Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :angry: Okay...so the name is "30 Day Shred"...may be a silly question, but does this need to be done EVERY day? I was thinking I would supplement my 15-20 minute elliptical routine with this, but because I am so sore today I thought I would ONLY do the elliptical tonight...I don't want to cut myself short . Like someome else posted I want to also complete this all of the 30 days if that is how it is suppose to be

    I'm doing this every other day. I tried doing it every day but it hurt my knee too badly. Some of us are doing it every day and some not--its just what works best for you.
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Day 5 is history for me and Day 6 is a mystery for me!!1 LOL Just kidding around! I completed Day 5 today and I can truly say I am beginning to feel the results. I can't see them yet, but I can feel them. The push ups are a challenge for me, but I push through them. The squats burn like crazy, but burn away, CAUSE I am not giving up. I am so motivated to KEEP pushing forward because there is nothing behind me I want to KEEP. Good Luck to all of you and I can't wait to hear how you guys are doing with the shed..:)
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Good job, Monda!

    I've got L1D3 today, and I'm not as sore from yesterday as I was from the day before, so I'm upping the weights! Wahoo!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    So today is day 6 on Level 1. I can now put it behind me and look forward to doing it again tomorrow. I am so proud of myself. I am getting stronger and it feels so good. Week 1 is almost over. Next week I think I am going to add some walking into each of my days. I hope everyone continues to do well and keep posting here. If you have not done your shred yet today, what are you waiting for? You will be so proud of yourself afterwards. Do it for yourself, not for anyone else. Afterall, YOU DO MATTER!!!!! I love each and everyone of you here and if I can do anything to help encourage you, please let me know. Add me as a friend! We all need support. Have a great day! I will be back later tonight. My husband and I are going out on a date tonight for our anniversary. (hee hee hee) We have been married 17 years!!! I hope I see a lot more posts here to read tonight so I can be pumped up for tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Did L1D3(2nd time) today. I think I'll move on to L2 after this round of L1--finally starting to get easier!:happy:
  • starkinly
    starkinly Posts: 3 Member
    I did it for the first time in a few months last night, and I could not keep up. After about 10 minutes I was panting. haha.
    Gonna try it again tomorrow.
    Lets go shred buddies :)
  • ange_mechant
    Today is my first day doing the Shred, which I'm doing with my friend Brandy and anyone else I can drag down with me. Figured it would be good to have some other people relating with me and maybe be able to compare notes (or aches, pains, hatred for Jillian, etc). So here I am. I'm starting out at 3 lb. weights and doing the program as she says (10 days each level, everyday for 30 days). I've seen a lot of before and after pics while surfing the web and the results are incredible--though the weight loss is generally less than advertised...probably due to muscle building. However, to try to get around that, I'm doing about an hour of cardio at the gym 5 days a week *when I can*. (I'm trying to lose weight and training for a few races so cardio is key for me). Anyway, just wanted to get in touch with some other people and be accountable for my progress or lack thereof...hmm....anyways, add me if you want, I can always use more support. Thanks.
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    good morning ladies!

    So, today I'm supposed to be doing day 18 (Level 2 day 8). I may take a day off since I've been doing it straight and not taking any breaks.

    I have the pinewood derby for cub scouts today with my boys so we'll see how I feel when that's over. Tired, exhausted and sick of boys I would think! :yawn: But we'll see when I get home if I need to do it or not! Husband thinks I need to take a rest (like he should talk, he works out like a mad man every day!)

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!
  • kezerb
    kezerb Posts: 6 Member
    Silly question but do you think its ok to do it twice in one day?
    I've had half an hours rest since I finished day 1/level 1 30 day shred and feel really up for another round :P but I odn't want to push myself too hard...
  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    Now if my DVD would just come in the mail......I COULD GET STARTED!!!! :tongue:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Silly question but do you think its ok to do it twice in one day?
    I've had half an hours rest since I finished day 1/level 1 30 day shred and feel really up for another round :P but I odn't want to push myself too hard...

    Level 1 Day 1? I would wait until you know how it's going to hit you tomorrow. I felt awesome after day 1, but that turned to OMG-I-AM-SO-SORE the next day.

    I've done Shred and either Beginner's Frontside or Beginner's Backside in the same day (Frontside and Backside are both just way longer versions of the Shred, in less of a flow). But I got past the Shred-soreness first.

    So today, maybe not, later on, sure - IMHO
  • ange_mechant
    So ladies, I did day 2 today and I hurt. A lot. Not unbearable pain, just a dull, constant pain. I'm using 3 pound weights and doing a hybrid of advanced and beginner moves. Turns out I can do full squats, but the lunges I have to stop multiple times or feel like falling to the ground. And yes, this is doing the beginner ones. Sad, I know. And I absolutely cannot do full pushups. But otherwise I'm doing the full exercises. Though I do have to stop for water a few times during the workout. Less today than yesterday, though, so yay!! I'm dreading Monday when I go to the gym for cardio (I do bikes 30 min, run 20 min, and swim 10 min Monday through Friday)--think I may just fall over and die when I try to run. Anyway, hopefully it starts hurting less in the next couple days, as most of the posts I've read say.
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Heys guys and gals! I'm back today to announce I completed Day 7 today and I feel so good. I think I will be able to move up in the next few days. My legs are not even sore anymore, but they do burn during the workout. I sweat like crazy, so I am hoping that is a good thing. My husband and I went out to eat and I still did good with making good choices. I am still not ready to get on the scale, so I think I will stick to how it makes me feel for now. I hope all of you are doing great and I will post again tomorrow. Hope to see your post here!
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    Great job, Monda! We're in about the same place. I completed day 6 today. I previewed level 2 and think I might try it tomorrow. I sat a lot lower in the squats today so I'll have to wait & see how my legs feel.
  • Beconsistent
    Hello everyone!

    After serveral days away from the shred, I'm back. Just finished day 10 (L1) and am looking forward to starting L2 tomorrow.

    Keep up the good work! You are all doing so well.

  • RandysHottie
    Hi fellow shredders -
    I am completed Level 1 for 3 days, didn't do anything on Friday, did 30 minutes of cardio Saturday, and hoping to jump back into the shred tonight with another additional 30 minutes of cardio. I am just glad the soreness finally went away. I was hoping to kick it up to level 2 after 7 days....do they recommend staying on level 1 for 10 days for a reason or would moving up to level 2 be better if you need more push???
  • ange_mechant
    Alright, I finally forced myself to do day 3 (I say finally because I didn't want to, not because I've been away), and it was horrible. As usual. I am noticing that I'm not getting tired and having to stop to breathe as much--now I have to stop because it hurts. Everyone else says that by day 3 the pain starts to subside, but I don't get that luxury apparently. The jumping jacks and jump rope were killing me because they made me tired, now the jumping jacks kill me because my armpits are sore (lol) and the jump rope kills me because my calves are falling off. Ugh. And the lunges--well, I've always had issues with lunges...anyway, tomorrow's day 4 and the first day I go back to the gym and try to do an hour of cardio on top of this video of death. Wish me luck (both on doing it all, and on not dying). Thanks ladies for letting me vent. :grumble:
  • fairydustlove
    I missed 3 days. Is that horribly bad? I should do it tonight but I have had such little sleep lately. Anyone have feedback on that?

    Thurs. was my husband's birthday, Friday I was exhausted from no sleep Wed. night (residual), & had to get up at 3:30 a.m. Sat to go out of town, getting back LATE yesterday and feeling very out of it.
    Should I just start over? I am 7 days in...missing today would be missing 4 days in a row.
    Please feel free to advise me.....!
  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    Today was Day 8 and I feel great! Just think, I almost took a break today! If I would have done that, I would not be as happy to post today. Truth is, I thought I would use Sundays to take a break from all exercise. But since I have been doing the Shred, I am motivated to keep going. I viewed Level 2 today and boy was I scared! LOL! That's ok though, I know I will be ok with the motivation from my fitness pals and gals! I will be doing day 9 tomorrow, still on Level 1. I'm building my courage up for Level 2. Ha! Ha! I will check back in tomorrow and hope to see more posts. Good luck to all!!!!
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    So for my first week with the shred I got 3 workouts in... not great I know. I am going to do level 1 day 4 tomorrow and see if I feel any better about it or if it is just as awful. My goal is to get at least 5 days in this week. I will definitely try to do more though! If I don't feel like I'm ready, I might have to do a few extra days on level 1 before moving up to level 2.