What does your SO (Signifigant Other) do to support you?



  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    I think every woman on here who has an unsupportive husband should get a dog. My dog is my best friend and the best running partner I could ever ask for. :happy:
  • lope
    lope Posts: 53 Member
    My hubby and I have a great partnership in supporting one another in our wellness journey. He does CrossFit 4-5 days a week. I manage to get to the box 3 days a week. We try and eat Paleo 90% of the time. :tongue: Even the meals that don't look the best, he is bragging on them. Without him as a team player, I really don't know if I would be able to have so much success.

    He too is a keeper!
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    My man is the best!

    He made the switch to a paleo lifestyle with me, will try any crazy recipe I come up with, and he even goes and works out with me :]
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Gotta do what's going to make YOU happy....great job! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you!!! You put a smile on my face today! :)
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Mine eats chocolate bars, peanuts, and baguette with butter in front of me - tells me he is "testing me" and that so far "i pass"....friggin jerk! LOL
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    my husband leaves little notes in my food journal. He tells me how good im doing and to keep it up. My man really keeps me motivated.

    My boyfriend, when I was too inebriated (not my finest moment tbh...) actually logged my alcohol consumption LOL.

    This made me laugh out loud. That's freaking awesome. Hahahaha!
  • bexporter
    bexporter Posts: 11 Member
    My husband is a chef and he is SO VERY SUPPORTIVE. He knows exactly what's healthy and he sticks to it accordingly when he cooks, and he will not eat somewhere if I'm iffy about whether I can find a healthy choice to eat. He reassures me, tells me I'm beautiful, and tells me how proud he is of me for taking initiative to be healthier. I am a very lucky girl. I think I'll keep him ;-)
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member

    Mine is the same way! His doctor told him, he NEEDS to watch sodium intake for his blood pressure. He's 29, and his BP is consistently very high and he doesn't care. He gets mad at me when I tell him to start watching it. He thinks that by just not adding additional salt to his meals after they're cooked is good enough. But his meals are huge, and he cooks with salt when he cooks, and eats crap like Ramen all the time. So I told him yesterday, if he wants to slowly kill himself, fine. I'm done trying to help him if he won't let me. I told him to think of his kids.

    I'm kind of envious right now reading all of these "happy stories". My old man is 57 this year. I give him credit for still working a swing shift factory job and we just bought our first "house" last year. I came up with the down payment and he makes the payments. HOWEVER supportive I am for what he does I will NOT continue to eat crap because that's what he wants. He has his own little "shelf" in the pantry .I stock it once a week with some "not so crappy crap"..when it's gone he's done..then he has to go for apples and bananas and stuff like that. That's when he starts pissing and moaning that I'm not "feeding" him.
    It does make it harder and there have been times I've said screw it and go back to eating crap...but I am turning 50 this year and I'm done playing the game. But we just keep getting up and moving on ..that's all we can do!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Mine really doesn't do anything. He has never complained about my weight gain nor has he made a big deal about me trying to get in shape. At first this made me sad when I thought about the lack of encouragement. But then I realized that I haven't been supporting him either. I do make healthy meals for us but I never say..."that is awesome that you ran 10 miles today!"

    Hmmm....really makes me think. We have a great relationship otherwise. But I realized that if I want him to support me....I need to do the same!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    My Fiance'..GOD bless the lil ****ens......he cooks for me.........he measures and weighs all my foods..he does all the shopping so I dont have the chance to go freaky in a grocery store and buy junk. He's very good about portioning out each food item on my plate making sure that NONE OF IT TOUCHES each other. EEEEEEEEEEEEEK

    THEN he even packs me a pretty healthy lunch making sure I have plenty of cold water, few carbs, lots of proteins etc.

    He even signed up here .........but Im not sure how well that went being as I noticed a small pan of brownies on the kitchen counter the other day. LOL

    If he ever leaves me...........Killer and I will surely starve to death............we cant find the kitchen on our own
  • mine is supportive in not complaining about what i make for dinner, not bringing a bunch of junk in the house or insisting on eating crap, and not caring if we switch to low fat versions of certain things
  • SuperSteph81
    SuperSteph81 Posts: 29 Member
    I live with my bf, in his house. I have made comments of wanting more space to workout. The basement is unfinished and pilled with storage stuff. He sold and moved items out, to make me a spot to work out. Looking into gym flooring for me and put down some carpet in the mean time. Put curtains up and ran the electrical for my laptop.

    I'd say the best thing he's ever done is make me feel still completely loved when I felt my worse. Let's me know, he's always there for me.
  • itskimmers
    itskimmers Posts: 13 Member
    My SO helps cook and does the majority of the grocery shopping. I'm a nursing student and I work part time, so he does everything in his power to make sure I have the food I need in the house. He also stopped buying things like ice cream and cookies, knowing they are my trigger foods. When he wants something junky to eat, he eats it over lunch at work. He also exercises with me at nights.

    And finally, the best thing is, he will constantly tell me "(insert whatever body part) is looking SO GOOD. WOW. I can really tell the difference since you started working out."

    I've lost 11 lbs this month and have about 28 to go before I'm out of the overweight BMI category, so I know there is no way in heck the changes are SUPER significant, but it is REALLY motivational for him to notice those changes.

    I am way lucky to have someone constantly helps builds me up, instead of just saying "AHHH. You're SO FAT NOW." We have known each other 12 years, and he has seen me both thin and heavy and always has gone out of his way to make me feel special and beautiful.
  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    my bf of 10 yrs helps cook all our meals (and does many of them entirely himself bc i work such erratic hours) and makes sure to measure everything for me. he also encourages hikes, bike rides and gets dragged along to the sporting goods stores so i can buy new dvds, gloves, exercise equipment. he has also paid for our gym memberships for over 7 years (although we haven't been going lately--we'll make our way back)

    he also--get ready for this ladies---goes on all the grocery store trips and does the whole extreme couponing thing with me even though it takes 2-3 hours each time!! and in between those trips he'll go by himself to get the incidentals.

    oh yeah, he's not going anywhere---i trained him, i'm keeping him ;)

    best part of it all: he high 5s me every time i do something positive for my health: loose another #, buy a new sports bra, eat under my calories for the day, etc. its cheesy but it makes me laugh and laughing burns calories!
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    My boyfriend is Type II diabetic and had put on a few (read almost 30) pounds since he met me, but when I hit the wall after being blown off by my doctor because of my weight and decided I wanted to do paleo / low-carb, he agreed to give it a try with me, as anything that might help regulate his blood sugar is made of much goodness. I bought him a copy of "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes and told him to read it so he understood the science of it all.

    It's been about six weeks now, and while neither of us is overly sensitive about or freakishly harping on how we "can't have that food anymore", we do gently remind each other about healthier choices. He is a FAR better cook than I, so I just contribute to the groceries fund and stay out of his way. I do the baking of the low carb bread and low carb cinnamon buns and paleo cake... and leave the rest to him. After all, he's the one with the professional cooking diploma. I can cook, but he's better at it.

    He thought I looked fabulous at 247. He thinks I look fabulous at 222. He's noticing the weight lost in my thighs and my arms, even though I'm frustrated about not losing it in the middle. We weigh in once a week and do measurements every two weeks, but we don't work out together. We walk a lot together when the weather's good. I'm not sure how fall is going to work, but we might have to take up exercising at home. *lol*

    It makes SUCH a difference to have someone who is walking it with you instead of trying to derail you. He puts up with my ranting about fat politics and macronutrients and the health industry. He is so awesome. :)

  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I get a bj for every pound lost.

    Why the hell didnt I think of this? Im totally going to steal it as motivation for my husband!!!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Every once in a while, my wife will catch me coming out of the shower and just stare. As I have the towel wrapped around my waist and before I can put on some underware, she will sometimes say "hang on a second".
    So, I stand there like an idiot for a minute and she will finally say something like "Yep, kayaking is working for you".
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Every once in a while, my wife will catch me coming out of the shower and just stare. As I have the towel wrapped around my waist and before I can put on some underware, she will sometimes say "hang on a second".
    So, I stand there like an idiot for a minute and she will finally say something like "Yep, kayaking is working for you".

    Brown Chicken Brown Cow!!
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    mine is supportive in not complaining about what i make for dinner, not bringing a bunch of junk in the house or insisting on eating crap, and not caring if we switch to low fat versions of certain things

    My Husband is actually liking the "Alternatives" to his favorates we make together now. Like Chicken Fajitas, Casseroles, Desserts etc. He actually prefers my cooking now over anyone elses and can feel the difference in his body and mood when he eats crap.
  • missindepndnt86
    missindepndnt86 Posts: 77 Member
    The boyfriend will occasionally make me breakfast in the morning while I'm getting ready for work, but he always makes sure to ask me how I usually make my breakfasts or how much of what so that he's making it healthy how I would make it. He's more than willing to try just about every healthy recipe I make and he makes sure to remind me how much he loves me and how sexy he thinks I am! :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: