

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Today is my Isagenix cleanse day which means that I'll be consuming a minimum number of calories of specific items and taking it somewhat easy with a ritual of tasks I reserve for cleanse day (laundry and some easy chores) and TV watching with DH and the dogs.

    :bigsmile: I'm going out now to walk the dogs and sometime during the 90-120 minutes we walk, we should see the hot air balloons that will be launched this morning from the the nearby launch site.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: my first NSV when I started on MFP was when I noticed that my underwear fit better....that happened long before big changes on the scale and before anyone else noticed that I had lost weight.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: If I only relied on the scale to tell me about my progress, I'd be a wreck every morning after eating in a restaurant because sodium and fluid retention will cause my weight to jump as much as three pounds overnight:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • mommie55
    Hello Ladies
    August is gone and I am older, had a wonderful birthday, Married longer, Our Wedding Anniversary was a Fab day, and Happy !!
    I have 2 more months of Babysiting for my daughter and then Her Honey will be home from Afghanistan!! Yea!!:heart:

    My September goals.....
    try to bike 10 miles a day :bigsmile:
    eat healthier :happy:
    try to hit 1200 calories a day ( this is a real toughie) :cry:
    Try for 8 hrs sleep a night! :yawn:
    Drink a gallon or more of water a day! :drinker:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    Can't believe it's only Sept. 2nd and we are already on page 4 of this thread! It's great to be able to share all our goals with each other here, as well as the highs and lows! Special thanks to Barbie for keeping this thread going month after month!:flowerforyou:

    Started out the day with poor food choices :sad: , but thanks to logging, still have time to turn it around! Definitely will drink plenty of water today!:drinker

    Have a good day! :smile: Kathy

    “There are three constants in life: Change, choice and principles.”

    ~Stephen Covey~
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    What a bunch of terrific women on here!!! And so many fantastic goals, I want to adopt them all...(this would mean I would have to quit my job...hahaha). So maybe a few changes every month...

    Now I just wish I could memorize you all and respond to your posts in a meaningful manner....hopefully also in time...

    Skill testing question: how to I 'mark" this thread so I can find it easier?

    Happy Sunday - Karin
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Happy September!

    My goals:
    1) Be grateful, and express it regularly
    2) Be kind
    3) Blow past my calorie goal no more than once per week
    4) Renew my driver's license before it expires on the 30th
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Wouldn't you know it, the storms blow in just as the long weekend arrives. Oh well, I am working 2 of the 3 days but I had hoped for a little time in my garden and more time to read everyon's posts.

    Meg - thanks for the borscht recipe, I will pass it along to my hubby for his quest. Actually it looks so good maybe I'll make it!

    Amanda - I have had nights like that, going along to my hubby's events and what is it with people not using serving spoons but using their own forks instead in the public dish! Enough to turn your stomach! But good for you for putting a positive spin on it.

    Weigh in tomorrow so salmon tonight!

    Enjoy your day, love yourself and choose happiness,

    September goals:

    -SMASH through the 200 lb. barrier
    -Increase my daily walking routine by 15 minutes every two weeks
    -Find my weights in the flood storage containers in the garage & begin light weight training
    -Find a way to ‘safely’ begin the transition from summer salads to fall comfort food…
    -Keep drinking the water even though I would rather coffee in the cooler weather
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning everyone! It’s beautiful here today. Not sure if I’ll get any exercise in or not; I need to work on the book and we are having company for dinner. I tried to take a nap after church but was unsuccessful…first one animal then the next played musical chairs on my lap :bigsmile: and the 15 year old was waiting for DH to wake up from his nap because then they were going to see my dad in the nursing home.

    GypsyJudy: I am a wine buff too. I love a glass of wine with dinner, but only have it maybe once a week. I know it probably is more “empty” calories than anything else, but there are heart benefits to red wine. I like your school assignment meals! Great idea. :wink:

    Texasgal: don’t know about WW, but this is a great place to get support and motivation.

    S50s: I too get up really early usually around 5, but on clinical days it’s 4:30 so I have to exercise in the evening too. Sometimes it’s hard because I’m tired!

    Strong heart: welcome!

    Gini: funny you mentioned the wicked witch…as soon as you said “wearing black” that ‘s what I thought of! :laugh: Do you have a good way to make spaghetti squash? I know the classic routine, but don’t like it.

    Glenda: if you lose us after we start a new thread, go to the old one and there is a link to the new one.

    NDBirdmom: I too am a nurse. My background is trauma and that’s my true love. Now I teach nursing and love that too. Currently I’m doing a rotation in an ICU.

    April Fool Girl: I totally misread your job description and thought you wrote “Dentition” which made me wonder why the kids at your school all have bad teeth!!! :smokin: Welcome!

    Liz: seems like lots of us have long days to get used to again. Summers off are grand!

    Wessecg: hope he likes the borscht recipe!

    Fabulocity: when you get that new piece of exercise clothing, let’s see it! You do have tons to be proud of! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: you need a new name: fruit lady! All that fruit in the freezer…yum. I’m coming over!

    Barbie: yay that your DH is home!

    Barbara: that bathing suit is a great victory! :flowerforyou: What is SWSY???

    Linda: holy cow girl…get some sleep LOL! :ohwell: NSV= non-scale victory

    Amanda: I love how you put that positive spin on the bad evening. I would have been really annoyed and then I probably would have opened my mouth, and ….well you get the picture!

    DeeDee: so glad you are feeling better, and yes it does take weeks to get totally over pneumonia for most people.

    Jan: so proud of your accomplishments! Losing weight, figuring out the exercise, and best of all…smoke free! :happy:

    Karin: you are right that adopting all these goals would be a full time job and would probably drive you crazy. Make one change at a time.

    Kate: hope the borscht turns out great! Oh, the salmon experiment….dont’ know if you remember or not, but after being off the wagon for a week I weighed exactly the same Friday so I was pleased…guess what…I ate salmon Thursday night. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    Well I best get going here. Welcome to all the newbies; I know I missed responding to all of you. Please come back often so we can get to know you. To everyone else have a calm and peaceful Sunday.

    Goals for September:
    1. Log onto MFP each day
    2. Track food and fluids every day except on my 2 free days
    3. Drink 90 ounces of water and stay below 1900 calories a day
    4. Exercise 3 times a week (cardio)
    5. Find some joy and beauty in each day

    Take care, Meg
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (that's me drinking wine tonight)
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    happy dance scale budge 1lb....today
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Sunday and I am feeling incredibly lazy I did do a bunch of shopping so I feel good. Retail therapy is a wonderful thing for the spirit. No I need to do somehting productive.

    The dog house is screaming at me to come finish it

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • denny505
    denny505 Posts: 39 Member
    What a great group--I'm so glad I saw this. My Sept goals are to keep up my exercising and especially to not blow the weekends with extra calories. Have a great weekend!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Sunday to everyone. My daughter in law and grandson were at church today so I had a good visit afterward.
    (Son is in Afghanistan.)
    Then we went to Costco. Everyone had the same idea I guess because it was busy. I'm sure tomorrow's holiday has a lot to do with that.
    We have a catered picnic to go to later today so I know my numbers aren't going to be too good today. I know the caterer and his food is soooo good. I will try to just have a taste of everything though. It's kind of hard to record that way. I'll just do my best.
    Have a relaxing day tomorrow!

    Oh...I went and bought some weights yesterday to fulfill one of my September goals. Now to use them:laugh:
    Eileen D.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    September is the new January!
    My weight loss stalled last month but so did my exercise!
    My goal for September must be to add more cardio between gym days!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    These are some of the balloons we saw at the balloon festival launch yesterday morning :bigsmile:
  • wla3
    wla3 Posts: 2
    Hello all!

    I'm a teacher... 1st week back was last week... so far so good. Now my goal for September is to find my routine, figure out what works exercise-wise, and how to get enough water in. That was easier during the summer.... but my successes so far motivate me to continue, and to improve.

    I joined a September challenge to lose 8 lbs..... so that is my weight-loss goal.
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    I would love to be part of this group. I did set goals for August on my own and was unable to complete them all. Here's my September goal list:

    :flowerforyou: Get my flower beds cleaned up and ready for fall
    :drinker: Drink more water
    :indifferent: Get my basement cleaned and organized
    :happy: :happy: Lose 5 lbs this month.
  • Bassgirl51
    I would like to be part of this group also. 52 female, RN. Have lost most of my weight but am trying to actually drop body fat and get rid of the menopot. It is slowly disappearing. 2 years ago I was 168 dropped to 132. Over the last year and a half back up to 158 dropping now and heading for 135.

    My goal for September is to get my gym membership back and to advance my kettle bell weights to 30 lbs for upper body strength.
    2nd goal: text into my size 8 jeans with no muffin.

    I am doing Body For Life For women.
  • 1234exercise
    Hi! Just joined...Thanks for this! I'm 52. My overall goal is just to get fit again and be more lively. My weight loss goal for September might be a little too high, because at the end of this month I'm going on a trip and seeing a good old friend I haven't seen in over 20 years, and I'm self-conscious about my belly fat. I've been trying to lose weight gradually all summer, and have lost some of it, but I keep sliding. I'm trying to make up for it this month. It will be interesting to read your stories.

    Goal for this month -
    - At least 8 glasses of water a day
    - Walk the dogs outside for 30 minutes, 6 days a week
    - Do my stretching exercises 6 days a week
    - Lots of fresh vegetables every meal
    - 17 Day Diet (starting tomorrow...if I can do it that is)
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Karin - Once you have posted on here, the link should show up in my topics.

    Laurelfisher (Rose?) - congrats on winning the weight challenge. I am inspired!!

    I am new to the site and just recovering from a hip surgery so have had limited mobility lately. But it is time to set some goals for the month I guess. I love the goals that are in your own control, but still measureable and definite.
    So here goes.

    -to journal my food daily
    -to get back to regular checks with my doctor
    -to begin some physical activity as permitted by my surgeon
    -to spend time each week purging excess clothing and clear out closet space
    -to bring routine and order to my days, especially more regular devotional reading

    Oh, I see where there is so much more to be done, but I think it is wiser to have fewer but achievable goals and to work at this thing a little at a time.

    For an educator September is kind of like New Years Day - a time for fresh starts, new beginnings and a return to routine. Welcome September! good luck with the goals ladies!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: I loved the back to school graphic so much that I used it to start the thread this month, but this isn't just a thread for teachers (or former teachers, or students, or parents of students, or former students, or educational support people)......it's a thread for women who are serious about getting fit and healthy and want to do it in the company of warm,friendly, supportive, and encouraging friends.

    :flowerforyou: I am enjoying the company of my husband who is home for four days after a month of house sitting. I'm good at living alone but it's so much better when he's here. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :drinker: Rose, congratulations on your winning the contest and winning the battle of the pounds.

    :bigsmile: if you are new to this thread, I hope you'll keep coming back.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie, you are my inspiration.:smile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Karin - Once you have posted on here, the link should show up in my topics.

    Laurelfisher (Rose?) - congrats on winning the weight challenge. I am inspired!!

    I am new to the site and just recovering from a hip surgery so have had limited mobility lately. But it is time to set some goals for the month I guess. I love the goals that are in your own control, but still measureable and definite.
    So here goes.

    -to journal my food daily
    -to get back to regular checks with my doctor
    -to begin some physical activity as permitted by my surgeon

    -to spend time each week purging excess clothing and clear out closet space
    -to bring routine and order to my days, especially more regular devotional reading

    Oh, I see where there is so much more to be done, but I think it is wiser to have fewer but achievable goals and to work at this thing a little at a time.

    For an educator September is kind of like New Years Day - a time for fresh starts, new beginnings and a return to routine. Welcome September! good luck with the goals ladies!

    :flowerforyou: Thank you Glenda, It was a long hard road. Now I just need to keep it up WITHOUT the challenge.
    :smile: When I joined MFP I chose Laurelfisher as my screen name cause I live in Laurel, DE and I love to fish, but my name is Rosemary and everyone calls me Rose.