Fit N' Fun-Sized - WEEK 5!



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: I kept one pair of "jumbo clown pants" so that I can be reminded and some day I'll take one of those pictures with the tiny woman holding up the jumbo pants........i gave everything else away to a local thrift shop that raises money to support a homeless shelter......I started at size 16 elastic waist pants and now wear size 6 zip and belt pants for ordinary wear and size 4 for line dance. I will not consider gaining weight again so I'm not keeping the old fat clothes.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: i bought only two pairs of jeans in each size as I lost weight so there wouldn't be too many to give away.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    QUESTION of the day...

    What do I do with the clothes that have outgrown me???? I don't know if that's the right way to ask or not, but they're too big. Do I keep a couple things or should I get rid of everything? I don't ever want to be that size again, I know that FOR SURE! :noway: I kind of want to keep a couple things as reminders of where I was...

    What are you doing? (I thought about starting a thread, but I want to know what you're doing, first.)

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I too pass them on to women's shelters and places for the homeless.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Ice skating was a blast! The kids had a great time and want to go again in 2 weeks. Jandie- I hope you had fun too. My legs are sore and I only lasted 20 minutes, but I'll be ready to try again when we go back.

    Today was the first day since New Year's that I ate my exercise calories. I don't know why I did it other than I think I got too hungry smelling the green chile while I was cooking. I feel full and I'm sure that this is a one day thing and not falling back into the old habits.

    Happy Martin Luther King day! I started the day by playing the "I have a dream" speach very loudly this morning before we left for skating. I will always remember the day I heard the speech live when I was young. I was walking down the street and a local church had speakers set up in the street so that all could hear. It wasn't my church, but it was packed and there had to be a hundred of us in the street all standing there listening.

  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Jam-thats so cool you were able to actually hear the speech-what a great memory to have! I just donated a bunch of clothes too. Sadly, they werent too big --they were too small lol. BUT they were pre-pregnancy size 1's & 3's that no matter how much i lose my butt aint never getting back into those babies lol. I call this my "grown woman" body haha--ill never fit into those little girl clothes again, but im ok with that. I just want to get back to a healthy size. And I also gave away some of my sons clothes that he is outgrowing :cry: It feels good to know you are helping other people out.

    Today I did 40 mins of circuit training. I measured myself today and i lost 1 inch off my waist and a half inch of my hips!! :happy: That makes me feel good since i havent seen a difference on the scale. It was the push i needed to keep going. Keep up the good work-seems like everyone is on track.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Today I did 40 mins of circuit training. I measured myself today and i lost 1 inch off my waist and a half inch of my hips!! :happy: That makes me feel good since i havent seen a difference on the scale. It was the push i needed to keep going. Keep up the good work-seems like everyone is on track.

    jzbaby - YEAH! Your hard work is paying off! Good for you! I haven't taken measurements lately, but I can tell by the way my clothes fit that I getting smaller. Feels great, doesn't it!? :drinker:

    JAM - I'm glad you enjoyed ice skating. My kids had other plans - so we didn't go. :cry: Maybe this weekend, because I really want to go!

    Thank you everyone for answering my question. I have my clothes bagged up and ready to move out! Now if I just need to convince the rest of the family to do the same, I'm golden! (That's not going to happen - it'll be all me. But I'm ok with that.) :wink: I also found a local shelter accepting donations.

    KC is still stuck in fog - day 6! - but that's not stopping me! :flowerforyou: I'm gonna get out there and do something!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm posting late today b/c I was extremely busy at work and am finally at a point were I can take a quick break. I did 45 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones" dvd and once I get off work I will walk around the park again since GA is experiencing another warm day. Yesterday my friend and I walked for an 75 minutes at about 3.0 mph so that was a pretty good workout. I'm hoping to do the same today.

    Hope everyone's day is going well and I'll try to check in later.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    It looks like we got a good instructor for our noon Yoga class! I hope she likes us and stays with us a while. The class was a killer though. I think she managed to find every muscle sore from ice skating and every muscle I haven't used recently and completely ignored the ones I do us in my regular routing. The class should be a fun one.

    Have a great evening all!

  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Tonight I walked for an hour holding 3 lb. weights. That was my 2nd workout of the day and i didnt over eat, so i am feeling good :smile: I did go over a lot on my sodium today, so i will be drinking a lot of water. I have been trying to drink a lot all week. I usually end up with about 6 cups by the end of the day. Its so hard to drink 8! Hoping for another productive day tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my fit and fun adies, I would like to report that today's workout is complete. I did Kenpo X of the P90X series for the first time and pleasantly surprised that it was not as brutal as I had expected. I was able to hang w/the entire 58 minutes and would definitely do it again. I've not done anything from the P90X series and have just begun reading the information that comes along w/the dvds. My plan is to watch all the dvds to determine which ones I can complete and which may pose a problem. My right knee gives me problems on occassion so I don't want to put to much pressure on the joints. The exercises that I can perform safely I will others I will modify and just try to get the best workout possible.

    If anyone has tried/completed the P90X series and can offer some advice please feel free to share.

    Jzbaby, what do you drink if it's not water? I can usually get my first 4 glasses in during my workout. I hate to sweat or feel hot so I drink a lot during my workouts and then I attempt to drink the other 4 between lunch and my snacks. If that has been successful I drink 2 more glasses of flavored water for dinner. Drinking the flavored water makes me think I'm drinking Kool aid or something of that nature.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Hello ladies!! I have been MIA for a while, and I will admit, it was not a good thing. I was bad, we had my little girls 5th birthday party Saturday (cake, my biggest weakness), I was really bummed about my youngest hitting 5, seems like sucha big age!!!Plus it was my TOM, and my will power was weak.

    The plus side is I found a new gym with more hours and I can actually make it there! So I am going to be doing a personal trainig session Sunday with my hubby, he wants to get involved and shape up :love: Thank good ness I have been worried about his blood pressure, which is naturally high. I have a cycling class at 6 am on mondays and 3 other classes during the week. I am back on the wagon!!!
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    The plus side is I found a new gym with more hours and I can actually make it there! So I am going to be doing a personal trainig session Sunday with my hubby, he wants to get involved and shape up :love: Thank good ness I have been worried about his blood pressure, which is naturally high. I have a cycling class at 6 am on mondays and 3 other classes during the week. I am back on the wagon!!!

    Breezy - good to have you back! I was starting to worry about you. It's great to hear your DH is getting involved! For me personally that made a HUGE difference! :love: I love hearing that he's taking your lead! Great job!!!

    I don't know how many of you work out using the Wii Fit Plus, but I found an interesting thread that says the calorie count is low. :noway: I sweat like crazy and found it interesting - and thought I'd pass that little nugget along. I'm going to use my DH's HRM soon and check it out for myself. I'll keep you posted.

    The clothes are gone and I am now wearing clothes that have been lost in the back of my closet. Some are cute, some not so much, but they all feel great! The saying is true - nothing tastes as good as skinny. I'm not skinny yet, but I'm getting there!!! :smile:

    I'm working hard, eating right, and excited about the future! :drinker:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Jzbaby, what do you drink if it's not water? I can usually get my first 4 glasses in during my workout. I hate to sweat or feel hot so I drink a lot during my workouts and then I attempt to drink the other 4 between lunch and my snacks. If that has been successful I drink 2 more glasses of flavored water for dinner. Drinking the flavored water makes me think I'm drinking Kool aid or something of that nature.

    I used to drink Crystal Light alot, but then I found out it had Aspartame (artificial sweetener) in it which is supposedly really bad for you. So i stopped drinking it. I found a drink called 4C Lemonade which uses splenda instead & has 0 cals. I found it at Walmart, but they didnt have it last time. So lately ive been drinking about 2 cups of instant ice tea which i hate doing because of the cals and sugar. Do you buy the flavored water already bottled or is it a powdered mix? I want to try it.

    I did No More Trouble Zones again today and made a smoothie for breakfast. My muscles are sore! I want to do another hour of cardio tonight because i am determined to see a difference on the scale this week!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby, Since I don't generally have a problem drinking water most of my consumption is just plain jane water but to switch it up I sometimes drink flavored water already in the bottle. I alternate sometimes between some type of carbonated flavored water and lifewater by SoBe. Lifewater makes two types, one has calories and the other doesn't. I only buy the type w/0 calories. I'm unsure if it's considered "bad for you" but since it's not my main source I'm not going to worry about it. It tastes good, has multiple flavors and doesn't add to my caloric intake so I'm sticking with it.

    Good luck w/your evening workout and this week's weigh in. I'm hoping to be able to take the last 1.5 lbs off this week but it's probably unlikely. I'm working out 7 days a week alternating between cardio and strength or doing a dvd that incorporates both so i'm going to keep my fingers crossed but will try not to be disappointed if it doesn't happen.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I'll have to get some of that next time im at the store. I also heard Vitamin Water tastes good & is healthy. I'm not sure what the calories are in it. I love 0 cal. drinks cause its guilt free lol.
    Well they say the last couple pounds is the hardest to lose, so don't get discouraged if it doesnt happen--but the way your working out i would be surprised if you didnt! I am crossing my fingers too! If i see 143 lbs. AGAIN this sunday...i might hurt somebody lol.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'll have to get some of that next time im at the store. I also heard Vitamin Water tastes good & is healthy. I'm not sure what the calories are in it. I love 0 cal. drinks cause its guilt free lol.
    Well they say the last couple pounds is the hardest to lose, so don't get discouraged if it doesnt happen--but the way your working out i would be surprised if you didnt! I am crossing my fingers too! If i see 143 lbs. AGAIN this sunday...i might hurt somebody lol.

    Thank for keepin your fingers cross I need all the luck and prayer I can get. I hope you see your desired weight at this week's weigh in b/c I don't want to learn that you've gone postal on someone.....LOL.

    I weigh in Friday so I'll probably will post the outcome regardless.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    After reading all the recent posts my only comment is to remember that one piece of cake or one bad day isn't going to put the pounds back on. Each pound is what like 3000 calories or something like that. So unless you actually eat 3K extra calories in just one day, the up and down scale bouncing is really just bloat or an over full tummy. Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fiber and it will go away. It is only when you over eat on a continual basis that you will either gain weight or stop loosing. When I have a bad day I spot check my calories over a week.

    Have a great evening!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are headed out of town for a long weekend trip, primarily to an event that has to do with our business, but since we're so far away from the airport, we drove over this afternoon right after my line dance class and are spending the night in a hotel near the airport. In the morning the hotel shuttle will take us to the airport and we'll fly out at 10 AM. the hotel has a great fitness room with two treadmills, and eliptical, a stationery bike and a great all-purpose workout with adjustable weights that does everything. Hubby and I walked around the hotel then worked out for an hour and then went to the restaurant for a healthy dinner (except for the ice cream he ate for dessert :laugh: )

    We brought a blender and Isagenix shake powder so we can make two meals a day in our hotel room and only have to eat in a restaurant once a day........I don't want to let go of my good habits.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, hope all is well w/everyone. It is pouring rain here in GA and unfortunately I'll have to head out in it in about 2 hours. I have not let the rain damper my spirits. I got up and did 50 minutes of Jillian's "Blast Fat & Boost Metabolism" dvd and made a nice breakfast. I had a veggie omelet (tomato, onion, green pepper & fat free cheddar cheese), 1 turkey sausage patty and 1 slice of whole wheat toast (w/I can't believe it's not butter spray). I'm no cooker so for me this is like a 5 course meal....LOL and it was delicious.

    Tomorrow's my weigh in day and I'm hoping these last 1.5 lbs will be gone and I can say I've made my goal weight. If I haven't I may consider changing my goal weight b/c my current weight is fine for my weight/height, bmi and my clothes fit fine. I just kind of arbitrarily chose 125 b/c it sounds nice but 126 or 126.5 may have to sound just as nice if these pounds don't move.

    I'll see what the scale shows tomorrow and go from there.

    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %. My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I finished my 2nd workout of the day. I did 2 workouts everyday this week and have stayed within my calories. I am proud of myself for that! I drank 9 glasses of water today-a new record for me.

    Choco- Maybe you can do some toning workouts, but decrease the amount of time you workout and/or decrease cardio exercises. Also you can switch your goal to "maintain" so you are not losing weight. Im not an expert or anything- thats just probably what i would do if i was in your situation.

    Have a good friday everyone!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Another 0.5 lb loss this week and officially 1 lb away from my goal weight. If I don't hit it next week I'm seriously considering having 126 lbs be my goal weight.

    My day has not gotten off to a great start but i'm hopeful it will get better. I did not sleep well and my lower back is killing me. I did however make it to the gym and completed 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I burned a total of 475 calories.

    I actually had to come into the office today so I won't be able to check in as regularly but I hope everyone has a great day!

    Thank you to everyone that offered feedback about what I can do to tone and not lose weight. I'm going to do some research on it so I'll have a better idea of what my maintenance calories will be and the best exercises to complete to reach my goal.