

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Liz, Are you drinking enough water? I fainted in church in February, had a zillion tests, and no one could find a thing. I think I was dehydrated. Often I get sort of sick if I don't drink enough.

    But definitely check with the doctor if that continues.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi Ladies. Just a very quick check in. Had my first clinical today in the ICU. Students seem nice, nurses were nice...patients all interesting and good learning experiences for the students. Ended up with a migraine though and ate everything in sight. So not a good day food wise. UGH. Now I feel overly full and that is not a good feeling. I'll write more tomorrow; right now I just want to go to bed! Hope everyone had a great day today and stay strong tomorrow. Meg
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    First I would like to thank all of you who expressed their thoughts and prayers on behalf of myself and my husband. While the expected 5-6 months we had planned on having was not to be and he was taken all to soon he was not in pain and for that I am so grateful.
    Thank you again to all for the love and concern.

    Dixie: I'm so sorry that your time was shorter than you planned and hoped for, but so glad to hear he was not in pain. We all hope you are making your way through this journey, as you said, one step at a time is all anyone can do. Take care, Meg
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Nancy - love the "robo-boot" - had one of those walking casts for a few months (bunion surgery) but robo-boot sums it up beautifully - great mental picture. Hey - you live in Creston, I live on the other side of the Kootenay Pass - in Fruitvale.

    June - wow - 8 pounds, that is amazing,

    jb - a Jack and a Heeler, wild personalities both. Good luck being the boss, I swear Rex looks me in the eye and "you're not the boss of me" is running through his brain. I can understand how he tore it, they are running fools.

    Jeannie, isn't it great when your children actually want to spend time. Makes you almost forget all those eye-rolls from the early teen years.

    DeeDee - I think taking the time to get better and not rushing it is a good idea. Hang in there.

    I had a great dinner side tonight - zucchini latkes! Just grated zucchini, diced onion, (i put some scallions in for colour too), about 3 tbsp of bread crumbs and egg white to bind. I like tarragon so I added that and lots of pepper. I did some fried and some in the oven, and I actually liked the oven ones better (and no oil). So for all of you with all that extra zucchini, give it a try.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day on my new routine (keep your fingers crossed for me). I'm having a hard time getting all that water down (seems like I am always in the loo).

    Got to go, hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Jeannie - that's so wonderful that your daughter wants to do things with you. Lately, Jessica has gotten into the "bonding" mode where she wants me to come up there (last time it was to help her ice a cake)

    According to my weekly weigh-in, I didn't lose, but then again, I didn't gain. Yippee!!! I see I'm over on my protein for today. That seems to be real hard for me to do.

    Got up, had some grapes, then did 15 minutes of yoga, bought gas, went to the extremepump class, on the way home stopped at a veggie stand near me and bought some tomatoes (they are soooo good), came home and the guy who is starting to build the wall for the elevated spa was here. In a way, it's neat. He's Mexican but his wife came with him along with his son who I would guess to be about 5. The son is SOOO adorable. I was just outside and his wife was bringing cinder blocks to him. I'm dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt, she's out in the hot sun with a 3/4 length shirt and long pants on. I'd be dying! Afterwards, I went and bowled 5 games (with all this practice, you'd think I'd be getting better, but I'm not), stopped at one store to get this bag for $5 (Jessica liked mine), then had to make a deposit for Vince for the Newcomers, now home getting dinner ready to just heat up.

    Tomorrow I'll do a step DVD, then there is a board meeting of the Newcomers. Vince most likely won't go, but I will since I asked the secretary to make some copies for me (she has the printer at her house), then maybe do some food shopping then play mahjongg.

    Kathy - counting down the days with you until that pin comes out.

    Kate - your scale must havae been stuck last week. But an 8lb loss must feel wonderful!

    Laura - it's gettting closer and closer!

    Tonight I'm going to go to mahjongg. Haven't played since last Monday. I was going to go Fri evening, but that was the first time we were in the pool and I wasn't about to let mahjongg take top priority....lol Update: maj'd once.

    The man who is building the wall for the spa wants full sized concrete blocks and he cuts them down. He doesn't want the smaller sized ones. Maybe it's because he has more control over how large they are when he cuts them himself, he can be more accurate.

    Gini - brownies are made from cocoa, which is a bean so that makes it a vegetable. Don't you just like how I rationalize things?????

    I tell you, that guy who is building the wall for the spa is one hard worker. It's just him mixing the mortar, cutting the concrete blocks, doing everything. I'm impressed!

    Liz - how is your sugar? Have you had it tested lately?

    Lila - the zucchini latkes sound really good. Will have to look into it further and find a good recipe.

    Hope everyone has a great evening

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Oh, Dixie. I am so sorry. One foot in front of the other is the way to go. Please take care!

    Barbie: Thanks for the soup recipe. It is one of my favorites...I can't wait to make it!

    Mary: (SVQ) Thank you for your kind words. They made me feel good

    Great hike with my granddaughters and DIL! And a beautiful, clear sunny day here.

    Please take care, everyone! You inspire me:drinker: Kackie
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I am 51.5 and just started reading this post. Love that it exists. :)

    My latest news, I recently got a DXA scan (a medical procedure to check your bone density). I'm excited to bring it to my DR appointment tomorrow. The technician said I have the same bone density as that of an above average athletic 30 year old! Whoo hooo. :) -Bobbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: just a quick hello before I head off to bed.....Brandy, Sasha, and Bernie are already in bed and waiting for me.:yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    hello ladies. popping in late to share some news - I thought this was a done deal but...

    All six of my grandchildren started school today until my son surprised me with lunch and the news that #7 w/b here in April - double surprise!!

    Hope all have a good night's rest; no telling what the new day will bring,

    God bless,
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi ,
    A quick note, as my goal is to get to bed earlier!

    Thank you everyone for the warm congrats for my daughter! I am so proud of her. I forgot to tell you all that I bought some new pants. All my stretchy black pants had holes in them ,so I was forced to by some new pants. Got the Gloria Vanderbilt pants from costco. The size of my pants when I started MFP was 24 and I bought size 20!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    So, I was happy with this! My husband saw me in the blue jeans and he said to me " are you wearing my jeans?". I had to laugh as he has normal size legs, no butt but just a big belly!:laugh: :laugh:

    The best part of today, I went with my daughter and we - re joined the local YMCA! So, now I will be able to get some real exercise in! The stationery bike and if I can find a bathing suit that will fit me , we can do water aerobics!:drinker: :drinker:

    I have to go make organic chocolate chip cookies for the girls lunch this week. Dough is already frozen, so I just have to bake them. Isn't there a site where you can put in the recipe and they will give you the calories/serving?:smile:

    Anyway, hugs to everyone, I will be back tomorrow, log, drink and exercise! read this blog everyday!!! you WILL be successful!:drinker: :drinker:
    Linda SundanceB:heart:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Correction, error!
    There is no more edit button, I went from a 24w to a 20w! This is a little different! Lol:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :tongue:

    Linda- sundance B
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I went to the Dr. yesterday afternoon, I have pneumonia:sick: . No wonder I've felt so bad, however with antibiotics ( which I really don't like, they always make my stomach feel icky), I should be feeling better soon. I have a meeting this morning and then I'm taking off the rest of the week!!!! Of course I was thinking that just gives me more time to clean some things out of the house, I'm not good at just "resting", in fact I don't think I really know how.

    Linda SundanceB :smile: congrats on the smaller pants!!!!! It feels great doesn't it!!!!

    Teral:smile: Congrats on the upcoming #7!!!!! what a great surprise!!!!!!!!

    Michele:smile: sounds like you've got some hard workers at the house!

    Barbie :smile: I am making the soup for my dinner tonight.!!!!!

    Liz:smile: Have you been having any inner ear problems? When my ears are stopped up I get a bit lightheaded, you might want to check with your Dr. Hope it goes away soon!

    Dixie:smile::heart: I'm thinking about you!!!

    Kackie:smile: nice to hear from you, sounds like you're having a wonderful summer.

    Amanda:smile: missing your posts, hope you're doing something fun!!!

    Meg:smile: hope your headache is better today!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: come in often and chat. This is a great group of women!!!!

    I'm sorry for those I missed and I know it's a lot, I'm just going by memory here at the moment. Hopefully since I'll have some extra time this week I'll get caught up with everyone.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Just a quickie for now - super busy at work. Had a great weekend for DH's 50th birthday and then it was a bank holiday yesterday so was out and about a lot.

    I hope everyone is doing well - I will catch up on reading the posts this afternoon and post again.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Teral congrat`s on no.7.Our 5th grand baby is due in oct.
    Dixie-praying for you,please take care of yourself(HUGS)
    Linda s-congrat`s on the new pants.
    Everyone else have a great Tues,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello again ladies

    I'm just sitting having a cup of coffee for five minutes, so thought I'd catch up a bit. I've now read all the posts, but won't reply to individuals today, I will just say welcome to all the new people - you have found the most supportive group of ladies! I don't know what I'd do without them.

    My DH's 50th birthday was brilliant. We had a great time with some of our nearest and dearest on Saturday evening, despite the torrential rain. I drove my father home at around 11pm and the roads were flooded. I had a moment when I actually though I would have to turn round and go back the way I came, but fortunately made it through ok.

    DH - his name is Miles by the way, but I have always called him Millie - got so many thoughtful gifts, plus a LOT of good single malt whisky. He rarely drinks, but is partial to the odd dram now and again. My son came home with us on Saturday evening and they sampled a couple. I just sniffed the bottles! I used to love the really peaty Islay type of whiskies - but wasn't and never will be tempted to drink them again. I'm two and a half years alcohol free!

    On Sunday we went to visit MIL in the nursing home. We took a birthday cake and a bottle of Bucks Fizz, so she was able to celebrate a little. It was difficult as she got a bit tearful, but not too bad. After that we drove off to visit my sister and her family - more cake! My sister is a cupcake-making-machine! Any excuse and she bakes a ton of them. DH enjoyed them and we brought a box full of them home for him to eat during the week.

    Sunday evening we went to the cinema with DS and saw the new Batman film. I do love a super-hero film! It is so gratifying to see Tom Hardy doing well. We've known him since he was two years old and he is still one of my DD's best friends (she struggles to watch him in movies - she just sees him as Tom).

    Yesterday we did a 'run around day' as it was a bank holiday here. In the evening one of my 'other daughters' came over with her future husband. They get married in October at Monkey World - surrounded by monkeys and apes http://www.monkeyworld.org/ - I am really looking forward to it and still cannot decide what to wear. I think I need to stop shopping and make a choice!

    Wow, I've gabbed for too long so must go.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tuesday good-news-day!

    The good news here is that my scale is down a bit, and I found a wonderful place to pick wild blackberries along the river yesterday. I'll try to get over there again this morning with the dogs, it's a nice walk through the woods, and the boys love to play on the shore there and swim a bit while I'm busy picking. They love berries, too, they come up and wait for me to offer them a few, it's so cute. Yum yum doggie treats! One of the dogs I owned in the past would eat berries right off the vines, too funny!

    Here is a link to the recipe for Chile Relleno Casserole with Tomato Sauce. Let me know if it works.


    The only time-consuming part of this recipe is roasting, seeding and peeling the chiles, which can be done in advance to save time at dinner. There are approximately 200-220 calories in a serving which is 1/8 of the recipe. You can use canned mild salsa for the sauce if you don't have time to make the sauce in the recipe, but I'll tell you, it's worth the time as it's quite delish.

    Barbie, I made the apple-pumpkin soup yesterday, served with parmesan and croutons. Very good, super low-cal, super high in potassium. I'm having a friend over for lunch, we'll have the soup and maybe a little ice cream with boysenberry sauce for dessert.

    Lots to do this morning, so I'd better get moving. Everyone have a wonderful day, drink lots, eat well, and be well!

    :smile: jb
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just popping in for a quick note. I have to take my mom to the eye doc today. No joy, she has gotten mean and ugly in her old age, I vow not to become bitter as I age, but to embrace life and enjoy.
    I went off plan last night and ate wheat, I can see the puff in the belly today. I weigh in on Friday so I hope I didn't do to much damage. Tigress
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My workout with Tia the Trainer was epic. :explode: I can't believe the things she thinks I can do! Now to practice and get good at it.

    Well, today I face the music, pay the piper, etc. etc. and go back to school for the first time since last April. :smile: I am not counting the professional development day last week because I didn’t really “work” I just listened. It’s organize the classroom day. I want to make it look a bit different because some of my students have been with me for three years and they need a change of pace. The teacher who took my place is right handed, I am left handed. All my desk drawers and work areas are re-arranged and I have to fix that too. :ohwell: Seems like a little thing but …

    Laura, it must feel great to have your parent’s house sale almost done.

    Gini, I love the image of you, running on the spot, to get your fitbit up to 10,000 steps.:happy: Now that’s commitment! You mentioned salsa, now I’m inspired to make some for the family (and the fall fair!).

    Liz, I definitely get light-headed while exercising if I have not eaten. Have you though of eating small meals and then having nutritious snacks throughout the day?

    Meg, it sounds like your first day went well, though the migraine is not a good thing. Do you get them often? I’m ear deep in prep this week, my students come back on Tuesday.

    Lila – You live in Fruitvale, how fun! I am going to try your baked zucchini latkes. Keep drinking that water!

    Michelle, your pool is coming true! :drinker:

    Linda, you will be “Sundancing” in your new pants. :flowerforyou: Congratulations!

    DeeDee, I’m glad you went to the Dr. and got a diagnosis and a prescription. You need to learn how to rest, I think!

    Amanda, it sounds like you are having fun. Getting married at Monkey World? What to wear? How about a really stylish “safari” outfit and a pith helmet?

    Ah, blackberries. JB. There is a category in the fall fair for “wild berry” jam. I worry about competing with the bears when I go picking around here. There have been a lot of them this year.

    A final note - J'boy worked his first day for "real money" yesterday, sorting cherries at the packing house. That means he sat beside a conveyer belt for ten hours, watching the cherries go past and tossing bruised or split or deformed ones into a waste bin. Our DD did the same in her time and still has nightmares about it!


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Workout 4 x a week at the gym, walk on the off days.
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Linda - don't know you well enough to know if you were being a smarty pants :happy: - Do you know you can enter your recipes here and have it calculate calories for you?

    jb - thanks for the chile relleno recipe. I'll be making that soon.

    DIL and DS disturbing new on the job front may actually turn out to be good for both of them. Good, they're going to have to take care of me when I get old! Even tho I feel old today with creaky knees, I refuse to get there without a fight.

    I was wondering this morning why I am so concerned with losing more weight. I'm really tired of having to pay attention to what I eat all the time. Truth be told, I'm not paying enough attention. At least not if I want to lose this last few pounds. I've been fluctuating with the same 3lbs for weeks now. Just can't seem to land on a food plan that I'm comfortable with. It's okay for now. I'm hanging in, increasing my exercise and logging most of my food even if it's not exactly what it should be. Definitely points out to me what my problem area is - CARBS.

    Kate - WTG with the weight loss!

    Michele - I don't know how you do all that baking etc. My sisters and I always made "batter" when we were growing up. It never made it as far as being actually cooked cookies. I still love licking beaters...

    Bobbie - is that you in the picture??? OMG - I can see why your dxa scan was so good.

    The gal here at work starts her chemo in Thursday to shrink the tumor before they'll take it out. She has long hair now and is most upset that she's going to lose it. I have my mammo scheduled for Friday, along with a yearly check-up where I'll probably have some blood work done. I always like comparing my numbers to last year. And then the eye dr. Hoping I can meet up with a friend for lunch between appts.

    Have a great day!
  • ShawnaElston
    ShawnaElston Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone. So, I have to confess..sometimes my cravings get to be too much and I give into them. Today I had french fries for lunch and they were great, but now I am regretting that choice. I know this is not going to be my best weigh in on Thursday. I have a great week, and then the next week will gain a few pounds. I don't know why I do this other than my willpower at times just stinks. I look at your losses and am so inspired...now I just need to keep kicking myself every week to stay on the straight and narrow.

    I have a road trip tomorrow so have to get caught up since I won't be in the office. I hope you are all well and thanks for being such an inspirational group. I am going to try that chili relleno recipe for sure.

