Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred--Beginners



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi to everyone and welcome to our new Shredders!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :happy: L1D7 done!:happy:

    I'm thinking of doing the Shred more often--maybe 5 or 6 days a week. I really like the way my endurance has built up.:smile:

    I was able to do the jumping jacks today! :happy: I'm so proud of myself!

    I find that as long as I do my yoga afterwards I'm not nearly as sore. :smile:

    Here are my measurements--

    SW 220
    CW 217.5 (I weigh on Friday and do not weigh more than once a week!)
    B 43 (down from 47)
    W 40 (down from 41.5)
    H 47 (down from 49):happy:

    Not bad for 2 weeks!

    YOu know, on Friday I was disappointed that my weight had only gone down a half pound from the week before. Not disappointed any more!:laugh:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    i only did like 15 minutes.......bummer :(

    :smile: Hang in there Lisl! :flowerforyou:

    15 minutes is more than half--this is a hard workout but if you keep at it you will be amazed at how your endurance builds!:happy: I know I was!:laugh:

  • i only did like 15 minutes.......bummer :(

    That 15 minutes of movement was better than 15 minutes of nothing!
    Some advice... rather than stopping before the video is over, take 5 second breathers (this is what Jillian suggests in the video) when you need to throughout the workout. Sometimes just that small amount of time allows you to catch your breath again.
    I really struggled for about the first 4 days and even now that I am about to start day 7 I find myself taking a 5 second break atleast 2-3 times during the video. The push-ups and lunges still kick my butt! But I see major improvements ability wise! Don't give up! We are in the boat with you!
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    15 minutes is awesome! You will do more each time!

    L1D5 done. I ALMOST made it through all the push ups and jumping jacks tonight. I for sure want to do that before I move on to level two. I hope I can do it by my tenth workout!
  • Lisl
    Lisl Posts: 6
    Thank you guys so much for your support!
  • Good Morning All!

    "Oh what a feelin, to be dancing on the ceiling!" Okay, I'm not dancing yet so what I should really be saying is, "what a difference a day makes." Yesterday, I struggled but today's workout was GREAT! Completed L1D8 today. On Thursday, I'll begin L2 but for now, I'm glad that I've finally gotten into the grove of L1. Can't wait to hear how all of you are progressing.


    BTW - Mschelle, thanks for sharing your experience and FABULOUS JOB Kathy!

    Challenge for the day, do something to make yourself or someone else laugh. Laughter is good medicine you know.:wink:
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    I have a busy day today so I got up at 5:00am to do L1 D7! I made it through, amazingly!

    I fell down the stairs on my way to the basement to do the work out and really bonked my bum! I will have a major bruise on my tushie! Here it is 2 hours later and it still hurts!

    I did manage to get through it. The only thing that really bothered my bum was the butt kicks. I've been having some knee issues and the only thing that hurts my knees are the jumping jacks! Today I had to stop and just do the "arm" part for a few minutes because it hurt so badly.

    Hopefully they will work themselves out! Like the missyjane said, I want to get through the jumping jacks and jump rope (why is that one so hard?) before moving on to L2 -- only 3 days to go! My push ups are getting better, but I'm still on the "easy" mode.

    As far as stepping it up, I'm trying to focus on form and doing the exercises properly so I get the most out. Sometimes I fall behind the girls on the DVD, but I figure form is more important than reps. The side lunges with anterior raises are really my downfall on form since I'm so tired, but if I concentrate on sticking my bum out and raising the weights, I can push through.

    I also wanted to share the Shredhead's website with you: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/ they have been doing it for about a year now and have some great ideas on how to keep your motivation up, how to keep the workout fresh and what to do when you're "done."

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I did manage to get through it. The only thing that really bothered my bum was the butt kicks. I've been having some knee issues and the only thing that hurts my knees are the jumping jacks! Today I had to stop and just do the "arm" part for a few minutes because it hurt so badly.

    pz5wjj - On the Frontside video, she's got knee lifts (high, with swinging arms) as one of the cardio intervals. If the jacks are hurting you, maybe you can try those? I didn't find them as challenging, personally, and modified them to standing crunches (high knee lift, hands on your head like with crunches, bend down as knee comes up, and cross right elbow to left knee and vice versa). That got me sweating a little more, and one just can't have enough ab work in one's life! HTH!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I also wanted to share the Shredhead's website with you: http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/shred/ they have been doing it for about a year now and have some great ideas on how to keep your motivation up, how to keep the workout fresh and what to do when you're "done."

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    Thanks for sharing this website--it looks very inspiring and motivating!:flowerforyou: Can't wait to go through it in more depth--BUT not until I do my Shred for the day!:laugh:
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the "alternate" mschelle!

    I'll give them a go!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    L2D3 done, I can get through most of it now without a break :love: so happy about that

    What weights is everyone using???
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :happy: L1D8 done! had to use mschelles alternate because I banged up my knee last night, though.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Breezy -
    I'm all over the place with the weights. I use 3 lbs or none (started with none, now *mostly* 3) on the anterior raises and the shoulder presses because my deltoids are invisible. I use 5 to 8 on the rows and chest flies (and really think I need more). I use 5 on the 1st set of curls and 3 on the 2nd (working up...)
  • I just ordered the 30 Day Shred yesterday. When it gets to me, I'd like to join this thread. I'm also doing Power 90 but it's my 2nd round and I'm bored hence The Shred. :)
  • I just ordered the 30 Day Shred yesterday. When it gets to me, I'd like to join this thread. I'm also doing Power 90 but it's my 2nd round and I'm bored hence The Shred. :)


    I did level 1 day 7 today and had NO motivation at all. My children were monsters after school so I don't know if I was just in a bad mood or if I should move onto level 2 because I am getting bored with level 1. I don't have too hard of a time with level 1 so I may give level 2 a try on Thursday when I shred again. I can't even bring myself to add the exercise I did today because I feel like I didn't do enough to justify earning extra calories! Just one of those days...
  • My main hurdle is the fact that I work until 6pm and sometimes later...then the 30-35 minute commute home. I get home and I have my 6 year old and sometimes my teenage stepchildren there to cook for and etc. By the time I get all that done my motivation is shot it seems.
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    I did the Firm Hard Core Fusion Express tonight. It was hard but not as hard as The Shred.

    Melissa, some days are like that. I'm sorry it was one of those for you! I have to give you props for working out! It's days like that that make me want to just be lazy and forget it!
  • pz5wjj
    pz5wjj Posts: 95 Member
    Just checking in!

    I've started getting up at 5:00 to do the Shred. It's difficult, but once I'm up and out of bed it's not so bad. In fact, I kind of like getting up early to do it.

    I finished Level 1 Day 8 today. Beginning to think about moving up a level. I still need work on L1 - still can't make it through those jumping jacks! ARG!!!!

    I did have to skip the bicycle crunches today because I had a stabbing pain in my right side every time I tried. It was okay with regular and reverse crunches so I did more of those instead.

    I hope those of you who are finding motivation short find some today! Just remember to push through it! Last week I started my work outs at 7:30 PM after the kids were in bed and this week I'm working out at 5:00 AM so I have some time in the evening with my husband! Sometimes I think it would be easier to sit on the couch or stay in bed, but I just tell myself I have to do it!

    The body I want "doesn't come for free."

    Good luck every one!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    I haven't been able to do the shred since last Thursday. I over did it last week but I am going to get back to it today or tomorrow hopefully. Glad everyone is doing good.
  • imdawn
    imdawn Posts: 50 Member
    I haven't used My Fitness Pal in quite awhile, but I have been using Jillian's 30 Day Shred.
    I think this group is a great idea! I'm on Level 1, Day 4

    The exercise I hate the most are those "fake jump rope" things...those KILL!!!!!!!!!!!
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