Black Team Challenge Week #3!!!



  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Still hanging in there guys .........drinking the water and posting all that I squats baby steps :laugh: We will see how I am doing next weigh in:flowerforyou: You are all an inspiration Richie
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie-- You are doing awesome girl, and I just love your creativity!!:bigsmile:

    Jan-- I hope the hubby and your little guy are better today. Dont forget to take care of you in the process of taking care of everyone else...stay strong lady:flowerforyou:

    Andrew-- Awesome run my friend!!:drinker: Turkey chili is one of my favorites!! How in the world did you manage to consume so much sodium yesterday??:noway: :ohwell:

    Sam-- Those pancakes sound delicious! I usually cheat on those and go to Trader Joes and just buy the mix for them:blushing: I do the same when I make pumpkin pancakes too:laugh:

    Tamara-- Bowling is such fun! I havent been in ages and I actually tried to talk my 15 yr old into going this weekend with all the friends he had over for his birthday party yesterday. He wasnt having any part of it:ohwell: :laugh: But I used to really enjoy bowling. Good luck with your dental appointment this morning.:flowerforyou:

    Marla-- Sorry about your Jets:frown: Hope you managed to get a great run in last night!!

    Lori-- I know exactly how you feel about the scale and that weigh in last week:grumble: I did really good with all my exercising, I ate right, just did everything right and my weight last week stayed exactly the same. Exactly. Right down to the ounce. I really couldnt believe my eyes. I weighed 3 different times within about an hour and it wasnt changing:ohwell: I went to blaming TOM, 1 off-day of eating, anything I could think of. It just is what it is. I know that you know all this, but remember that even when the scale is being are stronger and healthier:flowerforyou:

    Tanya-- Hang in there, your doing awesome and I love your "happiness"!:flowerforyou:

    Well guys I totally blew yesterday. We had Alexs birthday party and I ate half of a gyros plate:blushing: They are sooo good but oh am I feeling it this morning!:sick: My stomach feels like I ate ALL DAY and I still feel full:noway: Just that heaviness on my tummy. Then if that wasnt bad enough, I had a small piece of birthday cake and some ice cream (which I dont really even like) so yesterday was a total loss for me. I am dragging my hiney to the gym this morning, but judging by the way I feel right now it isnt going to go well. Hopefully my tummy will feel better as I get woke up good and I will start feeling a little more energized.

    I hope you all had a great weekend! Have a wonderful Monday teamers:drinker:

    P.S. Has anyone heard from Amanda? I hope everything is ok...?

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's so hard to get back in the saddle. Took baby boy to doc this am and he does have an ear infection. He's had 2 surgeries for his ears and is still getting ear infections. Will it ever end:sad:

    Seriously, I need to refocus badly. Have not been eating right and no exercise for 5 days:noway:

    Thanks again for the advice I need all the help I can get:embarassed:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey gang-- 2.5 mile run tonight-- not great, but I did it. I did almost 60 minutes of turbo jam yesterday, so my legs were tired-- under my calories even with 1/2 Danish that my hubs brought home-- I swear, the guy's just plain evil. :wink:

    Plugging along this week. Bloated from yesterday, but it's better overall-- I've been out of the chatty loop this week-- not feeling plucky enough to come in here and yap-- but, it'll pass soon enough, no doubt.

    Later, my team-- off to continue typing-- we're transcribing the new season of a Food Network series-- always love doing these.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lori-- with the exception of a few pounds here, I'm in the same boat-- hubs, too, is bugging me to be happy about where I am-- if it hasn't budged in a freaking year, looks like my body is telling me right now it's rather content.

    But-- we'll see-- I guess-- :grumble:

    We ride in the same boat a lot. At least it's not a lonely ride. :flowerforyou: I've been here since May, fluctuating a few pounds up and few lower, but mostly, right here.

    Yes, we'll see. :grumble:

    It's not like I haven't tried. I am at the upper end of my normal weight for my height. I am 'big boned'- don't you hate that saying? But when I do 'the test' with my thumb and forefinger around my wrist, they don't even come close to touching.

    I surely don't want to gain it back, but I may need to be real about what I can expect and how low I will get. I may be able to lose another 10 pounds, but is it worth what I have to do to get there? Yet another question to ask myself.

    Be happy where we are. Novel idea. Huh? Maybe one we should explore.

    Awww Lori:flowerforyou: Maybe it is time that you say that you have accomplished your goal? You lost enough weight to put yourself in the "normal" category. You are stronger, you are healthier, and you really do look fabulous. It very well could be that you just need to maintain your weight, and if a couple pounds here and there come off, great. If not, you still did it my friend!!:drinker:

    You worked very hard and you changed your body tremendously. You are a success Lori:flowerforyou: :heart: :smile:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning fellow Black Teamers!

    Jeannie-- Sooo praying that you dont have strep! Have you had it checked yet to see?

    Tammy-- Hope you got those "evil devils" out of your house!:wink:

    Beth-- Your turkey chili looks so good! You put alot more ingredients in yours than I do...does it taste spicy? I cant really eat spicy foods but want to try your recipe.

    Donna-- Way to go on those squats!!:drinker: I havent done any more squats since the first 2 days of the challenge:blushing: Maybe I will throw some in today since its the last day of that challenge!:wink:

    Bobbi-- We had rain here for the past 2 days, then yesterday the snow came back again and now theres snow on the ground:grumble:

    Richie-- Glad to see you checking in:flowerforyou: Hang in there with us:smile:

    Marla-- Great exercising yesterday! I bet transcribing for the Food Network is full of interesting information and some great recipes:smile:

    Tanya-- Gotta love those kids and the crazy things they do!!:heart::laugh:

    I had a really off day yesterday. It started out great, had a good workout at the gym, came home started doing some laundry and housework...was feeling pretty good. I got a call around noon from my best friend that just moved away to Kansas in November. It didnt go well. We ended up into a huge argument and my day just went to he**. Shes been my very best friend for years and my rock. I feel horrible about it and spent the rest of the day (and up and down throughout the night) crying. I only ate 382 calories for the whole day yesterday and I know that is a big no-no.

    Anyway, just trying to make it through the day today and focus on what I need to do for me. Sorry guys. I dont mean to be a downer today.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hang in there Roni. Sometimes friends dont' always see eye to eye. If she's your best friend and your rock, you will make things right between you. That's what friends do.

    Planning to get in a last chance workout today. Didn't jump on the scale this AM to see what I need to pull even tomorrow, but oddly it was lower at bedtime last night than it was yesterday morning. Hopefully that means I was down from my weekend escapade. I can only hope.

    I am praying this week I get relief from these crazy hormones. Really, I hate to keep complaining, but they are hideous this month. I am more of an even keel kinda girl in relation to most things, including my monthly cycle, I feel like I've been on a roller coaster ride the last week and a half. This morning I woke up and my gums were all swollen and sore. The last time that happened and I went to the dentist, she said for women... you guessed it.... it's hormonal. Give a girl a break already!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning everyone feeling pretty amazing this morning fixin to take my princess to school then come home and clean and suprise her at lunch at 10:10 am what craziness is that. Today is her 100th day of school celebration..hope I am good.

    Yesterday had my tooth pulled up until like 3 pm I only comsumed 200 calories so needless to I was starving, I told husband hey lets go to pizza buffet for lunch/dinner and I bought oreos at walmart....dangerour combination. So I did it I ate the pizza and half the package of oreos, my amazing son and I hit the gym after pizza buffet and I managed to lose 6 oz, I will take that. Yesterday I did 11 miles on the bike and 4.5 miles on the machine.

    Hit the gym already this morning for 468 calories burned. I feel pretty fabulous..

    Hope ya'll have a great day!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :frown: Going to Doc today, but I already know it is not strep because it is moving into my chest. Argh...I hate being sick. Especially when I was infected by someone who knew they were sick, but invited me to hang out with them anyway.

    I so feel like crud.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning fellow Black Teamers!

    Jeannie-- Sooo praying that you dont have strep! Have you had it checked yet to see?

    Tammy-- Hope you got those "evil devils" out of your house!:wink:

    Beth-- Your turkey chili looks so good! You put alot more ingredients in yours than I do...does it taste spicy? I cant really eat spicy foods but want to try your recipe.

    Donna-- Way to go on those squats!!:drinker: I havent done any more squats since the first 2 days of the challenge:blushing: Maybe I will throw some in today since its the last day of that challenge!:wink:

    Bobbi-- We had rain here for the past 2 days, then yesterday the snow came back again and now theres snow on the ground:grumble:

    Richie-- Glad to see you checking in:flowerforyou: Hang in there with us:smile:

    Marla-- Great exercising yesterday! I bet transcribing for the Food Network is full of interesting information and some great recipes:smile:

    Tanya-- Gotta love those kids and the crazy things they do!!:heart::laugh:

    I had a really off day yesterday. It started out great, had a good workout at the gym, came home started doing some laundry and housework...was feeling pretty good. I got a call around noon from my best friend that just moved away to Kansas in November. It didnt go well. We ended up into a huge argument and my day just went to he**. Shes been my very best friend for years and my rock. I feel horrible about it and spent the rest of the day (and up and down throughout the night) crying. I only ate 382 calories for the whole day yesterday and I know that is a big no-no.

    Anyway, just trying to make it through the day today and focus on what I need to do for me. Sorry guys. I dont mean to be a downer today.

    thanks, roni! if you make it according to the recipe, it's really not spicy at all. i usually have to add some jalapenos to it to spice it up. it actually comes out pretty sweet, cause it calls for 2 tbsp. of brown sugar. i usually only put 1 cause it's a little too sweet for me with 2.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good afternoon team...Just got back from the gym and burned about 675 cals, just enough to have some pizza tonight:happy: Off to work now, about 3 hours later than I should be. Good luck for weigh in tomorrow. I don't expect to see any change for the better since it is TOM for me. I'm just trying to hang onto the wagon this week.

    Tamara...Great workout. Sometimes you just gotta go have pizza.

    Roni...I hope you have a better day today. Things will work out. They usually do with good friends.

    Beth...Thanks for the recipe. I hope to try it soon. Sounds delish!

    Jeannie...I hope you feel better soon.

    Lori...I think you have done an amazing job and look fabulous.


    If I forgot anybody, I'm sorry. My brain is tired. Hope you all have a great day!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    I had a really off day yesterday. It started out great, had a good workout at the gym, came home started doing some laundry and housework...was feeling pretty good. I got a call around noon from my best friend that just moved away to Kansas in November. It didnt go well. We ended up into a huge argument and my day just went to he**. Shes been my very best friend for years and my rock. I feel horrible about it and spent the rest of the day (and up and down throughout the night) crying. I only ate 382 calories for the whole day yesterday and I know that is a big no-no.

    Anyway, just trying to make it through the day today and focus on what I need to do for me. Sorry guys. I dont mean to be a downer today.

    Roni- Was your bff living much closer to you before? I'm so sorry to hear about your woes. I'm with Lori, you guys will make amends...that's what bffs do. Relationships do change though when distance comes between...but not necessarily for the worse just different. Having so many firends in the military all over the country(as I am sure Lori could attest to as well) you are very close to them when they're near but as your lives do the relationships...but when you see them's like you just saw them yesterday! Stay focused. Your support to all of us is priceless:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good morning everyone feeling pretty amazing this morning fixin to take my princess to school then come home and clean and suprise her at lunch at 10:10 am what craziness is that. Today is her 100th day of school celebration..hope I am good.

    Yesterday had my tooth pulled up until like 3 pm I only comsumed 200 calories so needless to I was starving, I told husband hey lets go to pizza buffet for lunch/dinner and I bought oreos at walmart....dangerour combination. So I did it I ate the pizza and half the package of oreos, my amazing son and I hit the gym after pizza buffet and I managed to lose 6 oz, I will take that. Yesterday I did 11 miles on the bike and 4.5 miles on the machine.

    Hit the gym already this morning for 468 calories burned. I feel pretty fabulous..

    Hope ya'll have a great day!!!

    Oreos are my downfall. I cannot have them in the house!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :frown: Going to Doc today, but I already know it is not strep because it is moving into my chest. Argh...I hate being sick. Especially when I was infected by someone who knew they were sick, but invited me to hang out with them anyway.

    I so feel like crud.

    I hope you feel better Jeanne:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: No squats for you today!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement. It's so hard to get back in the saddle. Took baby boy to doc this am and he does have an ear infection. He's had 2 surgeries for his ears and is still getting ear infections. Will it ever end:sad:

    Seriously, I need to refocus badly. Have not been eating right and no exercise for 5 days:noway:

    Thanks again for the advice I need all the help I can get:embarassed:

    Jan - I remember all those ear infections when the kids were babies like it was yesterday! You feel so helpless that they are in such pain. My ds now 12 had two sets of tubes and still got the ear infections and the doc would say....Spring is almost here!

    I hope everyone is feeling better soon....and don't foget to take care of yourself
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey guys! so i just talked to dh on the phone, and he said the reporter called him today and they set up a time to come and shoot us for feb. 7! :noway:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,958 Member
    hey guys! so i just talked to dh on the phone, and he said the reporter called him today and they set up a time to come and shoot us for feb. 7! :noway:

    Beth that's great!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you both!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    hey guys! so i just talked to dh on the phone, and he said the reporter called him today and they set up a time to come and shoot us for feb. 7! :noway:

    WOOT!!! Finally a family member will be telling their really real story!
  • Hi Everyone, New to this . I work on a elliptical for now i just had surgery I have 6 wks of recovery and I am not sure if sqats would be a great idea right now. I do have faith in all so lets get to our goals and stay health. I believe with all the support I am reading it is a possitive in the right direction.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    hey guys! so i just talked to dh on the phone, and he said the reporter called him today and they set up a time to come and shoot us for feb. 7! :noway:

    That is great! Congrats! Is this something I will be able to watch from SC?
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey guys! so i just talked to dh on the phone, and he said the reporter called him today and they set up a time to come and shoot us for feb. 7! :noway:

    That is great! Congrats! Is this something I will be able to watch from SC?

    they have a few of them on the station's website, so hopefully they'll have it on there after it airs(i have no idea when that will be)
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