Question for the guys - What do men look for in a woman?



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    A thigh gap of course. It's soooo obvious, right fellas? :P
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    A thigh gap of course. It's soooo obvious, right fellas? :P

    That's a hidden secret that we only leak out to the 16 - 23 year old crowd. Shhhhhh. :wink:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    A thigh gap of course. It's soooo obvious, right fellas? :P

    That's a hidden secret that we only leak out to the 16 - 23 year old crowd. Shhhhhh. :wink:

    So that's how I know about it. Does it not apply to me anymore when I turn 24 next year?
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    A thigh gap of course. It's soooo obvious, right fellas? :P

    That's a hidden secret that we only leak out to the 16 - 23 year old crowd. Shhhhhh. :wink:

    So that's how I know about it. Does it not apply to me anymore when I turn 24 next year?

    Correct. By the time you turn 24, that bait no longer works on you. Then we play on your other fears. Buwahahahahahaha :wink: :laugh:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I don't actually laugh at a lot of things.

    If she can make me laugh being silly or goofy , I really like that.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    A thigh gap of course. It's soooo obvious, right fellas? :P

    That's a hidden secret that we only leak out to the 16 - 23 year old crowd. Shhhhhh. :wink:

    So that's how I know about it. Does it not apply to me anymore when I turn 24 next year?

    Correct. By the time you turn 24, that bait no longer works on you. Then we play on your other fears. Buwahahahahahaha :wink: :laugh:

    Noooooooooooooo! *shakes fist*
  • Peteshaped
    Peteshaped Posts: 37 Member
    Someone who I'm attracted to who says "yes" more than they say "no" to living life and doing fun things. As little drama as possible, liberal attitude to most stuff. I generally just look for someone happy who wants to enjoy life, pretty much.
  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    Apart from physical attraction...

    Smart...intelligent, funny, career minded/goal driven.

    There is also the what I don't look for which trumps the above:

    Not clingy, not needy, not insecure, not's hard to find someone who doesn't lug arround these kind of attributes.

    Had to laugh because I'm clingy, needy, insecure, AND jaded. It's a good thing I'm not too concerned with finding a husband. :P
  • ready4fit
    how do you quote people?
  • Peteshaped
    Peteshaped Posts: 37 Member
    how do you quote people?

    Like this!

    (Press the quote button under their post)
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    A brain.....and I've got this one rule, I never date girls that say b**chin.
  • jbdaddy1920
    Nobody approaches a girl at a bar because of her personality.

    Boobs help. Big ones.

    Yes of course looks are the first thing. I prefer a behind, preferrably like my profile pic :)
  • dldnvr
    dldnvr Posts: 22 Member
    money and maybe a cough? When I'm trolling the old folks home that is.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Men aren't made with the same cookie cutter. They like all different types of personalities and character traits. Any man one would want to attract though, wants a confident woman. Confidence is sexy on anyone.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I don't actually laugh at a lot of things.

    If she can make me laugh being silly or goofy , I really like that.

    Damn you grow that beard quickly! Love seeing you happy and smiling with your girl!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    My husband was immediately smitten with me upon first laying eyes on me.. What attracted him? My big ol' butt. He loves a big round butt. But then, it was my attitude that knocked him out. I was unselfconscious, I said what I thought, I ate what I wanted, I'm smart and bold and loyal. I was not the least bit interested in tying him down, I was the only girl he'd ever been with that didn't try to trap him into getting married. As a matter of fact, he had to do the chasing in that department. I wanted to get out and live, I was unafraid, and there was no way I was ever the type to 'settle'. In other words, I knew what I wanted, and wasn't going to be satisfied with less than that. And I was only 19. He was 30. He had himself and everyone else convinced he was never getting married. But then again, until that day, he'd never met anyone like me. He proposed after knowing me a week. We've been together over 20 years now.
  • johntcook
    Probably close to the same thing we look for in a guy friend.

    My guy friends are loyal, competitive, team players, help without me asking since they know I won't ask for help, keep things simple, fart/burp competitvely, tell stupid dirty jokes, just do goofy things that make no sense and have a good time doing it, basically just have fun. When a girl stops being fun and get complicated, guys are ready to run. Life is hard enough and we all need to keep the things we like light and fun.
    One other thing about many girls (especially younger ones), they seem more concerned about impressing their girlfriends than anything else. That's why many stress over how they look, date douce bags, and needlessly complicate things just to impress their friends. Women are just brutal to each other. Guys are much more simple.
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    Nice women or Trampy women?
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Nice women or Trampy women?

    Either one, as long as they put out.
  • sixrings
    sixrings Posts: 96 Member
    I would go with a trampy woman...a woman with an adventurous perverted mind :-)