anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • LupaNera
    LupaNera Posts: 170
    May I join the club? Currently around 217 lb. I was worse then that then I hit plateau and beeing here for 2 years now even if eating healthy and going to gym. Now my doc put me on diet again (mediteraneean one) and metformin. For the diet I asked for the mess no... But it turned out that I am resistan to insulin.
    I work pretty hard in the gym but no results at least in term of weight.
  • I bought 3 biggest loser cook-books on ebay & they are great & good simple recipes that taste nice

    The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook

    The Biggest Loser Quick & Easy Cookbook

    The Biggest Loser Flavors of the World Cookbook
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey feel free to add me I'm 5,8 crept up to a horrendous 284lbs ( everyone tells me I don't look it but feel horrible and want to see if there is a skinny girl in here somewhere)

    my goal weight is 154lbs

    Heather x
  • LikesVeges
    LikesVeges Posts: 42 Member
    I started at 280 and am now at 159 :) Probably not helpful to you now because you want people who are at the beginning of your journey, but I just thought I'd drop you a message to say don't give up, and you CAN do it!

    I joined MFP when I was about 264 and everyone was lovely, and there are a lot of people who are MUCH heavier :)

    Bump - Want to read success blogs!! Thanks for responding here.
  • emdf7a
    emdf7a Posts: 36
    I am 5' 11" and currently weigh 225. When I started MFP I was 261 which I had worked down from almost 290! If anyone wants to, friend me up. I am on here everyday.
  • I'm 5'5 and 213lbs. :P
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I am currently 232.4 at 5'5"...feel free to add me, would love to be in a group of like minded people!!:smile:
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    5'2 here, 215 lbs SW 238.5 Feel free to add! I am working towards a goal of 135-140 lbs.. So, I have a ways to go too.
  • cc61101
    cc61101 Posts: 1
    Hi all -- I am 247 and 5'5" . i have lost down to 189 and slowly creaped back up. please add me. I would like to be down to 140-150 so I have lots of work to do :blushing:
  • Pooh1981
    Pooh1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 5ft9 and am weighing in at about 231 lbs. Feel free to add me I am trying to get the better calories and stop eating so much junk some days I succeed and others I don't. I hardly excersize some days I feel like doing alot and others I don't feel like doing anything so just trying to get the eating under control right now!
  • Kittycat1717
    Kittycat1717 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am in this group also. I am 49 yrs old, 5"7" and have not weighed under 200lbs in over 19 years. I weighed 240 when I started in May and now I am down to 217. I have to lose weight per doctors orders to control some health issues including type 2 diabetes. That has made things really challenging since I have to balance protein and carbs differently than the average person. My goal is to reach 140lbs. I hope this will be possible by next June, my daughter is getting married. I struggle every day to do the right things with eating and exercise but I am finally encouraged to keep going since some of my health stuff is greatly improved. Hang in there, It just takes time to find what works for your body. Don't be afraid to try different combinations to get the weight loss moving.
    Just thought that I would mention that I bought a fitbit through a connection on MFP. It is totally worth it. It makes me more aware of every step I take and it seems to be working. I find myself going the longest way possible to accomplish what I need to at work. I am a senior accountant at the same company for 21years. A desk job does not help with the activity level but by using the fitbit to track your steps and motivate you to do better I am making progress.
  • Hey!! I'm 23, 5'4", and currently at 218lbs :( My goal right now is 175.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    I wanna weigh 200 except gain the weight lol
  • Hi. I,m in the "club". I am 228 aiming for 150! I am also 5"3. Would love some motivational buddies. Feel free to add me.
  • I started at 305...I am now 281.5. I am 6f1

    My goal is 190-200 and stay there. I am frustrated because I have been working hard and I have not seen a loss in the last 2 weeks.
  • I would love to join, just started and I am wanting to lose weight:laugh:
  • Maybe you should switch up your routine that will jump your metabolism. If you are doing the same things you may want to go hard on cardio or strength, go lean on carbs also. Hopes this help.
  • healthyhelen50
    healthyhelen50 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - I am over 300lbs and slowly dropping. I am doing it slowly and healthily - it is a lifelong change for me but am always looking for people to support and to support me. Love to keep in touch and be a support crew.
  • I'm 5'4 and weigh 143 lbs.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    you can add me if you want. I'm doing calorie counting and working out like crazy. And it's working pretty good for me so far. I am around 301 lbs and hope to be 299 by Sunday! I can't wait to be out of the 300's and into the 200's. I'm on here everyday faithfully and I will be for a good long while because my goal weight is 160. My Sept challenge is to complete 25% of my total goal by the end of Sept. I can do it! (That means I need to reach 287 lbs)