
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    September is a great time for new beginnings. I am looking forward to a new school year full of exciting changes.

    My goals for September:

    Keep logging daily
    Exercise for 60 minutes 6 days a week
    Drink 10 classes of water daily
    Take time for myself daily
    Be kind
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning Ladies
    I'm so glad I found your thread again.You are all so positive and help to move me foward.
    My goals are to log everyday
    prepare meals ahead so I'm not making bad choices.
    Try not to feel like I have to fix everything including things that is out of my control
    exercise for body and mind
  • Marking my spot but Thank you to Barbie for continuing the thread. I had no aims or goals for Aug as I hadn't found this group and thought about it :ohwell: . Still I am here now so, my aims for September are to try and lose an average of 1lb per week as I have hit a slump of steady weight with no loss and no gain (which is better than no loss and a weight gain I suppose). I also want to try and get some form of excercise , which is difficult for health reasons but I will try. xx

    Hello and welcome to any new people. You will love being part of this group. xx :smile:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Happy September 1st everyone!

    August found me at a slight disadvantage as I baby-stepped my way to smoke free, battled a pinched nerve in my neck, and faced a new school year with 167 students, 2 brand new teachers, a new assistant principal, and enough procedure and policy changes to scare the president!! Still I did lose 6 pounds in August, and I didn't gain any back when I had to stop working out for 2 weeks.

    And my Dr said I didn't need to take the Chantix anymore since I made it 30 days smoke free! Woohoo!! That saves me 40 bucks a month!!

    I met all my goals for August!!

    September is one of my favorite months. Evenings start to cool off more, the changing of seasons bringing new ideas for just about everything.

    September Goals for me are:

    Attend the one hour yoga class at school twice a week. (who can pass on free classes)
    Consistently drink my water every day. (school day is so fast paced I forget my water)
    Walk at least 2 miles over what I already walk in a school day. (I need more cardio)
    Do my circuit workout at the gym 3 times a week.
    Make lunches to take to school. (I didn't all last week, but our cafeteria does a great job on healthy foods)

    I'm headed to the gym now! woohoo!!

  • Youngfleur
    Youngfleur Posts: 9 Member
    Happy September everyone...

    I am actually looking forward to this months challenges. Before we know it the fall will be on us. My goals will be to loose at least one pound per week, and with everyones support that goal should be an easy one.

    My aim is to use my stationery bike at least 3 days a week, for at least 30 mins.

    :drinker: :explode:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Saturday and a new month....thank goodness we made it through the blue moon!:noway:

    September goals :
    Re-focus...my total calories haven't been horrendous but I know there is plenty of room for improvement:wink:

    August exercise was pretty good so I want to continue mixing it up with weights and cardio, continue with tennis as long as we can...oh update we might finally have the sibling doubles match on tuesday,will keep you posted...and start taking a yoga class...have never done it and many of you love it so will give it a try:smile:

    This is the hard one...try not to stress to much about ds...he should be Stateside in two months..I don't know how you other families handled longer deployments perhaps your sons/daughters were better at keeping in touch...I did hear from Mark on Thursday so I guess I'm good for another week or so...

    Barbie I have to agree with you on the weight loss/week...I have been pretty steady for almost a year but I know if I tweak the eating and make it the new normal eventually my body will respond..I am not nearly as focused as I should be about what goes in my mouth but I continue to get better and gravitate to better choices because that is what I WANT not just know its what I SHOULD eat:smile:

    Enjoy the long weekend..we are headed to the lake later but dh wants to come home Sunday night instead of Monday...so will only get one kayak adventure in..better than no kayak...so perhaps will work in the garden or enjoy the pool...will be closing it soon...a very sad day for me:sad:

    Hugs and high fives just trying to make a small change in lifestyle is a win! Prayers for all our challenges
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I hit a plateau in August so I am hoping this month my metabolism will be revved up! Woke up with a sinus headache at 4 am but kicked it and did 9 miles on the bike. Lots of people on the trail this morning....great to see people up and moving! Thought I would get that ride in early because the rest of the weekend will be rainy. Plan to get some indoor exercise the rest of the weekend with my Turbo Jam DVD. Stopped by the farmer's market for some fresh veggies(sure envy those with gardens!) and am planning my meals for the week.

    September goals:
    Exercise 4 to 5 times a week
    Keep logging daily with honesty
    Have healthy emergency snacks ready
    Eat when I am hungry
    Learn to say no to not over extend myself

    Hugs to all!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Good morning lovelies!

    Loved reading the last few days' posts. So many victories both on and off the scales, well done! :drinker:
    Got so much out of the insightful and self reveleatory stories and postings, thank you all!:flowerforyou:
    Oh and so good to see postings from longtime pals Cindy, Robin, Rebel etc.:love:
    Jane, I feel :brokenheart: for you and your husband, but have faith that he got something out of the experience that will help him in and to the next job. You :heart: inspire me with your ability to stay positive and not complain.
    Rose, what challenge did you win?:bigsmile:
    pkw58 "post at least one positive comment..." Yess! Great goal!!!:happy:
    Goingnuts2 "watch out for that spot I just marked" ...:laugh:
    Jan 30 days smoke free, You are on your way to your new better life. Great Going! :smooched:
    All the others I missed, read every post, thank you!:heart:

    and last but not least, Barbie, Thank you for keeping the thread going, for your kind wisdom and unfailing inspiration. Thank you, thank YOU! :love: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :love:

    August goals mixed bag as usual :ohwell:
    2 fruits + 7 veggies- +~ averaged 2+ fruits 5+ veggies most days
    30 mins of any exercise 5 days/week +
    some mat work 5 days a week + 1st half crapped out last half
    average 10K steps, weekdays yes and over, weekends no.
    no more than 2 drinks Thurs-Sunday, PERIOD!!! ok on the weekend moderation but had a glass of red on non-dancing non-weekend evenings.
    Let it be. Really. + except for a couple of slip ups

    This month I resolve (thanks Barbie!) to BE GOOD TO MYSELF by daily:
    eating 7 servings fruits + veggies
    investing 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering,
    moderating to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day),
    just smile/don't yell.

    Started the month and day off right by joining Joe and Dixie for their morning walk and following up with SWSY. Haven't done SWSY in months. This time want very much to give it the full 12 weeks, hoping for visible changes in time for Dec 1 St. Andrew's ball.

    Silly question. Finally have a smart phone, would like to download? some walking music/inspiration. Any faves?

    Now its off to the shower and shopping wars. Later joining a dance buddy to help remove our Scottish Heritage display from the library, then lunch at my favorite brew pub. Plan to work that off by shampooing the living room carpet this afternoon, or maybe this evening after a nap:yawn:


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    September I resolve to be good to myself:
    eat 7 servings fruits + veggies
    invest 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering
    moderate to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day)
    smile, don't yell!
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    SWSY or matminutes: 1=35
    steps: 1=3148 so far
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    My September goals are:
    Make lunches at least a couple of times a week instead of always the frozen microwave ones every day.
    Get some weights to use at home.
    Zumba three times a week.
    Walk more during the day at school.
    Stop the mindless eating as soon as I get home. (I'm hungry and it's so easy to snack on bad stuff while waiting for supper to be ready!)

    Eileen D.
  • jwillie76
    jwillie76 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! I would like to join!:smile: My goals for September are:

    No binge eating at night
    Stay positive at school
    Log in everyday
    Aerobics 3x week
  • I am new to this sight and happy I found it. Looking forward to learning about how this sight works, setting goals and meeting fantastic women! Any suggestions you have that may kick start this journey will be appreciated.

    My September goals are:
    Educate myself about this sight
    Lose 1 lb a week
    Walk 5 days a week for 1/2 hour
    Dance Friday & Saturday nights
    Plan my menu for the week
    Stop eating cookies at night!!!!!!
  • Hello ladies -
    I keep disappearing...sorry! Just scrolling through the August posts to catch up, and was struck by the numbers, big and small, of what everyone's lost. That is so encouraging! I've struggled this week...some stress at home and I was not being as careful as I need to be, and it showed up in my weigh-ins. Darn, but I've lost that same pound 5 times in the last 2 weeks! Finally back on track, and happy about that....and almost to the 20 pounds lost mark and that feels pretty good.

    So here's my funny story about having lost nearly 20 pounds. I work for a large church, part of the team that plans our worship services. I am also responsible for planning and coordinating all of our funerals. We had a very large one yesterday, and since we were in our largest worship center, I was asked to wear a headset. And a headset comes with a good-sized battery pack. And that battery pack clips onto your belt. Well, I don't wear a belt! And the pants I was wearing were my "Sunday" pants...and now a good size too large. So I'm walking all over the place, finding speakers and soloists and family members and all the time wondering....will they stay up????? LOLOL happy to report no loss of pants during a funeral. But it sure made me smile. I guess I need to go buy some smaller Sunday pants. 8^)

    We are supposed to get rain all weekend...the remnants of Isaac heading north toward Chicago. It's grey and very, very still outside, so I'm guessing it's coming soon.

    Haven't ridden my bike since I got back from Las Vegas three weeks ago. Way too much going on, including the above-mentioned stress at home...school starting for the grandchild that lives with us (kindergarten), daughters not getting along (they're making progress but one is still hopping mad at the other), start-up of everything for the fall at school, work, etc., class planning for the quilt shop...plenty - no, TOO MUCH - on my plate these days. I need to get back to riding as many days a week as possible.

    My goals for September:
    *ride my bike 3 times a week
    *hit the "lost 25 pounds" mark
    *don't buy stuff I shouldn't eat (duh)
    *be more consistent with water consumption
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    September Goals

    1. continue to log daily
    2. walk 30 minutes on treadmill before school Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    3. up my water intake to 8 cups daily
    4. find healthy, happy alternative to drama club with my daughters if I withdraw my services in social justice protest
    5. establish housekeeping habits with my family to better enjoy drop in guests
    6. clear desk before leaving school
    7. continue to read this wonderfully supportive thread
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Happy September ladies.

    Its going to be a good month.

    Will keep getting at least 15 flights of stairs
    10,000 steps
    2+ litres of water
    less alcohol.

    Have a great day!

    Robin, Bodi and Rit
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    New beginnings & starts never too late. Well said my friend.
    Sept I return back to Zumba class after 2 month summer Vac. Starting at once a week to see how my knee will react.
    Continue to walk my dogs 3 times a day.
    Reward myself with a makeup makeover sometime this month.
    Water intake back up to 8 glass/8 oz.
    Keep sodium under 2500.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: I don't have time to respond to all the great stuff I've read but I have to laugh with the great NSV of pants almost falling down at the funeral :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: for those of us who have struggled with weight for decades, it seems almost impossible to actually own a pair of pants that are loose enough to fall down

    :bigsmile: today was the first day of the first annual hot air balloon festival here and DH and I got up early and went to the nearby airport where we watched a dozen hot air balloons get unloaded, filled with air, heated and finally lift off......in a few minutes we'll head for the festival grounds where the balloons should have ended up and see what else is going on as part of the festival.

    :flowerforyou: it's exciting to see more teachers join our group.....even though I've been retired from teaching for eight years, September is still a magical month for me full of new beginnings.

    :cry: I already had to start the month by apologizing to DH for throwing a small fit about something but I admitted I was wrong right away and now the rest of the day can be great.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    just realized its September
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I thought this was funny :For those of us who are currently teaching or used to teach or who ever went to school, September is a month of new beginnings and a chance to start everything over and correct all our old mistakes.

    You forgot, or those of us who were silly enough to have mid-life crises children who are still in elementary school :)

    That would be me - at 53 I have an 11,12 and 34 year old.

    I sure wish I could weigh myself. Yesterday was my weigh in day but I don't have a scale here in Missouri (I live Illinois). Hope I've lost!!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Auntiebk/Barbara & Nancy – We will be in the lower eastern part of ID. I'll wave but you will need binoculars. We are visiting the parks in the area for a couple weeks and then hunting around the NE corner of the bottom part of ID.

    Lots to do and not enough time to do it.

    Sorry, in my rush to get things done, I posted this on the Aug thread.:embarassed:

    Sept goals - stay away from gas station snacks!!! Hike off a couple pounds. Get my elk. Not get eaten by a bear. :laugh:

    See you all in Oct.

  • walkermom58
    walkermom58 Posts: 86 Member
    I am back to school and happy to have a job I love!

    My goals for September:
    Walk 3-4 times a week.
    Complete food diary every day.
    Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.
    Lift 5# weights 2-3 times a week to help build upper body strength.
    Get outside more before bad weather hits.

    I'm happy with the weightloss so far. I feel so much better. Looking for at least a loss of 1 pound a week.