anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • amburballin
    amburballin Posts: 12 Member
    I started out at almost 260 after I had my daughter in January. I am still over 200. I am always willing to get help and give help! Add me if you still want a buddy! More the merrier! I'm 208 right now and 5'2". My goal is my PP weight of 137. Good luck!
  • HilbilyLou
    HilbilyLou Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there! I'm well over the 200 club, just fell off the 300 club!! Thank goodness, its a different number.. My goal is 175-180, i want to be realistic and have my goal attainable. No use setting goals i know i won't achieve from my outlook right now. I will revisit my goals at 175. If you make small goals of 10# every month, and take those small steps, with hard work, You will achieve them. You see- Im a yo-yo dieter, I know i can lose the weight slowly if i keep my mind to it, BUTTTTTT....I can't keep it off!!! Im 54, 5' 6" and my last count of my life weight-loss was around 1236 pounds of RE-LOST weight. This is gaining and losing, and i can't seem to GET IT! But, i will keep trying, and I will succeed!!! My feet are gettting the best of me, and don't want to carry this burden anymore, so I must abandoned the weight. I started walking short distances, and riding a bicycle (gets me off my feet). I use to power-walk 5 miles a day, 2 years ago( 275 lbs--You read that right- i felt good), till my feet gave me grief (extra 30 lbs does that to you) I would love to have a support group on count me in!!! Keep positive everyone, and know your not alone on this journey!!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hi there everyone, I was looking at topics and stuff and there's a lot of motivational groups out there but I was wondering if anyone weighs over 200lbs and wants to loose weight with me. There's a lot who's under and I'm very proud they have got below or already was but I feel to self conscious joining as I'm much heavier than a lot of people and I don't need to get toning as much as some people are I need to loose the fat first. The lighter you are the more harder you need to work to loose more and tone so I can't really relate so I was wondering if anyone who weighs over 200lbs would like to help me build a motivational group and help us get under that 200lbs mark!

    I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 242.8lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs so I've got just under 100lbs to loose!

    You are very close to me! I am 5'4" with current weight of 233 and goal weight of 150.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    5'6 & as of this morning at 254. Need to lose QUITE a lot.
    You're the same height as Mary! Interesting!
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    You are very close to me! I am 5'4" with current weight of 233 and goal weight of 150.
    Add me!! I have been looking for people around my height, weight and with same goal weight! I am 5'3, 235lbs and want to be 160..We will see if I want to lose more when I get there!! Oh plus we have lost the same amount of weight!!
  • jewelleestone
    jewelleestone Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh 217..
  • IrishSin
    IrishSin Posts: 20 Member
    I am 5 foot 3 and currently weigh 213lbs. Although over the last year i have lost 100lbs I am finding it so hard to break the 200lb mark. Recently I have had a lot of health problems and have not been taking the care needed in my meal planning. Really looking for some motivation and people that can relate to how hard it can be at times to loose weight! I wish everyone the best of luck and much success in their weight loss goals!
  • I am 5'4 and 230, feel free to add me that goes to anyone.
  • Amazon_Warrior88
    Amazon_Warrior88 Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to join your group!

    I am 5’5 and currently 281lbs…below are my “stats/ goals”…

    SW:291lbs (8/1/12)
    CW:281lbs (8/28/12)
    1st GW (12/31/12):241lbs
    2nd GW (5/18/13):191lbs
    Final GW (8/31/13):157lbs

    For a total weight loss of 134lbs. I have also set a goal for myself of running the Color Me Rad 5k once I reach my goal weight…so excited!!!
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Hi there everyone, I was looking at topics and stuff and there's a lot of motivational groups out there but I was wondering if anyone weighs over 200lbs and wants to loose weight with me. There's a lot who's under and I'm very proud they have got below or already was but I feel to self conscious joining as I'm much heavier than a lot of people and I don't need to get toning as much as some people are I need to loose the fat first. The lighter you are the more harder you need to work to loose more and tone so I can't really relate so I was wondering if anyone who weighs over 200lbs would like to help me build a motivational group and help us get under that 200lbs mark!

    I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 242.8lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs so I've got just under 100lbs to loose!

    Hi there! I"m in on this. Not exactly sure what I weigh at the moment ( scared to get on the darned scale if I'm being honest ) but two years ago I was in the best shape of my adult life in the mid 180's, and I'm sure I'm at least in the two-teens now. This is still down from my all time *known* high of 278.
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 81 Member
    I would like to be added! I started out at 245 and now at 229. I am 6 '1. I really would like to be a part of a group that has the same issues as I do!
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in. Before i got to mfp i was 224 lb, when i registered i was about 216 and a month after I am 211 and aiming for 158-165 (that's the weight range I feel most comfortable with).
    I'd weigh less if I hadn't injured my knee
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    Hi guys I am 19 and 5'5, I started at 254lb and am down to about 215lb! I would love to have others like me on my friends list!
    great work.
  • AshleyRice81
    AshleyRice81 Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me too if you like!!
  • I am so in! I am ALOT bigger however tip the scales at 300! this seems to be a way easier diet tracker than weight watchers. I don't even eat all my calories in one day
  • niyle
    niyle Posts: 6
    I am too. I have not been under 200 for god knows how long. I would love to join a group that is having a hard time losing weight. so plase add me.
  • niyle
    niyle Posts: 6
    I don't either but I am hungry alot but to scared to eat becasue I may gain and go over.
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    I'm 5'4 and currently 210.... my first goal is to just get under 200. After which I will set a new goal. I'll add you and we can support each other. :) Good luck
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member

    im 5'4" HW 234 SW 231 CW 216 GW160-150
    im 6wks in and down 15#'s
    my first goal is to reach under 200 even if 199! lol, by nov 3rd.. before I do a mud run!! (first time ever)
    welcome to MFP .. this site rocks! :bigsmile:
  • Hey we all need all the support we can get. I like the face book idea too. I want to loose at least 100 pounds. 14 down so far!