Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning all, it is a beautiful morning out there, even a little cool. I want you all to know your encouragement and comments are very helpful, thank you all. I know I don't do personals as much as I should, but do the best I can. Thursday truth - I am worried about my 23 year-old son. He has ADHD and was fired from a job in the spring and became suicidal. After getting help and finally getting another job after 3 months of being out of work he found one that he loves. Now he has received 2 warnings and if he gets another he will be fired from this job. I am praying he is able to focus more and I am going to talk to him about getting back on adderol.

    Praying everyone has a blessed day.


    I know that's got to be tough. My son is only 10, but he battles with ADD. I definitely worry for him and what the future will hold. His seems to be under control, but he does take Vyvanse and he's adjusted really well to it. I know every one has an opinion about whether to medicate, but it's a chemical imbalance and some people need medication. I battled it for years when he was younger. We kept very structured home, watched his diet, etc. . . nothing was working. As a parent, it's one of the hardest decisions I had to make and has made a world of difference for my son. He's been taking advanced math and his test scores are all on the high end. He's a smart kid, but he struggles with impulse contorl and anxiety. I'll be thinking about you and praying for your son. I know how tough it can be.

    Thank you for the prayers and support. I had Robert on Adderal when he was younger but by time he was in his teens, he refused meds. I have tried to get him to get back on meds but he refuses. I am going to keep being supportive of him but I'm afraid he is going to have to face more natural consequences before he decides to get help.

  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    ALL SYSTEMS GO! I am ready for surgery tomorrow. I am already missing this thread - will be off -line MAYBE through Sunday. I am sure I will babble about all you guys while I am under the influence of the anesthesia - Luckily I don't know dates and places, huh? :laugh:

    Today I have a long list of things to take care of - groceries, wash my bedding, vacuum, lots of good physical activity. Wish I could drink me some margaritas tonight, but no - o -o I'll be a good girl, eat my veggies and call it a night.

    You will be missed!!! Speedy recovery! Sending warm healing thoughts and prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Check in I am not doing well at all this weekend. My cat is not improving so today he went back to the vets. After having 2 teeth pulled, we were told that he has Cancer of the eye. The vet was not sure if it had spread to the brain. We will be putting him down this week. He won't eat even through he really wants to. We have tried everything we can think of regarding food- yogurt, milk, tuna and tuna juice. We even tried forcing down his throat but he is having trouble swallowing. Besides wanting to eat and can't all he wants is to be petted and loved. He is loved a lot and has brought great joy to my life. This is going to be a very long week. Most likely we will put him down on Thursday. I wish he would just pass quietly in the night without any pain. :cry:

    Laurie I am so sorry about your kitty. ~hugs~ for you. You and your kitty are in my prayers :brokenheart:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning MFP friends. It is a beautiful day here in KC, not as humid as it has been. I thought I felt a cool breeze, but realized it was the air conditioner. Got my walk in this morning with Belle and will be watching my 5 yo granddaughter this afternoon which will be fun. She is so much fun, she has Down Syndrome and uses sign language for her primary mode of communication with some words. Bad thing is her signing has begun to outstrip Nana's ability to ready her signs, but we muddle through. She is the apple of my eye and we have a special bond. I could go on and on about her, but I won't bore you.

    My Wednesday wish is to be healthy enough to do lots of things with my grandkids and live to see them grown.

    Sorry Gloworm about your sister, welcome to the group.

    Robin, am praying for successful surgery and speedy recovery. Will miss you.

    To everyone else, read your posts and congrats to those with successes and hang in there to those who are struggling. You all are my extended family and help me in this journey. Thanks.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Check in I am not doing well at all this weekend. My cat is not improving so today he went back to the vets. After having 2 teeth pulled, we were told that he has Cancer of the eye. The vet was not sure if it had spread to the brain. We will be putting him down this week. He won't eat even through he really wants to. We have tried everything we can think of regarding food- yogurt, milk, tuna and tuna juice. We even tried forcing down his throat but he is having trouble swallowing. Besides wanting to eat and can't all he wants is to be petted and loved. He is loved a lot and has brought great joy to my life. This is going to be a very long week. Most likely we will put him down on Thursday. I wish he would just pass quietly in the night without any pain. :cry:

    I'm so sorry about your cat. I had to say good-bye to one of mine in March, I still miss her fuzzy face. It was the best decision I could have made for her though, we tried everything and I didn't want her to suffer. I stayed with her and held her through the entire process, as I wanted my face to be the last one she saw. It was heart wrenching. I rescued both of my cats and gave her a better life for 14-years. It sounds like you have done what you can do for your cat and letting him go is the best thing for him. :sad:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    ALL SYSTEMS GO! I am ready for surgery tomorrow. I am already missing this thread - will be off -line MAYBE through Sunday. I am sure I will babble about all you guys while I am under the influence of the anesthesia - Luckily I don't know dates and places, huh? :laugh:

    Today I have a long list of things to take care of - groceries, wash my bedding, vacuum, lots of good physical activity. Wish I could drink me some margaritas tonight, but no - o -o I'll be a good girl, eat my veggies and call it a night.

    :heart: Wishing you the very best for surgery tomorrow. :heart:
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - Have fun on your trip!!!

    @Bohemian - Thank you for your thoughts on the gym... I think you are right. My kiddo will be the perfect gym companion. He knows all about my weirdo ways and insecurities. I should just go with that :happy:

    Wednesday wish - I wish my inner lioness would come out ALL the time. I am taking two classes (Math & English), and start in a couple of weeks. I read my grant award letter and realized that I am only covering 10 of the 12 credits I was approved for. I could just tell the school to adjust my award OR I could add a 2 credit class... I am looking at Yoga, but it is right outside my comfort zone... Has anyone ever taken Yoga at a community college? Can you please share your experience if you have? The more I know, the more likely I am to stretch my self imposed limits. Thanks in advance! (oh - and I work full time, in addition to school... so I am also wondering if maybe an online class (English 101) and TWO on campus classes might be a pretty full schedule - last Spring (my first quarter) - I only took one online class)

    I hope you all have a wonderfully amazingalicious day!!! :drinker:
  • ALL SYSTEMS GO! I am ready for surgery tomorrow. I am already missing this thread - will be off -line MAYBE through Sunday. I am sure I will babble about all you guys while I am under the influence of the anesthesia - Luckily I don't know dates and places, huh? :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Wishing you all the best tomorrow!:heart::flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    good luck robin, i'm sure it will go great!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wednesday wish - I wish my inner lioness would come out ALL the time. I am taking two classes (Math & English), and start in a couple of weeks. I read my grant award letter and realized that I am only covering 10 of the 12 credits I was approved for. I could just tell the school to adjust my award OR I could add a 2 credit class... I am looking at Yoga, but it is right outside my comfort zone... Has anyone ever taken Yoga at a community college? Can you please share your experience if you have? The more I know, the more likely I am to stretch my self imposed limits. Thanks in advance! (oh - and I work full time, in addition to school... so I am also wondering if maybe an online class (English 101) and TWO on campus classes might be a pretty full schedule - last Spring (my first quarter) - I only took one online class)

    Nicole~That seems like quite a bit to take on, I attend one of the local universities at night - two classes are all I can handle (mine center around accounting though and none are on line), along with keeping up my workouts and work. From what I hear on line courses seem to have more work in them, you may have quite a bit of "discussion" to participate in and a lof of writing to do. There is also quite a bit of homework in math courses, in general. I would love to see you take yoga, as I think it would be good for your joints, etc - but hate to see you spread yourself too thin at the same time. :wink:
  • @skinnyjeanz - Have fun on your trip!!!

    @Bohemian - Thank you for your thoughts on the gym... I think you are right. My kiddo will be the perfect gym companion. He knows all about my weirdo ways and insecurities. I should just go with that :happy:

    Wednesday wish - I wish my inner lioness would come out ALL the time. I am taking two classes (Math & English), and start in a couple of weeks. I read my grant award letter and realized that I am only covering 10 of the 12 credits I was approved for. I could just tell the school to adjust my award OR I could add a 2 credit class... I am looking at Yoga, but it is right outside my comfort zone... Has anyone ever taken Yoga at a community college? Can you please share your experience if you have? The more I know, the more likely I am to stretch my self imposed limits. Thanks in advance! (oh - and I work full time, in addition to school... so I am also wondering if maybe an online class (English 101) and TWO on campus classes might be a pretty full schedule - last Spring (my first quarter) - I only took one online class)

    I hope you all have a wonderfully amazingalicious day!!! :drinker:

    I took Yoga at a community college. I enjoyed it. It was good exercise and helped my muscles a lot. I had it as my first class of the day so it started my day nicely. Helped with strength and balance and gave me some cardio believe it or not. Got me in the right mind frame for the day. Relaxed but also aware. If I had the chance to take it again I would. Hope this helped!


    ETA:That semester I was also taking a full course load. Literally they told me I was at the max amount of credits I was allowed to take for the semester and they advised I shouldn't take that many. I also had a part time job and took all classes on campus. I did pretty well but I am just the type of person that focuses better when I have more to do. The next semesters with less classes and no job or a diff part time job weren't as good for me. Can't wait to go back.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Naceto - I took Yoga for two years and it is the probably the best 2 credit hours you could get. It won't stress you out - in fact, it will help de-stress you, and I guarantee you will love it. You will carry some of the lessons you learn regarding correct breathing and deep breathing and correct posture and stretching with you the rest of your life. GO FOR IT! :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    ALL SYSTEMS GO! I am ready for surgery tomorrow. I am already missing this thread - will be off -line MAYBE through Sunday. I am sure I will babble about all you guys while I am under the influence of the anesthesia - Luckily I don't know dates and places, huh? :laugh:

    Today I have a long list of things to take care of - groceries, wash my bedding, vacuum, lots of good physical activity. Wish I could drink me some margaritas tonight, but no - o -o I'll be a good girl, eat my veggies and call it a night.

    Best wishes to you.........

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Just a hello! HELLO!!! Lots to do. Trying to read posts when I can.

    Wishing everyone well---good health and both scale and NSVs all round please.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. First I just wanted to say how sorry I am for Laurie right now with her kitty.:cry: It is so hard to lose our loved ones and the furry ones just as much as the human ones. I am sending you a cyber hug and hope you have lots of real hugs to lean on where you are at right now. I also want to wish Robin luck and a speedy recovery on her surgery. Hope you are feeling all better real soon.:flowerforyou: For everyone else congrats to all the victories I read and for those struggling just remember this is a process and you can accomplish anything.

    I took my eight year old neice to get her nails painted yesterday for moral support since she was starting her first day of school in a new school today. So we were talking about doing new things and what not and she told me it was ok because she could do anything she wanted to if she just worked at it. Now I think if an eight year old can realise that then we should all definitley be able to do the same :smile:

    My wish for wednesday is that my husband could be hear with me since we have been married for twenty great years today. Since he cant i just hope that the boat finishes filling fast and he can come home safe as soon as possible.
  • Wednesday wish... That my 96' monte carlo had ac so my arms could be the same color.... It's like night and day no kidding... the other is that TOM didn't come with such hardcore cravings that if i dont give in im going to be even more miserable.

    Have a good day.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    @Robbin - Hope you feel better, glad to hear all is ready to go. Good luck. You know we will all be thinking of you.
    @Lauriek07 – Really sorry to hear about your cat.
    @susan2396 – logging really opens your eyes! Glad you are here and keep it up!
    @dubarber - -Funny, I get on everyone else’s nerves but really have never got on my own! Thanks for sharing your experience.
    @naceto – Take the Yoga class!

    Wish: love the monthly goals but I blew it last night went to a buffet and was really bad. Right after I thought I could get back on track. I didn’t even go to bed any earlier! Well back at step one going to give it another go.
    My bathroom project is coming along I got tile in and it looks great. My 19 year old did that! We started to put in the vanity and found a leaky shut-off valve. So I called my plumber friend and he is coming by tomorrow to look things over. This is taking way too long.
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Robin, here is to everything going well. We will miss you and look forward to when you get back

    Laurie, sorry to hear about your cat.

    Wednesday Wish...That there was no or little pain in this life rather than too much as it seems to be for the people I know and care for.
  • I know what my first new recipe shall be! Homemade pasta sauce with fresh tomatoes and herbs and other veggies! I have always wanted to make my own pasta sauce. One day I wanna make my own pasta =]
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Robin:::: Good luck with the surgery! We will miss you! Here's to a speedy and healthy recovery!!!

    Wednesday Wish::: My wish is the (TMI) I could just go to the bathroom on a regular basis. I used to go everyday almost at the same time. Now I go days without going. It's been since SUNDAY! Im feeling miserable and looking at the scale is miserable too. But I can't take anything until the weekend because I have a phobia of going (#2) in public places, even at work or at anyone else's house. It has to be my house.

    But NSV::: My mom brought me in some brownies (complete with powdered sugar) She brought 5 in for my husband/daughter and I to share. I haven't had one. And my dad even ate one before he left. 1 down 4 to go. I might try a bite of my daughters since my Mom did make them. But I don't know if I will even do that! I've been having to stare at them all day and honestly I haven't really been that tempted. So YAY me!

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!