Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • Hey there, I'm a newbie to mfp. My hubby is on here, posting all the time, but I haven't joined this part of the site. I admit, I'm not totally obsessed with Twilight, but I read all the books because the teen girls at church were reading them (their mothers weren't)! So, I wanted to be a sounding board for them. :smile:

    Exercise: Mike and I try to exercise 4 times a week together, but we don't go to a gym. We workout to dvds in the basement. I love not having to go anywhere! My body seems to like maintaining a weight of anywhere between 175-178. Right now, I'm at 178. I'm like many of you, 5'4", so this weight isn't healthy for my frame. I have gotten down to 156, which was a great weight for me, but went back up to 175 after a major panic attack that lasted 2 weeks. I know exactly what to do to get back down there, so that's where my head is right now.

    Food: I home school our two children, so for me, I have to workout before they are up. I am a morning girl, so that's the best time for me. We try to eat very healthfully, so organic, whole-grain, natural stuff is where it's at for me. I have learned over the years that I have to plan for my food. I don't want my children to EVER have to struggle with their weight. Both are very active, and we do Tae Kwon Do as a family. Both are super lean, and I love that their dad and I are instilling healthy eating habits in them. Not that they never get anything sweet, but we do limit it.

    Okay, I'm a blabber. :laugh: Hope you all have a great Saturday! My son and I are actually testing for our next belt level in TKD today, so I'm off to do that for 2 hours! I'm usually toast the rest of the day. Take care, all!

    Sarah :heart:
  • Welcome Selinee and Sarah!

    Good morning everyone! I'm loving this post because I feel like I'm getting my Twilight fix. School started back up for me and I have no time to read for recreation.

    Anyhow, I have nothing to do today except clean, do homework and write my proposal for a small group ministry I'm going to lead at my church. I wish I could have slept in, but of course when I have the time to sleep, I can't. Ain't it funny how that works out?:laugh: Well, I better get off MFP before I get sucked in and don't do what I'm supposed to do.

    My goal for today: Workout with Bob on the Wii, do 10 push-ups and 20 sit ups. (I joined a challenge for c25k, 100 push ups, and 200 sit ups!!!!) Also I should thow in some dishes, laundry and vacuuming along with my homework and proposal. OK, so much for a day off! LOL

    Enjoy your day!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Selinee - There is always room for more! Good luck to you on your 50 lbs weight loss journey!

    Sarah - Welcome! Sounds like you have a very busy/active life. Good luck to you on your belt testing today and getting back to a healthy and smaller you! I have experienced panic attacks myself and they are no fun. Glad that is now behind you!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Welcome Selinee and Sarah!

    Good morning everyone! I'm loving this post because I feel like I'm getting my Twilight fix. School started back up for me and I have no time to read for recreation.

    Anyhow, I have nothing to do today except clean, do homework and write my proposal for a small group ministry I'm going to lead at my church. I wish I could have slept in, but of course when I have the time to sleep, I can't. Ain't it funny how that works out?:laugh: Well, I better get off MFP before I get sucked in and don't do what I'm supposed to do.

    My goal for today: Workout with Bob on the Wii, do 10 push-ups and 20 sit ups. (I joined a challenge for c25k, 100 push ups, and 200 sit ups!!!!) Also I should thow in some dishes, laundry and vacuuming along with my homework and proposal. OK, so much for a day off! LOL

    Enjoy your day!

    Sounds like you're gonna have a busy day! I can't say much, mine is looking to be about the same! I loved C25K, let me know how it goes for you! The personal growth is just amazing!

    I can't wait to watch the Twilight Showtime specia tonight! YAY! We have a family date in front of the TV at 8PM!

    I already went to zumba 30/30 (30 minute of zumba, 30 minutes of strength training). Off to a great start! I've been under my calories so far all week. Weekends are the toughest so I'm hoping I can hang in there!

    Till next time :smile:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I wasn't happy with my weigh in yesterday so I stepped on the scale again this morning and I have lost a lb. Not going to log it in until Thursday when I weigh in. My normal weigh in day is Friday but won't be able to on Friday. I am going to Cozumel again for my 5th time.Traveling on the CarnivalEcstasy this will be the 4th time on this ship. Don't care where I go I have fun on the ship lots to do.:smile: Good luck on everyone's weight loss. :happy: Welcome to all new bees
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    hi all :) just wanted to know if there was room for one more ?? i have about 50 lbs to lose and think that going to watch eclipse at the cinema with my svelte self is great motıvation lol :)
    Hi Seli, Welcome to the thread, if youre a Twilight fan youll love it especially.:flowerforyou:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Morning All! Anyone watch Twilight on Showtime last night? We had a family date with the tv and loved it. I was little disappointed at the end as I was hoping they'd give a sneak clip of Eclipse, but they didn't. Oh well. It was an excuse to watch the movie once again.

    Everyone have a great Sunday
  • selinee_81
    selinee_81 Posts: 39 Member
    thanks for the warm welcome guys :) of course i`m a fan how can we not be :) well i`m just sat here cheering on my boyfriend while he does p90x ( you know how guys are . you have to constantly encourage them :P) my backs still a little sore ( pulled a musclea last week) so am leaving it till tommorrow for the shred and kate lawler dvd. hope everyone is having a super sunday .
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Morning All! Anyone watch Twilight on Showtime last night? We had a family date with the tv and loved it. I was little disappointed at the end as I was hoping they'd give a sneak clip of Eclipse, but they didn't. Oh well. It was an excuse to watch the movie once again.

    Everyone have a great Sunday

    Hi Heidi! I heard it was playing on showtime but i dont have it :frown: so instead i went on youtube and brought up some new moon music and fan made video on eclipse..that was fun..didnt lose since my last weigh in but chalk it up to my whacked out body metabolism:grumble: but feeling good and i've no intention of stopping:smile:
  • Happy Monday! Woo woo! I'm excited because I lost 4 pounds this week!! Now thats a great start to my week! OMG if it wasn't so early and the walls weren't so thin I'd scream! Yay! I'm glad to see that and get in a good mood because I have such a crazy day ahead of me. I'm seeing the endochrinologist today and I can't wait for him to mark my progress in my record!

    Well, I slept in a little this morning, so I need to get my but moving to class. Hope you guys have a great day!

  • Did my weigh in this morning second week and I didn't lose anything. :sad: It is ok I am just going to work twice as hard this week so I don't get the same number next Monday. :ohwell: It will get better I just need to keep doing the right things and I can do this.:smile:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Happy Monday! Woo woo! I'm excited because I lost 4 pounds this week!! Now thats a great start to my week! OMG if it wasn't so early and the walls weren't so thin I'd scream! Yay! I'm glad to see that and get in a good mood because I have such a crazy day ahead of me. I'm seeing the endochrinologist today and I can't wait for him to mark my progress in my record!

    Well, I slept in a little this morning, so I need to get my but moving to class. Hope you guys have a great day!


    YAY! That is FANTASTIC! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a big number too. I feel really good about my weigh in. I have been a good girl all week and weekend (and weekends usually are SO hard for me). Course, TOM is just around the corner and that usually hinders things. Hoping it doesn't impact until NEXT week since I've worked so hard!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Did my weigh in this morning second week and I didn't lose anything. :sad: It is ok I am just going to work twice as hard this week so I don't get the same number next Monday. :ohwell: It will get better I just need to keep doing the right things and I can do this.:smile:

    Don't get discouraged! It's a new week. Keep on the game face :wink:
  • My wife would be all over that one...
  • Hello fellow Twilight fans!!

    Looks like I have a lot to catch up on, huh? Busy busy busy weekend w/ the girls, which meant very little relax/computer time for mom. And it looks like it will be that way for most of the upcoming weekends with Girl Scout cookie booth sales, and other commitments taking up a lot of hours.

    I have to run to get the girls from school, but I wanted to pop in & say HI! Thanks Andi for coming & posting a message to me that I'd been missed! I missed you all too!!

    Be back from home in a bit!

  • Hi Everyone..Has everyone seen the new Eclipse trailier? It's awesome!

    Tearose -- while the trailer is interesting, this is NOT the official trailer (despite what that site says).

    For one thing -- Jacob in this trailer is portrayed by Steven Strait & the clips of him are from his film "The Covenant". Additionally, at least two shots of Bella are Kristen from other films.

    Summit Entertainment has not yet released a trailer for Eclipse, nor has David Slade been notified when one will be released. Trust me -- when the real thing is released, we'll all know about it ahead of time so that we can plan to be watching the TV or the computer to catch it over & over & over again!!
  • Happy Monday! Woo woo! I'm excited because I lost 4 pounds this week!! Now thats a great start to my week! OMG if it wasn't so early and the walls weren't so thin I'd scream! Yay! I'm glad to see that and get in a good mood because I have such a crazy day ahead of me. I'm seeing the endochrinologist today and I can't wait for him to mark my progress in my record!

    Well, I slept in a little this morning, so I need to get my but moving to class. Hope you guys have a great day!


    YAY! That is FANTASTIC! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a big number too. I feel really good about my weigh in. I have been a good girl all week and weekend (and weekends usually are SO hard for me). Course, TOM is just around the corner and that usually hinders things. Hoping it doesn't impact until NEXT week since I've worked so hard!

    Nothing like the stupid scale at the doctors office to put me in my place. :sad: According to that scale I didn't lose a darn thing. And I'd complain that its wrong if it weren't one of those mega scales like on the Biggest Loser. Not to mention his office in in a weight control center so its callibrated to the tiniest gram. At least he was cool enough to remind me that my purpose for going there is to make sure I stop gaining weight, so I get a star from him on that note. He expects to see bigger numbers from now on. I'll take, it I guess. [{SIGH]}
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hi Everyone..Has everyone seen the new Eclipse trailier? It's awesome!

    Tearose -- while the trailer is interesting, this is NOT the official trailer (despite what that site says).

    For one thing -- Jacob in this trailer is portrayed by Steven Strait & the clips of him are from his film "The Covenant". Additionally, at least two shots of Bella are Kristen from other films.

    Summit Entertainment has not yet released a trailer for Eclipse, nor has David Slade been notified when one will be released. Trust me -- when the real thing is released, we'll all know about it ahead of time so that we can plan to be watching the TV or the computer to catch it over & over & over again!!

    Yep noticed that too late, chalk it up to my Twilight starved wonderings:cry:
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member

    Nothing like the stupid scale at the doctors office to put me in my place. :sad: According to that scale I didn't lose a darn thing. And I'd complain that its wrong if it weren't one of those mega scales like on the Biggest Loser. Not to mention his office in in a weight control center so its callibrated to the tiniest gram. At least he was cool enough to remind me that my purpose for going there is to make sure I stop gaining weight, so I get a star from him on that note. He expects to see bigger numbers from now on. I'll take, it I guess. [{SIGH]}

    Don't get discouraged Holly! Like you said, your purpose is to stop gaining...and you didn't!! YAY for you!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm in! I'm new to MFP, but not the Twilight Series. A bunch of us "old lady moms" took our girls to see Eclipse at Midnight. It was great! (The girls have decided to induce a chivalrous movement, they are willing to become injured if all hot men will remove their shirts to use as band aids!) As for what team I'm on, I saw a piece of flair on Facebook that said "I'm Team whoever that guy was in the van that almost hit Bella." :happy: Looking forward to losing weight with all of you.
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