


  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    the US didn't get proper coverage of the Olympics, time delayed events etc, i doubt they could care less about the paralympics
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.

    I don't think anybody is missing the point actually; they are simply pointing out that it's actually quite a sad state of affairs that so many of you seem not to care. Also it seems you're all quite proud of not caring....very strange...

    You don't see the point or your argument would cease. You're claim is that WE MUST WATCH paralympics or we don't care about the handicapped. That is b.s. We're not "proud of not caring" - we are honest that it's not something we want to watch, but that doesn't mean we don't care. If I don't watch the news this week, does that mean I don't care about what happened in the world or about the things that happened to people?

    Who said anything about you MUST watch it? This thread started out asking quite simply WHY the US were not giving it any air at all.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    the US didn't get proper coverage of the Olympics, time delayed events etc, i doubt they could care less about the paralympics

    Yes, it messed about with their advertising because it would have been aired in the middle of the night/very early hours of the morning, therefore they stuck their delay on it.

    I remember watching the Atlanta games in 1996, it was aired throughout the night/early hours of the morning here in the UK, I lived like a vampire for two weeks, used to go to work like a zombie PMSL
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    So your big thng about rugby is that it's more contact? Big whoop. Watch hockey.
    The reason i like American Football is strategy. 90% of American Football is about strategy. All the way from the plays down to how you partition the time of said plays and manipulate the clock to your advantage. I don't watch Football for hits - that's what people do who don't understand the game.

    Actually watch the wheelchair rugby if you want to see brutality. Think I am joking, think again.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    So your big thng about rugby is that it's more contact? Big whoop. Watch hockey.
    The reason i like American Football is strategy. 90% of American Football is about strategy. All the way from the plays down to how you partition the time of said plays and manipulate the clock to your advantage. I don't watch Football for hits - that's what people do who don't understand the game.

    You really should stop making things up.

    My "big thing" (errr, yeah) was that your compatriot had mentioned that American Football was "real" football rather than soccer when in fact it is just a diluted version of Rugby, which to me is the "real" football.

    As for the "shoulder pads" remark I have discussed Rubgy v American Football with my friends across the Atlantic many times and they always end up crying for some reason. I can't help it if y'all are oversensitive and your athletes lack the skill and strategy not to get hit or be able to take a fall.

  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.

    I don't think anybody is missing the point actually; they are simply pointing out that it's actually quite a sad state of affairs that so many of you seem not to care. Also it seems you're all quite proud of not caring....very strange...

    You don't see the point or your argument would cease. You're claim is that WE MUST WATCH paralympics or we don't care about the handicapped. That is b.s. We're not "proud of not caring" - we are honest that it's not something we want to watch, but that doesn't mean we don't care. If I don't watch the news this week, does that mean I don't care about what happened in the world or about the things that happened to people?

    No, you clearly are misconstruing my point. I'm not saying you "MUST WATCH paralympics". I'm simply saying I think it's sad that you, as a country, don't seem to care about the paralympics and that you seem to be proud of that lack of caring.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Real football involves using your feet, playing a full 90 minutes, no time outs, no video replay delays and is the most beautiful game known to humankind (a fact that is appreciated by the 95% of the world's population outside of the USA....):happy:

    ^^This!! Not to mention that there are 22 extremely lovely, athletic men on the field at any given time (not a single one of them weighs anything like 300 pounds), and the fan experience is unlike anything else. Sorry disabled people aren't 'pretty' enough for you.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Channel 4 is a commercial television station showing the paralympics because it knows that many Brits will want to watch the superhuman effort made by these incredible athletes.

    I'm incredibly proud of our athletes, able bodied or paralympians, but there is something particularly inspiring and humbling watching the paralympians who include victims of disease, people who have coped with disability since birth, those who have had tragic accidents, victims of terrorism and ex-servicemen who paid a terrible price for doing their duty for queen and country.

    The problem here is with the tv networks, not Americans. There are many Americans who want to watch the paralympics. There will always be those that don't, the same can be said of Great Britain, I'm not going to pretend otherwise.

    However, it does surprise me that given the almost jingoistic patriotism Americans have, and in particular for their servicemen, that none of the main tv networks have picked this up. I think it comes down to risk. They know they will get viewings and ad-revenue from American football. The paralympics will present the tv networks with a risk and none of them look to be willing to take that on.

    That's a sad indictment of American tv networks and whilst we have fewer channels we can be happy that we have the bbc and in particular Channel 4 for taking a bit of risk.

    As the Channel 4 poster advertising the paralympics says - Thanks for the warm up

    Let the games commence!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Reply from a north american but not U.S. of A. point of view.

    It is really sad that I will have to watch the paraolympics on you tube or streamed.

    It is very hard to watch English foot ball for two reasons i) it is so slow... after growing up watching Ice hockey it is almost impossible to stay focused on English foot ball. ii) The constant faking of injury by the players...have they no pride ?

    Rugby is a real sport... where else can you play a full contact sport that thinks safety equipment is some electrical tape to hold your ears on. God I love that game.

    CFL is way more fun than NFL because with 3 minutes left to play you can still come back from 21 point behind.
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Ah of course. A sport only played in the US is naturally far more important....

    Seriously. Sometimes you americans really don't do your own reputation any favours. Rise above the stereotype!
    Why should US coverage revolve around what's popular in the rest of the world? That's stupid.
    SO why cover the "abled" Olympics then if that's the case?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Reply from a north american but not U.S. of A. point of view.

    It is really sad that I will have to watch the paraolympics on you tube or streamed.

    It is very hard to watch English foot ball for two reasons i) it is so slow... after growing up watching Ice hockey it is almost impossible to stay focused on English foot ball. ii) The constant faking of injury by the players...have they no pride ?

    Rugby is a real sport... where else can you play a full contact sport that thinks safety equipment is some electrical tape to hold your ears on. God I love that game.

    CFL is way more fun than NFL because with 3 minutes left to play you can still come back from 21 point behind.

    Re the injury faking - that annoys us too. Doesn't happen in lower leagues though as much, and certainly not in the local league I play in. Oh he broke his leg? Substitute him off and we'll keep playing while someone phones an ambulance...literally....
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    American football is greater than all

    I find it difficult to form an opinion on American "football" the last time I watched any was about 30 years ago and I could only stand to watch about 5 minutes of it , bored me so much
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I am from the US. I was looking forward to watching the Olympics this year. Want to know why I stopped watching? By the time the events actually aired here, I already knew who won. Its like reading a book and having someone tell you the end. It ruins it.

    Do I wish I could watch the paralympics? Yes. But I also wish that it weren't treated as an entirely seperate event. I believe the athletes should get to compete at one time, not seperately.

    And for all of those people generalizing and bashing Americans because we aren't watching the paralympics, please tell me when was the last time you watched a live game of wheelchair basketball that was played not during the paralympics??? If the answer is never, I wouldn't be surprised. I am glad you can sit atop your high horse once every four years and critisize Americans for not watching.

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    To the OP, why does it matter to you what we watch on tv? I promise not to worry myself with whats on your tv, if you stop worrying about whats on mine.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    This and it always amuses me that the injury rate for American football players is lower than the cheerleaders :laugh:

    That statistic is obviously skewed since it neglects the severity of the injury. "oh I spraned my ankle" vs "oh, I'm brain damaged."

    Of course it's skewed, it wouldn't be funny otherwise :huh:

    Actually the stat was based upon major injury requiring hospitalisation.

    Who would have thought you would see the words American, American Football and I'm brain damaged in the same post.
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL.

    Hilarious. Who says Americans don't have a sense of humour?

    Seriously though, THIS is football:


    The game of using both feet and hands to move an oval shaped object to the end of the opponent's side of the pitch rather than just feet was created at Rugby School in England and based on the original game of football - Rugby football.

    The fact you guys choose to play it using shoulder pads and eye liner is frankly none of my bidness....

    So your big thng about rugby is that it's more contact? Big whoop. Watch hockey.
    The reason i like American Football is strategy. 90% of American Football is about strategy. All the way from the plays down to how you partition the time of said plays and manipulate the clock to your advantage. I don't watch Football for hits - that's what people do who don't understand the game.

    This. Football is the ultimate team sport in my opinion. It is one giant physical chess match.
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Its not on TV because not enough people are going to watch it. Has nothing to do with us being "stupid americans"

    Get over yourselves you fcks.

    Its football season, no network is going to air some small time paraolympics and lose millions of dollars in ad revenue. If someone wants to watch it I am sure they can get it streaming online.
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Its not on TV because not enough people are going to watch it. Has nothing to do with us being "stupid americans"

    Get over yourselves you fcks.

    Its football season, no network is going to air some small time paraolympics and lose millions of dollars in ad revenue. If someone wants to watch it I am sure they can get it streaming online.

    To add to what I said, do you think the UK would be showing the paraolympics on tv if it was going on during the Euro Cup. Yea I don't think so.
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    Its not on TV because not enough people are going to watch it. Has nothing to do with us being "stupid americans"

    Get over yourselves you fcks.

    Its football season, no network is going to air some small time paraolympics and lose millions of dollars in ad revenue. If someone wants to watch it I am sure they can get it streaming online.

    To add to what I said, do you think the UK would be showing the paraolympics on tv if it was going on during the Euro Cup. Yea I don't think so.

  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Its not on TV because not enough people are going to watch it. Has nothing to do with us being "stupid americans"

    Get over yourselves you fcks.

    Its football season, no network is going to air some small time paraolympics and lose millions of dollars in ad revenue. If someone wants to watch it I am sure they can get it streaming online.

    To add to what I said, do you think the UK would be showing the paraolympics on tv if it was going on during the Euro Cup. Yea I don't think so.


    yes...yes they for clarification on the above points...does EVERY channel have American Football showing on it? EVERY one?! In England we manage to have The World Cup and the Euros (and all manner of other sporting events) shown on a given channel or channels, whilst the other channels air their own chosen broadcasts...the marvels of modern technology, eh?
  • misspenfold
    misspenfold Posts: 25 Member
    Without getting drawn into the America bashing argument; the soccer season has started here as the college/NFL has over there, so I don't think its fair to compare the national US leagues to an international competition like the euro finals (forgive me if I've misunderstood the point).

    Plus PLENTY of sports fans over here do not like soccer/football but love to watch the olympics and paralympics. I think there is more than enough tv channels out there to accomodate many different sports. I can only imagine it is the same in the US.

    I still think that until a network takes a risk and shows the paralympics how will they ever really know if there is an interest or not?