What does your SO (Signifigant Other) do to support you?



  • rcillo219
    rcillo219 Posts: 76 Member
    I must say my boyfriend teases me saying "don't forget to log that!" or "is that allowed in your calorie totals?" just to tease me. He has been telling me every day even when I was heavier how beautiful I am and lately about how great he thinks I look. We hike together almost every day. He eats ALMOST every crazy "diet" thing I cook and actually likes most of them! Basically he just reminds me that I look good and to not take my diet TOO seriously because it's not the end of the world if my weight goes up a pound or stays the same. I'm so lucky to have an awesome support system :love:
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    When I was with my ex it was impossible for me to eat healthy. We were living together, on a very tight budget and I was also going to school at the time. Eating meals was a disaster. To make matters worse he was Italian and had a light speed metabolism. Because i couldn't afford to buy and prepare two different kinds of meals, i ate what he did and suffered through it. He was never complimenting, and always said I looked fine. I think he did it to avoid conflict.

    Now for other reasons besides that, I left him after almost 9 years and have spent the last 4 years trying to find myself again and I'm happy to be on the path of fixing things for me.

    I'm living with family and although not all of them in the house are eating healthy; I do my best to avoid those crappy items. (cakes, danishes, doughnuts, processed frozen meals etc)
  • PlayDoh1234
    PlayDoh1234 Posts: 86 Member
    He lets me talk about my weight loss as much as I want!!!!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    God I hate your husband.

    LOL thank you :) yeah I'm pretty much at that point too..but it's life and it goes on. I am doing what I am doing for me. I plan to be a strong old woman just like my mom. She turns 90 this month as I turn 50 and that woman could still kick *kitten* if she had to...that's how I want to be. I just figure if the old man wants to sit around and rot away by eating crap then so be it. I'm not sitting around with him. :)
  • quickchekgal
    quickchekgal Posts: 213 Member
    He will eat all the healthy meals I've been making..and he goes on walks with me.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    When we have our nieces and nephews over, we end up with "kid food" left over- the stuff they eat at home that we don't buy for ourselves.

    my husband isn't dieting- just building muscle- so he eats all the "kid food" or takes it to work so I don't have an easy option to cave and eat things I shoudn't be eating.... lol :laugh:
  • AllAmericanSweetiePie25
    Aside from tell me that I am perfect just the way that I am...he decided to do INSANITY with me!!! It was just what I needed and I am so excited to start on Monday when it arrives!!!!
  • LindaJWan
    LindaJWan Posts: 60 Member
    I suffer from depression and am on medication but I really struggle with taking them everyday. He was always asking me What could he do to help me. Finally one day I asked him if he would be in charge of giving me my meds. So at 5:30am before he leaves for work he comes in with my pills and a glass of water - kisses me and tells me to go back to sleep. He is such an amazing man. We have been married for 24 years ago and he truly is my best friend!
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    Mine is funny. Every night he looks at my dinner plate when I am sitting down to eat and asks, "Did you weigh that?"

    Oh I love this!!! Mine says some funny things too... like "Did you eat all your calories today?" because I am always complaining about not getting all my calories in but hit my sodium and sugar goal. I think I'm brain washing him

    hehehe mine does this too, and if i haven't eaten all my calories he comes up with light snacks for me to munch on.
  • quartkneerae18
    quartkneerae18 Posts: 7 Member
    My Fiancee calls me each day, (since he is lives in the barracks currently) and asks me how everything is going and he asked if I have worked out. He helps motivate me to be the best I can be. He also wants to help me train for a marathon and told me to take it slow and start out by walking 3 mintues run 1 minute. Little steps towards a great reward. When he moves down with me next month he is going to get a gym membership to work out with me. Even though he works out everyday at PT and has a gym on Base and still knows it's important to me :)
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    To be honest - nothing!

    He sometimes complains when I make certain things for tea (usually anything with chickpeas or cous cous in and I don't like having to make seperate meals)

    Although, he does leave me alone to get on with exercising, and asks if I'm going to be "leaping around" when he gets in from work
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    my husband leaves little notes in my food journal. He tells me how good im doing and to keep it up. My man really keeps me motivated.

    My boyfriend, when I was too inebriated (not my finest moment tbh...) actually logged my alcohol consumption LOL.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 676 Member
    He always tell me that he is proud of me and that I'm getting "skinny". And he fixes certain foods I like to take to work for me and he cleans up the livving room and pushes all the furniture out of the way for me so I can Zumba in the morning. I love him:smooched:
  • Momma2Beauties405
    Momma2Beauties405 Posts: 32 Member
    My hubby pushes me but in a positive way. When we go to the track together, he stays with me - even though he wants to run :smile: - BUT he walks faster than I normally would if I were by myself. He also regularly makes encouraging statements ("I've really noticed improvement" for one example). And he wants to eat more healthy so we don't keep as much junk food around the house!!!
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    God I hate your husband.

    LOL thank you :) yeah I'm pretty much at that point too..but it's life and it goes on. I am doing what I am doing for me. I plan to be a strong old woman just like my mom. She turns 90 this month as I turn 50 and that woman could still kick *kitten* if she had to...that's how I want to be. I just figure if the old man wants to sit around and rot away by eating crap then so be it. I'm not sitting around with him. :)

    Gotta do what's going to make YOU happy....great job! :flowerforyou:
  • angelwing_
    What I'm most thankful for with my SO is that he is so willing to learn what I need him to do to help me. I've told him I need encouragement, but he's had to learn HOW to encourage me in a way that is effective yet sensitive, to help steer me away from temptations. He'll work out with me if I ask, he takes the time to weigh out ingredients when he cooks, so I can log them, he'll make me a separate version of a snack he's making himself -- a low-cal version. And he's recently started bragging about my dedication. It feels really good, especially since he's not really all that communicative when it comes to lovey-dovey relationship things.
    He also knows -- most of the time -- how to break the tension of a really bad moment in my new lifestyle.
    Ex: One day, we were out running a ton of errands and it took longer than I'd planned. I'd eaten very little and was taken by surprise by a sugar low. Read: REALLY GRUMPY. Really hungry. (I'm not diabetic, but this happens occasionally)
    Anyway, all that was close was the mall food court. Ugh. And it was a terrible food court. (Double ugh.) Pizza, ice cream and pretzels, Chinese and Dunkin Donuts. Really?
    The best choice I could make was a veggie flatbread from DD. So he hit up the chinese place and I met him a the table with my flatbread, already grumpy I wasn't getting in on the lo mein and crab rangoon.
    That's where things went downhill REAL fast.
    I unwrapped my flatbread, and not only was it just dry egg (no cheese, no turkey bacon), but it was on the most stale piece of bread EVER. It was a cracker.
    I lost it. I practically threw it across the table. (Again, I was confronting a sugar low and feeling shaky and upset. in general. When I get that hungry, the worst thing EVER is to have something in front of me I have NO interest in eating, but knowing I can't eat anything else.)
    Anyway, he looked at me, he looked at the tossed flatbread and, very seriously, he said, "Now, I know you're struggling right now, and I know you're upset. But if you can't behave, you're going to have to go sit in the car."
    I just stared at him.
    And he stared at me.
    And I smiled.
    And I had a few bites of Chinese food and tossed the flatbread, and it was all OK again.
    Love that guy!
  • projectxreborn
    He does nothing.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    He's not that supportive honestly. It makes me sad...

    Well when you become your fabulous self that you want to be... he can either be supportive or you'll be hot and not care.

    That's what I said. I still eat 'junk' just not nearly as much as I would before. I don't want to anymore. And he rolls eyes and gives me **** saying i don't eat enough. I'm eating plenty. I feel fine, and I feel better than I did 19 lbs ago.
  • seizethefray
    Awww...happy thread!

    My BF always tells me I'm beautiful and lately, that he loves my new body.
    On the rare occasion he goes grocery shopping, he'll buy the meals/snacks that I would buy even though he's never had to check a nutrition label in his life.
    He now leaves all the empty packaging out when he's cooking so I can log everything.
    When he knows I'm being lazy and unmotivated, he'll text or call me from work and ask if I've worked out yet. This is actually quite annoying most days, but I still appreciate it because I ask him to bug me and it works.
    When I do have bad days and eat everything in sight or am moving on to my fourth margarita, he doesn't say a word (smart man, right?) I never feel judged.

    The best thing, though, is that he supports me regardless. Seventeen lbs ago, he still told me how beautiful I was every single day and even though I'm looking better than I ever have, he still treats me the same.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    nothing...mine is an old *kitten* that only thinks about himself. So he gets mad if I made something "new" for supper that's not full of calories and crap nobody needs to be eating. He gets mad if there's not crap in the house that he can just sit around and eat all the time. (he's a twig and is always telling people he's being starved)...I suggested he get tested for a worm. He's got RA and instead of telling his doctor when he has check ups that I'm trying to get him to eat healthier ..he informs her that I'm not feeding him. ...do I need to go on? I have NO support here.

    Mine is the same way! His doctor told him, he NEEDS to watch sodium intake for his blood pressure. He's 29, and his BP is consistently very high and he doesn't care. He gets mad at me when I tell him to start watching it. He thinks that by just not adding additional salt to his meals after they're cooked is good enough. But his meals are huge, and he cooks with salt when he cooks, and eats crap like Ramen all the time. So I told him yesterday, if he wants to slowly kill himself, fine. I'm done trying to help him if he won't let me. I told him to think of his kids.