why breakfast is the worst meal of the day



  • kstahlke
    kstahlke Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you times one million! I've always wondered why. You explained it so well. I will release my guilt about not being a breakfast person (thank you all you "fitness experts" with your "most important meal of the day" bull). And I'll never eat it again. Thank you thank you thank you.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Interesting article.......I'm game to give it a shot. I don't generally eat breakfast until 1-2 hours after I get up anyway, but I do often find myself starving by the time lunch rolls around. Obviously, just as the article AND the OP stated, the hypothesis won't apply to everyone, as everyone is different. I thought the article stated rather clearly, and repeatedly, that there are inumerable variances that will make the post breakfast hunger true for everyone.

    ps......no need to take the title of a post quite so seriously. The meat of the original post and of the article really didn't suggest that breakfast was inherantly evil for ALL people.
    Have a wonderful day :happy:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    why don't you just state your point for everyone to read, instead of trying to force a debate. im still trying to figure out if you think people who claim to get hungrier on days they eat breakfast are lying or not. we get it your smart, now lets move along

    my opinion is that the referenced article is full of assumptions and that it isn't supporting one point or the other.
    I usually eat breakfast - my diary is open. For years I did not.

    My opinion is that I would like to see something that, when it uses references, those references actually support the main points.

    I do not think people are lying when they make that claim -- why would they be lying?
    Would they be less hungry if they ate breakfast 2 hrs or 3 hrs later? or 6hrs?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Responses to an intellectually interesting post mostly boil down to either:

    "This article is true because I don't eat breakfast!"
    "This article is false because I do eat breakfast!"
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Great article. There are many other very interesting articles here as well, like the "Top Ten Fasting Myths..." I loved the info on "metabolic rate is increased in short-term fasting".

    It blew the starvation mode theory out of the water!

    Thanks for sharing this info.
  • tilliesmom9
    If I eat breakfast I will eat more all day. I have to drink my breakfast.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Nearly every study of people who have lost weight and kept it off finds that the majority of them eat breakfast.

    This is true, but "majority" is the key word in that sentence. I've yet to read a study where all of the participants who lost ate breakfast.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    everyone is different. some of us need breakfast to avoid migraines or hypoglygemic symptoms
    If I eat late breakfast or skip it, not only am I headachy and dizzy (& a whole list of other things) , but I am FAMISHED all day, no matter what I eat.

    I am NOT saying that is how it is for everyone and becuase it works for me, everyone needs to do it that way. It is Just What Works for Me. And you are not a better/healthier person for being different. Neither am I.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Taken literally, the meaning of 'breakfast', is breaking the fast of the night. It is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep.

    So, surely whether we eat first thing in the morning or choose to eat later......we all eat breakfast because we all have to break the fast at some stage or another!

    I read some of the article but it's a little heavy going for me. I don't eat breakfast as people traditionally do first thing in the morning but around mid morning because that suits me and so far it seems to be working!
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    why don't you just state your point for everyone to read, instead of trying to force a debate. im still trying to figure out if you think people who claim to get hungrier on days they eat breakfast are lying or not. we get it your smart, now lets move along

    my opinion is that the referenced article is full of assumptions and that it isn't supporting one point or the other.
    I usually eat breakfast - my diary is open. For years I did not.

    My opinion is that I would like to see something that, when it uses references, those references actually support the main points.

    I do not think people are lying when they make that claim -- why would they be lying?
    Would they be less hungry if they ate breakfast 2 hrs or 3 hrs later? or 6hrs?
    it probably does have a lot of assumptions but in all fairness about every nutrition article wrote is full of assumptions. people make the assumption because a correlation study says people who eat breakfast weigh less that breakfast must be necessary.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am one of the "majority" who finds it easier to maintain /lose weight if I eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. Even if it is only coffee and a hard boiled egg.

    To each his or her own
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Nearly every study of people who have lost weight and kept it off finds that the majority of them eat breakfast.

    This is true, but "majority" is the key word in that sentence. I've yet to read a study where all of the participants who lost ate breakfast.

    And the reasoning behind it is usually that the people were less hungry later in the day, so they didn't indulge in more calorie-heavy foods.

    It wasn't eating breakfast that made them lose, it was that eating breakfast helped them eat less later and so they were in a calorie deficit.

    Some people, if they don't eat breakfast, are ravenous by the time they finally eat and so they overeat. If you don't do that, then breakfast doesn't matter as much.
  • langecornu
    langecornu Posts: 40 Member
    My breakfast is a protein shake with 2 capsule of Biotin to accelerate metabolism since I am always in starvation mode and it slow down metabolism. I also take 2 capsule of Glucomanannan to make me feel my stomach is full.

    Lost 8 pounds in 10 days until now
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Nearly every study of people who have lost weight and kept it off finds that the majority of them eat breakfast.

    This is true, but "majority" is the key word in that sentence. I've yet to read a study where all of the participants who lost ate breakfast.

    I didn't say that all people have to eat breakfast to lose weight. Nor did I say that all people who sustain their weight loss eat breakfast.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    does 6 cups of coffee and 1 plain frozen waffle count as breakfast? Cuz that's where I spend 94 calories every day at 8am...and that keeps me full and going until about 1 pm.

    the coffee doesnt (assuming its black or limited cream) but the waffle will trigger the response discussed in the article
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Responses to an intellectually interesting post mostly boil down to either:

    "This article is true because I don't eat breakfast!"
    "This article is false because I do eat breakfast!"

    ha...yes. sometimes whether they read the article or not
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Responses to an intellectually interesting post mostly boil down to either:

    "This article is true because I don't eat breakfast!"
    "This article is false because I do eat breakfast!"


    Wait, did you think people were actually going to discuss the article on its own merits? Even the OP doesn't want to do that.
  • LiveLoveHunt
    Wow there are so many responses to this so I only got through the first page. I get kinda busy at work but I will try to read the article later. I agree, that everyone is different, so one diet plan that works for one person, will not work for someone else. I just count calories. I used to hate doing it but I love being accountable to myself and knowing what I put in my mouth. Once I started counting, I realized I eat alot of the time just out of boredom so counting calories helps me decide better and make better choices. For example, I can have a 100 calorie sugar-laden granola bar and be hungry again in 10 minutes or eat 100 calories worth of fiber rich veggies or fruits and that will fill me up far longer.

    I sometimes eat breakfast, sometimes I don't. So far, I've had coffee and a banana. For me personally, I do better just eating when I'm hungry, if I'm not hungry, I don't eat. I do understand that if you are diabetic, like my gramma is, you have to eat every 2-3 hours or so to keep your blood sugar level.

    I think the bottom line is everyone is different. If eating breakfast is a must for you and it helps you with your diet plan, don't change anything. If you are counting calories like me and don't really get hungry if you don't eat breakfast, it wouldn't be wise to force yourself to eat because you'll just be miserable and have less calories for the rest of your day. I am continuously tweaking my plan to better my results. No plan is perfect for every person so just do what works for you.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    i have read that article before and as i remember it doesn't tell people they NEED to skip breakfast.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Responses to an intellectually interesting post mostly boil down to either:

    "This article is true because I don't eat breakfast!"
    "This article is false because I do eat breakfast!"


    Wait, did you think people were actually going to discuss the article on its own merits? Even the OP doesn't want to do that.

    I dont? hmmmm...because I dont want to argue with someone who has obviously made up their mind ....ahhh...why is everything a fight here...if you dont agree with the author, fine...whatever...have a great day