Any other nerds/geeks dieting?



  • pick me pick me!!! :) im nerdy and hyper and i love video games and i collect comic books mostly batman!!!
  • Laurelaas
    Laurelaas Posts: 31 Member
    Nerd/geek here as well. Long-time sysadmin (AIX/BSD/GNU-Linux, etc.), know the heck out of my Silmarillion content, big into sci-fi. Looks like we're pretty well represented here!

    Also -- been on here for a week and need to do the obligatory:

    Hello world

    LMAO! Hello world always the first thing programmed <.<
  • There's an invisible line between nerd and hipster.
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    I always thought I was a geek. My husband calls me one :) I'm not a gamer, unless you count farmville rarely. I like some sci-fi but end up being bugged by all the parts that are wrong

    . I am an enthusiast of biology, geology and chemistry. I am not antisocial or absorbed by a hobby. I do spend too much time reading science stuff on the internet. I'm always reading, researching or explaining science.

    so geek?
  • I like to think of myself as a Mario nerd. I can best anybody at any Mario Kart :) I have a passion for English and I wear the Grammar Nazi badge with pride. The second I got my goal weight, I'm either buying a TARDIS dress or a Xena costume. I tend to really enjoy esoteric feminist literature.

    Also, I use words like esoteric.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    There's an invisible line between nerd and hipster.

    Love it.
  • Hello fellow nerd! Total RPG gamer here, part time bookworm and comic book lore aficionada.
  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    <--- Honors student, Biotech major. Cats are named Zoidberg, Nibbler (he passed away), Leela, Bender, and Professor; the rumba is named Scruffy. The guinea pigs were named Cortana (from Halo), Tex (from RvB), Shippo, InuYash, Tweek (from South park), and Tali (from Mass Effect). I love FPS and RPGs. So, I fit into most categories of "nerd." If you are on XBOX live let me know.

    Edit: Favorite TV shows are Eureka, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and Star Gate (SG1 and Atlantis).
  • Laurelaas
    Laurelaas Posts: 31 Member
    <--- Honors student, Biotech major. Cats are named Zoidberg, Nibbler (he passed away), Leela, Bender, and Professor; the rumba is named Scruffy. The guinea pigs were named Cortana (from Halo), Tex (from RvB), Shippo, InuYash, Tweek (from South park), and Tali (from Mass Effect). I love FPS and RPGs. So, I fit into most categories of "nerd." If you are on XBOX live let me know.

    Edit: Favorite TV shows are Eureka, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and Star Gate (SG1 and Atlantis).

    Sadly Do not have an xbox yet, although plan to get one once I move ^^, but got all the references of your pet names.
  • Yes! I am loving this thread. "If you're nerdy and you know it add me as a friend"

    Dr. Who, Star Trek, D & D, cult films, Robert Heinlein (If you love him to add me x2 :D), Think Geek, and... Seriously I could go on for days and days.

    I'm geektastic.
  • <--- Honors student, Biotech major. Cats are named Zoidberg, Nibbler (he passed away), Leela, Bender, and Professor; the rumba is named Scruffy. The guinea pigs were named Cortana (from Halo), Tex (from RvB), Shippo, InuYash, Tweek (from South park), and Tali (from Mass Effect). I love FPS and RPGs. So, I fit into most categories of "nerd." If you are on XBOX live let me know.

    Edit: Favorite TV shows are Eureka, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and Star Gate (SG1 and Atlantis).

    The world is a much more sad place, since they axed Firefly and Eureka...and warehouse13 too...why do the kill all the decent stuff!
  • Mutant and proud!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I am known to watch Serenity, Firefly episodes, and other assorted sci-fi stuff on my tablet while siting at the bar. My laptops (plural) run Slackware Linux, and I have no less than four GPS devices on the dash of my truck. Does that make me a nerd or a geek??? :embarassed:
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    If you know these characters, Friend Request me.... :)

    I keep telling my SO that I just want to go to Fiji.
  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    <--- Honors student, Biotech major. Cats are named Zoidberg, Nibbler (he passed away), Leela, Bender, and Professor; the rumba is named Scruffy. The guinea pigs were named Cortana (from Halo), Tex (from RvB), Shippo, InuYash, Tweek (from South park), and Tali (from Mass Effect). I love FPS and RPGs. So, I fit into most categories of "nerd." If you are on XBOX live let me know.

    Edit: Favorite TV shows are Eureka, Firefly, Big Bang Theory, and Star Gate (SG1 and Atlantis).

    The world is a much more sad place, since they axed Firefly and Eureka...and warehouse13 too...why do the kill all the decent stuff!

    Damn, I forgot to put Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary. They also axed all the Star Gates...
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    *Waves* Massive nerd right here!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Pretty much! I just graduated with my Bio major and I'm currently doing stem cell research.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    I am a web developer and designer. I'm spending almost my entire weekend neck-deep in PHP, and then on Tuesday I'm going back to work in an environment. My life is pretty consumed by programming and designing.

    At the moment, I'm pretty eagerly waiting the Doctor Who season 7 premiere. It aired at 6pm for me (I guess my BBCA is on east coast time), but I had to turn it off because I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get home so we can watch it together. We both love Sci-Fi.

    I'm also trying to lose weight to look hot at next year's nerdy conventions (Comic con, Wonder con, Comikaze expo, ect). I've never felt confident enough to cosplay, but I *really* want to!

    Other nerdy interests: Star Trek: TNG, MST3K, World of Warcraft, everything Batman.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    What? They killed Warehouse 13? Darn it! I'm tired of losing tv series after tv series. They keep leaving junk like Jersey Shore but the stuff we like...they kill it.

    I definitely count as a nerd. I love tv shows about technology. I grew up collecting comics. I know all the characters in Star Trek and Star Wars. I even made a costume (when I was skinny) like the uniforms in the original Star series and wore it on Halloween. I wish I could still fit in it. I am an avid Sci Fi reader. In college, I played AD&D, now not so much only because there aren't a lot of people here who play BUT I still do read comics. I like the graphic novels - enjoy the Wonder Woman ones particularly.

    Basically, I am a geek and proud of it. Heck, you know you're a geek when you're parents call you to fix their computer because "Something is wrong!". Grin.