The (hopefully) Biiiig "I Need Friends" Thread!



  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    Im new and Feel free to add me... anyone on the thread, also. And...Have an awesome weekend!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Hello my name is Holly and i live in Wisconsin,feel free to add me.
  • SimplyEee
    SimplyEee Posts: 57 Member
    I'm new as well, The more mutual encouragement , the better!! Feel free to add me all :)
  • akafede
    akafede Posts: 52 Member
    add meeeee
  • Anyone can add me :) x
  • TashaHenry89
    TashaHenry89 Posts: 12 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Im frm the uk. I need loads of support if possible and of course i will do my best to encourage and support you all too.
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    I tried to add some new friends and got this message!!! :((((

    'You cannot make more than 5 friend requests every 10 minutes.'

    So Im Tabb, Im 26, have about 50 to 60lbs to lose, Im in Massachusetts. And I would love some friends who will motivate and support me and I will do the same right back! :)
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Hey, I'm looking for new friends, preferably women who lift weights. I'm starting a weight lifting program soon (at home free weights, will put a routine together from some books) so would like others who are also new to it or have more experience already in case I need help.
  • I'm a recent member and love this site so far. I only have one friend and she's my daughter. I don't know how to add friends so please feel free to add me. I'm doing this alone in my house and it's really hard when everyone else eats whatever they want and I still have to cook for my family. My daughter is grown and doesn't live with me. I've lost a little weight but have about 50lbs more to go. It's hard to imagine as I've been overweight for years! Having a support group would be nice. Just knowing there are others like me that I could talk to.
  • Always looking for new ideas, recipes and motivation! Feel free to add me :)
  • Volomorior
    Volomorior Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, i just joined and i feel like i need friends to message me and make sure i come on every day so that i get in the habit of tracking everything! Also i love just making friends in general haha! Oh and by the way is any one on here attending merrimack college this fall?
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    add me too.
  • Get up and do something right now.
    Walk up and down stairs 10 times or step on and off your front step 20 times.
    Get too it.:happy: :happy:
  • kaytee003
    kaytee003 Posts: 18 Member
    I need friends too! :) I've been at this a week now!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Apparently I made an account for this about 2 years ago but never went anywhere with it... Well I'm back now and this time I'm going to stick with it! It's about time to make a change in the health department like I have the rest of my life. I have spent the last few years (after finishing high school) lazing around in security positions without a real sense of direction until recently when I found a position in a prison transport company. The excitement of the new role had me giving my absolute best which has expressed me into a management position in under a year. I have now started studying business and management online outside of work and am looking to progress my career. After this busy year working I have hardly had time to bat an eyelid at my health or fitness plans (or there lack of) and have added quite a few unwanted kgs. Well work has settled down now to a normal 8 hour day Monday to Friday so this is my new project! I'm here for the long haul and I wont stop until I get results!

    I have a lot of advice to give (that I really need to follow myself) on exercise and different diets because I absolutely love to read articles and magazines about fitness and health (if only I had the same dedication to the gym and the fork lol!).

    Looking for some friends to share experiences, results, ideas and most importantly motivation with! If you guys are willing to put in the effort then so am I!

    Look forward to talking to some of you shortly :)

  • To lose one pound a week your caloric total must be reduced by 3500 in that week. If you want to lose 2 pounds you must reduce your caloric intake by 7000 calories a week. This can be done by eating less or exercising more. A combination of the two works best.
    If you want more calories in your diet. change your goal of how much weight you want to lose each week.

    IMHO you are probably going to be best served by using MFP as a way to permanently change eating choices and thereby not get into yoyo dieting. In that light losing one pound per week instead of trying for two pounds per week will take longer, but when you do arrive at your goal weight you will be far less likely to just pack it right back on, or indulge in binge eating along the way because you've learned how to select better food options.
  • K_Smith86
    K_Smith86 Posts: 123
    Always looking for new friends to encourage who will do the same for me. Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Hey everyone!
    Just started using MFP a couple weeks ago and am looking for some friends to help keep me motivated!
  • msdani12
    msdani12 Posts: 132 Member
    I would love the support! (: Feel free to add me!
  • LindaVas
    LindaVas Posts: 127 Member
    Hi. i'm Linda, i'm 44 yrs old and on a mission to lose over 100 pounds! I actually got serious about losing weight in June 2012 and have lost 16 pounds so far. :happy: I've lost 4 since joining MFP. Some of the stories i've seen in here are truely inspiring. :smile:
    We could all use some support and encouragement now and then.
    Anyone can feel free to add me. :smile: