I GAVE Up PASTA... should I give up dairy too



  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    While pasta is delicious, it's not particularly nutrient dense. Dairy, on the other hand, has quite a few benefits. I stick to small portions of full-fat dairy, per my doctors recommendation. I was told that as vitamin D, for example, is fat soluble and necessary for calcium absorption, fat-free dairy isn't as useful in attaining nutrients. I have Celiac disease and when I was first gluten-free, it was important to make sure I was getting the nutrients my body had previously been unable to absorb.

    I have always found it helpful to chat with a nutritionist or doctor about a food plan, especially before cutting out whole food groups.

    Soy milk and almond milk have twice the amount of calcium and about half the calories of cow's milk. Look at the labels!

    It depends on the product. My soy milk has the same calcium as milk (Silk unsweetened). But you can also get plenty of calcium from vegetables, chicken and fish.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Life without cheese would be a sad life indeed. For me, anyway.

    Life is short. Eat what you like within moderation.
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    If you want to give up dairy, it's a lot easier than it used to be. There are 'vegan/lactose free' version of cheese available pre-made at the store (Dayia brand actually melts like cheese), or there are tons of recipes online for cheese substitutes. 'Raw cashew cheese' is my favorite, but there's also a cheese sauce made from Nutritional Yeast that is pretty good too. Milk is easy to replace, coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk most have less calories and more healthy fat than real milk and are much easier on the stomach. Eggs are also easy to replace in baking 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds mixed with water or a squished up banana makes an egg like paste. As far as eggs alone, tofu scramble is awesome I think I've even seen a tofu quiche recipe around.

    These are good sites for dairy free recipes.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Cut out the dairy. Cut out the rice. Cut out the bread, the meat, the vegetables, the fruit, the sugars, the fats, protein, water.

    In fact; just stop eating, drinking and breathing. Because apparently according to these forums, everything is bad for you. :noway:

  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    The only food that I truly have a reaction to is cucumbers, especially if seeds are still in there. Blow up and cannot stop burping...:blushing:

    Everything else I eat in moderation. Don't like cow's milk but LOVE almond, will never give up cheese, yogurt and I still have bacon sometimes...just not a whole pound!!

    Oh and I am never giving up my diet soda..... :drinker:
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    Cut out the dairy. Cut out the rice. Cut out the bread, the meat, the vegetables, the fruit, the sugars, the fats, protein, water.

    In fact; just stop eating, drinking and breathing. Because apparently according to these forums, everything is bad for you. :noway:

    ugh. i KNEW i was doing this wrong. thanks for guiding me in the right direction! ;)
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    I gave up pasta a couple of weeks ago. I have been substituting cauliflower and zucchini. I can honestly say I really don't miss it. It's just filler after all. I am now considering the whole dairy option. I don't include a lot of dairy in my diet anyhow.... but I do like cheese. Is this another step I should take and are there things that I can substitute for the inevitable craving?

    I would give it up. too much fat.....don't want to get fat. Good call on the pasta too......Carbs are totally the problem.....well that and fat.

    And protein, I'd just drink water to be safe

    Better not ever eat apples! Those carbs, man. And the sugar. Those things are of the devil. Really though, water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and every snack in between. Just because calories are evil.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    While pasta is delicious, it's not particularly nutrient dense. Dairy, on the other hand, has quite a few benefits. I stick to small portions of full-fat dairy, per my doctors recommendation. I was told that as vitamin D, for example, is fat soluble and necessary for calcium absorption, fat-free dairy isn't as useful in attaining nutrients. I have Celiac disease and when I was first gluten-free, it was important to make sure I was getting the nutrients my body had previously been unable to absorb.

    I have always found it helpful to chat with a nutritionist or doctor about a food plan, especially before cutting out whole food groups.

    Soy milk and almond milk have twice the amount of calcium and about half the calories of cow's milk. Look at the labels!

    If we're going to talk macros maybe we should look at protein as well. just saying.

    Most of my protein comes from wholemeal bread and unsweetened soya milk. I'm almost always over my protein goal.

    What is your protein goal exactly per day?
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    Only if you have digestive issues. I did, tried giving up milk, found that was the culprit. I can still have (and do) cheese and most dairy products, but milk, for some reason gives me crampy, farty tummy.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yeah, whatever you do, don't *ever* give *anything* up. You'll make a certain subgroup of MFP members very irritated.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No pasta and dairy = a life not worth living.

    ^^^ THIS
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    Oh yeah and try spaghetti squash, it's around 33 calories for half a squash and the insides are stringy so it comes out just like cooked spaghetti.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Honestly, maybe you should just give up eating altogether?

    Psych. Eat what YOU want, moderation is key. Eat what you love. Pasta is yummy.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have never been a big pasta eater but I do love the whole wheat pasta. I try to limit it to once a week with olive oil and lots of veggies and chicken breast.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I be damn if I give anything I love!

    Moderation = Success

    ^^ this^^
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    I did the same with pasta, bread, and rice. I don't miss it one bit. But there are 2 things I can't live without cheese and chips! :sad:
  • MrDangerSass
    I be damn if I give anything I love!

    Moderation = Success

  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    there is a pasta called dream fields I belielve? Doesnt have carbs? Depending on your age have to watch with the dairy, need your calcium, but can also get that from dark green leafy veggies. But there are alot of lowfat dairy options out there, lowfat yogurt, cottagecheese, fat free milk if your a milk drinker. I wouldnt give it up but thats just me. I like my dairy. I suppose it depends on what your goals are and what your trying to achieve??

    Dream fields has carbs, but it's very low compared to regular pasta. I love it. It's comparatively as good as whole wheat pasta nutritionally. Very yummy! I love it!
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    i really don't think that pasta or cheese is what got us all here. rather we ate TOO MUCH pasta and cheese. whatever you decide, make sure it is a decision you can live with for the rest of your life. this journey is not supposed to be about "giving up xyz". it's supposed to be about learning how much is enough and when enough is enough.