What do you think about Interracial relationships?



  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    All relationships are mixed race relationships, especially in the US! Even among "white" couples or "black" couples, there's always a difference in background and a difference in the way they approach their race as a part of themselves.
  • JulieRoselovesFreeze
    My husband is black and I am white (a Jew). We defy all stereotypes: he is the one that is great with money and I am the one who is always late. :laugh:
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    This shouldn't be still an issue in 2012 Just saying. Kudos to you
    My hubby is Colombian I am English. We have been married fourteen years.
  • alaythea
    alaythea Posts: 29
    I think interracial relationships are great! I do think that you have to be aware of the differences that there naturally are between different races, ethnicities and cultures. Doesn't mean they can't be bridged but you have to be aware of them. And I'm not really even talking about black and white. My grandfather is Lebanese and my grandmother is an American. His culture had different traditions, ideas, food, etc. Things she had to get used to when she was with his family & vice versa. But I think if you truly love someone it doesn't matter and it shouldn't bother you that other people mind or what they think about it. They are the ones that are narrow minded and have issues!
  • LaShonda2
    LaShonda2 Posts: 21 Member
    Its shouldnt be anyones business who ur with thats ur life. You have to live ur life for u and watever makes u happy do it. I date who ever i feel attracted to so i have dated outside my race all so do wat makes ya'll happy.
  • MarshallCroft
    I like AngieMartin's advice. But if you want to read one of my rants, read below:

    "Interracial." In MY mind, Humanity is one race. I am part of the Human Race. My culture is the United States of America. I know black people who have porcelain skin (not to be confused with albino, which I know a few as well). I know white people who are darker than I am (naturally too... you know, that middle part of "tall, dark and handsome"). My ancestry ranges from African to Irish, From Native American to Chinese. From Russian to German. I have Polynesian ancestry as well. Quite frankly, I wouldn't even be here (such as I am) if it weren't for merging and intermingling cultures... So "culture" in my book, is a geographic region.

    For those fewer and fewer people out there who continue to judge based on skin color, they're going the way of the Neanderthal. Also, for those less travelled, most regionally dominant cultures ("race" is the term used in the unintelligent way) think that THEY are the superior "race." That could be sad or funny depending on your sense of humor.

    If you have multi-cultural children (technically, this part's for anyone not "infected" by a society's unsaid value or class hierarchy based on skin tone), you'll have to educate them of cultural acceptance BEFORE the society-at-large has its chance to poison their minds with valuing based on "race [skin color]."

    Unless you're a sociologist and want to take periodic poles on the subject to determine the social flexibility on interracial relationships of a specific geographic region or subregion, I'd say "to hell" with anyone telling you otherwise.
  • indpls2002
    indpls2002 Posts: 93 Member
    My 1st wife was a Russian Jew.
    My 2nd wife was Italian Catholic.
    My 3rd wife was Czech Christian.
    My wife now was raised Mormon. European mutt.

    Dated all races, religions, backgrounds. There can sometimes be external pressures that are difficult to overcome. Gotta take a "them and us" attitude sometimes.

    Dude that's alot of wives.

    That's what my daughter says. I just tell her that I'm too much man for one woman.

    I told ppl that too, but it turned out I was just like really fat.

    lol. Sorry, didn't mean to laugh..but...
  • bleacheblonde
    Sad that it's still an issue, but it doesn't surprise me that people make assumptions about your relationship. People suck, just ignore them! I've never really dated guys of other races, but I've had plenty of crushes :) I prefer to look at people on an individual basis for their personality and not for external traits, which when it comes down to it, really are not that important for anything besides physical attraction.

    On a side note, my fiance and I are both white, but we get lots of weird looks because we look like a "mismatch" couple. He's very clean-cut and looks like an ex-Army guy (it's the haircut I think), whereas I am all crazy punk-rocker and have tattoos and funky hair. So we get a lot of weird looks sometimes when we're out in public. We actually think it's kind of fun :smile:
  • LadyKatie2010
    First off....from your picture, you both are freaking good looking. and who cares if people judge? i know thats MUCH easier said than done. but if you guys are happy together, that's what matters. :)
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Ummm...I'm the result of one...and unless I find someone with my exact racial mix...I'm always in an interracial relationship. LOL.
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    Didn't even know it was an issue anymore...certainly, as a society weve come further than that! Good luck and God bless. BE HAPPY and treat each other well and it's all good!

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am going to dip my toe into this. I know I will probably get shunned, but so be it.

    I do not have an issue with interracial relationships. What ever makes you happy. But I am a hypocrite when it comes down to 1 thing. At this point in time ( My daughter is 2) I would not approve of her dating someone that their race was something other than white. I know I am a bad person. I just would be very disappointed in my daughter. I will not tell her as she is growing up that it is wrong, or that I would be mad at her. If someone makes her happy, that is fine, it would just take time for me to adjust to it. I was raised in a house that I was NEVER to bring a boyfriend who was anything other than white home. My parent's are NOT racist. They have black friends, but they were raised that way as well.

    This is just my 2 cents.

    Let's say your daughter is being pursued by two men:

    One has no education, a dead-end job and while he's a nice enough person, he drinks a little too much.

    The other is Harvard-educated, makes a six-figure income and treats your daughter like gold.

    Guy #1 is white. Guy #2 is black.

    Which do you hope she chooses?

    She is going to want her daughter to go with Guy #1 no matter what.

    That is the sad and unfornate truth.

    I have friends that have been in similar situations with men and went with the one they thought their parents would approve of and are miserable.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Having dated two supposedly "good" black guys and being treated terribly, cheated on, and beat, (was also raped by a black man) I can attest that I would never date another black man again. I don't care if it sounds racist or if I am racist. Even the most respected CO officers at the jail brag about white women being their trophy. I don't care if I catch a whole rash of s#!t for it either. Everyone here is titled to their opinion and the bandwagon all agrees its so "beautiful" and "great" and I could care less to join that bandwagon. I am sticking to my views and opinion and there's nothing wrong with it.

    So you just perpetuate a stereotype.

    So you think White men won't beat you or cheat you.

    That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE, but the TYPE and QUALITY of the man you choose to be with.

    I was raped by 2 guys, one white and the other hispanic. That never skewed my mind to say I wouldn't date a particular man due to those reasons above.

    There is something wrong with being racist. It is ignorant and disgusting. If you feel like now, then you were always racist, it is just coming out now.

  • TanyaGirl76
    TanyaGirl76 Posts: 113 Member
    I will never understand why people what color someone is. There is nothing at all wrong with interracial relationships. I am black and my ex husband was white.
  • AniOnFire
    AniOnFire Posts: 33 Member
    I think, you like what you like. I am a product of an interracial relationship myself (White & Asian) and I am living in a small town in the south with my boyfriend, I actually haven't noticed us getting any bad looks or anything like that, then again, I have long straight hair down to my butt and am no darker than my Mom who's family is from southern Italy, so maybe no one thinks we're an interracial couple. Or maybe I'm just lucky?

    My sister is also in an interracial relationship, she's married to an African american man, he has a daughter and she treats the daughter like she is her own, much like my black step dad did with us.

    Racism still exists, be it, having to deny part of your heritage because if you have one minority parent you MUST identify with that minority over your Caucasian parent. Or being passed over because someone in management doesn't like your race, or religion. Every time someone says someone doesn't act "Black" enough or some such that is racism. Anytime anyone is excluded from something because of race that is racism, soooo black sororities and fraternities are racist, so are black colleges, its an unfortunate truth, so are groups which focus on "People of color". But I'm ranting...

    And to the woman who was raped and beaten, no one is looking down on you for your choices, as I am sure you don't look down on others who do date interracially. **** happens and it's only human nature that once something like that happens to avoid putting yourself in such situations, though it's probably more of a PTSD issue. I know someone who was raped by a white guy and dates everything but because of it, and she is white.
  • smileitfeelsgood
    im half black and half white....... lower half black upper is white......
  • wheresheidi
    im half black and half white....... lower half black upper is white......

    ROFLMAO :laugh:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Without having read the entire thread (don't have time to read 17 pages!), I'm going to chime in. As a Christian, I've always heard other Christians use scripture to say that interracial marriage is wrong. They use the Old Testament passages where God instructed the Israelites not to intermarry with the other countries around them. However, this is a twisted use of that scripture. God didn't want the Israelites to marry those who would bring idolatry into their midst. It had NOTHING to do with skin color (and don't let anyone tell you did!). I think that if a couple loves each other enough to make a strong marriage and raise a family, then who cares what color their skin is? I would even marry someone from another culture if he shared my religious beliefs (that's the most important thing to me). It's a shame to me that many Christian churches still segregate so much (anyone see the story in the news recently where a church refused to allow a black/white couple to marry in their church?).

    I wish we could get to a point where we see PEOPLE instead of skin color. I personally think there is only one race...the HUMAN race.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I know the people who fear globalization and black helicopters might disagree with me, but I think a blended world with a single race--the human race--would be a better one.

    Yes, there would be homogenization of some distinct cultures and beautiful racial characteristics of all kinds, but I think the world would be less shattered. Maybe, that's a naive hope, and the peace and harmony I wish for would get ruined by new differences created by people.

    I remember a magazine cover with a face that was graphically created by blending all the races into it: it was a beautiful face!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Ive done it but I wouldnt do it again. Even if I wasnt married. Its a personal choice.

    As long as you are a consenting adult in a relationship with another consenting adult, I dont care and its not my business.