Sixers Valentine Vixens: Week 1



  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    1/21/10- woke up feeling very poorly. slept badly and gained 1/2 lbs. YUCK!!!

    However, made the best of it - took sudafed triple action. Felt much better.

    Drank all my water
    Stayed within calories
    exercised for 1 hour this evening.

    Now off to bed.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Whoo! The boards are flying! I didn't get my workout in today because it was 40 degrees (which is cold to me) and raining. It's supposed to stop raining tomorrow though. I decided cold OR rain was okay, but not both.

    Also, I feel like TOM is coming, and that's obviously never fun.

    I really want to hit 20 lbs this week. I'm sick of being so close and then life getting in the way of my goals. Still better than the alternative of not being alive though. :tongue:

    I'm ready for a successful day tomorrow, and I hope everyone else is too!

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    So I promise to make this post short, the last couple have been monstrous! I am having a problem getting all my water in, Which has never been a problem until the last two days! Before now I have always drank like a fish! (and I only drink water, I hate any drinks with carbonation, I dont like bubbles tickling me... but it seems like now that I am trying to consciously count my glasses I dont drink as much! :(

    Tamm- WOAH! Your a force to be reckoned with! Will deff. have to model after you with your work outs!

    Kel - Love the new picture! and CONGRATS ON BEING 1/2 WAY!!! I think you are going to get a massive pay out for sticking with it!

    PDX- CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW JOB!!! Sounds like a good one too! Get your butt on track so you can get into 14s! I have the same goal, so Lets Get into those 14s in the next 2.5 weeks!!!!!!!

    Amy s- WE do have soo much in common! It is crazy! We are going to own C25K! We will make it our Bit**!!!!! haha I have a feeling that next week, and the weeks following we will deffinently get the pay off we want if we keep up this motivation and support!!! So lets do it!!!

    Good Night Sixers! Hope everyone has a great Friday and Weekend!!!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Whoo! The boards are flying! I didn't get my workout in today because it was 40 degrees (which is cold to me) and raining. It's supposed to stop raining tomorrow though. I decided cold OR rain was okay, but not both.

    Also, I feel like TOM is coming, and that's obviously never fun.

    I really want to hit 20 lbs this week. I'm sick of being so close and then life getting in the way of my goals. Still better than the alternative of not being alive though. :tongue:

    I'm ready for a successful day tomorrow, and I hope everyone else is too!


    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Just stick within your calories this weekend and get some exorcise! YOU WILL MAKE THAT 20 POUND MARK! I KNOW IT!!!!!!

    Haha, I am in extreme motivation Mode, Amy S's positive attitude has me ROARING for action! In all seriousness just stay focused, if you need help I will be all over the boards tomorrow and saturday, so I can keep you motivated!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member

    So, feeling blah this morning, so I'm posting just to get support (selfish me :blushing: ) Can't stop the need to want to eat every piece of junk I can find. My kids' junk box is now empty. Hubby hasn't been able to go to the store yet and he has the money this week. I either feel like eating nothing or eating everything. No win. Complain, complain, complain. I feel like I'm one straw away from snapping completely this way. I knew it was bad when my son was a having a negative moment and then informed me that it seems to be going around as I wasn't in a good mood either. I really thought I was faking it good, but apparently his 7 year old eyes know me better than I think. asklfjasldfjsdklfjasl;fjaskldjfasdkl;fj

    Sorry guys. You are my girls. If I can't complain to you, who can I complain to, right? I'll just be glad when my period starts so that it can end. Supposed to be yesterday, but no go. The sooner it starts, the sooner the pain gets intense, the sooner it will be over. And then the bloating, agitation, exhaustion will go away?

    Anyways, thanks for reading and listening. You are all so awesome! Where would I be without you (probably in bed with a hug jar of peanut butter with raising bread).

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay ladies, after my rant, I remembered I'm not the only one on the boards with "issues". So for all of us out there, this is to us


    Have a wonderful, successful day!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hey everyone! Late but still here! I have to work 9 days straight and then have a test next Friday so i have VERY little time. I have been doing 25 mins a day to keep some kind of fitness gping. I will do my best to check in on you guys. My goal for 6 weeks... 10 pounds.

    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 154 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 203.5 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 225.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 152.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW201 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 158.7 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 168.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 198 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 137 / PROGRESS +/- 0
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 142.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 271 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW 146lbs / GW 136 lbs / CW 146 lbs / PROGRESS

    Have a good dAY sixers
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.

    we finished a list. everyone has checked in on the first week. way to go ladies.

    lula....we are your candy dish. you can come to us any time. we are sweet. and full of sugar and spice. hope you feel better soon.
    pdx...yea on the job. sounds just right. in all areas. get the smaller size you'll lose the weight being more active.
    tamm...what's the name of dvd. i go to dollar store at least once a week if not more. be young again. you can do this.
    ok, reading other posts about what others have done, but, i am seeing that post saying it. so congrats to all. you are doing great. it just must me i got up tooooooo early, had to pee and the alarm would have gone off in 45 mins anyway. so why try. i see a nap (hope) today. have to be running errands.

    plan for today.
    lawyer appt. grocery shopping, bank, post office, take son to dmv. i know i am missing something.

    way later
  • amyls8710
    Just finished my 40 minute yoga booty ballet workout .... so im feeling pumped....

    when you are feeling down.... ALWAYS REMEMBER....


    (hoping that works .... hehe) !!!

    I am constantly pushing myself the HARDEST when i feel like giving up ... because ive given up before and Ive had people tell me.... Told you so .... or things along those lines... and i think its nothing better than someone NOT BELIEVING in me .... to light the fire under my ARSSSSS ! to prove them wRONG ! so lets prove the world wrong.... and get healthy and Fit !

    Pam -- its ok girl ... 1/2 lb is probably fluid..... but you will knock that off .... i just know it ! :) keep on doing what your doing ! Way to go on the hour workout ! thats FAB !

    Alison-- YOU WILL SO HIT THE 20lb mark ... esp. doing all the jogging ! in no time ..... you will be hitting 25 !!!! :) just wait ! i dont blame you haha COLD and RAIN dont mix for me either haha !

    B- YAY for roaring MOTIVATION ! im feeling it too girl ! yes i agree WE ARE GONNA OWN C25k ! :) Monday im starting my first day ! I got my podcast on my ipod all ready and rearing to go ! Thats awesome that we are on motivation OVERDRIVE !

    Lorna--- Aw we all have those days ...... JUST KICK those bad feelings away ..... Im glad that wyatt (my son) is only 18 months... cuz im teaching him to eat healthy from the get go .... and my husband is trying but we dont like the same kind of JUNKIE food... so thankfully ITS NOT IN THE HOUSE ! but i can tell you ..... being surrounded by junk food when we lived next to his parents ! ARGH ! ..... it is really HARD ! so i have been there .... awww kids know everything i swear ! they sense it ! WE ARE HERE FOR YOU TO vent anytime you need to ! ..... i hope your day gets BETTER ! and the junk food stops calling your name ! xo

    Tiff--- Im new to the sixers.... but HEY ! Glad you checked in ! ive seen a few girls wonder where youw ere ! good luck with your school work !

    Cathy --- wow you sound like you have a busy day ahead ! Good luck getting everything done ! I ALWAYS feel like im missin someting when i write my to do lists as well hahah !


    I unofficially checked my weight today -- 269.4 -- YAY ! feels so good to drop the decades so to speak haha !

    Cant Wait for Tuesdays official weigh in !

    Be back laterz .....
    Baby will soon be up and My day REALLY Starts haha !
  • amyls8710
    testing my new ticker pic !!!
  • amyls8710
    testing my new ticker pic !!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    WOW...I am gone for a few days and feel like I'm outta the loop!:grumble: I can't even begin to get caught up on personals, but I do want to say AMY...CONGRATS on the JOB!!!!!

    Me...I've eaten terrible the past two days. We had a learning institute at work and they provided meals. Lasagna on Wednesday, Chicken with scalloped potatos yesterday. Oh...and the sweets! Yesterday I had a brownie AND a lemon square and felt sick the whole rest of the day! Plus didn't get enough water in either day, which contributed to the icky feeling! BLAH! Ready to get back to normal today! So...I have my meals planned out for today and going to try and get a 30 minute run in this evening! Hoping to get my body feeling better again!

    Kadence is going through another growth spurt, I think. She has been waking up every night now this week around 1 or 2 and wanting to eat. So, I have been feeding her and getting her back to bed. But we were so spoiled with her sleeping so well at night, that now having to get up is exhausting me! I feel drained every day at work! I'm hoping I either get used to it, or she goes back to sleeping through the night!

    ANYways...I should probably get started on some work! I'll check back again later! Have a good morning!
  • greenerme
    Morning Ladies. WOW lots of action on the board this morning... I can't keep up! :flowerforyou: Just wanted to check in and say hello, I have a meeting to prep for so I don't have too much time to chat. Keep up the great work ladies... one day at a time... we can do this... I bet we will all post a loss Tuesday!!!!
  • greenerme
    I had a minute to do some personals if I didn’t get you this time I will soon!

    Kristin. OMG Kadence is so CUTE… I haven’t been on here in awhile, so I just had to get that out there. Congrats to you guys. Good for you, getting back on track after two bad days (I tend to stay off track once I fall off, clearly why I need you ladies to help keep me motivated!!!)

    Amyls – WOW… Congrats on a GREAT am workout, I hope to regain the motivation to get up and do it before work, by the time I get home I am so tired I lose motivation. You have strength girl!!! True strength!!!

    Chipper – I am way out of the loop, but I think the lawyer appt. has something to do with the house (I may be off base here) … but good luck! PS. I LOVE the idea of bagging all your snacks in serving size amounts… that would help me avoid many overages… hahaha. Keep up the amazing work!

    Tiff – It seems like you are just a motivated as before, good luck… I know you can drop the 10lbs!

    Lorna – I feel blah this morning too… Went WAY over my calories last night and feel horrible right now… but hey, we are here right? We are trying, which is much better than doing nothing about it! Take it one meal at a time, heck, one snack at a time… You CAN DO THIS!!!!

    B – Hey girl!!! I hate, HATE, hate water but I found this spiffy water bottle and I know I have to fill it up 3 times during the day to get my water in… now that I have stopped counting the glasses I seems to power through my water like a champ… hahaha… anyways if I can do it I know you can, grab a water bottle and keep it with you 24-7… drink up!!!
    Alison – Congrats 19 lbs lost!!! I can’t wait to get to 1 lb… Stay strong this week, even through TOM, and you will hit the 20 mark next weigh in!!!

    Pam – Good for you, that is how to kick the bad feelings to the curb… congrats on a great day!!!

    Pdx – Shopping! 14 here you come!!! That is a great tool for motivation… YOU can do it!!!

    Okay I wish I had time for more, but I need to get back to work! Keep up the great work ladies! Em :flowerforyou:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    WOAHHH Ladies! GREAT JOB UPDATING THE BOARDS!!! They are REALLY moving this week! this is great! IF we continuously motivate each other like this we will all post Losses on Tuesday!!!! [I keep weighing myself hoping to see that I am under 210 and so far nothing :( But I know that I am doing great things to my body so I just have to be patient!]

    Well I have a bit of work I need to get done today, but I will be sure to check in and do personals after that! God I work from 10-6, then 6:30-2am babysitting, today is going to be a very long day, It is days like today that I usually over eat, so Sixers Help me NOT over eat today!

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Wow. These boards are active! So happy to see everyone posting like this. It is motivating for sure!

    Today I am going out to purchase a pair of shoes I have had my eyes on for some time. They are dressier so I passed on them but now that I have a JOB I will need them and can justify the purchase!!!

    I am also going to get a walk or workout in today. I must. I feel so sluggish....not tired but in the intestinal track if you know what I mean (maybe TMI but you ladies are "no limits"! ) I always feel better when I get moving. So many benefits to working out, just dont understand why it is so hard to get my butt in gear?!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • melanieann48111
    Today is my usual weigh in day. I've been at this for 2 weeks and I've been doing really well. I lost 3 pounds last week and then I got on the scale this morning and gained all of it back PLUS some. How? I'm extremely disappointed and I spent the morning crying. I can't figure out the problem. Maybe I'm just meant to be fat. I'm hoping that my impending TOM and the fact that I haven't had a "normal" bathroom schedule since starting is the reason for this. I just don't get it.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Unofficial Friday check in to keep me motivated. Down 0.2 lbs. Scale is moving in the right direction.

    Kristin (kistinbee)....................SW 185.0 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 154 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 153.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Pam (PamH555).....................SW 203.5lbs / GW 193.5 lbs / CW 203.5 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Cathy(chipper).........................SW 241 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 241 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Alison (ali258)..........................SW 225.8 lbs / GW 219 lbs / CW 225.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    B (its_B).....................................SW 210.0 lbs/ GW 200.0lbs/ CW 210.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman)............SW 152.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 152.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Verda (vhuber)..........................SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (pdxmomof2)...................SW 201 lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW201 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Melanie (Melanieann48111)..SW 153 lbs/ GW 146lbs/ CW 153 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy (amypyr)............................SW 158.7 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 158.7 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Nicole(nicolee516).................SW 168.4 lbs/GW 165 lbs/ CW 168.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)................SW 198.0lbs / GW 192 lbs / CW 198 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    2bskinnyagain1978................SW 186 lbs/ GW xxx lbs / CW 186 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)...............SW 218.4 lbs/ GW 209 lbs / CW 218.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    primalB.....................................SW 137 / GW 128 / CW 137 / PROGRESS +/- 0
    Lorna (iftcheiaf).......................SW 142.4 lbs / GW 137.4 lbs / CW 142.4 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Amy S (amyls8710)................SW 271 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 271 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)............................SW 146lbs / GW 136 lbs / CW 146 lbs / PROGRESS
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Today is my usual weigh in day. I've been at this for 2 weeks and I've been doing really well. I lost 3 pounds last week and then I got on the scale this morning and gained all of it back PLUS some. How? I'm extremely disappointed and I spent the morning crying. I can't figure out the problem. Maybe I'm just meant to be fat. I'm hoping that my impending TOM and the fact that I haven't had a "normal" bathroom schedule since starting is the reason for this. I just don't get it.

    It's not all or nothing. If you had a good friend who lost 3 lbs and then gained it back but was pre-TOM, would you tell her to just give it all up and go drown her sorrows in a box of donuts? Of course not! You would say - hang in there, it's okay. Keep tracking your food and exercising, and you will see results.

    I really don't know anyone who has had a loss every single week of their weight loss journey. It's taken me almost 3 months to get the past 10 lbs off. But I know if I give up now, by summer, I will be 245 again, and by Christmas I will be 260 or 270 and that will be my new highest ever. And then next January, I will come back on MFP just shy of 300 lbs and say "wow, look at all those people I used to talk to -- now they're at their goal weight, or so close, and I've just gained more weight and I'm sad and miserable."

    It will be okay, and the weight will come back off.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Today is my usual weigh in day. I've been at this for 2 weeks and I've been doing really well. I lost 3 pounds last week and then I got on the scale this morning and gained all of it back PLUS some. How? I'm extremely disappointed and I spent the morning crying. I can't figure out the problem. Maybe I'm just meant to be fat. I'm hoping that my impending TOM and the fact that I haven't had a "normal" bathroom schedule since starting is the reason for this. I just don't get it.

    Melanie, hang in there babe! Our bodies are crazy things! You are in a new routine and your body needs time to adjust. You could be down that 3 pounds tomorrow. Your muscles could be retaining water due to the extra fatigue from working out. It could be your time. I can put on 3 to 4 pounds the week before but then it comes off. Drink some extra water, keep up your routine and make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body. If you under feed it while doing regular exercise it will go into starvation mode.

    Hand in there!