Why do girls have to be such bleep bleeps??



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Maybe she couldn't tell your size based on what you were currently wearing. I had a lady helping me with the jeans that are your waist size numbers because I don't always know what I wear in those and she got me ones that were way too big at first and suggested a medium top even though I needed a small. No biggie. She was probably trying to help, it can be frustrating to try clothes that are too small, even worse than ones that are too big. It doesn't even sound like she was so bad to me...

    One time I think wouldn't be a big deal. From what the OP said, it was the fact that this woman was *insisting* that she try the larger sizes, even after she tried them and they didn't fit. I can see how that would be frustrating.

    But that's why some people have questioned the one-sided story. Does it seem reasonable that a person would behave in such a way and keep bringing the customer clothes that she now knows are too big? Maybe it did indeed happen and this sales person was an incredibly rude person who is seemingly miserable as well, but maybe the story was also exaggerated due to emotions.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Girls can be the worst huh? I have had these experiences and my daughter worked at Forever 21 and I watched the other girls treat her like garbage right in front of my eyes....I tried to tell her it's "jealousy" that makes girls act like this but that does not ease the pain. I encouraged her to quit it was such a destructive environment for her to be in. Why can;t girls (and women) just be good to one another...pettiness that's why.
  • bacibianco
    Yes - I've had it happen. I was a bridesmaid in a wedding and the clerk said she would not order me a dress unless I agreed in advance to pay for an extra 2 yards of fabric so that it could be altered as needed. I was younger and did not want to raise a fuss on my friend's behalf but I can tell you that, at this age, that scene would have gone down a lot dfferently!! While there are already a lot of good suggestions here I would add that the classiest responses are always the nest. You have taken the higher road. The only problem is that some of the real dimwits might miss the intent of a truly sarcastic response!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Why would you all want to try so hard to make someone lose their job?

    We (you and I) don't know for sure whether or not this salesperson was trying to be rude or helpful. Sure, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe her communication skills just aren't so good. HOWEVER, if she has a good job record, this complaint probably won't affect her; at most, someone will probably talk to her about the way her behavior was interpreted, and her life will cary on as is. If she has a history of being a bleep bleep, then she doesn't deserve to work in customer service, and the customers surely shouldn't have to deal with her. (Good luck to her...she'll need it to find a job where she can make the customers feel terrible and keep her job.) If that's the case, then there are undoubtedly other people in the area qualified for her position who could treat people a helluva lot better.

    Also, I don't believe the original poster, or any up to your post (quoted above), mentioned getting this salesperson fired. The saleswoman may just need an attitude adjustment, and may benefit from having someone above her tell her that her attitude stinks. It doesn't mean she's going to lose her job; it just means that if she is a problem, someone needs to deal with it - and this lady obviously either didn't realize that the customer was offended, OR she was trying to offend her.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member

    So if you could only think to say rude things or say nothing at all, I guess that makes you a person with no manners as well.

    Umm no.. Thinking and doing are 2 different things so your comment makes no sense at all. If i was a rude person i would of said all the rude things i was thinking however since i have manners i kept my thoughts to myself because being rude never gets you anywhere. Before you comment really think about what your saying because for some reason you feel the need to keep commenting on this post and most of your comments dont make sense and i mean that in the nicest possible way.

    Well of course but you came here to talk behind her back and complain about something that you very likely blown out of proportion. Just because you're nasty behind someones back or only in your head doesnt make it better. You still have all the negative thoughts, only difference being that you're dishonest about them in person.

    Well thank goodness this is only your opinion. Have an awesome day!
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Post it on their facebook wall. When I had an issue with express they took care of it right away when I did the facebook thing.

  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    I also live in Northern PA and people up here are always in a hurry and always miserable so you get used to it! Thats why i miss living in the south! People are genuinely nice and want to help people!

    So this has gone from an issue with a sales person to us "Yankees" not being genuinely nice? Talk about a blanket generalization. I'm starting to side with the Express manager now.....LOL. Is it possible your disdain for Northerners may be more apparent than you think and perhaps part of the problem?
  • KaidaKantri
    She was one of the managers!!!

    I would get a hold of the owner then. I also would walk out and not even bother spending my money there. We have a Maurices in the mall we have where I live, and their service is GREAT. It's unfortunate that their clothing is expensive, but I personally would rather pay more since their service is so great, then go to Deb's which has horrible service, and their clothes fall apart too easily anyways. I refuse to go to places that treat me like crap. And if they do, I let the manager know (or owner) Know that I'm unhappy with the service and will be taking my money elsewhere.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Maybe she couldn't tell your size based on what you were currently wearing. I had a lady helping me with the jeans that are your waist size numbers because I don't always know what I wear in those and she got me ones that were way too big at first and suggested a medium top even though I needed a small. No biggie. She was probably trying to help, it can be frustrating to try clothes that are too small, even worse than ones that are too big. It doesn't even sound like she was so bad to me...

    One time I think wouldn't be a big deal. From what the OP said, it was the fact that this woman was *insisting* that she try the larger sizes, even after she tried them and they didn't fit. I can see how that would be frustrating.
    When did she say she tried the suggested sizes and they didn't fit? I read that she found a new salesperson without trying on the sizes the original clerk suggested.

    From the OP:

    "When i would try on the larges she gave me they were huge and would be falling off but she would still insist i needed bigger size."
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member

    I also live in Northern PA and people up here are always in a hurry and always miserable so you get used to it! Thats why i miss living in the south! People are genuinely nice and want to help people!

    So this has gone from an issue with a sales person to us "Yankees" not being genuinely nice? Talk about a blanket generalization. I'm starting to side with the Express manager now.....LOL.

    lol.. Well played!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    But that's why some people have questioned the one-sided story. Does it seem reasonable that a person would behave in such a way and keep bringing the customer clothes that she now knows are too big? Maybe it did indeed happen and this sales person was an incredibly rude person who is seemingly miserable as well, but maybe the story was also exaggerated due to emotions.

    It's possible. But, if it did happen the way the OP described it, I can understand why that would be upsetting. :)
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    But that's why some people have questioned the one-sided story. Does it seem reasonable that a person would behave in such a way and keep bringing the customer clothes that she now knows are too big? Maybe it did indeed happen and this sales person was an incredibly rude person who is seemingly miserable as well, but maybe the story was also exaggerated due to emotions.

    It's possibly. But, if it did happen the way the OP described it, I can understand why that would be upsetting. :)

    Even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion it did happen that way and i wasnt just being emotional about it. My boyfriend was with me and was getting mad about it because he thought she was being rude as well and he's one that runs his mouth really bad when he gets mad so i had to keep telling him to be quiet. So yes it is my fault for not directly saying anything to the girl. I personally dont like doing that because like i said "in my opinion" most people like that, that i have confronted get even worse. At the end of the day i was just venting which i realize i will never do on here again because everything gets twisted around! I do appreciate the positive support from people on here.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    But that's why some people have questioned the one-sided story. Does it seem reasonable that a person would behave in such a way and keep bringing the customer clothes that she now knows are too big? Maybe it did indeed happen and this sales person was an incredibly rude person who is seemingly miserable as well, but maybe the story was also exaggerated due to emotions.

    It's possibly. But, if it did happen the way the OP described it, I can understand why that would be upsetting. :)

    Even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion it did happen that way and i wasnt just being emotional about it. My boyfriend was with me and was getting mad about it because he thought she was being rude as well and he's one that runs his mouth really bad when he gets mad so i had to keep telling him to be quiet. So yes it is my fault for not directly saying anything to the girl. I personally dont like doing that because like i said "in my opinion" most people like that, that i have confronted get even worse. At the end of the day i was just venting which i realize i will never do on here again because everything gets twisted around! I do appreciate the positive support from people on here.

    I'm horrible with confrontations, so I'm not sure what I would have done. And honestly, if you'd said anything, she probably would have just gotten ruder and then talked about you to her co-workers later <shrug> I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with something that's supposed to be fun (I love shopping for special occasions!!)
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    But that's why some people have questioned the one-sided story. Does it seem reasonable that a person would behave in such a way and keep bringing the customer clothes that she now knows are too big? Maybe it did indeed happen and this sales person was an incredibly rude person who is seemingly miserable as well, but maybe the story was also exaggerated due to emotions.

    It's possibly. But, if it did happen the way the OP described it, I can understand why that would be upsetting. :)

    Even though everyone is entitled to their own opinion it did happen that way and i wasnt just being emotional about it. My boyfriend was with me and was getting mad about it because he thought she was being rude as well and he's one that runs his mouth really bad when he gets mad so i had to keep telling him to be quiet. So yes it is my fault for not directly saying anything to the girl. I personally dont like doing that because like i said "in my opinion" most people like that, that i have confronted get even worse. At the end of the day i was just venting which i realize i will never do on here again because everything gets twisted around! I do appreciate the positive support from people on here.

    I'm horrible with confrontations, so I'm not sure what I would have done. And honestly, if you'd said anything, she probably would have just gotten ruder and then talked about you to her co-workers later <shrug> I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with something that's supposed to be fun (I love shopping for special occasions!!)

    Thanks! Me too!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Same thing happened to me yesterday at Victoria's Secret. I went to one display to look at some underwear, and the girl made a point to open the size Large cabinet for me. I continued to look at the size Medium display (which is what I wear there) and she took the hint. I went to 2 other displays, and at one point she showed me one where I did like a particular style, but couldn't find the color in a size Medium, so I asked her if there were any more in the Mediums in that color. She then made a point to say "We do, but these run all the way to a size XL as well." Uhh...okay, well, how about you STFU and get me the size medium like I asked you to? I actually used to work at Victoria's Secret, and I can honestly say I was never told to "guesstimate" someone's size for them. Their bra fittings are absolutely ridiculous, too. Just for the hell of it, I let the associate give me a bra fitting earlier this year, since I could see her manager giving her the evil eye (VS insists on pushing that service on customers...again, ridiculous). They kept giving me bras that, although were the same size...some were too big, some were too small. None of them fit the same. Point is, sizes are never equal...so associates shouldn't assume someone wears one thing, then they may or may not.

    Same thing happens when I go to Aeropostale. "Hello, how are you today? What are you shopping for?" "[insert whatever I came for here]" "Okay, we don't have many, but let me show you which ones we have in XL sizes." Well gee thanks for not allowing me to browse the store on my own...please, continue to hand me items I do not want, in a size I don't need. It's happened to much at that store that I just refuse to shop there anymore.

    The only time this doesn't bother me is if I'm shopping at a store that isn't a chain. My favorite store is actually a shop owned by woman I met while working at a coffee shop a few years ago. She went to school for fashion design, she designs her own clothing and purchases other clothing from REAL designers...not big box stores or retail chains. She and the ladies that work for her know their stuff, and are always dead-on on the size you need, and they'll tell you up-front if a particular style runs small, large, or true-to-size.

    I also want to say, I completely understand with the OP wanting to complain when she was there. Especially if that woman was a manager. If there was no GM to complain to, what then? She'd have to complain to corporate or on Facebook or another review site anyway. Also, complaining to an employee "right there" ensures nothing--you think they're going to tell their boss if they did something wrong? Not likely. I don't even bother with that anymore. I ask to speak to a manager. If they ARE the manager, I ask to speak to their boss. If they aren't available, then they'll get a call to their regional manager.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I'm beginning to think my standard "No thanks, I'm just looking" has shielded me from some real ***holes :laugh:
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member

    People typically go in the back and bring out some rainbows and unicorns for me.

  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    She was one of the managers!!!

    There are district and regional managers over her. Get the number for the corporate office and call.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    When I was in high school, I worked at an Express. I never had any co-workers who acted like that. Express is actually pretty strict about all of the policies in the store.

    If you feel that strongly, call someone at corporate and go above her since she's a manager. They will take care of it. At my store, they fired all of the managers and brought in new managers for smaller reasons than this.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Pretty Woman was such a good movie. That is what we're talking about here, right?

    heehee! Remember me? You work on commission, right? big mistake. huge. I have to go shopping now.