so, what was the REAL motivation?



  • hmarch77
    hmarch77 Posts: 26 Member
    I have been battling my weight since childhood. I believe I started my first true diet program (Weight Watchers) when I was 10. From there i have done several diet programs and have gone up and down in weight, probably like most of us on MFP. Back in October 2010 I quit smoking. I had smoked for 15+ years and quit cold turkey. That was tough and that was when I really started gaining my weight. As of Christmas 2011 I was at my highest of 312 lbs, lazy, depressed, bad attitude, and a size 26 almost into a 28. ***MOTIVATION** I was tired of it and told myself enough is enough and as of January 1st, 2012 I decided to start losing weight. What kicked off my weight loss journey was a Weight Lose Power Challenge in my department at my job that went from 1/9/12-4/16/12. Of course there are always AWESOME perks during the 3 months challenge and AWESOME prizes for the winners. The perks are you get a personal trainer through the challenge for free. The winners was for 1st place all expenses paid trip to somewhere, and 2nd & 3rd place was money. OH you only had to mention the MONEY part and I was all in. Ok long story short, I won 3rd place and $500. Not a bad payout I thought. I had lost 53lbs and 31 inches in this 3 months period. From there I told myself to keep doing it as I was feeling great. I want to be at the weight I was right after I graduated high school which is 155lbs. Today I weigh 215 and I am 3 lbs from hitting my 100lbs lost since Jan 1st, 2012. Everyday is a struggle and hard work, but MFP and all the success stories by you all has helped me get this far and will help me reach my goal weight. Thank you all.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Better sex with my wife. Stamina is a good thing.

    That depends .....
  • Happyspud
    When my boyfriend told me i was too fat and ugly to have sex with.. but now i have lost the ten pounds ive gained since then and im right back at square one ... but now im beautiful and sexy?
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    When my boyfriend told me i was too fat and ugly to have sex with.. but now i have lost the ten pounds ive gained since then and im right back at square one ... but now im beautiful and sexy?

    Uh, I think you need to find a different guy. My husband has been there at my heaviest and my lightest and never once has he ever said I was too fat and ugly. He has wanted me no matter what my size has been. sorry but your guy sounds like a real tool.
  • lax75
    lax75 Posts: 118 Member
    One word: cancer. Finding out you have a potentially terminal disease is a great motivator to wanting to get your body in shape and be healthy.


    I told my oncologist that his job is to keep me alive until I die of something else - and eating healthy and exercising is what I can do to delay the "something else"!
  • blueroses_78
    Everyone always says they want to get thinner to be healthier, or to look better in clothes, etc, but I've found there's usually something else that nobody really wants to share.

    What is the REAL thing that made you say, "thats it. I'm losing weight"?

    years ago I was quiet heavy and a neighbor made a comment about how she wasn't worried about me if I went to her house when her husband was home alone. She didn't say it because she trusted me, OR him. She said it because I was fat (she had made other remarks too). I was determined to make her worry.

    Seeing a picture my husband took of me (by accident). I was sitting at our computer, talking to my cousin via Facebook. Our youngest son was then around a year old, and standing in his play pen right behind me. My husband took a pic of our son, and I was in the frame as well. I looked HORRIBLE. My rear end was literally spilling over the seat, my gut was pouring over my jeans, and I just looked terrible. I have the pic up on my profile. It was mortifying. That was when I decided I was ready to make a change.
  • Happyspud
    When my boyfriend told me i was too fat and ugly to have sex with.. but now i have lost the ten pounds ive gained since then and im right back at square one ... but now im beautiful and sexy?

    Uh, I think you need to find a different guy. My husband has been there at my heaviest and my lightest and never once has he ever said I was too fat and ugly. He has wanted me no matter what my size has been. sorry but your guy sounds like a real tool.

    When i was confident this is what i would have done in a heart beat! and its the advice i would give to anyone else, but now i guess after everything i just feel like no one would have me, but then again i do think i would be way happier on my own!
    I am glad that you have a lovely husband :)
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    When a bunch of my friends and I went to a Rachael Ray show. We took a group photo and I was the fat one in the photo with the puffy face. I started the next day.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Although unrelated to my extra umbilical hernia. Surgery was needed. In the pre-surgery check-up, I found out I had high BP and high cholesterol because of the extra 70 pounds I was packing at the time.

    Thank goodness for the hernia and the wake up call.
  • fitnfancy80
    fitnfancy80 Posts: 251 Member
    When people doubted that I could ever reach my goal. I am determined to prove them wrong and rub in there face...LOL
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
  • angelofmusic87
    To spite my ex boyfriend! He kicked me out and dumped me one day outta the blue and I want to be on my city's professional LAX dance team so he can watch me :]. Plus I figure the earlier I start to keep in shape the better! All in good health, especially since plenty of people in my family are battling cancer. Good luck to all! <3
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,815 Member
    well I bought a swim suit 5 years ago I realy want to wear but am to big, but what pushed me over the edge was driving in the car a fat roll would develop on my side and my skin would touch (if that makes sense) that drove me friggin nuts and I would obses about it, then I swore if I ever weighed 160, I would put a stop to it then and there, well I stepped on the scale and it said 172 and thats was it, now that fat roll isnt gone, but my skin doesnt touch anymore, and the scale says 148 :)
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    It's terrible, but I don't want anyone to compare me to my high school pictures and say how much weight I've gained (you know how much people do that). Also my new boyfriend makes me feel sexier than I am, so I want the outside to reflect the inside. :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    For me, it was the day I found out my cholesterol was over 200. That's unacceptable to me, and I'm going to do everything in my power to change it!
  • MrsRyannTaylor
    MrsRyannTaylor Posts: 7 Member
    my modivation?

    my wedding photos.

    I always knew my lil sister and my BFF were skinny, but you could glue the 2 of them together and they could still hide behing me! i looked like a jet puffed marshmallow!

    When the photos came in, i wanted to burn them... my husband only let me cry. Then I decided to do something different, so when my lil sister gets married, I like how i look in her photos.

    so far I'm down 2 pant sizes and 18 lbs!
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I was just tired of being fat and hating the way I looked.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    @kit8806 oh my goodness, I had to look at your profile picture twice. We could have almost been twins when I was a few pounds lighter! Right down to the computer in the background I have a picture somewhere that is almost identical.

    1. I'm tired of being tired, of always hurting, back pain, ankle pain just pain..all the time. I'm down almost 20 lbs and it's getting better ;)
    2. I want to be my boyfriends HOT girlfriend - he says I already am but I want to FEEL it again.
    3. I'm tired of the FAT clothes, stores, special everything that you have to buy or use or see or whatever when you're fat. I just want to be normal again and be able to go into a normal store to shop!
    4. My entire family is HUGE and I don't want to be that way.
  • MonkRocker
    Because I wanna look awesome naked?
  • desirae1983
    desirae1983 Posts: 58 Member
    I am on a rollercoaster with losing weight and exercising. I commit and then something comes up, like I am too busy in the evenings after work to exercise or I am too busy to make a decent meal so we order in.

    I was 220 when my husband and I started dating. 209 when we got married. I got pregnant with our daughter last year and I weighed 249. When I was 9 months pregnant I weighed 282. I am now 261; however, when I went back to work after my maternity leave, I was at 249 again (prebaby weight). So WTH?!?!

    One day this summer - My husband told me he was finding it hard to find me attractive. Before we go on a husband bashing rampage - because believe me, I was angry!!!! I tried to look at it from his perspective - If he gained 50+ pounds would I still find him attractive? I don't know. But I respect that honesty - now. I am glad he had enough nerve to talk to me about it - he didnt put me down, and he said a whole lot more (was very encouraging and expressed concern about my health, talked about the things we want to do together), but that statement will forever stick with me and I use that as my motivation.