What do you think about Interracial relationships?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can't believe that this is even a topic. It's 2012. :laugh:

    And, magically, there is no more racism because all the bigots looked at the calendar yesterday and realized what year it is.

  • Chapter3point6
    in my opinion, interracial couples always make the cutest babies :happy:

    I wouldn't go that far.

    I think all babies should be born equal. Doesn't mean they are all born cute! :noway:
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    Don't really think about it. As long as each person is happy and being treated well.....race has nothing to do with it. God made us all the same. When the lights go out we're all the same color. :wink:
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    My boyfriend is black and ofcourse, I am white.. And to make us even more "different" I am from Canada and he is from the US. I feel like so many people are judgemental of us. And assume, I am a trashy white girl and he is a ghetto black guy. This is not the case. He is educated and may dress a certain way, but is far from what people perceive him to be. I'm so tired of people judging our relationship based on our difference in cultures. I see him as a person, I don't think of the color of his skin everyday. What do you all feel about interracial relationships? Have you ever been in one or are you in one? And by interracial, I obviously don't just mean black and white relationships.

    I guess there will always be idiots out there, and I'm sorry that they affect you. There is nothing wrong with being in an "interracial relationship". (Put that in quotes because you shouldn't even have to use that term! You are in a relationship...period.) If you are committed to each other, love each other, and are good to each other why does it matter?
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Nothing wrong with interracial relationships.

    I know what you mean by people looking down on it. While living in Minnesota, I dated a Native American - Sioux to be exact. Well, they are not looked upon highly in that state even if they are educated or hold a decent job. The looks I got were just astounding.

    If you moved elsewhere, you may not get that reaction. Here in Pennsylvania, people don't look twice at interracial couples. It is very accepted here.
  • CanadianThunder
    I don't care who anyone loves. It's love, let it be.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    It's not something that I stop and think about. I really don't worry myself over other people's relationships. I was taught that skin color is no different than hair or eye color. So to "think about" an interracial relationship would be like to "think about" brunettes dating redheads....who cares?

    Also, I grew up with family reunions that included whites, blacks, browns, and shades in between, so it's really weird to me that this question is being asked, so I felt I had to comment. :devil:
    Didn't even know it was an issue anymore...certainly, as a society weve come further than that! Good luck and God bless. BE HAPPY and treat each other well and it's all good!

    Yea...I think it really depends on what area you're in. Some areas are filled with people who are intolerant of such things as interracial relationships among other things, while other areas are full of all sorts of "differences" and the people there embrace every last one.

    I, personally, don't have an issue with it at all...I've been in an interracial relationship myself. I'm white, he's black. I haven't noticed any off behavior towards us.

    However, I have a friend who is white and she is married to a black man, and I've witnessed racism towards him, but not to them as a couple.

    I know, sadly, racism still exists in this country.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    What she doesn't know is that her grandmother (my mom) has been complaining to other family members, crying about "what will happen to their children." Apparently she thinks it is still 1952. The fact of the matter is that some people are just stupid. Stay away from them.

    I personally think that interracial couples make beautiful children!!!
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My husband is white, I am African American. Been together for 25 years. Married for 23.. Have one beautiful daughter. We have learned to not let others opinions of us matter. If they don't like it, its their issue not ours. We are committed to each other and love each other as much as we did on the day we took our vows.. Funny since most said our relationship would never work.. HA!

    Be secure in who you are and your love for each other.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.

    You my dear are a racist. And the worst kind. The one who doesn't know they are. I am African American. I have quite a few white friends whose daughters are dating black men and they truly have no issue with it. To say you have black friends proves the old sterotype. Ill socialize but you aren't welcome to date my child. That is so awful. I feel bad for you. There are many many good men of other races that you may never get to know. Let me leave you with this. My father in law who is white was a racist. Both of his sons married out of their race... One daughter in law is black (me) and the other is hispanic... God does have a sense of humor.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    in my opinion, interracial couples always make the cutest babies :happy:

    Yep we do....:heart:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.

    You my dear are a racist. And the worst kind. The one who doesn't know they are. I am African American. I have quite a few white friends whose daughters are dating black men and they truly have no issue with it. To say you have black friends proves the old sterotype. Ill socialize but you aren't welcome to date my child. That is so awful. I feel bad for you. There are many many good men of other races that you may never get to know. Let me leave you with this. My father in law who is white was a racist. Both of his sons married out of their race... One daughter in law is black (me) and the other is hispanic... God does have a sense of humor.

    Yes, you are so dead on with your post.

    I am white and married to a black man.

    The whole saying I have black friends is the most racist thing a person can say, especially a white person.

    I also feel bad for people like this because there is no changing them because they will vehemently deny who and what they are.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I can't believe that this is even a topic. It's 2012. :laugh:

    Until this world changes, this is continue to be a topic. We live in a very racist and judgemental world.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.

    Let's say your daughter is being pursued by two men:

    One has no education, a dead-end job and while he's a nice enough person, he drinks a little too much.

    The other is Harvard-educated, makes a six-figure income and treats your daughter like gold.

    Guy #1 is white. Guy #2 is black.

    Which do you hope she chooses?
  • Chapter3point6
    The whole saying I have black friends is the most racist thing a person can say, especially a white person.

    Exaggerate much?

    And I have used that sentence several times before, and I am most certainly not a racist.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The whole saying I have black friends is the most racist thing a person can say, especially a white person.

    Exaggerate much?

    And I have used that sentence several times before, and I am most certainly not a racist.
    It's a context thing, which was explained in the parts you didn't quote.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    They're ok. Just as non-interracial relationships are ok. I don't really think about it...
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.

    Let's say your daughter is being pursued by two men:

    One has no education, a dead-end job and while he's a nice enough person, he drinks a little too much.

    The other is Harvard-educated, makes a six-figure income and treats your daughter like gold.

    Guy #1 is white. Guy #2 is black.

    Which do you hope she chooses?

    I'm sure its the black guy. It will be like the OJ Simpson case. Everyone knew he was beating Nicole. But it was apparently okay because he had money and was supporting the family. Then when he killed her they all suddenly had issue with the abuse. Releasing the pics of Nicole battered and bruised. Money will help some overlook many things. Race being one of them. Abuse being another