Runners: When did you start to enjoy running?



  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    After 4-6 months.
  • Tomorrow...always tomorrow
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I hated it when I played sports because it was a form of punishment.
    But a few years ago, I wanted to start playing soccer again, but after 10 years of not playing I thought I'd better get back into shape before I played on a team. So I started running because that was the only way I knew how to condition.
    When I realized I didn't have the time or the money to play soccer, being the competitive person that I am, I started making it a competition, and the rest was history.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Started almost 2 years ago. Zumba I LOVE. Running I tolerate. Still doing it though. I will tell you what I do love - when I finish a run, and it was a GOOD run, meaning I made a good time or was able to run the whole way and it seemed almost effortless. Now THAT I love. Don't give it up. It's worth it
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I disliked it until running a 5k became easy. Now I love longer distances - training for a 10 mile in October, a half next spring. And I SWORE I'd never do a race again after my first. It becomes addicting and has given me more pride in myself than anything else.

    When running becomes effortless - and it will if you keep at it - it becomes pretty awesome. The first ten minutes are always roughest for me, but after that it's just...nice.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I also did the C25k program to start running... I have always wanted to run, and even more so, have wanted to have the desire to do so... That being said, even now that i can run 10k without an issue (I am going to start aiming toward the 1/2 marathon very soon) I still HATE it EVERY time I go out--- UNTIL... I get at least 2k under my belt... then I get my rhythm, my body starts to stop hating me, I get into my groove and it's pure bliss. You'll get there, don't give up!
  • Once I stopped. Two years ago I started running and was in pretty good running shape. I hated running but I was going through a stressful transition period in my life and I loved the way it cleared my head.
    This year I started running again because I wanted to get my running legs back. No stressful situation was driving me, just my desire to be a better runner, and I still hated it.
    Then I went on a running hiatus for about a week and found myself thinking "man, i miss running. i need to go on a run" and then it was like *click* I like to run???? weird.
    I love what running does to my body and my mind. I guess in a way, its not that I actually like running, its that I don't like not-running. :P
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    I started running because it sounded like a great workout and FRANKLY wanted to tell my running friends that I was now a runner....HATED every single second of running...but I kept pressing along. A couple months knee started bothering me...and I missed a run. It devastated me....and I had to laugh...I had dreaded the run each and everytime...and I was missing running. The feeling after a good No other way to describe it!
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    2 answers:
    seriously- when I got a dog running partner
    jokingly (but seriously)- when I'm done, cause that's when I get the "runner's high" endorphin rush (especially great with a cup-a-java:drinker: and a cigarette, but I gave them up years ago :ohwell: )
  • sharpe76
    sharpe76 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with what many of the other people said, run a small race it dies give you adrenaline and then you start reeling in the rewards!
  • I really enjoyed running just as soon as my weight was low enough that my knees would allow me to run. I ran Cross Country in HS but I was 153 lbs. then. As my weight was dropping I'd keep trying to run but really couldn't do much till I got below 215. When I started doing consecutive miles without stopping to walk the old love was back. Now I get a little frustrated when I can't run. It's official, I'm hooked.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I started running the day I was cleared by the doctor after my son was born. i started with C25k and got bored, but it wasn't my firs ttime running. I did track adn field in high school, i was a thrower, and running two laps around the track was a fight and a half due to my weight and asthma.

    But i started to really enjoy when I ran my first ever 5k in June. I loved the crowds cheering me on, not to mention that my lungs were getting better (i still have to take my inhaler), i'm losing weight, and fairly recently started upping the mileage as well as speed. I also tend to get crabby if I don't run (my husband can attest to this) and get depressed a lot faster if i don't. But, I have number 4 and number 5 for 5ks scheduled for next month, and i am hoping to run a 10k next year, and maybe a half marathon in a year or 2. The running is just addicting and knowing that the future is uncertain and that i can push myself, well made me awfully darn proud :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have always loved running. I was a little kid that you could not stop from running around.
    I did go thru a long stretch as an adult where I didnt hardly run at all, but not because I didnt like it.
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Started C25K this week. It's making me realise that yes, I am unfit and will struggle for a while, but I'm enjoying the feeling of running. The weather's been wet this week which I have enjoyed as I get very hot and red and puffy lol so the rain cools me down.

    Sitting at the window right now praying for rain so I can get out there and complete Day 3!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I was really big when I started. So I started as a walker. With no plans to ever run. EVER. As fate would have it, the pounds dropped off doing my walking routines, and I kept getting faster, stronger, fitter. I eventually started doing intermittent "jogging" during my walks. That lead to always jogging. And that has lead to marathons, half marathons, 5K's, 10K's, and triathlons. Lots and lots of triathlons.

    I'm not sure when I started enjoying it. I don't think there was one particular moment when that switch was flipped. I think it was when I started realizing that this isn't a workout anymore. This is fun. F-U-N FUN. And it really is. Now.

    Yes, it started out as nothing more than working out. And yes, there are days when it's still a struggle. But I have a motto that I believe to the core of my soul: If it's not fun, I'm not doing it.

    And, yes, it's fun now. I mean loads of fun. Endless fun. I could ramble on about what makes it so wonderful and exciting, but that'd be like rattling off shrimp dishes. An endless conversation.

    My advice? Hang in there for now, keep doing what you need to be doing to get your job done, and see if every so often it's just a little less "necessary" than the day before. Maybe there's a park you can run where there're plenty of birds n squirrels n rabbits n such. Things like that always perk me up. Maybe there's a time of day that just really strikes a chord with you. I know around here, there's a river with a runners bridge, and in the mornings you can watch the sun come up over the water. Stunning.

    I hope this helps.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I was enjoying it while I was seeing my fat shed away. But honestly, I never liked it. My wife tries to say it's awesmoe and endorphines and yada yada yada, but no. I loathe it but still do it cuz it's healthy. Good luck with your race.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I ran a half marathon in June...and you know what...I still DO NOT LIKE RUNNING. It is the feeling after.

    Some days yes, I do enjoy it. It is rare. Uusally I think what I am ereally enjoying in the nice weather, the rive I run by, the smell of the fall air during autumn.

    ugh, running.
  • after a few months for me , i used to hate it until i got good enough where i could do a few miles then i couldnt wait to go for my runs
  • I'm a competitive runner and literally, live to run...every morning and night and couldn't imagine a lifestyle without running. If you are picking up running now, I think you grow to love it as you see results, become more trained, and it becomes more natural/easier for you. I know a lot of people who pick up running in their later years and regret not getting into it at a younger age because it is such a lifestyle changer. Good luck and stick with it! Some days, your legs will feel like lead and you'll feel like it's impossible, but that is just lactic acid fatigue which will go away. Sticking to a running routine is the quickest way to grow to love it :) Good luck, you won't regret it!
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm still not "in Love" with running. I'm up to 10 miles once a week and 4 miles/3 times a week. BUT I feel accomplished after every run. I love that I get to be outside and that I'm doing more than sitting on the couch. I love that I get to spend time with my puppy, my cousin and my friend. It's my time that I spend on me and for me.

    While I'm running - it's about mile 3 that I feel good. The first mile is the hardest and I no longer have the feeling of dread when I hear my tracker say 1 mile. I now think "yes! 1 mile down - not so bad"

    The running will get easier. Take the small victories because they are completely worth it!!