


  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    American football is greater than all
  • misspenfold
    misspenfold Posts: 25 Member
    the first being that people are saying that it's not their fault, it is the fault of the network. They show what they want based on what will get the best viewing figures, which obviously is then directly based on what you want to watch. If you wanted to watch it, they would show it.

    Which leads directly to the fact that from what I've read here - most Americans don't want to watch it as it doesn't have the same level of interest, but if it is never shown, how can it gain a footing in people's interests?

    Excellent point!

    I am sure I read that NBC thought the Olympics would be poorly watched in the US this year too (maybe because of the time difference), and it ended up being one of the most watched ever! Some times you - that is, the networks - have got to be brave and go for it. That's what the commercial channel in the UK is doing - giving the paralympics much wider coverage than before, and I think it's going to pay off for them and get impressive viewing figures as a reward.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    If you really wanted to compare who cares more about people with disabilities why don't you look at who donates the most money... not who watches the most events.

    and on a slightly different note, this is football :wink: :bigsmile:


  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    This and it always amuses me that the injury rate for American football players is lower than the cheerleaders :laugh:
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    If you describe yourself as a nobody, I guess your statement is true. There are plenty of somebodies who would watch the paralympics. Regardless of "disability" they are amazing athletes and would whip any of our butts in their sport.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Ireland has live coverage.
  • ladylemoncurd
    I think it is really sad that the USA is not showing the Paralympics games, not because of any desire to show disabled sports, but because unlike the privileged few who are able from very early on in this lives to train and compete in their chosen sports, for many of the paralympians from the USA, and from the UK for that matter, it is a second career, one forced on them by their role in international conflicts.
    AS it is America stands a better chance of getting a greater number of medals this time, mainly because of the number of disabled veterans, who already laid their life on the line fighting for your freedom, and now they are out there once more fighting to bring home pride and gold, ignored by a country who just don’t seem to care.

    ^^This. I'm going to the athletics on Saturday and I will make a point of cheering for the USA athletes too as it appears noone in their mother country really gives a toss.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    If you describe yourself as a nobody, I guess your statement is true. There are plenty of somebodies who would watch the paralympics. Regardless of "disability" they are amazing athletes and would whip any of our butts in their sport.

    I think its "diability" that really shows how strong they are. Truely amazing athletes,
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    "real" football??? As far as I remember soccer is played with feet...and a ball. American football revolves around running with an oval shaped something in your arms.

    Also, it's nice to see how many nobodies there are around you. A lot of people would like to watch the paralympics, they are just as inspiring (even more so!!) than the olympics.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    Live streaming here but I don't know if it will work outside of UK / Ireland
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Think again, this is the biggest ever Paralympics, tickets almost sold out 2.5million on offer - 2.4million sold. It is a shame the US could not even use one of it's 100 channels to air it.

    The U.S. is not a social government. They don't force companies to do their bidding. If I am a TV broadcaster and I say "hey, if I air this, I will lose 20million dollars of possible profit" - my next statement won't be "yaye lets do it." It will instead be "screw that, lets put something on that people will watch."

    Bless you. The commercial channels *bid* to host the event.

    Why would they bid for losing money? Might as well see who can load money in the shredder faster.

    You don't seem to get it. People here actually *want* to watch our athletes. The event is being covered by a major commercial broadcaster. Nothing to do with the state as you were trying to imply. There's no chance of them losing money. Our stadium are sold out and our tv coverage will be well subscribed.

    If NBC thought that they would make more money airing it than by airing their other programs, they would. They, like other companies, focus on maximizing profit. It is not being aired, therefore it is not profitable in comparison. The end!

    One billion people are reported to have watched the ceremony worldwide. That's quite a lot of people. The end!

    That doesn't mean even 10 million in America would watch it. In the US, I bet a new episode of CSI would get more viewers than the paralympics.

    It doesn't matter, you see, one billion people around the rest of the world watched it, just think of all the advertising that went on.

    CSI? What's that LMAO.

    Luckily the world doesn't just revolve around the US eh.

    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Sorry, but that's not real football... FootBall is a game you play with your FEET! The game you talk about is called HandEgg...
    *Couldn't resist posting since I love 'soccer' as you call it...
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.

    I don't think anybody is missing the point actually; they are simply pointing out that it's actually quite a sad state of affairs that so many of you seem not to care. Also it seems you're all quite proud of not caring....very strange...
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    Once again, America shows the world how backwards it can be. Snubbing our 7/7 tribute at the Olympic Opening Ceremony was bad, but snubbing the second largest sporting event in the world because nobody there wants to see people with disabilities on their TV is an absolute... There's literally no word strong enough to describe how disgustingly ignorant and offensive that is.

    It's not "disgraceful."

    Is it disgraceful if we don't air a cricket competition? Or if we don't air a spelling bee? Maybe just in general if we don't air a tv show you like? Really? You act like every American is yelling "we hate cripples" when that is an absolute lie. People just aren't as interested in it. Like i said before, I don't even like the regular Olympics. Many don't. I think the regular Olympics is a waste of time. Nevertheless, they air it because they think they'll make money - and for the record, in recent years tv networks LOST money airing the Olympics in the U.S. So to think that the paralympics will be some gold mine is absolutely insane.
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    Can you imagine if a rugby player asked if he could put pads on to protect himself?!

    Im from the south of the UK, and the rugby we play is hard, but if you are from the north, they play an even harder version. Rugby League.

    That is harder, faster and much more physical than either Rugby Union or Hand-Egg.

    But the lot of it is trumped by Aussie Rules Football. Fighting is common place and injuries are ignored. The pitch is 150mtrs long and the players play with no padding and only mouth guards.

    But the reason its called football, very similar to soccer being called football, is that the predominant part of the game is using your FEET.

    When football has a world cup, it has all countries involved, when there is a world championship in Hand-egg they only have one country.
    Even rounders, sorry, baseball, has two or three countries involved for their "World" Series.

    But ultimately it comes down to the Paralympics is not shown because it is not high enough profile for the advertisers to recoup their money.

    A wicked shame, but then c'est la guerre
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Live streaming here but I don't know if it will work outside of UK / Ireland

    this video is not working or not available in your territory, please check again later on

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I'm going to check the various channels on the satellite, someone around here (gulf/mid east) must be showing it. Maybe some of it's going to be uploaded on you tube.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    If you really wanted to compare who cares more about people with disabilities why don't you look at who donates the most money... not who watches the most events.

    But yes, I'm sure you're good at giving money to people. As long as you don't have to... you know.... *look* at them....

    This is very rude.

    Exceptionally rude.
    If they had an Olympic event for rudeness, you'd get the gold.

    However, it wouldn't be televised. Because nobody would watch it.

    Rude is ignoring your own athletes competing for your country because "football" is more important.

    Hey, I never asked them to compete. Just because someone does somethng and says "it's for america" then I have to watch it? Really? Do you have any idea how many different competitions are occurring around the world today that are divisioned by country? I guarantee you there's at least 15 things going on this week be it sports, computers, robotic competitions, spelling competitions, liberal arts... etc... there is thousands of competitions yearly divisioned by country. Are we supposed to watch EVERY single one and AIR everyone sngle one because they are doing it "for America?" Your logic is sooooooooooooo flawed. Also, I hate baseball - but there are international games... am I suppoesd to watch those too? You know, I sort of have to since they are doing it "for America" and all.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    So your big thng about rugby is that it's more contact? Big whoop. Watch hockey.
    The reason i like American Football is strategy. 90% of American Football is about strategy. All the way from the plays down to how you partition the time of said plays and manipulate the clock to your advantage. I don't watch Football for hits - that's what people do who don't understand the game.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    This and it always amuses me that the injury rate for American football players is lower than the cheerleaders :laugh:

    That statistic is obviously skewed since it neglects the severity of the injury. "oh I spraned my ankle" vs "oh, I'm brain damaged."
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.

    I don't think anybody is missing the point actually; they are simply pointing out that it's actually quite a sad state of affairs that so many of you seem not to care. Also it seems you're all quite proud of not caring....very strange...

    You don't see the point or your argument would cease. You're claim is that WE MUST WATCH paralympics or we don't care about the handicapped. That is b.s. We're not "proud of not caring" - we are honest that it's not something we want to watch, but that doesn't mean we don't care. If I don't watch the news this week, does that mean I don't care about what happened in the world or about the things that happened to people?