so, what was the REAL motivation?

Everyone always says they want to get thinner to be healthier, or to look better in clothes, etc, but I've found there's usually something else that nobody really wants to share.

What is the REAL thing that made you say, "thats it. I'm losing weight"?

years ago I was quiet heavy and a neighbor made a comment about how she wasn't worried about me if I went to her house when her husband was home alone. She didn't say it because she trusted me, OR him. She said it because I was fat (she had made other remarks too). I was determined to make her worry.


  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    when I stepped on the scale at the Dr. and weighed more than I did at 9 mths pregnant. That was it!!
  • When I needed emergency clothes to go visit a sick relative, and only Walmart was open: size 14 pants were tight on me. A size L button-up shirt wouldn't button up on me. I'm hoping that kind of internal body rage helps motivate me to keep going forward; I never again will need emergency clothes that are unflatteringly tight and make me look like an overstuffed sausage.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Is your neighbor worried now?
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    i was getting weighed at the doctors office and at first the doc went to move the tab to 200 pounds (i thought ok i guess thats probly right) NOPE! then he moved the tab to 250 pounds (i thought i was gonna die and be sick at the same time) luckily though it stopped at 251..that was it i was (and still doing something about it!) 64 pounds down!
  • My ex got a boyfriend. A serious boyfriend. It was at that moment in time when I decided even if the ex was gay (long story) I was going to make him regret ever letting me go and look AMAZING going forward! He says it all the time when I see him that he can't get over how much weight I've lost/how good I look. As Charlie Sheen would say: "Winning!" ;)
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Is your neighbor worried now?

    :) that was years ago and I lost 100lbs. Yes... she got worried. She also started flirting with my husband, who found her repulsive, luckily.
    I remember her face though, when she came to my door after not seeing me much throughout the winter. I opened the door and she look stunned.

    Since then, i moved away. and gained weight. Now its a few things, but one is a relative that I'm afraid will be on here someday if she's not already, so I can't get specific. :)
  • The fact that I am very insecure and feel disgusted of myself, that is it!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I lost weight yo get my old body back. Now I continue working out because I want to look like a goddess with and without clothes.
  • When my ex's new wife called me "the whale" in front of my son and he KNEW who she was talking about.
    Also that same month I bent over at work and ripped the butt out of a size 2xl scrubs. Humiliating.
  • not 1 but 3 pairs of my hi-viz work jeans shredded trying to squeeze nto them....
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    When my ex's new wife called me "the whale" in front of my son and he KNEW who she was talking about.
    Also that same month I bent over at work and ripped the butt out of a size 2xl scrubs. Humiliating.

    That sucks. You'll show her though! One day she's going to see you and be shocked. :)
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    When I nearly had to buy and XXL t-shirt in Turkey.
  • Annabel89
    Annabel89 Posts: 63 Member
    Bit of a silly one... but I saw some photos of myself on Facebook, and thought 'eurgh'. I had a moan to everyone, and said I was going to start losing weight.

    And no-one told me not to, or I didn't need to. No-one. I want to be at the weight where if I said that again, everyone would be like 'no, you don't need to, you're already slim..don't be silly, you're gorgeous as you are'.

    That's the goal :)
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    My motivation started off as being purely superficial... My hubby and I have been married nearly 4 years now and we're just now getting around to having our honeymoon. We booked the trip back in January--a two week stay on a lovely, gorgeous island with nothing to do but lay around on the (top optional!!!!) beach. I was totally excited.... until I looked in the mirror and realised there was no wearing a bikini for me!

    So I started busting my buns major. Got a personal trainer, started dieting, and now I'm just shy of being down 30lbs. And you know what? I have three bikinis for the trip later this month.

    Now I'm hooked--I feel amazing and am accomplishing things I never could have before. I'm running a 10k on Sunday and abseiling down Battersea Power Station for charity in November. I'll never go back to the way I was before... I'm too happy now!!!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    My true motivation was soooo many trips to sooooo many specialists trying to find a reason for the fact that I couldnt take a deep breath. It started after my apartment flooded and we all figured I reacted to the aftermath of mold and the stress. I had just moved (5 months prior to flood), I had separated from my fiance' in the move, moved to a whole new town and spent 20 grand on new furniture (which I subsequently lost in the flood) I just knew I couldnt take a deep breath when walking to my car from the office or office to car, heat and humidity made in worse. I was diagnosed at the same time with UARS and SDB....along with being told I dont breathe fast enough or deep enough and I dont exhale completely. My Oxygen levels were dropping into the 50s. (at 90 they put you on O2)

    I had a years worth of tests, cardio, pulmo, allergist, ent, et al. All they could come up with was SEVERE CHRONIC Asthma and put me on $200 worth of inhalers that from day one never seemed to work. I told the doc the inhalers didnt do anything, he says keep using them, dont stop, it's a steroid.

    BLECH. so for almost a year I did that. Still nothing got better.

    Then in July of this year I got sick. Knock down dead *kitten* cant get outta bed sick--over night. My fiance' took me to the hospital and they admitted me. I had O2 and IVs in both arms, more tests than Id have thought possible only to find out I had a raging systemic bacterial infection followed by infectious cellulitis and a raging UTI. There was talk of ICU and cardiac monitors, Co2 Monitors, et al. They wouldnt let me outta bed for 2 days and kept me inpatient for 5.

    I started losing weight in that hospital stay. AND NOW.........I breathe 80% better than I did the day they admitted me. That first 25 pounds sealed my fate. Ive now lost 45 pounds and workout every day and feel better than ever. Frustrated sometimes but way better. It took me a while to get my blood sugars in check but I so get the correlation now.

    I tell everyone DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU. I particularly remind my three kids........who have NO weight be aware, be cautious and DONT LET IT HAPPEN TO THEM. I never thought it'd happen to me. I kept active (or so I thought), I ate healthy (always have and so have my kids, They never had fast foods or processed foods growing up) My issue.......over time was inactivity. Not too much the foods I ate but inactivity. I also think we're predisposed to overweight as we are to diabetes. My entire family on both sides alllllllllllll the way back that can be tracked consisted of large people, not just overweight but large. I have a history of the men and women in my family being well over 6'. (ex my baby brother is 6'10 and was in junior high)

    Anyway.....I digress. ALL of this is why my mission to lose weight and get/remain active will never end
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    When I had my gallbladder removed after doing the post operation check ups, the doctor said "let me help you lose weight". He specialized in lap band surgery. I didn't think I was that heavy but I did consider it but decided after seeing some pictures and getting sick a lot I needed to lose the weight!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    A guy I really liked told me he couldn't be with me because I wasn't active enough. The reason I wasn't active enough was because I couldn't be... Sent him an email, complete with pictures, after my first AND second 5ks, and he was floored. Mwahahhaaa
  • Reading what everyone had to say almost made me cry. I have been the fat girl my whole life. The funny thing is it never bothered me or anyone else. I was one of the most popular girls in school. I always had the cute boyfriends. I was a cheerleader. Life seemed perfect. Even as an adult my weight never bothered me much. I had my daughters and my weight went up a little. But when my husband started saying things like do you need two cheese burgers. I started hiding food which I had never done before. One day I even ate a whole box of girl scout cookie in the bathroom. At that point I knew my weight had become an issue.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    One word: cancer. Finding out you have a potentially terminal disease is a great motivator to wanting to get your body in shape and be healthy.
  • when I stepped on the scale at the Dr. and weighed more than I did at 9 mths pregnant. That was it!!

    Mine was also weighing heavier than I did at 9 months pregnant. I put on a stone after the birth ?!?!?!