Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member

    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: Getting back on plan. I need to sleep more! I need to exercise! So my back to the future plan is to go to bed earlier and get up and back on the stationary bike. Thanks for the push Robin.

    2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN"T I? Try something new, wow this is going to be hard.

    I have been doing my bathroom, whole new floor from the joist up to new tile and grout in now. Yesterday I was going to put in the vanity but noticed some leaking from the water inlet socking my new painted wall! I am a good handyman but with this old house and not wanting to ruin all my good work, I am going to call a plumber friend for some help. This is taking too long but I am doing it right.
    Lost a little bet this week, going to try to get back to a goal of 2 lbs per week. Knowing this means back to measuring my food and watching my portions. logging, it is really important for me to see what I am doing. It make me think about that next bite.
    Yesterday we went to the greasy dinner here and got a terrible breakfast, it was a chicken fired stacker. Two biskets covered with hash browns, covered with scrambled eggs, covered with a chicken fired stake, covered with country gravy. lol, so good, so bad, the great thing is we shared it and I was full, not stuffed and it was good. Well I cannot do that again for a while. I have in the past ate this whole thing and not thought about it.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tuesday goal- to keep on track with foods and get to the gym today
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    My Tuesday goal WAS going to be to get up every morning and do 30 minutes of Yoga before work and each evening either do Swimming or the 30 Day Shred but I blew that this morning by NOT getting up.

    Laid in bed for HOURS last night unable to sleep. I used to be able to function fine on 4 or 5 hours of sleep but ever since the stroke if I don't get 8 full hours... I'm useless.

    So new Tuesday goal. Get my *kitten* out of bed and get moving in the morning and workout at night!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Tuesday Goals:


    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: Stay consistent even when out with friends.- I blew this one on Sunday, when I went to shoot darts with friends at a bar. They ordered a bunch of bar food- which I only sampled. I remember telling my friend about the "zucchini sticks" on the menu, "Just because it has a vegetable listed in the name does not make it healthy". My downfall, which put me a couple hundred calories over, was beer. I am not totally disappointed in myself. I did okay - just not as well as I would have liked.

    2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN"T I?: I am going to the gym this month. - I walked over 7 miles this weekend (combined). Each time I walk, I gain a bit more confidence. I am thinking about stopping by the gym on my way home, just to ask for an updated tour. This will be my "baby step". :)

    I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!! Back to work for me! :drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Tuesday Goal was to stop whining about every little ache and pain but today I woke up with a migraine and there my resolve flew out the window. I guess I am having anxiety over my surgery Thursday and the pre-op preparations are not working out as planned. Have a call in to the nurse and will get everything resolved when I talk to her today.

    I'm so glad to see the September Goals everyone is making - Lets really make this a month of magic, and see the efforts pay off with a healthy weight loss for everyone!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal::: Get to Zumba tonight and sweat! I will achieve this goal :)

    So I had a 3 day weekend and Sat & Sun were VERY lazy days lol
    But Monday was labor day and instead of doing nothing my husband and I tore the carpet out of our room! We have hardwood floor underneath. But I tell you what I thought it was going to be easy....not so much lol My hands are SO sore and beat up but it was worth it. So I got some work in on labor day lol

    Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!
  • AuntieVaVa

    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: Getting back on plan. Each of us shall recommit to our lifestyle change in a way thats personal to us.

    2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN"T I? Try something new, exercise or play, or food!

    1. Back to the Future - getting back on plan, for me that meant today, as soon as I got out of bed this morning. I week away for work, then 10 days vacation, then Labor Day weekend. I've gained back all but 2 of the pounds I lost :( I have my dr. appt on September 12th and am motivated to get some of these pounds back off by then.

    2. Pigs Fly, Why Can't I? - I'm going to try using a pedometer to keep track of my walking. I ordered one from Amazon, it came last week, but it's sitting in the kitchen, still in the package. I am going to take it out, read the instructions, clip it on and get walking!
  • vinsonh42
    After having a not so great weekend and a not so great start to my day I have finally got on here and read all the posts i missed. It took a lot to get on here and even start logging today. I found out on friday that my great uncle passed away and I let the news give me an excuse to eat badly. Other than the bad news my weekend wasn't so bad. I found other things to focus on and took my trip to the beach with my sister and spent the rest of the weekend with my bf. I ate almost 90 of the totinos pizza rolls and ate jimmy johns 3 times in 2 days. Not to mention TOM came yesterday =[.

    After reading all posts I just have to say: You all are inspiring even when you aren't trying.

    I love the goals this month because I am really in need of recommitting.

    Back to the future (I love that movie BTW)-I WILL, not will try, but I WILL watch what I am eating and log every day. I WILL weigh my food. I WILL exercise at least 3 times a week. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I refuse. I need to lose weight, yes I want to but I NEED to. I am too young to be worrying about having a heart attack. I want to have kids and I want to be able to run around with them and keep up with them. I need to prove that I can do it.

    Pigs fly, why can't I- I love to cook so I am going to start inventing my own recipes that are healthy and looking up some new healthy ones. I am going to try to take over the cooking in the house which means breakfast and dinner for everyone and lunch for me, making the menus and grocery shopping. I also want to try greek yogurt. I've tried some (choibani (SP?)) but it really dried my mouth out. I'm open to any suggestions. I will also stop making promises to myself that I know I won't keep.

    Have a great day
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My goal this Tuesday is to keep on keepin' on.
    I discovered I really need to keep fruit at home!
    I keep fruit at work so that I don't binge on sweets, and this past LONG weekend really had me clawing the walls for fruit.
    I'm grateful that I'm more interested in fruit now than sugary treats, so I hope that continues.
    (They still sing their siren song, but it is getting easier to not hear it ... )
  • Smirkeh
    Smirkeh Posts: 3 Member
    I have just completed my my Tuesday goal of doing at least 30 minutes of Zumba before I did anything else that I might want to do! Though after each work out it kind of eats like every single calorie of ate placing me in the negatives...I think I either need to adjust what I eat so there's a tad bit more calories or I'm either doing something right I'm not sure lol. Haven't had it where it's been like that before, but I still have my snack and my dinner to eat so I know it will place me back into the positives. Though also thank you to the welcomes ^.^
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I caught up on posts, but am not going to do personals until I finish my goals.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. grade at least 10 of the creative writing stories--I got a few more done at school, but I need to make a bigger dent in the pile

    2. take gunner for a long walk--It's ridiculously hot and humid here which foiled my plans to go for a long run outside, but once the sun gets a bit lower I can at least go for a long walk and will do some more core work tonight (even if it's just 10 minutes like last night, it's better than nothing)

    I have some super-exciting news!! My friend, Stella (you all heard about her when her mother passed in July), invited me to go to New Orleans with her in Nov.!! She's meeting some work friends there, but had to get her own hotel room (the one other single gal going didn't want to share). She was telling me about it last night and said "Hey, I have enough room, why don't you come with? You just need to buy your plane tickets since I already paid for the room." She sent me her flight info and I managed to get on both flights (even got the seat across the aisle from her on the outgoing flight :noway: ).

    I'm really looking forward to it--she and I haven't traveled together since we went to England in 1997!

    Ok, now off to grade--will check back later! :flowerforyou:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Garetie -- good luck with the star chart and the bike race!

    @skinnyjeanz I'm fascinated by the Fat2Fit philosophy. I'm sure I could still lose weight on far more calories than I'm currently eating, especially if I was more careful about the dodgy food I eat. But I'd be looking at many years of work to get into shape. I'm not sure I can cope with that. I guess my ideal day would be 1460 base plus 540 exercise for a total of 2000. I certainly don't want any starvation!

    @naceto -- I think good friends try to support each other in the best way they can. I wouldn't think it was weird at all if someone I cared about needed support to get to the gym, but didn't want to talk when they were there. I guess your son already gets this if he's leaving you alone on the hills, so he might be a good person to take along to the gym? One thing I've done is that I play badminton with my family; once we've booked it I'm determined not to be the person who doesn't fancy going.

    @Kris -- exercise schedules are a great idea! I sort of go halfway; I make some plans in the week for exercise, but plan to fill in the gaps with whatever Wii game I fancy. So far it's been working really well for me.

    Very quick hello -- I'm just back from my last trip to the Olympic Park, at least until it reopens as a regular park in a couple of years. So on the one hand I did 20k steps today! Yay! (The park is big and a long way from the bus stop). And we saw lots of goalball, and some wheelchair tennis. No blind football though; we made the mistake of trying to get into that when GB was playing and it was packed solid. On the other hand I hit some kind of alltime record for Most Junk Food Eaten In One Day. You know you're in trouble when dinner is soft pretzels and an ice cream, and when your son insists on going round the Coke pavilion twice to get a second free Coke...
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    1. BACK TO THE FUTURE: Getting back on plan. Each of us shall recommit to our lifestyle change in a way that’s personal to us. I will get back to eating better when my mouth feels better from the tooth extraction. I will plan on less eating out, more home cooked healthy food. I will be watching portions and weighing to get accurate results for logging.

    2. PIGS FLY, WHY CAN"T I? Try something new, exercise or play, or food! I suck at exercising. When my back is better I will start a plan. I have been doing some but not enough and not consistent enough. I have been taking the stairs at work and watching how many steps. I am going to set a daily step goal and if I do not hit it I’ll make it up on the treadmill each day. I just looked and I walked 4040 steps per day average from May 29 to September 1. I will walk 5000 a day. This will be hardest on the weekends when my steps are always lower than work days. I also need to build some muscle because my weight loss is slowing way down. Adding muscle will help with burning cals so that is my thinking on building muscle.

    @skinnyjeanz I loved “Naw Leans” I had to have a hurricane at Pat O’Briens and I had some blackened Prime Rib stuffed with shrimp and crab on one of those balconies overlooking the French Quarter. It was awesome. I wish I could remember the name of the place we ate at because it was great.

    @Robin- I went to see the Expendables 2 on 8/24. It was a team building thingy from work. We went to Steak N Shake for lunch and then to the movie. I like action movies so I really enjoyed it.

    SPOILER ALERT do not read the following if you are going to see Expendables 2

    When Chuck Norris comes walking out after killing all the bad guys and the tank that were about to kill all the good guys I had to laugh. It was like one of those C. Norris jokes. Chuck also replys to I heard you were dead with yes I heard that too. There was some big internet rumor that he died. I also liked when B. Willis said I’ll be back and Arnolds S. said Yippee-ki-yay to each other

    I was as good as I could be at Steak N Shake.

    I could have had


    Instead I had


    They let me have oranges instead of fries and I did pass on the milk shake but they did look very good :tongue:
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    @robin , I'm sending you healing vibe energies, and I'm hoping all comes out well and the migraine goes far away.
    @skinnyjeans, you and stella will have a great time in the big easy, be careful of the guys with spoons and xylophone thingys.
    oh yeah and the bike ride with my aunt is not a sanctioned event it's just started as her goal and became mine as well as my sister's.
    @morgori- great job on @steak and shake! and hope you are feeling better as your back and mouth are on the mend.
    @naceto- Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    Tuesday goal: get ready to work out tomorrow morning. (done)
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Caught up its been a long day. Work today was at the Assisted living center fun to help and lots of walking too. Just really tired today.

    Goals: Get back on plan. I did ok stay under calorie goal but did not eat as healthy as I have start becoming use too. I want this not just to be about weight loss (that is important) but to become more healthy.

    I keep saying I want to join the Y but haven't i yet so I just need to make it happen.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ok--I finished both goals for today, so now I have a little time to respond.

    @garetie--I know--no audience participation for me!! For the rest of you, when garetie & I were in NO a few years back, a guy from a zaideco (sp?) band pulled me out of the crowd and put one of those washboard vest thingies on me. He was playing it with spoons, but he kept accidentally hitting the bottom edge of the "vest" which caused to top metal edge to jump up and hit my chin. After a couple of times, I was done--it really hurt and I had a big red welt under my chin from it. You guys will have fun on the bike ride!!

    @morgori--great choices at S&S!! I'm proud of you for not using the pulled tooth as an excuse to indulge in that milkshake--although once you see those calories, it makes it easier to say no. I would have to run for an hour to burn off just the shake!! :noway:

    @alison--I feel the same way about fat2fit--it makes perfect sense, but seems like it would take much longer to get to goal weight. With MFP we will get to goal weight faster (in theory), but it will probably take a lot longer "learning" how to maintain.

    @smirk--I am often in the negative after a big workout--even though I typically eat a decent breakfast beforehand. As long as you aren't feeling dizzy/faint or giving off a really strong ammonia smell when you sweat, you should be ok.

    @lana--make sure you share some of those good recipes! :wink:

    @auntievava--welcome back!! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I hope your migraine is gone by the time I've posted this. They just. Plain. Suck. :grumble: I know it's hard not to get anxious, but think of how much better you will feel after you are all healed from the surgery. :flowerforyou:

    @nace--I'm soooo glad I don't really like beer. Every once in awhile I get a hankering for one--and I only like a few brands--but the calories are such a killer. :frown:

    @mymowmow--sleep is just as (if not MORE) important to your health and fitness as exercise. Don't view it as you "blew it"--instead, recognize that you gave your body what it needed in that moment. It's not like you skipped exercise to eat donuts...

    Speaking of sleep--I am in dire need. The best puppy in the world (aka Gunner) was antsy all night long due to some distant thunder. He wasn't being terrible, just pacing the house and unable to make up his mind about where he would be "safest." This meant very little sleep for me. This was part of the reason I didn't go to the gym when my outside run was foiled by the steamy heat--I figured it wouldn't be a very productive session on just 5 hours of very restless sleep.

    Will update my exercise and grading goals in a bit--there's a delicious sweet potato calling my name. :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Check in I am not doing well at all this weekend. My cat is not improving so today he went back to the vets. After having 2 teeth pulled, we were told that he has Cancer of the eye. The vet was not sure if it had spread to the brain. We will be putting him down this week. He won't eat even through he really wants to. We have tried everything we can think of regarding food- yogurt, milk, tuna and tuna juice. We even tried forcing down his throat but he is having trouble swallowing. Besides wanting to eat and can't all he wants is to be petted and loved. He is loved a lot and has brought great joy to my life. This is going to be a very long week. Most likely we will put him down on Thursday. I wish he would just pass quietly in the night without any pain. :cry:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Just to weigh in on the fat2fit theory. (ha ha pun intended). I bought the book and I really like their philosophy of the science behind it.

    The thing that I really like is that it emphasizes what you will be doing to maintain your goal weight for like. For instance, they recommend that those of us around 300 lbs should only focus on losing 75 lbs at first. Set our goal weight for an in between instead of our final goal. So you will be eating more at first and the weight will come off slower, but then once you reach your final goal weight, you won't have to worry about maintaining you'll already be there!

    Feeling drained after a LONG day at work. but I finally got antibiotics. Stupid germs making me not able to breath.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Check in I am not doing well at all this weekend. My cat is not improving so today he went back to the vets. After having 2 teeth pulled, we were told that he has Cancer of the eye. The vet was not sure if it had spread to the brain. We will be putting him down this week. He won't eat even through he really wants to. We have tried everything we can think of regarding food- yogurt, milk, tuna and tuna juice. We even tried forcing down his throat but he is having trouble swallowing. Besides wanting to eat and can't all he wants is to be petted and loved. He is loved a lot and has brought great joy to my life. This is going to be a very long week. Most likely we will put him down on Thursday. I wish he would just pass quietly in the night without any pain. :cry:

    So sorry to hear this... a friend of mine in Vegas just got similar news on her cat (lung, not eye though). Hugs & wishes for a gentle passing for your fur-family person.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Check in I am not doing well at all this weekend. My cat is not improving so today he went back to the vets. After having 2 teeth pulled, we were told that he has Cancer of the eye. The vet was not sure if it had spread to the brain. We will be putting him down this week. He won't eat even through he really wants to. We have tried everything we can think of regarding food- yogurt, milk, tuna and tuna juice. We even tried forcing down his throat but he is having trouble swallowing. Besides wanting to eat and can't all he wants is to be petted and loved. He is loved a lot and has brought great joy to my life. This is going to be a very long week. Most likely we will put him down on Thursday. I wish he would just pass quietly in the night without any pain. :cry:

    Laurie - my heart goes out to you - this is such a serious time for you and your baby. I wonder has he ever eaten POUNCE treats? They are pretty irresistable to cats. Maybe he'd lick your fingers after you handled one. You are wise to realize the best thing you can do for him is to send him to heaven as you are planning for Thursday. No need to extend his pain one moment longer. Your love is eternal.