so, what was the REAL motivation?



  • I want to be able to walk past a desk or table and not worry about knocking off papers etc. cause my butt is so big.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I'm doing it for a few reasons.

    A) I hate my ex wife, and I'm doing it to spite her
    B) I'm actually incredibly vain and like buying clothes but I'm fat so I look terrible. I want to look not terrible. Maybe even hot.
    C) I want to get laid a lot more than I am. Fat guys have a really hard time getting some. I think being skinner and in shape would make that easier for me.
    D) I want to get some tattoos. But I want to finish losing weight before I get them. So they are a reward for me when I reach my goal.
    E) I'd like to go skydiving, but I'm too fat.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Bit of a silly one... but I saw some photos of myself on Facebook, and thought 'eurgh'. I had a moan to everyone, and said I was going to start losing weight.

    And no-one told me not to, or I didn't need to. No-one. I want to be at the weight where if I said that again, everyone would be like 'no, you don't need to, you're already slim..don't be silly, you're gorgeous as you are'.

    That's the goal :)

    lol... I get it. If you were my friend and you looked like your profile pic and said you needed to diet, I'd hit you. :) But I totally understand not being happy with how you look.
  • I passed out (in public, no less; how humiliating) and got to take a nice ambulance ride. They couldn't find anything really wrong with me; my blood pressure was okay, my blood sugar was okay (I had a glucose tolerance test a week later, just to be sure) and my EKG was, according to the technician, "beautiful".

    So even though the official diagnosis was "vasovagal syncope" (because "we don't know" doesn't inspire confidence, I guess), I considered it a wake-up call. Some nasty stuff - like high blood pressure and diabetes - runs on both sides of my family and though I don't have a problem now, I want to get my weight under control before I develop one.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    When I realized that I weigh 12-15 lbs more than I have most of my adult life...don't like my pants being so snug!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    When I was going through my divorce, there was no way, in my mind, I'd be able to date anyone looking the way I looked. It's really that simple. I dont know if thats really true, its just how i felt at the time. That started an entire lifestyle change that has stuck with me now for about 3 years. It's funny that now I've reached my goal weight and want nothing to do with women at the moment. Been there done that. I'm probably going to die a lonely old man. Lol. Got no time or money for a woman. Lol.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    My daughter. I want to set a good example for her, so I reformed my entire lifestyle. We eat clean organic foods and excersize every single day. She works out with me and talks about mommy "exxxxerSIZING!!" (She is two) I do NOT restrict my calories below 2000 most days (still losing and close to goal) and I NEVER talk about my body in a negative way. We discuss how strong and capable our bodies are and we cook healthy meals together.

    I would very literally move mountains for her, so this has been relatively easy. I am in the the best shape of my life, happier, healthier and showing my baby girl that you don't have to be hungry or go on some crazy diet to be fit and at a healthy weight. My hope is that she will never struggle with her weight or self esteem like I have in the past. Life is good. :)
  • Tired and hurt by my soon to be ex husband who called me fat once a day.....

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I was in a really abusive relationship. He was a large man (6'3'' and closer to the 500lbs mark) He would always bring me down about my body and myself. I wanted to work on myself before getting into a relationship. I want my confidence back. Also, I love Cedar Point and I was too big for 2 or 3 roller coasters just by a hair. I am down 6 lbs and plan to be down 5 more by mid october when I am going there ... on a date ... It's motivating me short term lol
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I was in a really abusive relationship. He was a large man (6'3'' and closer to the 500lbs mark) He would always bring me down about my body and myself.

    Aww that's not very nice.

    You've got nothing to worry about. You're a good looking chick and you've got your whole life ahead of you.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member <--- My story and it has my real reason but if you don't wanna read it all I'll give ya the short end of it.

    At 5 foot 3 inches tall weighing 250lbs I was in denial of how big I was. Till I seen a photo of myself, I still swore that someone was playing a mean joke on me. When my dad had a heart attack and found out he was a diabetic, I knew that if I really valued my life and wanted to be around for my son (at the time I did not have my daughter) I had better lose weight and work toward a healthier life style. I found MFP, I started to lose a little here and there, then I found out I was pregnant, dropped 70lbs in my pregnancy due to gestational diabetes caught in first trimester. I put 25.5 back on and then I fell to pieces. One morning I woke up, I looked in the mirror and screamed at myself "I HATE YOU" this was my breaking point, I hated myself, once I admitted to myself that I hated myself I was able to fix it but first I had a pity party, I sat on my bed and just cried, trying to figure out how I was going to fix me. I remembered MFP and I came on here, I begin to count my calories again. The motivation was because I wanted to love myself, I wanted to feel better, I wanted to feel worth something. I needed something to be proud of. I figured out of everything in life this is the one thing I can take control over. No one can do it but me. So here I am and still pushing for the ultimate goal.
  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    I have friends that know an ex girlfriend of mine from many years ago....she is still hot after all these years and whilst I know there is nothing in it, I want to be at least considered mildly attractive again.

    Oh, and I live next to an internationals backpacker even more reason to try....:wink:
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    When I weighed myself this year and had gained a lot more than I expected.

    When my clothes didn't fit.

    There really isn't a big story about it, it's just the usual...

    Some days I don't even feel motivated, I don't wait to be motivated I just do it.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I love it OP!

    I saw a picture of myself taken in May of this year. It was me and two skinny girls, and I literally looked twice the size of them. I was so disgusted that I let myself go that far. It really pushed me into gear.

    Also, I want to be sexy and confident in a bikini before I'm 30. I'll be 29 next summer so now's my chance!
  • My husband he has been there with me through thick and thin. He told me he doesn't want to see me go through what we're seeing and have already seen together in my family. Throughout my life with him I've lost my mother, grandmother (maternal), and aunt (mom's sis). All to Diabetes II and CAD Coronary Artery Disease. He has been my caregiver when needed and is always motivating me in whatever I apply myself to do. Very supportive in my eating healthy. He lets me buy whatever I want when it comes to healthy food staples. He rarely wants to eat if I cook some things but he is very, very supportive.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member <--- My story and it has my real reason but if you don't wanna read it all I'll give ya the short end of it.

    At 5 foot 3 inches tall weighing 250lbs I was in denial of how big I was. Till I seen a photo of myself, I still swore that someone was playing a mean joke on me. When my dad had a heart attack and found out he was a diabetic, I knew that if I really valued my life and wanted to be around for my son (at the time I did not have my daughter) I had better lose weight and work toward a healthier life style. I found MFP, I started to lose a little here and there, then I found out I was pregnant, dropped 70lbs in my pregnancy due to gestational diabetes caught in first trimester. I put 25.5 back on and then I fell to pieces. One morning I woke up, I looked in the mirror and screamed at myself "I HATE YOU" this was my breaking point, I hated myself, once I admitted to myself that I hated myself I was able to fix it but first I had a pity party, I sat on my bed and just cried, trying to figure out how I was going to fix me. I remembered MFP and I came on here, I begin to count my calories again. The motivation was because I wanted to love myself, I wanted to feel better, I wanted to feel worth something. I needed something to be proud of. I figured out of everything in life this is the one thing I can take control over. No one can do it but me. So here I am and still pushing for the ultimate goal.

    So inspiring!! Thanks for sharing your blog about it!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
  • To get back on pointe (in ballet). Actually, when you're back in ballet class and see yourself in a leotard and pink tights. And worse, when the tights under the leotard start to "dig in". Not a nice feeling, and with the extra weight dancing on pointe is really bad for the feet.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My real motivation is I want to look better in clothes and I want to still be able to climb five flights of stairs to the top of a waterslide when I'm 70.

    That's pretty much it.
  • Thank you :) For some time I believed it, but not so much any more and those feelings drop every pound I drop. I hope to run into him in a year just for him to see what he lost :P