Fit N' Fun-Sized - WEEK 5!



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Coco- I agree with the other advise on changing your exercise routine to tone and loose fat instead of weight.

    I've changed how I post things and it appears to be working, so I will throw it out there as a suggestion to all. I only post my exercise at the end of the day. Silly change but it seems to be helping me see my actual calorie intake more clearly and I've been sticking to not eating my exercise calories on most days.

    Happy Friday all!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, once again i'm late logging in b/c I had such a busy morning. My day started w/a trip to the gym. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and completed a 45 minute kickboxing class. My back felt pretty good this morning but I think I over did it b/c it's beginning to ache now. After the gym I head to various locations trying to complete all of the days errands so that once I returned home I could relax. All the errands have been completed so now I can either watch a movie or begin reading my new book......decisions......decisions......decisions.

    BTW, even though weigh in days are on Fridays I decided to step on the scale this morning out of curiosity and to my surprised I had dropped another pound which puts me at my goal weight....WOOHOO....WOOHOO....WOOHOO. I won't record the weight until this week's weigh-in but it feels great knowing that with some hard work and dedication I have reached my goal. Let the maintenance phase begin.........

    Anyhow, I hope everyone's day is progressing well.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    So...i gave it my all this week. I stayed within in my calorie limit, worked out 2 times a day everyday & drank tons of water. I get on the scale this morning and what do i see?? The same damn 143.6 staring back at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SO ANNOYED! :explode: :mad: :angry: :grumble: :explode: I really wasn't too mad all the other weeks because i knew i wasnt giving it my all. But this week i was on my game & still no results. I'm not going to give up, but i really feel like it!!! I do have cramps today, so i dont know if maybe my time of the month is coming. Maybe thats why i weighed a little bit more then i should be. I am hoping thats why anyway. I am going to go at it strong again next week and if i dont see a change after that then i dont know what to do.
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    I've had a busy 2 days... my Dad was taken to the hospital yesterday morning by ambulance. At the time he thought it was a heart attack, but that was ruled out. He was admitted for observation and released this morning around 10... no diagnosis. Started feeling poorly again this afternoon and admitted. Lots of stress for the family. The Dr. scheduled a cardiac cath for tomorrow... I'm praying they can figure out what's going on.

    I have tried to stay within calories... haven't exercised at all. I'm feeling overwhelmed but haven't done any stress eating - a small success! Will be driving to Topeka again tomorrow.

    Say a prayer!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jandie, I'm sorry to learn your father is not well but pray the doctors figure out what's wrong and he has a speedy recovery. Congratulations on not stress eating b/c it is so easy to do when one becomes overwhelmed. You're right that is a victory despite the fact that you've not been able to exercise.

    Keep us posted and I will continue to keep him and your family in my prayers.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JZ - hang in there! Have another good week and I'm sure the scale will move.

    Coco- Congradulations on meeting your goal! That is awsome.

    Jandie - I am sorry to hear about your dad. Keep after those doctors and make them find out what it was so that you can take care of it. Don't let them put you off. The best thing for the elderly is determined children. Hang in there!

    Today I was one of the designated drivers bringing high school kids skiing today and I skiied with them. It is funny, but these kids don't seem to mind having us parents around. They are all excited to ride up lifts with us and help us carry things. We had a great time and I look forward to driving them again for our two trips in February.

    Have a great evening eveyone!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all! I hope everyone's weekend was wonderful and there were no major setbacks. My weekend started well and ended alright so I won't do too much complaining. Despite my back hurting (I have arthritis in my lower left back) throughout the weekend and even into today I manage to workout everyday. Saturday I probably over did it but yesterday and today I think I took it a little easier. Today, I completed 4 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd w/5 lb weights for a total of 50 minutes. The workout is done now the rest of the day can begin.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Happy Monday all! It's been a good morning so far, I have been sick the last week so didn't work out for 6 days but I am back today! I did loose a coupe of pounds, and that was with TOM so I am happy! I did a cycling class today @ 6 am for 45 minutes. Felt good! Also starting a boot camp 2 days a week. Planning on a new swim suit come summer! Have good week ladies
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    jam-thanks for the encouragment :smile:
    breezy-congrats! glad u are feeling better.
    choco-you are so good--working out everyday! you encourage me to keep going!!

    I didn't work out today, but have stayed within my calories. Mondays are hard for me. I always feel unmotivated. I am going to do the Walk 2 Mile dvd w/ 3 lb. weights, so i can get some workout in. Goodnite mfp-ers.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I walked for an hour w/ 3 lb. weights. Now i dont have to feel guilty that i didnt exercise today.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey girls..No More Trouble Zones kicked my butt again today! I like that work out because it makes me sweat like crazy which makes me feel like i got a great workout in. Ive been falling short of my 7-8 glasses of water for the past couple days, so today i am going to concentrate on drinking 8. Does anybody use a HRM? I am thinking about getting one, but theres so many different options. It would be cool to know exactly how many calories i am burning tho.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies. I tell you the past few days I have not been motivated to workout at all BUT have dragged myself out of the bed and committed to it. Since I had a slow start this morning I could only do 35 minutes of cardio b/c I had to get to work. I decided to spend that time on the spinning bike (I like that bike so much better than the other stationary bikes). Since I've taken a couple of spinning classes I tried to increase my intensity by doing a few of the moves the instructor does during the class. All in all the workout is done. I don't really know how many calories I burned since I still haven't figured out how to work my hrm and the spinning bikes to calculate the calories for you. I know I worked up a sweat and my heart rate was up so I'm pleased.

    Jzbaby, I wont be much help regarding HRM b/c i haven't been able to figure mine out so it hasnt been used. I don't even know what kind it is but someone on MFP posted a thread that had them on sale for $25 so I purchased one. It arrived and all of a sudden I felt real slow b/c I couldn't figure out how to work the darn thing. A month later and it's still sitting on my night stand. I think I'll have my friend check it out and see if he can figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    I read a lot of posts about ppl using the Polar 6, 7 and 11. I know hrm can be pricey so you should definitely do your research.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I've been a little off track with NOT eating my exercise calories, but I've been staying under the amount allowed with them. So I need to refocus on sticking to 1300 calories a day.

    Saturday I hiked about a 1/2 mile in deep snow at 11,000 feet. Sunday I went skiing. Monday I shovelled snow. It's been a very wintery few days. I'm afraid to weigh in tomorrow and hope that if the scale doesn't move down it will at least stay the same.

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I would like to announce that I completed the entire 58 minutes of the Plyometrics dvd of the P90X series and I AM VERY PROUD of myself. I was a bit intimidated about taking on the task b/c I have a bad right knee BUT I did what I could and modified anything that I thought was going to be to strenuous on the knee and I feel great. While I'm sure my quads will be mad at me tomorrow I feel absolutely great at the moment.

    I will continue reviewing all the dvds but I think I'm going to begin the entire P90X series next week. I'll start slow and w/lighter weights so that I don't overdo it and gradually build. When I think about it like that the program seems totally doable. Between my bad knee and arthritic lower back I'm sure I'll have to modify but I think i'm ready for the challenge.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Good job choco!!! I am seriously thinking about getting p90x. I've been wanting to get it for about a year now so i think im gonna go ahead and buy it. It looks crazy tho and im a little intimidated by it to tell you the truth lol. But i was intimidated to do Jillian Michaels workout and now it is one of my favorite ones.
    I drank 7 glasses of water yesterday and stayed under my calories. Today got off to a bad start. I havent exercised yet. I am going to at least do some walking with weights.
    I heard about (another fitness website) yesterday & i signed up to see how many calories they would have me set at. They have me set at a daily range to eat anywhere between 1200-1500. Mfp has me set at 1200. Usually if i overate by 300 calories i would have thought i had a bad day, but according to Sparkpeople i would be in my limit. Its so confusing!!
    Anyway have a good day guys!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby, I am a member of sparkpeople too but don't log on nearly as much as I do MFP. I read a lot of ppl saying that you need to find the right caloric intake for yourself and that MFP is just a guideline. Initially MFP had me at 1200 calories and I upped it 1330 (can't remember where I came up w/the number but I know it was from researching different sites on Google). I did not want to up them too much and it be counterproductive. This has apparently worked for me as I've hit my goal weight . My next assignment is to determine how many maintenance calories I need.

    Get that workout over w/ms lady so you can feel accomplished.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I am thinking about changing mine to 1320 because that is my BMR. I read some where on here that you should eat at least your bmr daily. But i havent made up my mind yet, because if i leave it at 1200 that gives me a little room to go over. I think i'll finish out this week at 1200. if i dont see a difference in the scale i am going to up it. They have a setting on here to maintain your weight. I think it is in the section of your goals where you choose if you want to gain 1 lb a week, lose one lb a week etc. One of the choices is to maintain your current weight. Ok ok im going to work out lol.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    AM workout: done. :smile:

    Goal: drink 7 cups of water & 30 mins walking w/ 3 lb. weights. :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I completed 55 minutes of the Kenpo-X dvd and feel pretty good despite a little soreness from yesterday's Plyometrics. More and more I am beginning to feel like P90X is doable.

    While I will continue to exercise for the rest of the week I may take it a little lighter so I won't be too sore next week when I begin P90X. I know me and if I'm too sore I won't give it my all and I want to start off in the right direction. I'll play it by ear though and just see how I feel each morning.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I finished my PM workout. I walked for 60 mins w/ 3 lb. weights.
    Choco- When you walk with weights how do you log it on MFP? I usually log it as walking at a moderate pace...but tonight i added weight training, because i do bicep curls and stuff for most of the time i am walking.
    I only made it to 4 cups of water today tho :ohwell: but i stayed under my calories so i am happy about that. Now its bedtime...goodnite everyone.