is probably making her feel good. I would not go back there if she was there especially if she is a manager. People are so cruel :(
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Whether you report her or not is up to you.

    If that is how she treats customers, someone will report her and she won't last there much longer, especially as a manager.
  • ubuntufav
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.
  • carla412
    I always get this from my family. the other day my dad gave me some of his clothes, i asked "wont they be too big?" he said "no they'll fit you". hes actually overweight and i just always get really offended when people like him and my other family always put me down for my weight and my mother even forces to buy larger sized clothes because i look disgusting in small clothes and they think i'll only get fatter. :(
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I've had it happen to me. Someone who knew me when I was bigger, I pointed to a dress behind the counter I liked at a consignment shop and said I like that one. She said, but that is a size 4. I said, great! cause that is the size I wear. Her comment was "oh."

    Frankly, I would have told the clerk to go *kitten* herself and go get the items I asked for in the size I asked for or to please get another clerk and excuse herself... but that is me.....
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Maybe she couldn't tell your size based on what you were currently wearing. I had a lady helping me with the jeans that are your waist size numbers because I don't always know what I wear in those and she got me ones that were way too big at first and suggested a medium top even though I needed a small. No biggie. She was probably trying to help, it can be frustrating to try clothes that are too small, even worse than ones that are too big. It doesn't even sound like she was so bad to me...
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    I always have sales people tell me my size usually. They do tend to be right most of the time. I don't think what she did was really mean, she was just trying to save you the trouble of trying on the whole store. Express has some things that are supposed to fit kind of big or loose. Like those flow-y type of tops and dresses. Its possible what you thought was a perfect fit was meant to fit kind of loose?

    I have the opposite problem there. They always guess me at the small sizes but I like my dress pants to fit on the loose side so I go up a size.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    You are done with your rant but that is the main reason I always say "I am just looking" I don't want anyone to give me a bad attitude/customer service when I am trying to find something I like. Unless it is a store I frequent enough. There are a couple of stores I go to where the sales people know me very well.

    Im the same way i just shop around myself and then if i need something ill ask! This was the first time i actually let someone in there help me because i couldnt find what i was looking for and thought it would make it easier for me but obviously it didnt go so well. So i learned my lesson! Although everytime i go in that store there are always different people working and i rarely see the same associate twice so that might tell you something right there.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with this somewhat. My experience at express is that most things seem to run small for me due to my chest. What I don't agree with is how it was delivered. She could have found a softer way of delivering the message.

    Don't let her get you down. Keep on keeping on and your self confidence will trump any bleep bleep thing some sales person says!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Call the manager and let them know what happend.

    This and she clearly was being a bleep! Don't give her another thought!

    Just saw your post about her being manager go up the food chain to corporate ! And Facebook and twitter like others suggested!

    Why would you all want to try so hard to make someone lose their job?

    She was not doing her job...THAT'S why. No manager should EVER treat a customer like that. If the customer wanted S-M, then get them for her and let HER decide if they fit or not.

    Oh you mean after the customer stretches out the fabric and ruins the clothes? Makes perfect sense.

    It always makes more sense to try a size bigger, when in doubt, then go down if necessary.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.

    Most people today have no manners and are rude regardless of whether you say anything to them or not, you can tell them from a mile away. So why go out of my way when i was already aggravated to say things to her that would of been worse then her behavior to begin with. When i get mad i tend to lose my filter and say whatever comes too. So instead of stooping to her level of ignorance i went on with what i was there to do and left.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.

    Most people today have no manners and are rude regardless of whether you say anything to them or not, you can tell them from a mile away. So why go out of my way when i was already aggravated to say things to her that would of been worse then her behavior to begin with. When i get mad i tend to lose my filter and say whatever comes too. So instead of stooping to her level of ignorance i went on with what i was there to do and left.

    So if you could only think to say rude things or say nothing at all, I guess that makes you a person with no manners as well.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Maybe she couldn't tell your size based on what you were currently wearing. I had a lady helping me with the jeans that are your waist size numbers because I don't always know what I wear in those and she got me ones that were way too big at first and suggested a medium top even though I needed a small. No biggie. She was probably trying to help, it can be frustrating to try clothes that are too small, even worse than ones that are too big. It doesn't even sound like she was so bad to me...

    One time I think wouldn't be a big deal. From what the OP said, it was the fact that this woman was *insisting* that she try the larger sizes, even after she tried them and they didn't fit. I can see how that would be frustrating.
  • ubuntufav
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.

    Most people today have no manners and are rude regardless of whether you say anything to them or not, you can tell them from a mile away. So why go out of my way when i was already aggravated to say things to her that would of been worse then her behavior to begin with. When i get mad i tend to lose my filter and say whatever comes too. So instead of stooping to her level of ignorance i went on with what i was there to do and left.

    You are so right, it does seem most people dont. I have many friends who work in the public as in sales or jobs like serving. So many wont even put their phones down to look at you, they just bark orders and never acknowledge the worker and then there are those who either hate their jobs or have had a bad day and are just rude to everyone. It seems people are so consumed with their virtual life that they forget to be nice to real people in the real world. You seem amazing and there is no reason for anyone to ever be rude to you. Please discuss the issue with the owner, this girl needs to pay for her rudeness and disrespect. People are not allowed to say whatever they want, yes i know the free speech thing but still, never a reason to make others feel bad or disrespect them.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.

    Most people today have no manners and are rude regardless of whether you say anything to them or not, you can tell them from a mile away. So why go out of my way when i was already aggravated to say things to her that would of been worse then her behavior to begin with. When i get mad i tend to lose my filter and say whatever comes too. So instead of stooping to her level of ignorance i went on with what i was there to do and left.

    So if you could only think to say rude things or say nothing at all, I guess that makes you a person with no manners as well.

    Umm no.. Thinking and doing are 2 different things so your comment makes no sense at all. If i was a rude person i would of said all the rude things i was thinking however since i have manners i kept my thoughts to myself because being rude never gets you anywhere. Before you comment really think about what your saying because for some reason you feel the need to keep commenting on this post and most of your comments dont make sense and i mean that in the nicest possible way.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Not defending her but I think people are so glued to their phones, facebook, texting, and twitter that they forget how to talk to people these days. People have written books on this. Also the problem could be that most people let them get away with it and never fight back. You def need to call the GM or the owner and tell them the situation. Don't ever let anyone disrespect you and get away with it.

    I agree that a lot of people continue to be jerks because people let them get away with it. However I think there is just as big a problem with people not standing up for themselves to the *actual* people who need it, face to face - going running to mommy and daddy shouldn't be the first solution in most cases. Avoiding direct confrontation doesn't teach a person how to deal with it in a grown up way.

    Most people today have no manners and are rude regardless of whether you say anything to them or not, you can tell them from a mile away. So why go out of my way when i was already aggravated to say things to her that would of been worse then her behavior to begin with. When i get mad i tend to lose my filter and say whatever comes too. So instead of stooping to her level of ignorance i went on with what i was there to do and left.

    Both cases demonstrate issues with being able to communicate in an appropriate manner.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member

    So if you could only think to say rude things or say nothing at all, I guess that makes you a person with no manners as well.

    Umm no.. Thinking and doing are 2 different things so your comment makes no sense at all. If i was a rude person i would of said all the rude things i was thinking however since i have manners i kept my thoughts to myself because being rude never gets you anywhere. Before you comment really think about what your saying because for some reason you feel the need to keep commenting on this post and most of your comments dont make sense and i mean that in the nicest possible way.

    Well of course but you came here to talk behind her back and complain about something that you very likely blown out of proportion. Just because you're nasty behind someones back or only in your head doesnt make it better. You still have all the negative thoughts, only difference being that you're dishonest about them in person.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Maybe she couldn't tell your size based on what you were currently wearing. I had a lady helping me with the jeans that are your waist size numbers because I don't always know what I wear in those and she got me ones that were way too big at first and suggested a medium top even though I needed a small. No biggie. She was probably trying to help, it can be frustrating to try clothes that are too small, even worse than ones that are too big. It doesn't even sound like she was so bad to me...

    One time I think wouldn't be a big deal. From what the OP said, it was the fact that this woman was *insisting* that she try the larger sizes, even after she tried them and they didn't fit. I can see how that would be frustrating.
    When did she say she tried the suggested sizes and they didn't fit? I read that she found a new salesperson without trying on the sizes the original clerk suggested.