Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Good luck Becky, stay strong!
  • Thank You Heidi!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    WannabeaCullen: Wow that sounds tough. I hope your infection gets better soon. School is tough I just started back this week also and have 17 credits. It is a full load but I know you can handle it if I can. What are you going to school for?

    Social work. I have this crazy belief that I can help make the world a better place one person at a time. :wink:

    Glad I'm not alone here. What are you going for?

    I just got home from a Friday night Poli Sci class. Nothing like a good political debate to get the weekend going. (If you count listening to a 19 yr old who lives with his parents rant about politics and consistantly interrupt the prof because apparently he knows more than the prof and the president.) {[SIGH]}:laugh:

    I am going for professional photography. I really wanted to go for social work but then after talking to a few people about the course load I decided on photography. I am working on some photo shoots for some non profits right now. no money involved. Feels great to give back some and I hope this is something I continue to do.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :smile: :smile: :smile: On this site!!!
    My Granddaughter is into anything Twilight. She told me that there is going to be a new book from Edwards view point. I have read all 4 books got started and couldn't put them down. Watched the DVD of Twilight but haven't got to see New Moon yet.Guess I will see it when it comes out on DVD. Hope there are a lot more books to come. The last book has a good place to trail off of.
  • :smile: aisser The book on edwards view was stopped due to part of it being released without consent. Stephanie said she might go back to writing it in about 2 years when everyong forgets it. You can go on Stephanie's website and read some of it. I did and then hated the fact that I did it. I would just wait to see if she releases it. I would love it if she continued the story also there is so much that could happen that she just has to write a few more. I love this series. :love:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :brokenheart: My Granddaughter is going to be upset: sad: she was looking forward to reading it. Guess we will just wait and see what happens. I sure hope she writes more books in this series.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Good news here in Frederick, MD (and probably in other cities): New Moon is now showing at the cheapie theater!!! $3.25 even at night!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Sounds good I will have to see if they have droped the prices here. :flowerforyou:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Jumped on the scale this morning, just to see where I was at..Woohoo I've lost a total of 6lbs! :laugh:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    YAY! That is fantastic tea! Keep up the great work!

    Good week so far for me too... of course it's only been a few days since Monday and weekends are the toughest for me. Eeek! Elliptical tonight for another 5K!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    YAY! That is fantastic tea! Keep up the great work!

    Good week so far for me too... of course it's only been a few days since Monday and weekends are the toughest for me. Eeek! Elliptical tonight for another 5K!

    5K? on an eliptical??? thats amazing! Heidi glad youre having a great week too!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey Ya'll, sorry i havent been on or posted in a while! Its nice, nasty weather dwn here in the south west... Vegas got more rain today that the entire yr of '09!! WHOOO!!!

    Has anyone else been having an problems with this site? Lagging or taking forever to load? It seems to only be on this site, so i doubt its my internet in general.... but anyhow, been doin good, hittin the gym, tomorrow i meet with the trainer finally and get an exersise routine just for me!! that will be sweet! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Lost 5 lbs so far:bigsmile: :bigsmile: , supper siked about that one!! Well ttyl yall!!!

    I love the rain!! :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Hey Pam that is awesome! I am so happy for you!

    I'm having issues with the site too. I set it as my home page, but when I started it up this morning I kept getting errors. I also tried to reply to several posts, but the pages won't load. This is the first one that let me reply. I thought it was my internet too because I had a virus last week, but everything else is working fine. Must be that everyone is on this morning planning thier weekends or something.

    I'm kind of envious if you are in a place where New Moon is in the cheapy show now! I haven't seen it here yet:cry: in our cheapy show. It must be coming soon, I'll keep my eyes open!

    I'm down another 2 pounds! But I'm not counting it till Monday, hopefully it will be more like 3 or 4...??? Yay!

    Hope you all have a fantasic weekend!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :brokenheart: :sad: I didn't loose any weight this week I don't know why I stayed under my calories and worked out at least 30 min, a day,My scale doesn't have the 173.5 just the 173 guess I will have to wait until Thursday when I weigh in next week can't do it on Friday because I will be on my cruise. :happy:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Good morning girls! It's gonna be a great day! How do I know? BECAUSE IT'S FRIDAY!!!

    Pam - Congrats on the 5 lbs! Feels great doesn't it! :) Keep it up girl!

    Aisser - Don't be discouraged by the lack of a loss. You're body could be doing it's own adjusting. Stick with it. Have fun on your cruise!! Exciting!! Where are you going?

    Holly - Yay on the 2 lbs. I've given up on weighing myself during the week. I'm either really discouraged or really excited and by Monday the results are entirely different. Too much stress :wink:

    Tea - Yes! 5k on the elliptical! Once my treadmill officially died I felt like I had to do something to keep up with the C25K work. Ellipitcal was my only option since it's way to cold, snowy and icey in Maine to do any outside running. The elliptical is ROUGH, but it's worth it. Much harder workout, but I want to keep the cardio up. I should be flying by spring when I get my feet back on the ground! :bigsmile:
  • I've tried to reply for a while but the website was being stubborn. Glad its fixed. Doesn't Mike ROCK!?!

    Aisser - Sometimes I find taking my measurements shows more progress than that evil scale. Especially the scale at my family doctors office. His scale never seems to budge even though my scale shows loss. It bugs me because that goes in my record and I'm sure its not right. But my measurments show the real deal and so do my jeans.

    Heidi - Thanks! I normally don't weigh myself so often, but since I started taking thyroid meds I've been so curious that I jump on unofficially every morning. I used to only weigh in once per month and even that was discouraging. I can see now that it wasn't all my fault. But I do need to slow down, lol.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    yea mfp has been that way for me too this week. glad that it seems to be working now. Hope you all have a great weekend!! be active and try and make smart choices. It is tough but we can do it!!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Good morning girls! It's gonna be a great day! How do I know? BECAUSE IT'S FRIDAY!!!

    Pam - Congrats on the 5 lbs! Feels great doesn't it! :) Keep it up girl!

    Aisser - Don't be discouraged by the lack of a loss. You're body could be doing it's own adjusting. Stick with it. Have fun on your cruise!! Exciting!! Where are you going?

    Holly - Yay on the 2 lbs. I've given up on weighing myself during the week. I'm either really discouraged or really excited and by Monday the results are entirely different. Too much stress :wink:

    Tea - Yes! 5k on the elliptical! Once my treadmill officially died I felt like I had to do something to keep up with the C25K work. Ellipitcal was my only option since it's way to cold, snowy and icey in Maine to do any outside running. The elliptical is ROUGH, but it's worth it. Much harder workout, but I want to keep the cardio up. I should be flying by spring when I get my feet back on the ground! :bigsmile:

    Heidi ..I didnt know you were in Maine. How AWESOME as I just vacationed in Maine this summer. Loved it!:love:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hey Ya'll, sorry i havent been on or posted in a while! Its nice, nasty weather dwn here in the south west... Vegas got more rain today that the entire yr of '09!! WHOOO!!!

    Has anyone else been having an problems with this site? Lagging or taking forever to load? It seems to only be on this site, so i doubt its my internet in general.... but anyhow, been doin good, hittin the gym, tomorrow i meet with the trainer finally and get an exersise routine just for me!! that will be sweet! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Lost 5 lbs so far:bigsmile: :bigsmile: , supper siked about that one!! Well ttyl yall!!!

    I love the rain!! :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Pam Congratulations on the 5lb loss! Doesnt it feel amazing??!!??
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    hi all :) just wanted to know if there was room for one more ?? i have about 50 lbs to lose and think that going to watch eclipse at the cinema with my svelte self is great motıvation lol :)
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