

  • Elledu
    Elledu Posts: 1 Member
    Support and accountability always helps! One day at a time...you can do it!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Lin Welcome back. I hope you were able to get some great rest in after your long car trip.
    @Kathy Yay on getting the pin out!
    @Dee, Yes she does like long walks, yesterday at part its my day to take the clients to do their volunteer gig at an assisted living center. For them to do their various jobs we walk and walk around that center for almost 2 hours. That is why I had such a long walk yesterday. Plus the dog walks. So by the end of yesterday ankle swollen and tired feet, but it was also good.:smile:

    Today and yesterday have gone better. I have been trying to eat several small meals today much better yesterday was a shakey start but the day got better. If it happens again I will go to a doctor.

    Wishing everyone a good night.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Calories for Barbie's Apple-Pumpkin Soup that I made the other day came to 88 for a 2 cup serving. Mine ended up being 95 after adding the fat-free half and half. Then extra, of course, for garnishing with parmesan and croutons.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    jb - about how many servings does the recipe for the soup make?

    Welcome stardancer, Lynn, apj790, glendalight, fen2erth. JCKKB374, and anyone else I may have missed

    barbara - glad to see you back!

    Amanda - that is so terrible about your friend! Guess the emigration will have to be put on hold, or will it?

    NeenaVe - we're ALWAYS taking new members and welcome them with open arms

    Cathy - welcome back!!!

    Meg - maybe bring your friend here? That would be wonderful for us and for you guys

    Lin - how nice it is to know that I'm not the only one who "samples" what we have for company (or in my case Vince)

    Was at water aerobics and someone was saying how they heard on Dr. Oz how raspberries are supposed to help you burn calories.????

    I can't believe it's ALREADY Labor Day weekend. Where HAS the summer gone to???

    Laura - have a good time in LV. What a wonderful place to be celebrating your birthday! maybe you can bring some of the miniBabaybel cheese?

    Nancy - *I* have two housekeepers -- named "left" and "right"....lol

    Jane - so sorry about your hubby. I hope things work out for him quickly. You both deserve it.

    Today has been one of those days. Time just flew by. For starters, I couldn't sleep and was up at 4a.m. Tried to read but that didn't help any. Got dressed, had breakfast then went to one store to buy the items on sale that didn't need refrigeration. Then went to another store on the way to exercise class because I had a $5 coupon and they had Frosted MiniWheats which we needed on sale 2/$5, I also had a coupon for $1 off 3 so for three boxes I paid $1.50. Then to deep water exercise class. I understand they hired someone to teach the class on a permanent basis and she was taking notes on Monday. Not sure what that was all about and why she wasn't in the class today. Somehow, it just doesn't "feel" good. Then to the store to get the refrigerated items, brought them home, then to Aldi to get water for the workers, then to the bowling meeting (our winter season is starting next week), bowled 3 games and stunk, but what else is new??? Even Vince was glad that I am on this guy's team, he's so helpful.

    I wasn't planning to stay as long as I did, but it turns out that one of the guys on my team (he's a real nice guy) is the guy who has Parkinsons and Altzheimers. His wife is there with him all the time (he's not supposed to drive) and she was telling me how with the med he's on he should be eating small snacks during the day but she has a hard time getting him to eat. Anyway, I'd brought carrots and grapes with me and he was eating the grapes. I have no problem at all with that, but I did feel badly and didn't want to leave so he could have more. After we left the Newcomers were having a coffee social so I went only they had already left. No big deal since it was near my house anyway. Came home, the mason finished putting the sealer on the wall for the raised elevation and was just leaving.

    Made crabcakes for dinner tomorrow night, heated up tonight's dinner, ate, then vacuumed out the pool. That was a first for me! But the pool was really filthy. The pH was up, that most likely was because of the mortar he needed to use. Also, he cut each and every cinder block so a lot of the cinder dust went into the pool. Then had to run to the store to get some egg substitute since I'd run out, made 3 chocolate chip zucchini loaves. Before I knew it, it was time for Loki's med (and here I thought it was only 9:00), took a shower, and just now getting on the computer.

    Did an hour of deep water today, tomorrow I'm planning to do Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    How are we all today?

    Extremely wet in London and got soaked on the way to work - my hair looks ..... interesting! I can't wait to get it cut in ten days time.

    Barbie - your soup is becoming world famous. I'm going to make some this weekend.

    Michele - vacuumed the pool? Oh goodness, I hardly ever even vaccum the house!

    Liz - I hope your ankle is feeling better today.

    Micki - it doesn't matter if you don't quite reach your goal when you planned, just keep at it.

    Lila - I'm a huge fan of spinach, which is just as well as I really need to replenish my iron stock.

    Gail - it is encouraging to hear that your niece is recovering well from the horrendous breast cancer disease.

    Jeannie - don't be discouraged by the length of time MFP says it will take you to lose the weight. You will get there.

    Jane - so sorry about your DH's job! Life can be a challenge can't it.

    Jen - it's a wonderful reminder to appreciate the beautiful nature that surrounds us

    Carolyn - menopause! I've been going through it for the last twenty years, due to a very early hysterectomy. I consider the flushes as power surges, but they are draining too.

    JB - I've saved your Chile recipe to try some time. Thank you for sharing it.

    Gini - what type of surgery did you have?

    I wish I could respond to more people, but really have to do some work!

    Someone mentioned that this week's blue moon is in honour of Neil Armstrong, I'm going to go with that as a very fitting epitaph.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm feeling a bit better this morning, still coughing and blowing my nose:angry: but at least feeling more myself than I have in awhile. I am so ready for this to go away!!!!! I have still been getting my walks in, however I didn't yesterday, I'm wondering if that's why I felt "off" most of the day yesterday, hmmm something to ponder on. I've already got my walk in for today, I get a little extra from walking Miss Noel, however it's been pretty warm here and she doesn't like staying out long when its hot. I have to go to the grocery store today, tomorrow is weigh in day where I actually record my weight on MFP and I'm having salmon tonight!!!!

    How has everyone done with your goals for August?
    I have fallen short of my water intake, there were some days I only got in 8 glasses instead of 12:ohwell:
    I don't know if I'll make my 5 pound loss either:grumble: , I played with a couple of pounds for two weeks before they finally came off!
    I have walked everyday except for yesterday.
    I'm trying to remember if I had any more goals to fulfill, I'm going to have to write down my goals for Sept., keep them where I can see them everyday.
    I have logged my food everyday, I preplan my day and my food diary is complete in the morning, that way I know what I'm having throughout the day. It changes on occasion, but not very often.
    I think I will spend some time today making my goals for Sept.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with happiness and blessings!!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!!

  • walkermom58
    walkermom58 Posts: 86 Member
    Yesterday was a long day, almost 12 hours. We are getting ready for the first day of school and last night was the Open House. About 2 hours before the Open Housee, our database went down with no way to print schedules, an important part of the evening activities. I had a few moments of "Yikes" kind of panic, but then settled down with positive thoughts. Ended up being able to print from an old program that we don't use anymore, so thankful for that old program! Anyway, by the time I got home, I literally was too tired to eat! That rarely happens! I made a big salad, no dressing and chowed away. Then, I still had 333 calories to eat. What to do...I just wanted to go to bed. I chose a couple of other things and made it to within 130 calories left. Gave up and went to bed. Very strange day for me! Anyway, I just want to say, I have never felt so satisfied while trying to lose weight!: Thank you to everyone who posts, they are all encouraging. The on-line support is amazing! and the good parts, I don't have to leave my house again after coming home from work, no special foods or membership fees! MFP is awesome!
    Have a great end to the month of August!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Lila – I was putting spinach in my egg white omelettes in the morning for quite some time. A neighbor gave us a huge bag of frozen spinach from Costco or somewhere and I just put a little bowl of it in the fridge at the beginning of the week and each day put some in my omelette. I like spinach, but prefer the fresh and this was a good way to use up the frozen. (The last of it went into the spinach-artichoke dip with last week.)

    Michele – we had a pool when we lived in Arizona and had an installed pool vacuum we called ‘the scrubbing bubble’. It was so easy to connect and it would run all the time, great in the winter when we didn’t want to mess with it.

    My sister has Parkinsons (as did my dad) and she has definitely become even more thin. It is the medicines I think, plus with all the extra movement all the time she really does burn more calories. She is conscious of it though and works to keep eating. It is a terrible disease. I haven't seen her since last November and will see her again at Thanksgiving. I've really missed her, but all the medical stuff earlier this year complicated things.

    Well, time to get the day started!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I did accomplish my goal of not snacking after dinner yesterday!

    I got the lawn mowed so I certainly got in enough exercise calories to have a big deficit.

    House work for me today. I don't want to put anything off for the long weekend ahead. I need to see when & if the kids are coming over. With their schedules it's plan as you go. DD may be on call at the hospital and DS works in the lawn & garden center at Lowes.

    I hope everone has a good day with good choices, sensible exercise and lots of water.

  • rebeccafrasher
    I am 53 and started on my weight loss journey in August. I weighed in at 215 the highest I had ever been. Miserable. Trying to find clothes I looked nice in was just depressing. I started at 30 minutes, and on a national diet plan. Didn't lose but 5 lbs. I studied a bit and found that we start losing our muscle mass at age 30 and continue into our 50's. That is what creates our metabolism. I started doing some weight lifting on my own and started using the Elypitcal 20 minutes a day and the weight started coming off. I have since gotten really serious about changing my shape and my lifestyle. I started doing workouts with some friends and we do 45 minutes of cardio 2 times a week, and weight lifiting with Chalene or LEs Mills Pump Extreme 2 times a week. On Fridays we do a recovery and the weekends we just do cardio or walking or running on our own. I am down from a size 18 to a 14 and on my way to a size 12. I weighed in this morning at 178 lbs. IF you want to continue buring calories even while you sleep....add some weight lifiting into your weekly routine and watch the lbs and inches melt away! Good luck to all. I love counting calories on Myfitnessplan.com!
  • Bonbon061
    Hi, I'm 58 and have done weight watchers in the past and was very successful but fell off the wagon and gained it al back. I think I'll give this a try. It seems very similar to Ww online and it's free so that's a big plus. Just learning how the site works and have been on it for 5 days. It looks like the scale has budged and doesn't seem that hard :smile:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Micki - DH = Dear Husband, DD = Dear Daughter, DS = Dear Son, DIL / MIL / FIL - daughter / mother / father in-law; SO - significant other. I can't think of others at the moment. Glad to know others are sometimes acronym-challenged!

    Rebecca - you've done a great job for just starting in August!! You are correct about the weights and they are so important to our bone health, too.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello all - was just going to post a reply to the lovely updates I'd been reading but got a call from the hospital. My dad has fallen and fractured his hip. Since he's on blood thinner they don't know when they'll be operating. Gotta start packing and will be out of town indefinitely again. Hope everyone is safe. Will be back when I can.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning :flowerforyou:

    Barbie's soup has been the Soup Du Jour for the last 3 days, today will be day 4. :bigsmile: Michele, my batch made about 10 cups. I added the 2 1/2 cups of water and it's still thick as can be.

    Still no word about hubby's work tomorrow so we're not sure if we'll be able to go huckleberry picking. I'm thinking we'll wait and head up next weekend instead. Yesterday I picked a gallon of blackberries which I put in the freezer since I didn't have time to make jam. This morning I'll be making marinara sauce with the tomatoes that are heaped in baskets on my kitchen table.

    I didn't get to the track yesterday, not that I'm lazy or anything! :blushing: There's just so much to do right now with the gardens and going to work every afternoon. Excuses, excuses. I have simply got to drag myself down there and start doing some laps first thing in the morning. Once school starts next week I'll have to be down there by 7:15. Maybe having a time limit like that will light a fire under my fanny. I'll tell ya, once I get out of the routine of regular workouts it's like pulling eye teeth to get going again. Same thing happens every year at this time when the gardens are producing like mad.. Food comes first! :laugh:

    Speaking of food, time to fix myself some breakfast and get started with my day. Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday!

    :smile: jb
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    @ jeanniebeanie Look at the long term - even half a pound a week is 26 pounds in a year. That would make me happy - and healthier!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Lin: So sorry about your dad. You will both be in my prayers,

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Reading through the posts I see there are several new posters - welcome! Time is limited this morning so I am here to wish everyone a grand day and a blessed holiday weekend.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    @dwn2erth Thanks! Mature goals to me means realistic- not the promise of 5 pounds by Friday, or size 2 by summer. We 'experienced women' know these promises never deliver and set us up for failure. But healthy eating and active days adopted as a lifestyle will, over the long term, work for my benefit - a healthier, happier me! Now let's go do it.:flowerforyou:
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hello, everyone! We're having a strangly hot late August in the Black Hills this year - it was 104 when I left work yesterday! But maybe it helped me sweat off that half pound I was down this morning. :drinker: I also had a nice NSV - I put on a dress that I just bought mid-summer (at a consignment shop for $6!) and it's now too big! I'm wearing it anyway but hoping it will go back to the consignment shop for next summer!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    @dwn2erth Thanks! Mature goals to me means realistic- not the promise of 5 pounds by Friday, or size 2 by summer. We 'experienced women' know these promises never deliver and set us up for failure. But healthy eating and active days adopted as a lifestyle will, over the long term, work for my benefit - a healthier, happier me! Now let's go do it.:flowerforyou:

    I'll second that! words of wisdom :)