Raw Milk Anyone?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I prefer to be a government brainwashed sheeple on this one and use pasteurized dairy products. I cook meat before I eat it, so have my milk heated before I drink it hardly seems like some dangerous conspiracy to me.

    And this has never been a country where you are free to do whatever you want. Ever. That has never been the definition of what a free society means. Laws and taxes, anyone?

    Actually there was a time when the government did NOT regulate food and drugs. And we got along splendidly.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Any one here drink it? Do you have any pro/cons?

    We drink it exclusively. The taste and nutrition is better. Government information on the topic is extremely suspect and is generated to support the government complexes that exist and to support the big mass agriculture industry.

    The integrity of the raw milk comes down to the integrity of the farmer. More people are killed eating salmonella or e coli contaminated beef than from raw milk every year and all of that is government inspected.

    We also buy beef direct from the farmer or grow it ourselves. I have personally inspected the milk and slaughter facilities and I approve of their practices. No place that is doing 2 beeves per minute can assure you it is clean.
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    I grew up on a farm drinking raw cow and goat milk. We made our own butter from that milk as well and none of us ever got sick. Fat? Yes...but not sick
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    I prefer to be a government brainwashed sheeple on this one and use pasteurized dairy products. I cook meat before I eat it, so have my milk heated before I drink it hardly seems like some dangerous conspiracy to me.

    And this has never been a country where you are free to do whatever you want. Ever. That has never been the definition of what a free society means. Laws and taxes, anyone?

    Actually there was a time when the government did NOT regulate food and drugs. And we got along splendidly.

    You are absolutely free to move to another country where food and drugs are not regulated. Somalia really has no rules or regulation at all, and a life expectancy to match. I'll stay here in this un-free American hellhole suffering great injustices like milk that's been heated. It's horrendous, but some how I'll make it through.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I prefer to be a government brainwashed sheeple on this one and use pasteurized dairy products. I cook meat before I eat it, so have my milk heated before I drink it hardly seems like some dangerous conspiracy to me.

    And this has never been a country where you are free to do whatever you want. Ever. That has never been the definition of what a free society means. Laws and taxes, anyone?

    Actually there was a time when the government did NOT regulate food and drugs. And we got along splendidly.

    You are absolutely free to move to another country where food and drugs are not regulated. Somalia really has no rules or regulation at all, and a life expectancy to match. I'll stay here in this un-free American hellhole suffering great injustices like milk that's been heated. It's horrendous, but some how I'll make it through.

    You are free to move to a country where they are regulated. As for me, I'll stick to America and the Constitution which does NOT list regulating food and drugs as an enumerated power of the national government.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    From the Center for Disease Control:

    Many people who chose raw milk thinking they would improve their health instead found themselves (or their loved ones) sick in a hospital for several weeks fighting for their lives from infections caused by germs in raw milk. For example, a person can develop severe or even life-threatening diseases, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause paralysis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can result in kidney failure and stroke.

    There are a lot of fine ways to die. I don't consider drinking milk to be one of them.

    ^^^ This. Totally, totally this.

    Why anyone would deliberately chance getting horrendously ill just to have raw milk is beyond me.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    i have no axe to grind on this but why would you want raw milk over pastuerised milk?

    Below is from the FDA

    Raw Milk & Pasteurization: Debunking Milk Myths
    While pasteurization has helped provide safe, nutrient-rich milk and cheese for over 120 years, some people continue to believe that pasteurization harms milk and that raw milk is a safe healthier alternative.

    Here are some common myths and proven facts about milk and pasteurization:

    Pasteurizing milk DOES NOT cause lactose intolerance and allergic reactions. Both raw milk and pasteurized milk can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to milk proteins.
    Raw milk DOES NOT kill dangerous pathogens by itself.
    Pasteurization DOES NOT reduce milk's nutritional value.
    Pasteurization DOES NOT mean that it is safe to leave milk out of the refrigerator for extended time, particularly after it has been opened.
    Pasteurization DOES kill harmful bacteria.
    Pasteurization DOES save lives.

    no offense to the poster but if the FDA is RECOMMENDING it than I will be sure to run far away as I can. Look for conflicts of interest and that will debunk the information above..
  • jchester101
    jchester101 Posts: 6 Member
    Check out realmilk.com to see what farms are selling it. Laws differ by state. As someone who is lactose intolerant I can say i was able to drink plenty of raw milk with no issue. It's delicious and keeps quite a while. Here in NY you can purchase directly from a farmer but you must provide your own containers. Practically a perfect food in raw form.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    From the Center for Disease Control:

    Many people who chose raw milk thinking they would improve their health instead found themselves (or their loved ones) sick in a hospital for several weeks fighting for their lives from infections caused by germs in raw milk. For example, a person can develop severe or even life-threatening diseases, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause paralysis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can result in kidney failure and stroke.

    There are a lot of fine ways to die. I don't consider drinking milk to be one of them.

    this...I have been the nurse for a few. :( Sad and scary
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    From the Center for Disease Control:

    Many people who chose raw milk thinking they would improve their health instead found themselves (or their loved ones) sick in a hospital for several weeks fighting for their lives from infections caused by germs in raw milk. For example, a person can develop severe or even life-threatening diseases, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause paralysis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can result in kidney failure and stroke.

    There are a lot of fine ways to die. I don't consider drinking milk to be one of them.

    ^^^ This. Totally, totally this.

    Why anyone would deliberately chance getting horrendously ill just to have raw milk is beyond me.

    Three words: TRUST YOUR FARMER. My grandparents grew up on raw milk. My father grew up on a farm consuming raw milk. No sickness. As long as it is coming from a cow consuming its natural diet of grass (grain/corn/candy/animal parts are not a natural diet - makes them sick (and factory dairy farms are just gross - germs/bacteria) - hence raw milk started making people sick. I am still looking for it here. I have found low-heat pasteurized from local grass-fed dairy cows. YUM!!! The heavy cream is absolutely AMAZING!! And nothing like having to take a spoon and dig through the solid cream to get to the milk.
    I've heard so many, many stories of "lactose intolerant" people that suffer no issues whatsoever from raw milk. But I guess anecdotal evidence means nothing these days. Gotta listen to the government and their posse. Like they actually care about the health of this nation.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'll continue to worry more about unidentifiable chemicals and genetic engineering....both of which the FDA and CDC seem to take no issue with......than any possible side effects of food in it's natural form.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I prefer to be a government brainwashed sheeple on this one and use pasteurized dairy products. I cook meat before I eat it, so have my milk heated before I drink it hardly seems like some dangerous conspiracy to me.

    And this has never been a country where you are free to do whatever you want. Ever. That has never been the definition of what a free society means. Laws and taxes, anyone?

    Actually there was a time when the government did NOT regulate food and drugs. And we got along splendidly.

    You are absolutely free to move to another country where food and drugs are not regulated. Somalia really has no rules or regulation at all, and a life expectancy to match. I'll stay here in this un-free American hellhole suffering great injustices like milk that's been heated. It's horrendous, but some how I'll make it through.

    To say that we should have to move to another country to eat the food we want is ridiculous. If you think the government does a good job regulating food and protecting you from bad operators in the food business then just keep going to walmart to get your industrial milk. For me and my family we will continue to get our food from smaller operators who will produce food with integrity and honesty and not hide behind the cloak of a USDA stamp of approval.

    The fact is that this country used to not regulate food at all and that the regulation of food has only eliminated the bad operators that the FREE MARKET would have eliminated. Now all the companies can operate at the lowest common denominator and benefit from protection by the government regulations. Its not our fault if Johnny got sick, we pasteurized it to 160 degrees like the USDA says.

    Many of us believe that we are grown up enough to make our OWN DECISIONS about what we put into our mouths and that we don't need the government to protect us from ourselves.

    If you want a nanny state to control all the aspects of your life, then I recommend you move China or some other place where personal liberty is not respected by the state.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Three words: TRUST YOUR FARMER. My grandparents grew up on raw milk. My father grew up on a farm consuming raw milk. No sickness. As long as it is coming from a cow consuming its natural diet of grass (grain/corn/candy/animal parts are not a natural diet - makes them sick (and factory dairy farms are just gross - germs/bacteria) - hence raw milk started making people sick. I am still looking for it here. I have found low-heat pasteurized from local grass-fed dairy cows. YUM!!! The heavy cream is absolutely AMAZING!! And nothing like having to take a spoon and dig through the solid cream to get to the milk.
    I've heard so many, many stories of "lactose intolerant" people that suffer no issues whatsoever from raw milk. But I guess anecdotal evidence means nothing these days. Gotta listen to the government and their posse. Like they actually care about the health of this nation.

    I'm going to stick with trusting scientists. They're smarter.

    As to the part in bold you are correct. Anecdotal evidence is meaningless and is all that's been provided in this thread regarding the safety of raw milk.

    "I drink it and I'm fine!" Sure. I never said it was lethal. But the chances of it turning or carrying pathogens is much, much higher than with pasteurized milk. It's a very real risk. And that is a risk you are taking with no benefit, aside from taste. It is not healthier or more nutritious. If anything it'll have much higher amounts of fat in it. So stop acting like you're doing something great for your body. You're not. All risk and no reward.

    You all are free to do whatever you would like, I would never say otherwise. But be informed. Know the risks you're taking. I just finished reading a story of a woman who's son nearly died from E-coli because she thought she was doing the right thing buying raw milk.

    And the fear mongering about "chemicals" and "genetically engineered crops" is not my cup of tea. It shows a shocking lack of real knowledge. Because A. everything is a chemical and B. every crop in existence is "genetically modified". They've been doing that since we started growing crops thousands of years ago. Some people are just scared of words they don't understand.
  • snowpumpkin10ac
    snowpumpkin10ac Posts: 2 Member
    Oooo, raw milk! Love it! My family, including my kids, have been drinking it for over a year. No way would I ever go back to that swill they sell in the grocery store. You just have to know your source. The dairy I purchase from tests every single batch before they bottle and distribute it so I know it's safe every single time.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    I will say something here. I am not American, I am British. Pregnant women are advised to not eat un-pasturised cheeses due to the damage that it can cause their unborn children through the bacteria. It can cause listeria (for example).

    This is a link from the foods standards agency (its British and regulates our food and drinks and so on)
    Here is a snippet, which goes into further detail on the site
    " =The Scottish ban on sales of raw cows' milk and cream was introduced in 1983 following a number of milk-related illnesses and 12 potentially associated deaths. The introduction of the ban resulted in a marked decline in milk-related illness, which has been maintained in subsequent years."
    Yep, in Scotland it is banned due to people DYING from drinking raw milk.

    Another thing, what really gets my goat on the topics on here are the amount of rude and arrogant people who claim that they are some how superior because "they have been doing certain things for so many years".
    For most people, drinking milk straight from the cow with no treatment to the milk at all, there is a real risk (not a definite of course) of getting ill.
    If you wish to do that then it is your own risk and if you get sick then you know the risks.
    I would NOT give my child under cooked chicken, raw meat or unwashed vegetables. If I choose to do that to myself then that is a risk i take myself, I would not ever risk my childs health deliberately by doing something that I know could make them sick!
    If anyone wishes to do that then that is their business and their concern, I won't tell them "you mustn't do that" on here, that is their decision.
    So what if our grandparents did things?? When my Grandmother was a child there were no proper refrigerators. Her parents kept food cool by having a space in the outside wall where a brick had been removed by my great grandfather, the food was put in there. She never had food poisoning as a child, but it doesn't mean that we would do that now.
    With every due respect, It is nothing to do with trusting your farmer. It is to do with basic common sense and avoiding taking risks with your health. Very real risks.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    ^Marry me
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    "during 1985 and 1986 more than 60 cases of salmonella Ealing were identified around the UK mainly associated with powdered milk products....Outbreaks of yersiniosis and Salmonellosis in England have also been associated with pasteurised milk supplies"

    The fact is, contamination of foodstuffs causes disease.

    But I appreciate the choice. There are stringent controls in the uk as to where raw milk can be supplied for retail. Farmers regularly test their milk, and I personally would trust them more than the mass market. Diseases potentially associated with raw milk can come from anywhere. It's bad practice that leads to them making it to the food chain.

    I like the taste of raw milk. It seems lighter. The OP wanted to know a source - not the whys and wherefores of consumption. Let's assume she's already thought it through.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    I'm not to worried about the "bacteria". I'm not going to die. I love the taste of it and wanted to figure out how to get it...and what others' opinions of it were. If I died from drinking delicious raw milk, I would be dying in heaven :)
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I would drink raw milk, hopefully one day I'll have a cow out back.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm not to worried about the "bacteria". I'm not going to die. I love the taste of it and wanted to figure out how to get it...and what others' opinions of it were. If I died from drinking delicious raw milk, I would be dying in heaven :)

    Find someone with a milk cow out back and make really good friends with them. You're adorable, bat your eyelashes at some farm boy and have him hook you up.