Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    great idea robin. maybe i will do the same. and hang it on my closet door. because my truth is the same. getting refocused is really hard right now. i did lose 0.2 of a pound in the last two weeks :laugh: but that still puts me back up to just under 240 again. i was down to 237 but now i'm back up to 239.9. i really need to take back control. i don't know quite where it went.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I wish we had the space in our livingroom for exercise equipment. (Instead, we go to the gym, which is fine, but I wish we could get that same workout in the comfort of our own home.)

    Thursday Truth: I am afraid that I will not be able to lose the weight as well as I did last time because I'm ten years older now. :(
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tina - re-committing is so darn hard! I've been there, and sometimes it takes a lot of false starts. Throwing away that cookie was an excellent choice on your part. You've been "off" or down for quite a while now, and I wonder what's really bugging you. Are you wearing baggy clothes? Is someone in your household eating unhealthy snacks in front of you? Why is your daughter slipping cookies in your purse? I still think you need some kind of commitment ceremony to really strike home that you're back on the wagon. Maybe you need to go to the Goodwill and get some skinny clothes and give up something baggy that you've been wearing around for a long time. Holding out for that Coach purse I think is not enough reward for you right now. Its become somehow mythological. Not really "real" enough for you to work toward. I hope you find the lion or tiger inside you to get on the exercise bandwagon again. You've always been an inspiration for me, but perhaps that is too big a burden for you right now. Maybe you need to be an inspiration to yourself right now.

    Robin: Thank you for always being there and encouraging me, even when I've been down for awhile. Well I think what has really bothered me is I was doing so well and eating good and exercising and still not losing anything! I was getting very frustrated and it's as if my mind set just went to "why work so hard and not see any results"
    And my daughter is 3 almost 4 and the grocery store we go to has free cookies for kids under a certain age, she always gets a cookie when we go and well she didn't want to eat it all so I didn't have a place to throw it away and put it in my purse and forgot about it. My husband sometimes keeps ice cream or something for himself in the house but even before I'd never eat his snacks. I had my own. Yet this past week or so I have been eating them and buying my own. I have been wearing baggy clothes lately because I feel like I look like I did when I started. But recently I bought a new shirt and 3 pairs of shorts. Maybe I need to go buy myself a new shirt that makes me feel good and that will help. And yes that coach purse does seem like it's never going to happen. Right now I'm more focused on the weight though. I almost don't even care about the coach purse anymore. The weigh loss is my reward not the purse (thats how I'm seeing it now)
    I am going to get back on the exercise bandwagon. Starting Monday I will have a schedule and I will show you so you know I have one and can keep me in check

    Monday- 6am
    Wednesday 4:30am or 6am (depending on if my husband works or not)
    Thursday: 4:30am
    Friday: 4:30am

    Now those are just the times I am getting up lol not sure what exercise I will be doing either my elliptical or walking/running on the treadmill or a Jillian Michaels workout DVD.

    If I get it done in the morning I have no excuse to NOT do it. So that is my goal and I will achieve it. The 4:30 am scares me but I can do it.
    I loved that I could be inspiring to someone, I just don't see me that way. I need to view myself differently.

    Thank you again :)

  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Thursday Truth - I have realised something about myself that has to change but I am not sure that I want to change it, so a lot of soul searching is needed...
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Lin - thank you! I am feeling much better... the hip seems to behave as long as I take it slow. I don't wanna go slow!!! :sad: But I shall.

    Sending healing thoughts and prayers for your dad :flowerforyou: ~hugs~
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Linder - I'm in Socal, but im originally from Canada, so I'm already not use to this high heat but definately not with this wave thats been going through.

    @Walking - I did that too when I was in middle school, lied and stole from my parents. They caught me one time and for some reason out of all the times they had talked to me, that time broke my heart. I think it was the look on my dad's face..the hurt there was too much. Hopefully your son will come around soon.

    @vanimelda - eat whatever you enjoy, don't worrk about one day or one weekend when its a celebration and not an all the time thing. Gotta have some spoiling now and again :D

    @Monarchris - prayers that your son does better. You might suggest to him as well to see his dr about nutrition on top of the medication, I had a friend who's ADHD was aggrivated by her body not processing certain foods properly. Once they got that and the right meds she became a lot more focused. It doesnt necessarily help everyone but might be something to look into!

    @Mowmow - Swimming is a fantastic exercise. I really want to be able to add this in too, I just hate my body so much right now I don't want to be in a swimsuit. You're very strong to be able to do this and keep away from your old friends. My inspiration!

    @tungsten - life has a way of sneaking up on all of us, I'm sure none of us minds if you only have time to pop in now and again. You're still here and truckin along!

    My Thursday Truth - I'm lazy. I havent been going to the gym as much as I should and I know it. My knee has been bothering me a bit but I feel like I'm using it as an excuse and I should still be going, but somehow I still don't go. I've skipped 2 of my scheduled gym days this week so far. *sigh*

    Thanks for the kind words but my son is 16yrs old diagnoised with ODD. He has literally looked me in my face cried big tears about a situation that I find out later was complete lie. He has been lying for years it is just getting worse and no amount of talk is helping at this point..
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Truth:: This past week or 2 I have really just lost focus. Especially this past week I have been eating whatever whenever and I've noticed I'm eating when I'm not hungry. I haven't exercised in a few weeks either. WHAT is wrong with me? I don't know.
    But I do know this. I'm stopping this now. I am getting back to eating and tracking and exercising. I have to. I WANT to. I know once I start doing it all again I will be happy. I have been depressed feeling lately and I believe this is a reason why. I hate my scale right now. I have gained. As of this morning since my lowest tracked weight it says I've gained 10lbs. Yeah I'm not letting that fly. That scale will go down. And I will get back to it. I'm starting with the tracking. I'm going to try and get some exercise in tonight, think my daughter and I are going swimming after I get off work. Either way, sorry for being MIA. But I'm back.

    I had a cookie my daughter had put in my purse, and it looked good and smelled good I almost ate it. But I threw it away. That's a start at heading back in the right direction. I can't believe I have let the food win this last week/weeks. I can't believe I could even eat like that. But I'm done now. I will lose. I am 24lbs away from "onederland" I HAVE TO AND WILL GET THERE.

    I was supposed to have started my workout schedule back up this week. But it didn't happen I had my alarm set on Monday and just hit snooze until I had to get up and get ready for work. I want to get my workouts done in the morning, means I have to get up early. WHATEVER it takes.

    It's like my mind is telling me to get back at it and so is my body then my mind goes to wanting to eat and say screw it. It's conflicting. But my will to lose weight and be healthy will always win over the alternative.

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

    Tina hang in there. You have inspired me with many things you post about and maybe it is just time to take care of you. Have you done anything special for yourself lately like new clothes, spa day, kick back and relax day or anything you are into that makes you happy. Try refreshing yourself you would be shocked how much it can help.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    To the nurses out there here is my question- When my partner was in the hospital last week the lady drawing blood messed up think she put the needle through his vein. Now when he get mad or angry the spot where she missed grows into a big bump and hurts. I am concerned about this he is not - should he be?


    Was there a big sign, "Caution Gamma Radiation" anywhere nearby? Does the spot turn green? Sorry about your son's issues.

    Thursday truth - I did strength training this morning and skipped the cardio, with the intention of mowing the lawn tonight - the truth part - I rue the idea of mowing tonight and I'm doing some hardcore mental gymnastics trying to weasel my way out of this chore.

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    ThursdayTruth: Storm is almost out of here and NO DAMAGE! Yay! We kept power the entire time except for about 45 seconds at 3:15 this morning. As soon as the rain relents again, I'm going to haul tooshie to the gym to get my C25K workout in.

    I'm getting nervous about my 5k. It's next weekend and I'm starting to feel very unprepared. I know I should be ready, but I guess it's just nerves making me feel unprepared. I also wanted to ask...any suggestions on a good breakfast choice prior to the run? Someone suggested eggs, but I'm not a huge fan of those. Just trying to get some ideas.

    Hope everyone has a great day and that everyone was as fortunate to not have any damage.

    ~ Jana
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jana--glad you made it through the storm safe and sound! As far as breakfast, I am a big fan of protein for breakfast on a daily basis. However, if I'm running within a few hours of breakfast, I do better with some healthy carbs. My favorite is whole wheat pancakes with a chocolate syrup I make from honey and dark cocoa powder. I have a taste for pancakes. :ohwell: :laugh:

    @aug--I :heart: mowing the lawn!! The idea of burning so many calories AND being productive just gets me all giddy! :laugh: (in my strictest teacher voice) stop trying to weasel your way out of it, and go mow that lawn!!

    @lin--I hope your dad is doing okay. :flowerforyou:

    @celtic--that's always a tough spot to be in. I don't know your situation, but I feel the same way about my smoking habit. I know I need to stop, but I really don't want to.

    I suppose what I said to celtic is my Thursday Truth. Yep, I know I shouldn't smoke. I know how bad it is for me. I absolutely dread developing some sort of debilitating or even fatal illness from it. I know I would do so much better with my running if I quit. I know it's bad for my dog (I don't smoke much in the house, but my DH does). I know I will never want my brand new niece to see me smoking b/c I want to set a good example for her about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. I hate that every time I get even the slightest cold it immediately goes to my lungs. I could go on and on and on. But I don't really want to quit. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of "addiction."
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone hope you are all having a good day. I have been running around every where with my sister in law getting ready for y brothers b-day. I just wanted to take a minute to let everone on here know they have been such an inspiration to me since I joined. Those who are struggling right now I know you can do it because you have already done so well. It is normal to have times of low motivation and self doubt. Accept these feelings and then move on past them.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    yeah, I find it hard to find yogurts that I really like. I have tried several fat free yogurts and Fage is by far the best flavor and texture profile I have found! I really love the Greek Gods yogurt, but the fat free one is gross and the good stuff just has way too much fat to make it worth while for me!

    I like my plain with a tablespoon of raw honey (mostly for my allergies), fruit and some walnuts. My favorite lunch!

    I started doing local raw honey for my allergies also... but find that it triggers allergies for me instead of helping. Have you done that long? I am wondering if maybe I just have to use less.....

    How much are you using? So the idea of local raw honey is this: you are basically giving yourself allergy shots. That's why local is important. You are slowly introducing your allergen into your body and building up tolerance. It is possible you could aggravate your allergies doing too much too fast
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    yeah, I find it hard to find yogurts that I really like. I have tried several fat free yogurts and Fage is by far the best flavor and texture profile I have found! I really love the Greek Gods yogurt, but the fat free one is gross and the good stuff just has way too much fat to make it worth while for me!

    I like my plain with a tablespoon of raw honey (mostly for my allergies), fruit and some walnuts. My favorite lunch!

    I started doing local raw honey for my allergies also... but find that it triggers allergies for me instead of helping. Have you done that long? I am wondering if maybe I just have to use less.....

    How much are you using? So the idea of local raw honey is this: you are basically giving yourself allergy shots. That's why local is important. You are slowly introducing your allergen into your body and building up tolerance. It is possible you could aggravate your allergies doing too much too fast

    I was doing a teaspoon... so probably too much! How much did you start with? (Oh and thank you VERY much for answering my questions) :)
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    ******WARNING TMI ALERT******Please accept my apologies in advance, for what I am about to type. I'm pretty sure my brain to mouth filter is not working today.... :blushing:

    Thursday truth - I fart. :embarassed: My son thinks it's fabulous and a good reason for him to do it too.... but his are much louder, and they stink like something died. :huh: So in the company of teenagers.... not a big deal. At work, however, it is not an acceptable form of expression. (My son told me that he read somewhere that fish fart to communicate.. interesting, but I digress...). I was always taught to leave the room (no, I didn't say "clear the room") when I feel the need to pass gas, however, not an option in the middle of a meeting. The only option is to sit uncomfortably, praying that it remains silent, but also NOT deadly. SO I went to my local Super Supplements and waited 10 minutes to talk to a gal that works there that I felt (almost) comfortable enough to explain my dilemma. She did not point and laugh, nor did she tell me to stand further away. She simply explained the "workings", and suggested a good probiotic and enzyme. Who would have thought that eating healthy would have such embarrassing side effects????

    Anyway, I made you suffer through this because I am truly hoping it isn't just me (though I would not wish this on any one of you!). Have any of you used probiotics and enzymes and found them effective?
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    I'd like to retract my previous statement about not being prepared for my C25K...I ran 25 whole minutes today. Me...the lazy, non-motivated, fatty...successfully ran 25 minutes!

    NSV- I was in the gym getting ready to run and a lady that is in there when I am sometimes flagged me out of my headphones and said to me, "I just want you to know how great you are looking. I can really tell a difference from the last time I saw you in the gym." I grinned from ear to ear. I know I have been seeing changes, but hearing it from someone not close to me means so much! It gave me the motivation to get through the run today and will be my motivation to run from here on out. :)

    @Skinny- Thank you for the suggestion! Pancakes really do sound yummy!

    @Naceto- I can honestly say that you are not the only person with that problem. The only difference is mine comes up in the forms of burps. I thought all of that would stop after I got soft drinks out of my system. Guess not. I heard that taking Beano daily REALLY helps with that. I can also attest to Gas-X. It works wonders!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    tungsten93- Switching schedules is always tough. You are always welcome here and the support you provide is appreciated. We all experience times when we can not respond as much as we want to due to other commitments.

    Truth- I have been indulging in a few treats at school mostly some chocolate covered peanuts and pretzels at lunch time and mid afternoon snack. I know this is not helping me to lose weight but I enjoy the pick up during the day.

    Have a great day.
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    @Robin, @Nicheven and @Laurie - thanks for the encouraging words. It's just that I'm still pretty new here and I don't want people forgetting who I am or not reading my posts because they think I only pop in once in a blue moon. :smile:

    I had a routine physical yesterday (my doctor has been after me to have one for the last 5 years) and I was surprised that I lost 9 lbs since my last weigh-in but since I had to be fasting for the bloodwork I suppose some of it was just from not having eaten in 14 hours (no food weight in my stomach) and being slightly dehydrated from not having time to drink a lot of water before my appointment. Still I'm pretty happy. My goal is to have lost a total of 50 pounds by my vacation on Oct 18.

    But eating out 3 times today didn't help. I don't know why but I was just hungry for junk all day today. My dinner was planned but breakfast and lunch put me way over my calorie limit. I vow to do better tomorrow and over the weekend.

    @Christine - Hugs to you and prayers for your son.

    @nicholsvj - I log my walking/running calories the same way. I run at 4.5 and walk at 3.0-3.5 so I just find it easier to log each separately, too.

    @MyM0wM0w - Hang in there. I've had weeks like that, too, where I just wasn't losing and it's so frustrating. But things will change, just don't give up! 93 pounds is impressive!!!

    @mnwalking - I don't have kids but my heart goes out to you with your son. But congratulations on soon becoming a home owner!

    @vanimelda - Happy Anniversary!

    @Tina - Good job on throwing away the cookie. I wish I had avoided the curly fries today. :frown:

    @Jana - Glad you survived the storm!

    @skinnyjeanz - I quit smoking years ago and it was so hard but looking back I'm so glad I did it. Someday you'll wake up and decide "today is the day" but you can't force yourself to do it until that day comes. Good luck.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    tungsten93- Switching schedules is always tough. You are always welcome here and the support you provide is appreciated. We all experience times when we can not respond as much as we want to due to other commitments.

    Truth- I have been indulging in a few treats at school mostly some chocolate covered peanuts and pretzels at lunch time and mid afternoon snack. I know this is not helping me to lose weight but I enjoy the pick up during the day.

    Have a great day.

    Laurie - have you tried Blue Diamond chocolate almonds? You get 14 almonds per 100 cal pack, and the 8 oz jars have 1 oz markings on the side so you can measure how much you eat. They're yummy!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    To the nurses out there here is my question- When my partner was in the hospital last week the lady drawing blood messed up think she put the needle through his vein. Now when he get mad or angry the spot where she missed grows into a big bump and hurts. I am concerned about this he is not - should he be?


    Sounds like something called a pseudoaneurism - lots of times it's no big deal, but if it's bothering him he should have it looked at by a physician.

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member