Where are all the moms? Come...introduce yourself!



  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) I have one child, a son who is 2 in October and his name is Callum

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Yes hopefully

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? My pregnancy was fine right up until the end when he went breech and then not breech and then breech again etc etc etc. Delivery was awful and we both nearly died...

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I do it in the evening when he is sleeping. Exhausting but nothing much else I can do really

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? Aside from the fact I want to be a better mother to my son by being fitter etc and to do with health reasons there's also the vanity side to it.
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have?

    I have 2 beautiful babies!!! My son is Blake and he is 2 1/2 yrs old and my daughter is Emmah and she is 18 months

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    Yup!!1 Hubby and I want 6 total

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?

    High risk both times!!! I had a cerclage placed with both

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    5am!!! That's the only free time I have.....If I can I sneak in a run in the evenings when hubby gets home.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    So my family will have me around a lot longer!!!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Chachita - 37

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)

    ***Oldest will be 18 on September 17 and youngest just turned 16 in July...

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    ***In simple terms... HELLLLLLS TO THE NO!!!!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?

    ***Can't complain at all

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    ***currently after work, but that is about to change

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    ***I rather call it being healthy - it is a mission to be mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy... happier me, happier those around me with me... and I want to be able to keep up with my grandbabies when that time comes...
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Age 24 - Daughter Hallie - 16 (almost 17)
    Age 28 -Son - Michael - 12

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    all vaginal births with drugs

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    EARLY MORNINGS and Lunch Times

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
  • busymomma97
    busymomma97 Posts: 75 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Tiffanie 14
    Jake 11
    Abby 7
    Jami 4

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Goodness, no...four is as many as this momma can handle :wink:

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    All my pregnancies were super easy. Delivery was a breeze, the most I pushed with any of my kids were three pushes. Daughter's heart rate dropped down to 50 for my last one, but thankfully she was fine..just wanted to scare me, and the doctors!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    That is what I should get a medal for, juggling! haha Usually I just hop on the elliptical in the evening and watch tv after dinner. I will start doing a little more once my daughter starts preschool next week.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    To get healthy, both mentally and physically. I, thankfully, don't have any health problems but diabetes runs huge in my family and being overweight, even a little, really complicated it. I also want to feel better about myself and not just sit at home wishing the pounds away. Time to reclaim my lifestyle before my lifestyle claims me.

    Feel free to send me a friend request, looking forward to making friends along the journey to encourage and be encouraged.
  • jngore
    jngore Posts: 1
    My name is Jessica and I'm 27. I have been dieting for about 4 months, but I have slacked off a little the last 3 weeks. I'm trying to get back into it.

    1. I have one son (Aiden Scott) who is almost 9 months.
    2. My husband and I are planning on having one more child. We are going to start trying in about a year.
    3. I was sick through most of my pregnancy and only had a net gain of 6 pounds; however I was extremely overweight before I got pregnant. I ended up having to have a C-Section and left the hospital 30 pounds lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight.
    4. As a working mom, I try to exercise during my lunch hour (usually walking) and then again when I get home. Sometimes I take my son for a walk or my husband watches him so I can get my exercise in. Other times, I wait until my son goes to sleep (usually around 8:30), but I don’t like to do that because it gets me all hyped up right before bed.
    5. My main motivation to be fit is my son. I want to be healthy and live a longer life. I also want to feel comfortable with myself and the way I look so I am not ashamed to take him out as he gets older. I haven’t been comfortable with my body in almost 5 years, and I really want to get back to the point where I like the way I look.
  • Amazon_Warrior88
    Amazon_Warrior88 Posts: 28 Member
    1. We have a 9 year old son named Dante :)
    2. Yes we would love to have more! We have run into some complications with getting pregnant again, but hoping the life style changes and weight loss help with that.
    3. Nice and smooth...no problems.
    4. Depending on my work schedule either in the morning before work or after I get off. Me, my hubbie, and our son workout together on the days I workout after work :).
    5. To show my son how to make better choices with his health than I did. I want to be able to run and play with him and not get tired or winded. To hopefully eliminate our fertility issues. I also want to feel better about me for me!
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    i have 3 kids alyssa whos 10, justin whos 9 and nicholas whos 6

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    nope im done lol!!!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    the first pregnancy was ok i was sick most of the time so i didnt gain much. the 2nd i blew up like a baloon and the third resulted in a c-section so there went my stomach muscles and anice pouch i still carry 6 years later because most exercise still till this day pulls my c-section area and hurts for reasons that no one can explain!!!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    while the kids are in school or with my gym partner when my hubby gets out of work at night.. thank god for 24hr gyms!

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    im unhappy with the way i look and im getting married next summer so game on! im in it to win it with this weight loss challenge ive created
  • Jaidnoire
    Jaidnoire Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm Jackie and I'll be 35 a few weeks....I'm enjoying MFP (and my FitBit). Taking this weight-loss / exercise thing slowly this time in order not to crash and burn like I usually do.

    1.) I've got 2 kids (Kal-el - 4, Janiya - 6mths)

    2.) We are SOOOO very very DONE....two is just right for our family.

    3.) K's was fantastic (gained 20lbs, lost quickly thru bfeeding, active thru-out.) He was breech so a c-section was had but I healed fast. J's was the opposite, with me on bed rest for 4mths. That bed rest trashed my body and has me really struggling in my mission to get back in shape!

    4.) I'm also struggling to find time to exercise. By the time I get home in the evening, feed the kids, get them ready for bed and whatever chores, it's LATE and I'm beat. Thus getting up even earlier to workout in the morning sounds like madness....
    For now I'm trying in the evenings (Zumba/30DS) and trying to be more active during my workday with walks and secret jumping jacks and squats in conference rooms and bathrooms (>.>)

    5.) To be healthy, to not feel so crappy all the time to stay sexy for my husband, to feel better in my clothes...
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have a 3 yr old son, Aiden Scott

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    I would love to have 1 more, however, I got divorced in April so that kind of put a hold on having another one. Gotta love those cheating husbands! Grrrr! :)

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    My pregnancy was great except for the "All day sickness" that I had for the first 7 1/2 months. They had to put me on medicine so I could keep food down. The delivery was ok. I had to push for 2 hrs and 40 mins. Little man just didn't feel like coming out!!!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I exercise in the evenings after 6ish. My parents have been wonderful through my whole divorce stuff. They live across the field from me so I take my lil man over there and they spend time with him while I get a good workout in on their treadmill. Its a win/win for everyone. I get to run and they get to spend time together. I am very blessed!

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    Myself...I want to be healthy and fit. Honestly, this is the first time I've been single since I was 17 so I want to feel good about myself. I want to be confident in the way I look. Also, I want to be a great example to my son. He is my world and I want him to be proud that I'm his mom and grow up knowing I showed him what it means to live healthy.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Hello back.

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? I have two girls: Kai, 7, and Rowan 1.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? I'm done. Two princesses is enough for us. :)

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Both good pregnancies other than 60+lbs weight gain with each; both delivered under 20 minutes from when water broke. Fun! LOL

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I work out most every morning starting at 6 or 6:30 until I get done, and throw in some extra cardio in the evening with my girls when I can.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? My girls, to look sexy naked and to feel good and have higher self esteem.

    Wow! That sums up a lot. Anyone can add me if they like. :)
  • Hi my name is Tamara and im a RN with 3 kids and a husband. Im 31 years old. Trying to lose 60 lbs the right way. I didnt gain the extra weight until after i became a nurse 2 years ago. I guess i got to relax with eating out. lol But need lots of encouragement and great meal ideas , if you guys have any. My husband is the ideal weight so no matter how much he eats he never gains. So i will be cooking for myself and preparing my lunch for work. I will do the same if i find tips so lets beat the fat with a stick and get to burning those cals.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    I love being a Mum even when they're being mischievious; my 4 year old coloured herself head to toe, even including the soles of her feet, in my only lipstick when she was supposed to be asleep trying to be Spiderman. She did a pretty good job too!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) I have Georgia 4yrs and Imogen 14mths.
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Sadly not but I dearly like to.
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Both positive experiences in their own way, I was lucky I was able to have natural births with both with no complications.
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? When they sleep...well ok, if they sleep! Quick run when my husband is in from work and currently doing 30DS usually around midnight, it's the earliest I can get it in!
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? Setting a good lifestyle for the whole family and regaining my confidence which is sorely lacking.
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)

    ~ 2 - 13 yo daughter (Rachael) & 11 yo son (Ryan)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    ~No...we are happy with 2 - always said we played the baby lottery & won!! Factories are closed now...my DH had a vascectomy & I've had a hysterectomy.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?

    ~ My brain loved being pregnant, but my body...not so much. I had hypertension both times. 2 weeks bedrest at the end with the 1st & 12 weeks bedrest with the 2nd (not so easy with a not quite 2 year old!!) Labours were not horrible & deliveries were fast....7 mins to push with #1 & 18 mins to push with #2. Now I know why I was born with these wide hips!!!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    ~I walk on my lunch break at work for 30 minutes daily & I try to walk in the evenings as well....not so easy when everyone is full swing into hectic schedules.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    ~I deserve it and I am worth it.....a feeling I have never had before. I've done it before....lost 100+lbs twice in my life already, but this time I am doing it just for me :)

    I am always looking to meet new people and find new friends....please feel free to friend me if you'd like.

  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    HI, I'm new and trying expand my support system!

    Let's see.
    1. I have 1 boy who is 4
    2. Maybe more who knows.. want to adopt
    3. I am motivated to have a rockstar body :) haha I know.. vain. But seriously JNL really inspired me. But really - I want to be healthy and hike some peaks in Colorado and be able to take my son on the backpacking trails I grew up with that take a LOT of training.
    4. I work out in the morning generally and then sometimes again at night

    Bought a treadmill.. best decision ever - since I never made it to the gym and now without excuse.
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have?
    My daughter is 5 years old and My son will be 1 on September 9th.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    I don't belive so.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    1st time- a horrible long drawn out expierience.
    2nd time- long but a breeze.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Im still working on trying to find the time. I work 40+ hours a week and commute 10 hrs a week one of the days is a 13 hour day away from home... My kids are still so young and after getting off work it's such a rush/race to get them fed bathed and in bed =[

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    Im so disgusted in myself at this point. Im only 22 and to some they may think im "fine" but coming from 105 lb body just 5 years ago to a 163 lb body is depressing. Especially at my age. I should feel better for myself and my babies and my husband. =]
  • awillkies
    awillkies Posts: 53 Member
    hi there!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? -- 1 CHILD, A BOY WHO IS TURNING 4 YRS IN 10 DAYS!
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? NOPE...1 & DONE
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    1) I have a 12 year old son named Logan, a 10 1/2 year old son named Ashton, and a 4 year old daughter named Aurora
    2) I dont think I can have more. I got fixed after my 3rd, but got pregnant after being fixed but it ended in a miscarriage
    3) They went pretty smoothly. All natural, no drugs
    4) When boyfriend is not here I have the boys watch daughter while I exercise in my room, usually in the afternoon
    5) Feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, and looking back at old pics
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    Hi, all!

    1. My daughter just turned 4. Her name is Astrid.
    2. More children is very unlikely. Astrid was an oops, but now she's my super-special girl and I can't imagine sharing myself with another child, haha.
    3. My pregnancy was easy. No morning sickness at all. Was tired and had swollen feet for most of it, though. Labor was easy, too - just long. I had an epidural, which is probably why it was "easy," but it wore off about 20 minutes before I had to push, so I got to experience those hellish burning-fire contractions at the end. I only pushed for 20 minutes and there she was!
    4. I was working out every morning before work - Astrid's preschool program at daycare started at 9, but my shift at work didn't start until 12, so I would go to the gym in between dropping her off and starting my shift. But I quit that job less than two weeks ago, and I've worked out exactly zero times since then. Not good!
    5. I'm getting married next October. I do not want to hate my wedding photos like I hate every other photo of myself. Also, for my general health and well-being, and to be a good example to baby girl. Those are the long-term goals, but it took the upcoming wedding to actually kick my butt into gear!
  • ML86
    ML86 Posts: 1
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    5 year old girl and 8 1/2 month old girl

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    I hope so... at least one more...

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    First pregnancy was super easy, but the delivery actually almost killed me due to loss of blood... thank goodness for doctors who know what they are doing and blood donators!
    Second pregnancy was a little more rough, but the delivery went very fast, so fast in fact that the baby was crowning and the doctor wasn't even in the room, not to mention I didn't get my epidural, since I'm a big baby when it comes to pain, that was interesting...

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I get up early and walk every morning before my hubby leaves for work.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    My girls and my hubby. I want to be healthy for them, to be able to keep up with them AND to set the example.