Large Framed Ladies - 5'6" Goal Weight



  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I've got a large frame and am 5'6'. My goal weight right now is 150. However, if I end up weighing more than that being in awesome shape with a smokin' hot body, I won't complain. I'm mostly focused on getting my body fat percentage down to 20% or so, and getting in fantastic shape. I will admit, however, I haven't made much progress on either goal. I'm finally buckling down and getting serious about changing my behavior.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I am 5'6" I can not imagine being that small. Right now my goal is 145/150. Whih is about 20-25 pounds to lose. Once I get there I may re evaluate, but I do want muscle. I don't want to be skinny fat either. I want to feel healthy, not gangly. After having three kids, if I get back to 145 I think that will feel amazing!
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member

    I'm 5'6 and my goal is to get to 150 and then reevaluate. When I get home I'm going to try the links and see what my frame is. Thanks for posting this!
  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    As someone who took a&p in college, there is truth to the frame thing. Look at two female skeletons side by side about same height (I have) and you can tell differences
  • calgarywolfwoman
    calgarywolfwoman Posts: 1 Member
    OK girls, I am new here so please be gentle. I am 5'5" and currently 178lbs and am large framed. Back in the day (I am 53 years young) I would have been called 'Big Boned' or 'Husky'. Right now my goal weight is 160lbs. B.C. (Before Children) I was, gasp, 138lbs. I know I will never see that again but if I can eventually reach 150lbs I will be ecstatic. Oh, FYI, I recently had a bone density scan and was informed that my bone density was 'Above Normal'. I'm thinking that's a good thing... no osteoporosis for this chickie!
  • jlplove
    jlplove Posts: 25
    I am 5'7 large framed, my goal is 145. Although in the past when I have been 145 or below, people have told me that I looked to thin, that i looked unhealthy. So I am guessing I should not go under 145.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Most of my pics are at your ultimate goal weight and I'm 5'6"! Current weight 139. Pic weight 140-145ish
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'5" with a 6.5" bony wrist. My goal weight is 150 lbs. My sister has pretty much the same frame as me except the hips. She weighs between 130-140, and people commented on how sickly and skinny she looks. I've never been anything but over 200 lbs since puberty, so I'm not sure how I'll look (or feel) at 150.
  • CookAMH
    CookAMH Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a busty 5'6" and my first goal is to lose 30 lbs before another pregnancy (which could be over the winter), which would put me at 180. Once I'm done having kids, I would like to get to 160. I have been strength training, so 160 would be a fit, slim weight to be at. I let go of 150 a long time ago and feel 160-165 would be very realistic and very healthy, even if it's still technically overweight.

    ETA: wrist is 6 3/4", large frame according to one site.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Perhaps you just have small hands! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Yup Yup, I've got a large frame too... and my goal is 150-155.I've always been muscular & any thinner then that and I look anorexic. :(
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm currently about 150 and my next goal is 140. I plan to re-evaluate from there to see if I want to lose any more.
  • gooellie
    gooellie Posts: 39
    me to i lost 45 pounds on weigh watchers getting down to 188 and now i gained almost 100 starting over with new challenges!
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    Im kinda of confused cuz im 5' 7 weigh atleast 200 and my wrist is like 5.1

    WAIT I FIXED IT im 6inch exact so still small boned
  • morgzz6
    morgzz6 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m 5’2” and my wrist is 6.5”
    I’m a big boned girl
    My shoulders are big, so is my torso, it’s big with a defined waist (29.9 inches) it still big for my height,
    But i got small hands and feet
    I really feel horrible cuz I’ll never have a small waist and many other girls with the same height
    What should i do?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    Of course there's a difference in skeletal configuration. Wide hips, wide shoulders, especially: You'll need geometrically more meat (muscles, connective tissue, blood vessels, more) to wrap around that, and those things have weight. For women, volume of breast tissue also makes a big difference in sensible goal weight. Muscularity (relative to size) also makes a difference.

    But - if you ask me - the wrist/elbow things aren't that helpful.

    For one, wrists can be fat, too: I lost about 50 pounds, and my wrists got enough smaller that I needed to resize bracelets or they'd slip off (and I mean cuff bracelets slipping off sideways, not just clasped ones slipping off over my hand).

    For two, the body parts that make the most difference, in terms of "frame size" and weight are the big parts, like pelvic width and shoulder width, and those tend to be more obscured by body fat, while we're still overweight. That makes it hard to tell, especially for those who've been overweight for a long time.

    I have big wrists, big elbows: The frame size calculators (even at goal weight) put me at medium to large frame. And I can close my fingers around those wrists: I have big hands, wide and long. Even at BMI 19 (5'5", 116) when I briefly overshot goal weight, my ring finger is a size 10 (when obese, at 183, it was around 14).

    The thing is, despite being a freakin' 63-year-old woman, I'm built like a 14 year old boy: Narrow hips, flat butt (despite being decently strong), literally no breasts (post-bilateral-mastectomies). Shoulders are kinda wide, but that's it. At 140, I was still over-fat, even though I'm not completely devoid of muscle. Now in year 4 of maintenance, I'm sitting in the mid-130s, and that's more body fat than ideal. 125-ish would be better.

    I'm not saying anyone here is wrong about what a good goal weight for them will be. BMI is a range for a reason!

    I'm just saying it's a little more nuanced than wrist size, and whether your fingers wrap around. You get to decide what weight you'd like to be, on any basis you prefer. Most weights in the normal BMI range and a bit into the overweight BMI range can be healthy, for many women. You and your doctor are the ones to think through the health implications for you, because that's individual and situation dependent.

    Let me be very clear: I'm not saying that those my height who think their healthy weight is higher than my healthy weight are wrong. Not at all. I'm not doubting anyone. But it's also good to be thoughtful about people who might be at the other end of the body configuration continuum: Sometimes these threads devolve into "people would be skeletal/unhealthy at X height and Y (lower than the poster targets) body weight". Understanding that it's very individual, we can all support one another positively in our individual goals, right? :flowerforyou:
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited September 2019
    I don’t know if this whole wrist measurement thing is accurate. My wrist is 6.25 inches but I can easily overlap my thumb and finger. I’m 5’0”, 127 lbs, and wear a size 6. If my weight goes below 115lbs I stop menstruating. I know many girls my height who weigh 90-100lbs and don’t have this problem.

    I’m definitely not small framed because I know so many women with way tinier wrists than me. Maybe my hands are just huge.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    2 0 1 2 Thread.

    I don't think there really is a perfect weight for anyone, but you'll know it when you get there. As long as it's in the healthy weight range I don't think there is one weight. My weight range per the BMI chart has a 30 pound range.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    morgzz6 wrote: »
    I’m 5’2” and my wrist is 6.5”
    I’m a big boned girl
    My shoulders are big, so is my torso, it’s big with a defined waist (29.9 inches) it still big for my height,
    But i got small hands and feet
    I really feel horrible cuz I’ll never have a small waist and many other girls with the same height
    What should i do?

    I'll quote myself from your thread. Also, a lot of people there asked you questions which you did not answer. In case you did not get the notifications, here is the link:
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    morgzz6 wrote: »
    I’m 5’2” and my wrist is 6.5”
    I’m a big boned girl
    My shoulders are big, so is my torso, it’s big with a defined waist (29.9 inches) it’s still big for my height,
    But i got small hands and feet
    I really feel horrible cuz I’ll never have a small waist as many other girls with the same height
    What should i do?

    I have a large frame, and when I was in high school hated my big calves and feet. But later I started doing yoga and realized how beneficial large feet were for balancing poses.

    I stopped comparing myself to other women not long after high school - when I was in the military I realized small feet were not critical in order to gain male attention, lol.