Sixers Valentine Vixens: Week 1



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 154 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 203.5 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 225.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 152.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW201 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 158.7 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 168.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 198 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 137 / PROGRESS +/- 0
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 142.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 271 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I LOVE THIS!!! Look at the new faces AND how close we are to 100% check in!!! How exciting!!! (i'm sure Tiff is wrapped up in school and will check in soon. :smile:)

    I finally weighed in. Another few ounces gone. I am encouraged. I can do this.

    My resolutions:
    1. I am joining the gym on Feb 1. If I don't go, that is money wasted. I don't like wasting money. I'll get back to working out again soon!!
    2. I want to read more. I have a book on the nightstand. I'm making a personal goal to read one book a month. That is small potatoes. I'm a voracious reader when I get into the swing of things.
    3. To keep overcoming the emotional eating. Last night : Lauryn: 0, Emotional Eating: 1. BUT I didn't eat BOTH chocolate poptarts, only one. Small step in the right direction. I tore open the pack and shoved half a poptart in, planning to eat both, but stopped myself. Baby steps.... moving in the right direction!

    I need to do personals. I'm sorry I haven't lately guys. So much dramatic crap in my life right now. So tied up in myself. I hate that. I'll get back to personals soon. Know that I love you all !!!!!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Lauryn, awesome successes on the poptarts. You are an encouragement to me. I've been going oh so overboard this week. But maybe I need to do like you and do small steps rather than leaping off the building. Thanks for posting.

    We are all thinking about you. I understand how things can get overwhelming when the drama sets in. We are here for you. Thanks for continuing to post with us. It makes a difference in my world at the very least...but I know there's more of us :wink:
  • melanieann48111
    Go Lauren! I know what you mean about emotional eating. I have an incredibly stressful job and the urge to drive through Taco Bell hits me a lot. I managed to avoid that one last night by forcing myself to go home and make my own bean burritos. I still ended up going over cals by 200 but that's ok. Baby steps.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    WOAH! so many new faces and updates!!! *takes moment to absorb it all*

    drtamm- HEY!!! and thanks, I really think I have things figured out, 4 years of active with night school should place me with my Bachelors, (I will have my associates in May, and cant afford to go to a 4 year university :( ).

    Alison- Congrats on C25K! I am starting the program next week! I was going to start this week, but after being sick for so long, I figured I should ease into the fitness world again! OMG just read your more recent post about reading about the psychology behind losing weight, I JUST started listening to this podcast two days ago, and already I feel my mindset changing for the better on weight loss. It is called "Inside out weight loss" honestly I cant say if it works or not yet, But I am loving it! You can get all of the podcasts for free off Itunes! I highly recommend it!

    Emmie- OH i remembered something else that may help you with your sugar cravings! Believe it or not, I ate twix yesterday and was still under my calorie goal! sometimes if planned right you can eat those delicious treats and be under or at your goal (like mints haha) If you preplan your meals for the day and pre enter them you can figure out what your calories are and if you have a couple hundred left you can fit in a chocolaty treat!

    Kel - AWESOME!!!! I am jealous of your success with the shred! keep the amazing work up!

    chipper- yay for your son finding a new car! BOOOOO to the broken TV!!!

    lula- I dont know if this will help you, or if you havent dont this before, but for TOM, when I got really bad cramps I use a hot water bottle while I am sleeping, I know super old school, (I love old school medicine and alternative medicine, mainly cuz I hate doctors, NO OFFENSE!!!). Also I drink a great deal of herbal tea during TOM, and usually take a great deal of vitamins, for some reason they seem to make EVERYTHING better, I havent had a bad case of cramps since a few months after i lost my baby in 06.

    Amy S - WELCOME!!! You are going to love these women! Your son looks adorable! And jealous of where you live! Do you scuba dive??? I live in Michigan, but hope to be moving to Florida full time this summer, then eventually to the Netherlands Antilles or somewhere else where I can dive everyday!

    Lauryn- Miss you girlie! I will pray that your drama resolves soon!!! And great job on the poptarts!!!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Sixers!

    Welcome Amy S! :flowerforyou:

    Lauryn - Yay on the Pop Tart! That took a lot of will power to stop at one! :flowerforyou:

    The morning is off to a pretty good start. Getting lots of work done. Until we get the living room floor done and until I get all my work info entered into my new computer, I don't see me getting much exercise in. However, since this has all occurred, I haven't really been watching what I eat closely or drinking all my water.:grumble: I know better! Just because I can't exercise right now doesn't mean I can't watch what I eat and drink my water! So I'm going to set the goal for me to drink 9 cups of water today.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    melanieann....that was a whole lot less sodium too. great job. that sounds good maybe tomorrows night dinner. it's meatloaf tonight. need to stretch the food with son back home. hope he returns to his home this weekend. will end. i know it doesn't seem like it now, but, it will.
    ali...have you read the beck diet? it's about cognitive thinking. think of the good you did not the bad. steps are the way to go when you feel over whelmed. the rolling baby doing? i heard that they practice before they do it in front of parents. don't know if it's true. are you feeling. better i hope.
    kel aka shredder... are you giving yourself a gift for completing the 30 days, i would. can't wait to see what the final results are.
    AmyLou and away. check in when you can. are you feeling?
    amypyr....getting all the computer stuff straight?
    Nicole, tamm, 2bskinny, emmie, primal, lorna, are you ladies..
    verda....where are you. you are here everyday with your great workouts. i think of you when i am on the treadmill.

    well, dragged myself to the gym. it's rainy and just crappy out. didn't want to do it. once i got a going. i did an hour. than came home showered and now i am here. hungry this morning. can't wait for lunch time.

    need to get to work. my manager won't return my calls i need some help finding some property for my customer.

    back later.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Hey Sixers!!!

    So after reading posts I realized that many of us have some of the same issues, Overeating, Emotional eating, Binge eating, Confidence Issues, Stress related Eating... etc. I dont know if any of you are into self help, or anything like that, I personally was not until I discovered this set of podcasts two days ago. I am not sure if they work yet, but I am really enjoying them, and I honestly feel my attitude towards weightloss, and my goals changing from them (in a positive way I think!). The podcasts are called "Inside Out Weight Loss,; Aligning Mind, Body, and Soul for lasting change" I figured I would post the description for you guys,

    Desperate to reclaim your body and control your insatiable appetite? Diet not working?
    It is time for "Inside Out Weight Loss."
    Learn to stay slim, no matter what life throws at you.
    Leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens, of, has helped hundreds shed from 5 to 125 pounds. Renee specializes in turning around the eating and diet habits of those most resistant to change, including yo-yo dieters, binge eaters, and bulimics, with whom she has an astonishing 75% success rate.
    Drawing on cutting-edge techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology, host Renee Stephens' signature fusion-therapy approach will transform your relationship with your diet, your body, and yourself, permanently.
    Each week you'll get closer to creating the body of your dreams, supported by Renee's focus on diet and weight issues for more than twenty years. Listen and let Renee reprogram your mind and your relationship with food, shifting your underlying belief systems. You will learn how to tame your inner rebel, align your goals with your values, and achieve lifetime weight mastery. End the diet, regain, diet cycle once and for all.
    Dieting or not, you can add this weekly podcast into your current lifestyle and witness significant and lasting results. Renee's great voice, smooth delivery, and numerous examples of people like you succeeding make this podcast a must listen every week.
    So toss out your diet pills, diet plans and diet mentality. Start at the first show, or jump right in, and get ready for a program that will pay off for a lifetime.

    Once Again I dont know if any of you will like it, All I know is that It seems to be working for me, Plus there are a 100 plus episodes so I ve been listening to two a day, and as a bonus, she encourages journaling (sp?)!

    So about me real quick: I am pretty damn positive that I will be enlisting in Active Duty Coast Guard. It really depends on weather or not I get cleared to join though, I need to pass the military test with a good grade, I need to past the physical with a good grade of health (like needles and weight type not jumping jacks type) and I will need to survive boot camp...

    Last night I asked Petty Officer smith what the physical requirements were prior to bootcamp. He said for my height I should be under 190, with a BMI under 27, and should be able to run a mile and a half under 12 minutes.... So I need to get my *kitten* in shape! I kind of ignored the BMI and weight, because my goal weight for mid summer is 160! And In fact my goal weight for my Birthday (March 31st) is to be in at 190... so I really hope I stick with things this time, I want to do coast guard!!!

    So I am off to do Wii EA Active for the 2nd day in a row, then shower, and go to class from 11 til I dont remember, I am sure I will be back online at some point! Hope everyone has a good day!!!!
  • greenerme
    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 154 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 203.5 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 225.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 152.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW201 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 158.7 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 168.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 198 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 137 / PROGRESS +/- 0
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 142.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 271 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Em (greenerme) ....................SW 160 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 160 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW lbs / GW lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS

    Hey Ladies. It has been FOREVER, but I am back and going to do this challenge right... I put my start weight @ 160... but I think I am a bit less than this... just a wild guess... I know I put on weight since the last time I was on MFP and I need a butt kicking for the next 6 weeks. I missed you guys (and clearly need the motivation)... so here I am! I am going to catch up on the posts today and then jump right in! :) Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • amyls8710
    Alison-- Thanks girl... Your post actually made me go research the C25K program and WOW is that cool! i have always wanted to jog but never quite knew how to ease into it ! Way to go ! It is so funny how a few lbs can make a world of difference! either way! So hoping you get your day two in !!! Sorry its all rainy outside ! i hate when that happens ! but i always have a mass of DVDs to fill in haha ! good luck this week!

    Lauryn- Thanks for the welcome girl .... yay for another few ounces ! every little bit helps! I LOVE YOUR quotes on your siggie ! way to go with the poptart battle last night ! that is def. a step in the right direction! good for you! Sorry your dealing with a lot of drama right now ! hope it all calms down soon!

    Lula--- It def. is so easy to jump OFF the building so to speak at first ..... i try to keep myself reigned in a bit ... so i dont get overwhelmed either ! good luck this week !

    MElanie-- yay for us both starting this challenge this week ! :) good for us all ! that is one plus about living in the bahamas... NO TACOBELLS, or fast food joints to worry about hindering my plan haha ! we dont even have malls here ! i agree... baby steps... and going over by 200 is better than NOT TRACKING AT ALL ! and not knowing how many you went over !!!

    B- thanks for the add girl -- ! Way to go with all the great things happening in your life now.... number one being HEALTHY and losing weight ! that is awesome...! im only 22 so i fully know what it means to WANNT TO LIVE LIFE HEALTHY ! and enjoy whats left of my twenties ! and i loved your inspirations on your profile hahah (sexy lingerie is a definate for me too ) !!! thanks for the compliments about my baby! Ive never done scuba diving but ive free dived before like to get conch and stuff .... I know alot of people though that are apart of the scuba diving team here.... !!!! they do awesome underwater photography and everything! thanks for posting all the selfhelp links ! Im gonna check that out on Itunes later on tonight when baby goes to sleep ! That is awesome th at you want to join the coast guard ! that is an amazing cause ! and a definate GET IN SSHAPE place hahah ! I will be hoping and praying and RIGHT HERE WITH YOU as we all kick our butts into shape ! but what a GREAT incentive .... how is the WII Active ?!?! ive been thinkin of getting that as yet ANOTHER workout ... i like variety ! hahaha !

    Amy- :) another amy ... i usually always find another one on any board ! :) so happy to be a part of this group ! good luck on your water goal ! IT IS SO EASY to get off track because i find my eating/exercise go hand in hand too ! ITS HARD to keep going when one or the other cant happen ! hope you reach your water quota today and i hope the living room is fixed SOON so you can continue on your workout goals !

    Cathy- That sucks that your manager wont return your calls today :( ! boo to them haha ! but glad you got an HOUR in the gym ! HOLY MOLY thats fabulous !

    Em- Yay for joining again !

    I am definately in this for the long haul ! I WANT TO BE A HEALTHY MOM ! and feel good again .... i cant believe ive spent my entire married life so far (4 years) feeling inadequate and not beautiful ....
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Sixers! Yes I am still here. I read the post's everyday and wish you all success, keep your attitudes! Welcome home new members, may we motivate you like we do each other!
    I have been doing well with my fitness but I have gone over a couple of times on cals but not to bad! I was told that I probably am NOT eating enough and that is why I have not lost with all the heavy duty fitness I do daily!
    I have not been on due to a death in my family! Just not into the blogging thing right now so please do not think I blazed on ya! I will be back jabbering later! Thanks for be here!
  • greenerme
    Hey Ladies. So I fell WAY off the wagon this time :sad: but I am wicked excited to be back. I am trying to stay on the low carb side, as most of the carbs I do eat are unhealthy... I figure some whole wheat toast, brown rice, etc. is fine in moderation but if given the chance I would eat bagels, cookies, crackers etc. all day long :sick: So... I am still in school working on my dissertation... and I have a long way to go... The stress is CRAZY, and I hope that better eating habits and more exercise will help me keep everything together this semester... Today was a bad day to start as our student social hour is tonight... so beer and pizza are in my near future. After tonight I need to come up with a thursday night game plan... it is my only night out, so one of very few times i would have more than one beer or glass of wine... so i don't feel too bad about it... but i know to get where i want to be i need to cut back :drinker: Anyways it seems like things are moving along for you guys and I am so happy to be back with the sixers!!!! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome back em.......

    so sorry verda. prays sweetie.

    had 3 cookies in a moment of weakness.........doing ok now. rainy and windy today so just a blah day. see lawyer tomorrow to see what he says about the house stuff. if we take it back or not.

    well off to find something to do. just did my couponing and list is ready. will stop by the store tomorrow.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    B - Thanks for the suggestions (sorry about your baby [hugs])I've been living with my heating pad, carrying it from room to room with me. Kids did their homework in my bed yesterday so I could supervise, but lay down. I have endometriosis, so I go through this twice a month, not just once. They are painful but bearable now. Once my period actually starts, it will be 36 hours of HE**, but exercise helps. Thanks for the suggestion. What kind of vitamins do you take? And B - you can definitely do the 1.5 miles in 12 mins. Are you a runner now? Gradual workup baby and you will be there. Great idea on not concentrating on weight since you are already on your way in that direction.

    amypyr - everyone has bumps. Have heart. Hopefully everything will settle down for you soon.

    Cathy - great job on the gym. So, if you are hungry you wait until your next meal? What self-control. I admire you. THREE whole cookies? How in the world did you ever stop? Again with the self-control.

    Em - Welcome back! Social engagements are the hardest, but I have confidence in your strength and you'll work it out :)

    Amy S - I started the couch to 5K, thinking I was just going to stay with the walking/running pattern, never ever being able to job continuously. The other day, without even realizing it, I ran for 29 minutes straight. Good TV show or music helps too for distraction if you are on a treadmill. You can do it!

    Verda - Been missing you. So sorry to hear about the death in your family. Keep healthy. We'll be here waiting for you.

    Quick update on me. No gym for me. Daughter was home sick and I have appointments all night. Stink. But I'm definitely there tomorrow as soon as kids get to school. Cramps are hitting me harder this month than usual, but going to use B's suggestions plus lots of Motrin. Hope everyone has a great night. See you tomorrow.

    P.S. Where oh where did Tiff go? Come back to us girl!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    Cathy - great job on the gym. So, if you are hungry you wait until your next meal? What self-control. I admire you. THREE whole cookies? How in the world did you ever stop? Again with the self-control.

    yea thanks. that's part of the book "the beck diet" if it's almost meal time tell yourself you will be eating soon, you will be ok. and the cookies. DH packages the snacks in serving sizes and we put them in a huge basket on the kitchen island. when he packs his lunch he picks what he wants and when i get my snacks. it works great for us.

    need to get sandwichs made for DH lunch and finish up my meatloaf. everyone should be home within the hour.

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    YAY!!!!! [Sorry but I am excited] As of tomorrow my family will officially be apart of a BIG A** GYM!!!!! With 12 indoor tennis courts, two pools, a water resistance pool, TONS AND TONS OF MACHINES, Three HUGE studios with tons of classes ALL included in the membership, like 10 raquetteball courts, two basket ball courts, and more! You have nooo idea how excited I am to see a pool, and to see classes!! I loved my step class that I took last semester at college, and now I can FINALLY take a ZUMBA class!!! (I have heard such great things about it!) Plus I get a free consultation with a trainer! So excited!!!!!!!!!

    So I am sooo effing sore right now from EA active, Man am I out of shape!!! Im glad that tomorrow is my rest day! I can already feel my body getting more flexible and energetic!

    Amy S - HAHAHA you and I are going to be GREAT friends haha. Myself in sexy as fu** lingerie 80 pounds lighter is my main motivation, my towards motivation as Renee calls it, and me in my undergarments now is my away from motivation haha. I love the amazing things that the Victoria Secret models wear, I want to look just like them!!! I love free diving! Also a good work out in a lot of ways! What is the weather like down there right now!? EA active is great! I truly love it, I tried out my friends Wii Fit Plus, and thought it was okay, then a another member here on MFP told me to check out EA Active because it has a high intensity work outs. I am doing the 30 challenge! and for me it is GREAT! After only two days my thighs are aching from all the lunges and squats! plus the 30 day challenge is basically a slightly lighter version of the 30 day shred I think. Plus the trainer makes sure you are doing the work outs right, and keeps you VERY motivated! Personally I love it!

    Em - Welcome back! Your already back on track because you came back! As Renee would say, You are already doing a great thing because you have come back to fitness, and are trying again!

    Verda - So sorry for your loss! Your in my prayers!

    Lula - AWWW [hugs backs] My old roommate had endometriosis, I watched her deal with the pain for a whole year! I am so sorry you have to deal with such BS. I take everything from C to Bee Pollen. Bee Pollen, and Golden seal are the ones I take when I am sick, or have cramps, they have always done me good. I used to be a soccer player way back in High School, but I havent really been a runner since I lost the baby, (also the same time I put on the majority of my weight, and by the time I was over the depression I was about 60 pounds over weight! A lot of that was because I was so darn healthy prior and when I stopped running and playing soccer it came on VERY quickly) I am doing the C25K starting next week, hopefully I will complete it this time, and that should REALLY help towards the 1.5 miles goal. Haha and thanks, p.s. I love your profile picture!!! haha. OH!!! and if the cramps dont lighten up with the vitamins or T, my roommate would always take SUPER long bubble baths with a good book, (I do that even when I dont have cramps haha) but she said it would always help her muscles relax and ease up on her cramps!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    First things first - THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!! For keeping me motivative during these first 15 days of the Shred. Yes today was my 15th day straight. I am half way there!!! Tony said he can feel a change in my waist and buttocks. So it must be doing some good. I don't think I will be losing the 20 lbs that the cover says you will lose. However I am going to keep plugging along.

    Cathy - I too am so sick of this weather. California has been soaked with wet weather all week long. And tonight they are calling for snow where I live. I would rather see the snow that rain. We were with out power yesterday for about 5 hours. Ofcourse it was right at dinner time. Thank goodness for wood stoves and propane cook stove. My real problem is when the power goes out is our well stops working. Plus I can't work went its crappy like this.

    To all the Newbies once again WELCOME

    Amy - Did you start the shred yet? And how did the interview go?

    Speaking of Amy's I can't believe how many Amy's we have in our group.... My goodness!

    Lauryn - Good job on the Pop tart last night. You will be back on track in no time. I am sure of it.

    Amypry - How long before your living room will be done?

    B - It looks like you will be in shape in no time with the new gym. Congrats

    Tamm- Where are you????

    To everyone else Have a great night.


    P.S. The new picture is myself and my beautiful daughter
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey ladies... I was wondering why people didn't notice my last post but when I looked back it was like a million ago. Good job ladies on keeping us posted on the details in your lives

    Verda- Sorry to hear that but we will be here to chat when you need us. Your body will adjust back to fitness when your ready!

    Lauryn- Glad the pop tart turned out well!!! :) Good job on the book a month, I have the same goal. Have you finished the beck diet soln yet? Keep up the progress!!!!

    As for me, I was feeling a little fluffy today, i'm not sure if it was the tights I work or just me being super sensitive BUT It resulted in me doing a new 30 min exercise tv dvd that I got from the dollar tree. It was amazing and I will be adding it to my routine, maybe in my morning rotation.

    I'm headed to the gym for a 30min cardio class and then maybe the elliptical. Good work ladies and ttyl

    Take care,
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello ladies!

    I would love to do personals but I just cant keep up!

    Its been an exciting day......I GOT THE JOB! I feel so lucky in this current economy and with the unemployment rate being what it is, to have gotten a great job like this! The benefits are wonderful! I will likely work 40 hours per week but can work as little as 20 if there is no need for 40. If I work 20 then medical, dental and vision for myself AND my family is 25.52 per paycheck. If I work 32 or more hours then its FREE! Oh, and $5 co-pays, $3 meds and labs. And an added bonus of a paycheck! LOL! I start Feb 8th. Benefits after 90 days. And its 3 blocks from my house so I will be walking to work most days! The benefits of working for a health care system!

    So I have to go shopping for work clothes. This makes my stomach turn. I am in between sizes and really dont want to buy the bigger size if I can help it. So in the next 2 1/2 weeks I really NEED to lost 5 pounds so I can be comfy and buy 14's instead of 16's.

    Looks like I need to get my butt in gear!
  • amyls8710
    Verda---- my sympathies to you and your family ..... !!! but how inspiring that even amidst a crisis .... you continue to work out so awesomely ..... I cant wait to get to know you and all the other girls on the board !

    Em-- wow .... i remember how hard it was when i was in fashion school for a year ..... late night studying...... all day classes..... pizza and fast food was basically a staple hahah ! but hey the first step to success is knowing where we make our mistakes and TRYing to fix them ! good for you on getting back on the band wagon !

    Cathy --- three cookies is better then an entire box lol ...... yuck i hate rainy icky days ...... i swear they are the hardest days to stay within calorie range lol !

    Lula -- wow im sorry your period is soooo bad ..... I TOO have very annoying, heavy, unbearable AUNT FLOW visits haha ! ..... ugh ! darn her lol ! GOOD FOR YOU ! :) wow .... 29 minutes of running haha .... WOW that is my goal ! haha ! i am starting the program on monday :) i even got me some nice earphones that stay put to work out with my ipod! and i downloaded the podcast that the man did that tells you when to run and when to walk ! I am going to try going out in the open air ! i SO WANT A TReadmill though ! im going to ask hubby for one for my birthday hahaha ! i hope your daughter feels better.... and you get your work finished ! and i hope your cramps ease up ! good luck !

    B- wahooooo for a gym membership ! that sounds awesome ! i wish we had a gym on our island ! hahahah ! there are lots of things it lacks but it makes up for it with the fresh air and ocean ! Hahah yea i can so tell we are going to motivate the weight right off each other hahahah ! :) LMAO ... yea me in lingerie now is definately my AWAY from motivation hahahah ! the EA active sounds awesome... i will totally have to check it out when i go to FL again ! the weather is HOT ! haha ! but im loving it esp after the cold spell ! and i laugh when i say cold because it was only 50's hahah but still for US its COLD ! hahahah I have the WII FIT !!! and i love that .too !!! i do them on my rest days ! and i do the body test every day ! Alot of my weight came after my miscarriage as well..... and i just ATE poorly after because i was just so upset..... we have so much in common ! im starting the C25K on Monday ! :) lets start and finish together ;) !!!!! we will be a lot healthier after !

    Kel -- hahah Amy seems to be a common name lol .... way to go on being halfway thru the shred ! I hate power outages.... we totally get them alot here in the island we live on ..... because they have to loadshed during the hottest months to share the load of power thruout the island.... So i totally understand what you mean ! love your profile pic !

    Tamm-- way to go on all the working out !

    pdxmom-Hooray on getting the job !!!!! The benefits and everything about the job sound FANTASTIC esp.the great walk there each day ! so excited for you ! You can totally do it :) you will be in a 14 in no time !:) ..... i have faith in ya !

    I went walking with my son this afternoon ..... just running after him all day is a constant workout but it feels good to get out and about ....
    im also doing a three mile breast walk this saturday ! so that will be a good change in my routine..... !!
    and im hoping to start the C25K on monday ! Excited to get that going !

    Be back tomorro